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A Spoiled Little Wife: Volume 3
A Spoiled Little Wife: Volume 3
A Spoiled Little Wife: Volume 3
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A Spoiled Little Wife: Volume 3

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Lin Moyan refused to back down after his father and stepmother had given him to a second-hand man who had slept with his sister.Because of the night's incident, she was forced into a family dispute.In that strange market battle, she had become a chess piece in his hands. If he used her, he would discard her. Only the heartless side had the ability to control the entire situation.However, those who didn't want to play chess were the first to lose their minds.
Release dateNov 16, 2019
A Spoiled Little Wife: Volume 3

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    A Spoiled Little Wife - Yun Duandeyu



    From last night to late at night, Shen Bei had also slipped away to the Empire, giving away the script under an honorific name! However, Bai Dongting and the other two naturally knew that he could not resist the urge to go to the bustling place. He spent the night happily drinking and talking without any sleep, and when the sun was about to rise and he and Shen Dong were about to leave, Shen Bei was already fast asleep, unable to find his way north!

    Therefore, the levels of Design Draft s in his drawer were different, and there were not many that were pleasing to his eyes, he originally had a few that were more satisfied, but now, compared to the map that Lin Muyan brought, those few could only be described with the word enough!

    His little woman was indeed a genius at painting!

    Bai Dongting bent down and gently bit Lin Muyan's ear, the latter snorted and opened his eyes, seeing the man standing beside her with a smile on her face, she anxiously jumped up and hugged him, and said with her head: I just thought of a good idea to deal with Lian Youhe, I don't know if it's okay, but I feel like I should tell you! Do you want to listen?!

    Didn't you sleep well last night? Lin Muyan had slept beside him for a long time, so her complexion was not well, her eyes were bloodshot, and there were heavy changes in her dark circles. He saw it immediately, and couldn't help but frown as he held onto her little face: What did you do last night?

    Aiya! I have serious business with you! Lin Muyan patted the man's hand and said earnestly: "I want to send a script to Lian Youhe anonymously, and give it to him more. Before that, the script will be sent to my Weibo first, that way I can sue him for stealing it.

    This is bad! Using such a beautiful script to scheme against Lian Youhe was not worth it! What's more … Bai Dongting did not wish for Lin Muyan to become involved in the conflicts within the stores, he did not wish for her to waste time on matters that required his to scheme!

    She should simply live her life! He would naturally shield her from the rain and wind! There was no need for her to set foot in the darkness! She only cared about her innocence, and only cared about the appearance of the little trash that he created. Why did she have to bother with such disgusting matters!?

    Why … Lin Muyan looked at Bai Dongting in puzzlement.

    She felt that she had thought it through very carefully, because the photos she posted on Weibo showed that it couldn't be fake. This would mean that the script was her original work, and if necessary, she could draw the same level or even identical one as the original. What was wrong with that?

    I will handle Lian Youhe's matters, you are not allowed to meddle! Bai Dongting immediately rejected.

    The reason for the fight between him and Lian Youhe was because he found out about the collusion between Bai Yantong and Bai Yantong. Furthermore, there was the possibility of stealing Lin Muyan from him, causing this simple battle to become a matter of pride.

    Why … Lin Muyan pouted.

    No means no! Bai Dongting knocked on Lin Muyan's head. He did not want to say that his face did not allow such words, so he casually opened the drawer and placed Lin Muyan's Design Draft inside, not wanting to continue discussing this issue.

    However, Lin Muyan actually saw the Design Draft inside and couldn't help but to open the drawer again to take out the huge stack of manuscripts. She looked at Bai Dongting in puzzlement and questioned: Why is it that all of these are possible, but only mine isn't?

    Why not yours? Bai Dongting looked at the little girl who was stubbornly looking at him, and quickly searched his mind for the reason that was suitable for him to answer.

    After a long while, she finally opened her mouth and said: I don't want you to let him take advantage of such a nice script and play around with him. Don't take it too seriously, otherwise I can definitely find a script from your US House and it won't be at such a standard, right!

    Bai Dongting felt that what he said was reasonable, at least it sounded like it!

    But … Lin Muyan flipped through the scripts in her hands, pursed her lips slightly, and said: Will Lian Youhe really take a fancy to these manuscripts? If he didn't see it coming, then wouldn't all of this be for nothing? My script definitely has no problems. Furthermore, I've thought of a countermeasure to prevent him from using it. Why …

    I have other plans. Bai Dongting did not wait for Lin Muyan to finish, but said: The quality of these manuscripts is indeed not good, but there is still a possibility of processing them.

    Can I help with the processing? Lin Muyan had already made up her mind to help Bai Dongting, when he heard Yue Yang say that he wanted to process a script, she immediately suggested it to his. Before the man rejected him, Lin Muyan said, I want to do something with you, give me half of the office so you can make suggestions at any time, we can always be together, okay?

    Bai Dongting originally wanted to reject his offer, but after hearing her say we can always be together, he unexpectedly nodded. If they were working together, perhaps she wouldn't have to think about going back to school everyday.

    I'll go back to the school to get my tools. I don't have any classes this afternoon, so I'll be back in a while. Move over a little place for me! After saying that, Lin Muyan was about to leave, but she was pulled back by Bai Dongting. Are you too busy drawing drafts? Hmm?

    Aiya! This is a serious matter! Lin Muyan rubbed it against Bai Dongting's chest and said: If I can help you, I would feel a sense of accomplishment. I really want to help as much as possible, but my abilities are limited, so I thought of a point with great difficulty and wanted to work hard. Can you understand this feeling?

    I don't understand! Honestly speaking, Bai Dongting did not understand this kind of feeling. Before he met Lin Muyan, he had never thought of doing this kind of thing for anyone, even if it was her.


    Lin Muyan's words made him seriously consider it in his heart, then he patted her head and warmly said: I don't need you to do anything, it's because I have enough power to solve this problem. I don't want your originally simple and comfortable life to be affected by my plans, you are you, so I like it, understand?

    I... Just consider it as you understand! Lin Muyan nodded her head as if she understood something, he pouted and looked up at the man: But you don't know, I'm so smart, and can think of many good ideas, if I don't say it out, and don't help, wouldn't it be a waste!

    We'll each take a step back. If you think of a good idea, you can tell me first, but you're not allowed to do it without permission, nor are you allowed to stay up late to find out? The man lovingly pinched Lin Muyan's nose.

    Deal! Lin Muyan squinted her eyes and smiled, and nodded.

    It's still early, go and sleep for a while. After lunch, we'll go get something. Bai Dongting looked at the time and said.

    Good! Anyways, Big Huan has already applied for leave for me. Lin Muyan withdrew herself from the man's embrace and stretched. Then she said, Dajia likes the ruby accessory that I designed, she said that it will be custom-made until she gets married!

    Good eye. Bai Dongting said as his gaze landed on the map, his lips puckered slightly.


    Lin Muyan followed Bai Dongting's line of sight to the drafts on the table, and when her eyes landed on the design of the ruby suit, she looked at Bai Dongting in confusion. She did not know what her gaze meant, but she was not prepared to ask any further questions, so he yawned and lazily went to the resting room, kicked off his shoes and collapsed onto the bed.

    Bai Dongting entered the room behind her and took out the blanket that was beneath her body to cover her body. He helplessly pinched her little face: Lazy girl!

    Aiya! Go and do what you need to do!" Lin Muyan moaned, and hid her face into the blanket, leaving only her eyes and forehead exposed. She was indeed tired, and it was fine that she did not sleep previously, but after falling asleep on the table for a while, she felt extremely sleepy, to the point where she could not persevere any longer!

    Alright. Bai Dongting kissed her forehead, then closed the door and went out.

    This way, the copyright would completely belong to him. No matter what problems he had in the future, he would be able to easily deal with them without having any problems with the creator being found by Lian Youhe. He did not have to worry about that!

    As a result, Bai Dongting did not think too much about it, and kept the books in the drawer instead. But the two pictures that Lin Muyan drew, he placed them in a new folder, and looking at the design of the rubies set, he could not help but frown once again. Ge Huan's liking or not had nothing to do with him, but the color and style of the set was too eye-catching, and did not match with her family's girl's sweet temperament.

    He didn't know how she could come up with such an interesting script!

    Bai Dongting shook his head and laughed, after putting away the drawing, he started his day's worth of work on the content of the previous meetings.

    After lunch, the two of them went to school together. On the way, Bai Dongting coincidentally received a call from a Middle East wine merchant, so he did not follow them after arriving at the school. On the other hand, Lin Muyan was packing up her things at the side of the dormitory, talking with Ge Huan about the things that happened in the morning.

    She wanted to do something for Bai Dongting. Furthermore, on the way to school, the man had specifically mentioned to her the things she needed to pay attention to when revising the script. She could hear that he valued this matter a lot, so how great would it be to be able to do the things he valued!

    So, you said I was going to make the jewelry when I got married, and he didn't say you were going to buy you any jewelry when you got married? You didn't say that you had to design it yourself? Ge Huan slightly raised her brows, she felt that since the conversation between the two of them had reached this point, any casual conversation would be about this! How natural!

    None... He didn't say, and I didn't think of asking! Lin Muyan's little face instantly wrinkled into a bun. She felt that she had missed an excellent opportunity to propose and couldn't help but stomp her feet in anger. I should have asked him what I should have worn at our wedding! Aiya! I'll just forget about it! "

    gossypium fructus, calm down first! Ge Huan stood up, used the pen in her hand to raise her chin, and said: Don't mess up your own formation, there's still a lot of opportunities for this, don't be in such a hurry!

    I feel like I've already missed the biggest opportunity! Lin Muyan could not help but let out a heavy sigh. She began to doubt her own IQ and EQ!

    This is just the beginning! Ge Huan raised her eyebrows and smiled, consoling her and gave her an idea: Don't you have to help him draw the blueprint for the next few days? When the time comes, just put your favorite appearance right in front of him and tell him 'I'll bring this when we get married'!"

    Ah? This... That's hard to say! Lin Muyan blushed slightly and slapped away Ge Huan's hands: I won't say it! It's better to wait for him to ask!

    Come on, you! A man is a man with a lot of nerves. He didn't think to ask that just now. Do you think he will think about it later? When the time comes for your wedding, it would be such a pity if he found a rich guy to gift it to you. He didn't like it, didn't wear it, and wasn't suitable to wear it! Ge Huan scoffed, Such an important thing, I have to decide for myself!"

    That's right, if such an important thing was designed by him, how great would that be! And if she could design their wedding ring as well …

    Lin Muyan's small face, which was already completely red, blushed even more.

    Suddenly, the door was pushed open, Lin Muyan did not even have the time to retract her smile, her face becoming even redder, even her ears started to burn: Why didn't you knock!

    Lin Muyan's confidence was obviously lacking, she anxiously turned around and pretended to pack up her things, since Bai Dongting had just confessed not long ago and she had just received his storage ring, she actually already started thinking about the design of their wedding ring. He was too unreserved!

    Bai Dongting, on the other hand, was somewhat puzzled. Standing by the door, his eyebrows slightly raised, she asked him why he did not knock, because he had forgotten … He had almost never been to any place that required him to knock. Even if no one opened the door for him, at least there was no need to knock. Especially at this time, could it be that if he just entered, he would see something that he shouldn't have seen …

    Ge Huan leaned against the bedside with her arms crossed, looking at the two's different expressions, she couldn't help but laugh out loud, and said with a sigh: The two of you really are suited for each other!

    Don't spout nonsense! Lin Muyan became even more distressed.

    She's not spouting nonsense. I think we're well-suited for each other! Bai Dongting casually walked forward and hugged Lin Muyan's waist from behind, then acted as if no one was around to bite her completely red ears: Why are you blushing? What are you shy about? Hm? Tell me about it.

    Nope! Lin Muyan uneasily twisted her body, and anxiously picked up the things on the table that she had long packed up: Hurry and hold of this for me! So heavy!"

    An excuse! It was definitely an excuse! Bai Dongting received the colored lead bag that could easily be lifted with a single finger and couldn't help but shake his head. Since she was embarrassed to say it, then he wouldn't ask anymore! It was hard for a little girl to not have some little secret to speak of, so he didn't ask!

    He did not have much curiosity anyway!

    Just as Bai Dongting and Lin Muyan returned to the office, Shen Dong anxiously followed. He glanced at Lin Muyan and said softly: About that … The investors have already been agreed upon!

    Shen Dong was a little hesitant in front of Lin Muyan, so he did not say who he was, nor did he say that he was a co-operative. Furthermore, he did not say what he had agreed on, and with such vague words, Lin Muyan suddenly felt that he had been overthinking the matter of him stealing half of Bai Dongting's office.

    She hadn't even thought of leaving him room for business, or even secrets...

    Mm, got it. Although Shen Dong's words were vague, Bai Dongting understood what he meant. He could not help but raise his lips and sneer. Since the investors prepared for Lian Youhe were already in place, then the Design Draft should also be in place as soon as possible!


    After Shen Dong left, Lin Muyan pondered for a while, then went over to Bai Dongting's side and sat on his leg.

    Hmm? No, he's finished reporting. Bai Dongting shook her head and pinched her little face: I found an investor for Lian Youhe's activities this time, he is already in place, we need to get our script as soon as possible!"

    Are we getting married for him? Lin Muyan actually didn't know what Bai Dongting was doing this for, and she also knew that he would definitely not help Lian Youhe. Especially after knowing that he was merciless enough to directly break Lian Youhe's legs, she was even more certain of this matter.

    Until now, all the actions of a man seemed to be paving the way for Lian Youhe. He could not help but feel that it was a little strange! Since they couldn't figure it out, they might as well just ask. They had already discussed it once, so they should ask them clearly if they have any doubts!

    Even if he wasn't willing to tell her everything, he had to at least let her know what he had to do in order to help.

    I'm making him a shroud! Bai Dongting chuckled softly. The bottom of his eyes were clear and cold, but it quickly disappeared, and then he caressed her head and said: I made a very detailed arrangement, but I couldn't explain it for a moment. What you need to do now is to quickly change the drawing, it's time to make him suffer!

    Lin Muyan understood and nodded her head, she did not ask anymore, since he said she could not say it clearly in a moment, then she will wait until he was done with the current situation, then listen to what he had to say!

    As she thought about it, she quickly got down from his lap, took the tools she brought, and sat opposite to Bai Dongting. First, she found a few completed drafts that had been painted with coloured lead, and asked after looking for a while, How far do you want it to go?

    Do your best, but not too well. It has to be different from the original script. After Bai Dongting finished saying his request, he added: Don't be too serious, don't be tired.

    How could that be!? How can you be so delicate!

    Lin Muyan's drawing skills were like cells in her body, she could think of any kind of tools to draw whatever she wanted to, and she knew how to control finished paintings easily. Hence, to her, modifying these drafts was as easy as flipping her palm.

    When Bai Dongting turned off the computer and looked at the little woman who was seriously modifying the Painting, he felt a sense of warmth in his heart. He didn't drink coffee or smoke that afternoon, and he was extremely productive, as expected, in accordance with the proverb, 'Men and women work together without tiring'!

    The man stood up and walked behind Lin Muyan. Looking at the painting that was being modified, he couldn't even remember which one was the original one. He gently pinched her thin shoulder, and when the latter turned around to look at him, he gently said, The work is done, let's go home!

    This is the fourteenth one. Wait a moment, five minutes! Lin Muyan said as she looked at the drawing, the seriousness of her words made Bai Dongting admire him.

    The company had recruited new recruits. Those new graduates who looked like academic elites, but were impetuous in their actions, wasted a lot of time simply because they had to correct their attitude towards their work. Therefore, in his heart, he always preferred recruiting people with work experience, or simply poaching, so that at least he didn't have to waste time on basic nurturing.

    As a result, when Lin Muyan offered to help him, it was only because he fancied her painting ability, and … She was, after all, his woman. Even if she was impetuous, he would still be willing to accept her. This was much better than looking for an outsider and looking for trouble!

    But he didn't expect that she would be such a serious girl. Although he felt that she was very dependable when she designed the wine label last time, he had a clearer understanding of her today.

    Bai Dongting did not disturb her. Instead, he stood behind her, looking down at the drawing paper from above, his gaze shifting, and landing on her tender white hands. He then looked at the back of her thin and white neck, and suddenly felt like taking a bite!

    Aiya! We've already talked for five minutes! With regards to Bai Dongting's sudden interruptions, Lin Muyan could not help but pout, and stuffed all the things she changed into his hands: Take a look first! Don't disturb me!

    This is... Disliked? Bai Dongting blinked the drawing in his hand, looking somewhat innocent and helpless.

    Although it was incomparable to the two drafts that Lin Muyan herself had designed, it was still much better than the first draft. Bai Dongting once again looked at the little girl who had modified it seriously, and his eyes were filled with appreciation.

    Alright! Lin Muyan stood up as she said that, she stuffed the last piece into Bai Dongting's hands, stretched her body and said: Hurry up and praise me!

    I already kissed you just now to show that I'm being disliked! Bai Dongting said as he took the drawing script and took the lead to walk out.

    Aiya! You are really... How can you hold a grudge! Lin Muyan did not care about the messy drawing tools on the table. Instead, she chased after him with large strides, grabbed hold of his big hand and pinched it fiercely, I work so hard, and I even work so overtime, yet you aren't praising me! You're blaming me for detesting you! You truly do not know how to appreciate the kindness of others!

    You scolded me! Bai Dongting suddenly lowered his head to look at the little girl beside him, and suddenly remembered that the first half of his ungrateful words were Dog biting Lu Dongbin, he could not help but dryly laugh twice, then stuck out his tongue: No, no, you must have heard wrong!

    Bai Dongting laughed and rubbed Lin Muyan's little head, she did not say anything further and directly pushed open the door to Shen Dong's office, while Shen Dong was sprawled on the sofa, looking like he was about to die. Hearing someone push on the door, he lazily said: white clam is busy, let's talk if there's nothing urgent!

    This matter cannot wait until tomorrow! Bai Dongting couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly when he saw that Shen Dong had recovered his lazy nature.

    Holy shit! Master Bai! Why are you here! Hearing Bai Dongting's voice, Shen Dong flipped his body over and quickly tidied up his suit. He gave a standard professional smile and asked sternly: Master Bai, tell me, what is it?

    Looking at how Shen Dong turned the impoverished youth into a righteous elite in just a second, Lin Muyan couldn't help but sigh in her heart. If she stayed with Bai Dongting for too long, wouldn't she have been infected by her changing abilities?

    Scan these manuscripts into an electronic version and submit it in a different time crown with a different identity. Bai Dongting paused for a moment before continuing, This matter has nothing to do with the original designer, it will just be giving them money and it will be fine.

    Ah? Sending them away with money? Don't you want them to sign a contract for the sale? If there are any more copyright disputes in the future, wouldn't that be creating trouble for us!? Shen Dong was puzzled and anxiously said: I am already working on the contract."

    These manuscripts no longer have any copyright problems! Bai Dongting tapped his chin on a piece of paper and showed it to Shen Dong. Then he said: All of these works belong to your sister-in-law, don't worry about using them!


    Shen Dong quickly flipped through the pages, which obviously had improved in quality, and could not help but grin, as he looked at Lin Muyan with all these pleasant surprises, and praised with barely a brain: Unexpectedly! We of the Sister-in-law still have some tricks up our sleeves!

    Hearing that, Bai Dongting could not help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and kick Shen Dong: Go do some serious work, I'll be leaving first.

    Alright! I'll settle it right now! " Shen Dong happily stood up and cleanly went to scan the script. During this time, he even called Shen Bei and had him send away the people who provided the drawings.

    Although many of the designs did not seem to have any changes, the degree of detail had increased by more than a little. This way, even if the original Designer had doubts, he would not be able to come up with any evidence.

    Just like Master Bai had said, there was no need to worry!

    The next morning, Lin Muyan went back to school early in the morning to attend classes, and ran to Bai Dongting's company before 11 o'clock, but the man didn't wait for her in her office because he was a visit from a dealer outside. Lin Muyan sat on the sofa, bored, but couldn't find any drafts that needed her to change.

    She wanted to work with a man. Last night, she heard from Bai Dongting that the drafts would be submitted separately, so she was not in a hurry anymore.

    Sister-in-law, drink some fruit juice first! Shen Dong placed a cup of fresh mango juice on the tea table and said: "Yesterday, those drafts were really good. We were all stupid and could not have done these things.

    It's good that I can help. Other than painting, I don't know anything else … Lin Muyan was a little embarrassed, but in regards to being able to help this time, she was actually very happy in her heart.

    Just one skill is enough! Shen Dong laughed, and then said: If we did not have a similar skill in the past, we would not have met in the black market!

    Black market? Lin Muyan almost fell down from the sofa when she heard what she said. She hurriedly shook his head and denied it: What black market? I didn't say that!

    Shen Dong suddenly felt that he had talked too much. His speech was usually very strict, especially when he was acting as the secretary of the Master Bai.

    Furthermore, it was impossible for the Master Bai to not think of something that even they could think of. However, since the Master Bai knew that there would be hidden dangers, it was very obvious what it meant to keep Lin Muyan by her side!

    Therefore, Shen Dong had already treated Lin Muyan as one of his own. Although he would still speak carefully about things related to her, such as what happened with Lian Youhe yesterday, he was basically not on guard against everything else and would just treat it as chatting.

    Master Bai would definitely not mention what had happened earlier to Lin Muyan no matter what …

    Didn't you say so? Lin Muyan naturally knew that there was something that Shen Dong was hiding from him, that she did not want to tell him, but she had heard it all! It wasn't as if she were in her seventies or eighties, hearing things just like that!

    No! No! Shen Dong laughed dryly twice, then said: Take it as if Sister-in-law didn't hear it, who hasn't said something that you can't say, right! Think about it, it's actually very difficult for Master Bai's parents to survive after they died so early and lived alone abroad in those years."

    Although Shen Dong didn't say anything more, his expression had already changed a little after he finished speaking. That's right, although he said that his parents' car accident was related to the Bai Family, he didn't say how hard it was for him to live alone abroad … There must be something he didn't say, or...

    Just like what Shen Dong had said, who didn't have some things that couldn't be said … Lin Muyan pursed her lips slightly, pained by the fact that she couldn't say anything about Bai Dongting's past.

    Sister-in-law, just pretend I didn't say anything! Shen Dong was actually worried. If Master Bai found out that he was spouting nonsense to make Sister-in-law worry too much, he would probably get beaten up for sure …

    I got it! I didn't ask and didn't hear anything! Lin Muyan picked up the mango juice and drank a mouthful, Prepare a cup for him later, this cup is much better than the coffee!"

    Towards Lin Muyan's understanding, Shen Dong heaved a sigh of relief once again. Maybe the relationship between Master Bai and her could also be like this, she was a very kind girl! It was worth being doted on by the Master Bai!

    After Shen Dong left, Lin Muyan took the drawing paper and thought about what Ge Huan had said before. Maybe she could really do that, and she had to design the wedding ring and accessories first, and at that time, she could just directly show them to Bai Dongting!

    After roughly figuring out the shape of the necklace, he put down the pen.

    did not come back until the necklace was almost finished. Seeing the man walking towards him, Lin Muyan quickly put away the drawing and placed it into her bag.

    You've waited too long. When Bai Dongting returned to the office, he saw the little lady who was lying on the sofa and playing with her phone. He could not help but smile slightly, walk over and sit on the sofa, then picked up the mango juice s that were half drunk and drank it.

    You asked me to help you earlier! Do you still remember? Lin Muyan sat up agilely, sat cross-legged on the sofa, raised her chin slightly and looked at the man: It was you who asked me for help, why didn't you prepare the things earlier! Hmm?"

    Deliberately speaking with a blaming tone, it deepened Bai Dongting's smile. He helplessly reached out his hand and rubbed her little head, saying: Because I want you to wait for me to come back. I want to work with you! Excuse me, is this reason satisfactory?"

    Mm … Just consider it satisfied! " Lin Muyan squinted her eyes and laughed, then moved to the side, allowing Bai Dongting to sit beside her.

    When the man sat down again, she placed her head on his lap and held his large hand, saying, Let's work in the afternoon. We still have fifteen minutes before we get off work. Why don't we rest for a bit? I'm tired!

    If I remember correctly, this little one has been resting all morning! Bai Dongting laughed and teased, then said: I am the one who should be resting!

    That's right! I'm talking about you! You're tired! I'll accompany you to rest! Lin Muyan had already drawn that painting for more than two hours, she just would not tell Bai Dongting these words. When he proposed marriage, she would take out the Design Draft, only then would she be pleasantly surprised.

    What's more, she had only designed the necklace, and the ring she wanted to exchange for was not ready yet, so she didn't want to show him the half finished product!

    Since I'm tired, why don't you let me rest on your lap? Bai Dong narrowed his eyes, trying to gain some benefits for himself. She was wearing shorts today, so lying on her white thighs must be very comfortable!

    That's fine too! I'll let you win! Lin Muyan nodded in agreement, but she regretted it when Bai Dongting laid down. The man's hair brushed against her thighs, making her itch whenever he moved, but she was too embarrassed to move, so she blushed: It's better if you get up … …

    I just lay down. Bai Dongting lay there, unwilling to move.

    Ugh … Lin Muyan's face became even redder.

    Where's the itch? Let me scratch you!


    Just as the two were laughing and joking, Lin Muyan's phone suddenly rang. Seeing Lin Fang's name, she couldn't help but pucker her lips, and did not immediately connect the call.

    Previously, when they returned, she had already seen her father's missed call. However, she had played around with Bai Dongting for so many days, yet her father had only made that one phone call. She felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

    If you don't want to, then don't. Bai Dongting saw Lin Muyan's slightly disappointed expression and couldn't help but frown.

    Lin Fang hadn't revealed himself since the last time he randomly pointed out the evidence to the tabloid reporter, did he really think that he had forgotten about that matter when he suddenly appeared? If not for the fact that he had to consider Lin Muyan's face and circumstances, how could he be so lenient towards Lin Fang? He actually dared to stab him in the back.

    Available... After all, he was still Lin Muyan's father. Even though he could not recognize this father-in-law, he did not force his little woman to do the same! With such a practical problem, he could only take a step back. Otherwise, this kind of deadlock would only make this little fellow, Lin Muyan, feel troubled.

    And for something that even he could think of, even if he did not believe that Lin Fang could think of it, but …

    As Bai Dongting thought about it, a trace of anger involuntarily flashed past his eyes. Lin Fang's actions had truly infuriated him! However, he did not reveal what he was thinking, but lazily leaned on the sofa, looking at Lin Muyan who was staring at her phone with her back straight, her big palm gently caressing her narrow back.

    Accept it or not? Let's see what she thinks! He won't interfere!

    Father. Lin Muyan did not have the heart to pick up the phone, but her tone of voice was low and helpless. At this moment, the only thing that could give her some comfort was the big hand on her back!

    Words! Have you come back with Dongting? " Lin Fang's voice was warm and familiar, just like a good father inquiring her daughter and son-in-law, as if the despicable person before wasn't him. There wasn't even any hint of remorse or guilt … This made Lin Muyan unable to react.

    It was no wonder that she had been told in the past that merchants had a thousand faces and could freely change their minds. Her words were indeed true! Earlier, he was still ruthless enough to testify against Bai Dongting, but now, he had called him Dong Ting. He actually had the nerve to call him by such a intimate name?

    Lin Muyan's eyes reddened slightly. How could her father be like this...

    Speak, have you all come back? Lin Fang saw that Lin Muyan did not say a word, and anxiously asked another question.

    In the past, because she was a real estate owner and the Lian Jia was the leader of this industry, he naturally had to build good relations with the Lian Jia. Even though Lin Muyan disliked Lian Youhe and even felt wronged, he did not say anything, and even now, he did not feel that there was anything wrong with what she had done.

    However, Bai Dongting was too domineering, if he said in public that he was not his wife, and even stated his daughter in front of everyone in the city, he would naturally choose the latter, and after considering for a bit, he would naturally choose the latter, and the things that happened would turn over in reverse. Thinking about it, even if Bai Dongting was even more shameless about what he had done, he would definitely take into consideration the difficult situation Lin Muyan was in!

    Even until now, Lin Fang still felt that he had done it because he knew his place. He was, after all, the CEO of the Lin's, and there were still so many people waiting to die in the company. He was always responsible for the employees, and to Lin Muyan's words … He could only give up his small home for everyone!

    He's back. Lin Muyan paused for a moment before asking again, Is father busy?

    Since you're back, let's go home for dinner! The whole city knows you're together and congratulates Dad! Come back and have a meal, I have already recognized this son-in-law. From now on, he will be a family! Lin Fang said a great deal, and wasn't affected in the slightest by Lin Muyan's low voice, as he still looked as cheerful and happy as ever.

    Hearing these words, Lin Muyan's body froze, she turned her head slightly and glanced at Bai Dongting, her whole family... Would Bai Dongting even recognize his father-in-law? She didn't know, but it was more accurate to say that he subconsciously didn't wish for Bai Dongting to have such a father-in-law … The Bai Family was already giving him a headache, if he added on this kind of father-in-law …

    Available... What could she do …

    Let's go back tonight. Bai Dongting did not intentionally listen to Lin Muyan's call, but Lin Fang's tone was filled with vigor, and even if he did not want to hear it, he could still hear it clearly. He could understand Lin Muyan's current predicament and helplessness. She was worried that she didn't want to go!

    After Lin Muyan heard this, she couldn't help but turn to look at Bai Dongting. The latter only gave her a gentle smile and repeated in a low voice: We will return tonight.

    Lin Muyan, who was originally at a loss, suddenly felt a pain in her nose, and tears fell out of her eyes. She looked at Bai Dongting, unable to say a single word.

    The man reached out to pull her into his embrace, took the phone from her hand, then said to Lin Fang who was still asking about the time: Let's go back tonight.

    Thank you. Lin Muyan hugged Bai Dongting's neck tightly, crying so hard she couldn't take it anymore. However, she didn't know why she was crying at all, maybe it was because she had such a father, or maybe it was due to Bai Dongting's acceptance of her, or maybe it was because she felt wronged for giving in to Bai Dongting and felt wronged for him.

    All in all, the combination of all sorts of reasons made her want to cry.

    Alright! I told you not to cry in front of me. Not at all! Bai Dongting was somewhat helpless. He symbolically patted Lin Muyan's small buttock to show his punishment, but right after, his big hand placed on's back, patting it lightly.

    No matter how wronged she was, his heart ached! No matter how the tears fell, it was still the same for him!

    Then leave me in the lounge, I'll come out myself after crying! Lin Muyan was coiled like an octopus around Bai Dongting's body. As she spoke, she rubbed his shoulders with her tears, not forgetting to cry.

    Alright! Bai Dongting said as he carried his into the resting room.

    Bai Dongting, if you dare to leave me alone, I will cry to death here! After being put on the bed, Lin Muyan nimbly got up, grabbed Bai Dongting who was prepared to leave anyways, knelt on the bed, and tightly hugged his waist: You're the only one not allowed to leave! Anyone can ignore me, but you can't!

    "Then I also have a request. You are not allowed to cry in front of me, nor are you allowed to cry in front of anyone. You are not allowed to show weakness, and you are not allowed to let yourself be wronged. Bai Dongting spoke very seriously, and after the latter nodded, he gently caressed her little head.

    Let's go buy some clothes and bring some things home in the afternoon. I can't go empty-handed, can I?

    Bai Dongting! Why do you have to endure such a thing?! Lin Muyan pinched the man, and said angrily: Why didn't you directly refuse my father when my father did that kind of thing before? Why didn't you forbid me to pick up his phone before? You're the one who's clearly the most wronged!


    So she was crying for him … Hearing Lin Muyan's words, Bai Dongting could not help but shake his head slightly, the smile on his lips was extremely gentle.

    He was indeed very angry at Lin Fang's actions, but he did not feel wronged about it, because in the small half of his life that he had wandered the world, he had long been hardened by the cruelty of reality. In

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