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The Soldier Bodyguard to the Miss: Volume 8
The Soldier Bodyguard to the Miss: Volume 8
The Soldier Bodyguard to the Miss: Volume 8
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The Soldier Bodyguard to the Miss: Volume 8

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A legendary guard, an unearthly history of debauchery; a Chinese hero, a violent storm in the world; a hot-blooded man, full of pleasure in a flowery city. An ultimate skill that could shock the world was definitely not a fake. How many beautiful women, for his heart rippling; how many heroes and proud son, for his two ribs, a legend of the city.
Release dateNov 20, 2019
The Soldier Bodyguard to the Miss: Volume 8

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    The Soldier Bodyguard to the Miss - Leng HaiYinShi


    CHAPTER 701 - LIES

    I couldn't help but stand up and listen to the footsteps I hadn't heard for a long time. I searched my memory for the ordinary but unusually clear melody.

    It's You Meng! Although the footsteps had a trace of melancholy and a special aura, I could still hear that it was You Meng!

    I came to the door just as it stopped.

    In other words, in this moment, I am already only a door away from 'You Meng'.

    To be exact, I felt You Meng's arrival!

    The mutual understanding between the two seemed so precious and clear at this moment.

    When You Meng started to knock on the door, I didn't open it immediately. Instead, I caressed my overexcited face with my hand and gently opened the door.

    That familiar and beautiful face entered his eyes.

    It really is You Meng! It really is her, my lover, my long-lost lover!

    You Meng wore a relatively fashionable red jacket, and the familiar smell of Chanel No. 5 perfume still wafted around her. When she rushed towards me, I was startled for a moment, and couldn't help but walk over.

    I was not surprised, nor did I speak. Instead, he gently held her hand.

    But why is You Meng in front of me so silent? She looked at me expressionlessly, her clear eyes filled with endless thoughts and secrets, her gaze focused only on me for two seconds, then moved away and went into the single room.

    As I followed her in, I noticed that her hands were cold and slightly trembling.

    You Meng walked to the center of the room as if nothing had happened and stopped, turning to take a look. I closed the door behind me and turned to look at her.

    You Meng's mouth formed a light smile, and in that instant, she closed in on me.

    Then he threw himself into my arms.

    This dramatic scene, though warm and intimate, surprised me a little. I lightly patted You Meng's back. Surprisingly, my nose felt sore. I was the first to speak. What have you been doing these past few days? Why can't I contact you?

    You Meng gently wrapped her arms around my waist. I could hear her soft cry and tremble. She slowly came back to her senses and pressed her cheek against mine. Didn't my dad tell you already?

    At this, I couldn't help but get angry: was she also lying to me about what she was doing?

    How could I believe such a ridiculous explanation?

    I helped You Meng to sit down. You Meng suddenly looked like a naughty child and insisted on sitting on my thigh. I had no objection to this. I wanted to sit as I please, but it wasn't like I hadn't sat before.

    She sat playfully on top of me, and I had one arm around her waist, the other around her hand. Despite this happiness, there were still countless mysteries hanging over him.

    You Meng asked me from the very beginning, Zhao Long, how is my cousin now?

    I patted her butt and grumbled, After we meet up, you didn't ask me how I was. You're just hanging on to your cousin, right?

    You Meng explained, Aren't you right in front of me right now? But my cousin is not in front of me.

    I replied, She'll definitely be fine. With me here, who would dare to bully her? "

    You Meng tsk-tsked, Keep bragging! I suspect that you have bullied her quite a bit. Your heart has already complained to me several times.

    I was stunned. What did she sue me for?

    You Meng pretended to be mysterious, Guess for yourself. This is an opportunity that cannot be revealed.

    I pinched You Meng's nose and scolded him jokingly, Do you know how worried I was about the few days you went missing? What's the matter with you, can you tell me?

    You Meng chuckled, and said: When did I disappear? It's not like I didn't call you. This is a special period, I can't contact you in public.

    I resentfully said, What special period!? Don't fool me! I don't believe my dad. "

    You Meng was startled, and then interrupted: Our father? What my dad, that's my dad. Don't fight with me!" You Meng put on a fierce look, looked at me mischievously, and drew circles on my chest with his hand.

    I pinched my nose and boasted, Just now By Director forced me to call him father. He has long since admitted that I am a son-in-law of the family. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … When I said these words, I felt a little proud in my heart, especially after looking at You Meng's cute and lovable appearance. I had a voice in my heart that said: With such a good puppet in this life, what can I, Zhao Long Fu, ask for?

    However, the truth was that countless mysteries were still lingering in his heart.

    You Meng laughed and scolded, Zhao Long, stop being so smug! My father is not so unreserved. To make you call him father, unless — unless he did something that would let you down, and tried to curry favor with you —" As he spoke, You Meng suddenly stopped, as if he had thought of something, he frowned, and revealed an awkward expression.

    Of course, I could also sense a few peculiar elements from You Meng's words, but I didn't investigate further, only to realize that You Meng's expression was a little off.

    To be exact, You Meng's face today was covered with a thick layer of makeup. In my memories, You Meng has never been such a 'smelly' person, nor would she be like those fashionable girls, wearing such heavy makeup. I looked at her closely and saw that she had a faint eye shadow and lipstick on her lips. The fragrance on her face was mixed with the smell of several cosmetics. Moreover, that familiar Chanel No. 5 perfume, seemed to be covered by these flavors, and was no longer very clear.

    Could it be that she really agreed with him: After three days, she should have a whole new level of respect for him?

    You Meng changed?

    I don't think so.

    Then, what was the reason behind You Meng suddenly smearing so much makeup on?

    I suddenly remembered what Fang Xiaoyue had said back then.

    Fang Xiaoyue told me that the last time she saw You Meng, she looked somewhat haggard, as if she had contracted some kind of disease.

    Could it be that You Meng was deliberately using her thick makeup to hide her pale and sickly complexion?

    There was no way to explain it.

    In short, I, who was extremely sharp, noticed these changes in You Meng and started to secretly think about them. I even felt that the You Meng in front of me seemed to be mixed with a lot of unknown ingredients.

    Seeing that I was hesitating, You Meng shook her legs with all her might and shifted her butt a little, then said happily: Zhao Long, I can tell that you really care about me.

    He didn't know if she was intentionally trying to break the silence, or if she was playing some sort of trick. Many doubts lingered in my heart, and I couldn't help but pat her butt once more. You Meng, I want to hear the truth, and I hope that you can tell me the truth.

    You Meng was startled, she turned and looked at me with her beautiful big eyes: What truth?

    I asked bluntly, Are you sick?

    You Meng's face stiffened, but quickly relaxed: Nonsense! You're the one who's sick! However, she immediately changed the subject and said in a naughty tone, Even if you are sick, you are also suffering from lovesickness. Hehe, Zhao Long, I miss you!"

    She took the chance to sneak an attack on my face when I wasn't prepared. I felt a burst of cold air and was about to 'retaliate' her, when I saw You Meng pointing a finger at my face and laughed, I finally understand why some men's faces are so red. So it's because they were kissed! Hehe, so cute!" She drew circles on my face, softly, as if she were drawing the shape of a lip print.

    I quickly took out my paper and wiped my face roughly, complaining to You Meng: Since when did you like putting on makeup like this?

    You Meng spoke with a reasonable and slightly coquettish tone, Everyone has a heart that loves beauty. I am no exception. Why, don't you like it?"

    I frowned. But it doesn't have to be that much of an armed face, does it? Look at how you are now, drawing your eyebrows, drawing your eyes, using lipstick like red ink, no longer having that kind of pure and natural feeling from before. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

    You Meng replied with a question, You like pure nature? That is to say -- no clothes, no hair, no face wash, no cosmetics -- why, your mind is not healthy!

    I blushed with shame. Why am I not healthy?

    You Meng said: What is pure nature! According to you, nature is -- it's naked, you're saying to me, you like girls who don't wear clothes, don't you?"

    I was stunned. What kind of logic is that?

    I couldn't help but curse at You Meng: You female hooligan! What are you thinking! Pure natural, is the kind of unadorned, do not need to overdo makeup, natural appearance of what, revealed what. Unlike the current girls, whose faces were painted thicker than the city walls, eyes were painted like a robotic cat, and hair was made like a plum blossom. Is that fashion? That would be calling it a waste of money, and it would also be a waste of money. I don't want my girlfriend to follow that trend. When you weren't wearing makeup like this in the past, it was much better looking than now!"

    You Meng was clearly disappointed, she smacked her lips and said aggrievedly: This lady is only so fashionable because of you! I thought you liked it.

    I wrapped my arms around You Meng's waist and leaned on her as I felt her familiar aura. I said: Alright, we didn't meet this time for real, I have to clarify this matter for me. What are you and my father doing here?

    You Meng looked at me awkwardly: I'm not doing anything. Haven't we met already?

    I said, If I didn't force you, would By Director allow me to meet with you? I even suspect -- I suspect that you have --

    I did not continue, but it was You Meng who interrupted me: You suspect that I died quietly?

    I frowned and flicked my finger at her head. My expression became solemn as I held You Meng's head and sighed. I don't know how to get to the north. By Director saying that you are going to carry out some mission is pure nonsense. I, Zhao Long, am not a fool. I can tell that you must be — there must be something that you are hiding from me.


    Unexpectedly, You Meng actually said the same thing as By Director: It's fine if you don't believe it, but you don't have to believe it. In any case, I have a clear conscience.

    To be exact, I couldn't do anything to her.

    But what could I do? I can't possibly use force to let You Meng 'confess' right? Even though there are many suspicious areas, You Meng still chose to keep it to himself and tried to make me laugh.

    Especially when I asked about some sensitive topics, You Meng always covered it up with the words Heaven cannot be revealed and refused to answer.

    Helplessly, I felt both anger and pity. But in reality, I felt that my brain is a mess. It was so messy that it was absurd. It was so messy that I couldn't sort it out properly.

    Only this real, beautiful lover before me, her figure, her voice, her ambiguity, can give me some real comfort.

    Of course, You Meng could feel my surprise, so after a long period of silence, she took the initiative to explain to me, Originally, I didn't intend to see you, but seeing how stubborn you are, I had no choice but to come over and advise you. Rest assured, your You Meng will always be yours, no one can take him away.

    I scratched my head. I felt that she was concealing something. I coldly laughed. I know that no one will be able to snatch it away. However, I can't get in touch with you, so how can I be at ease? I came here this time to find out what exactly you're up to, but you're always so secretive about what kind of mission you're assigned to. Let me ask you again, did you leave the Head, or were you sick at home? " I stared at her for an answer, but my heart was pounding.

    You Meng frowned and complained to me, Zhao Long, why don't you always look forward to it? I told you, I'm not sick. However, if you continue to doubt me like this, I might really be angered to death by you! You Meng even pretended to hit her body, pretending to be healthy.

    I stared at her. Then explain to me why you were at 305.

    You Meng patted my chest and said a little angrily: Please, Boss Zhao! I used to study medicine, but I had a lot of classmates in there. Don't tell me that when I went to the hospital, I had to get sick?"

    I stammered,

    Anyway, we argued about these things for a long time, in silence, and again, and again, and again, and again.

    Although there were some ambiguous feelings, there were also some concerns. But in reality, You Meng's disguise and my judgement are at odds with each other. I definitely cannot agree with her answer.

    But so what?

    I can't just keep asking, can I?

    I really had a feeling of helplessness of 'not being able to stop it and still being confused'. I came over this time with the intention of eliminating the doubts and guesses in my heart. But now, everything seemed to be moving in an even more complicated and confusing direction.

    I couldn't help but question my own judgment.

    To be exact, I hid many things from You Meng. I didn't mention anything about my current situation, nor did I mention her cousin Cheng Xinjie's situation at all.

    Everything seemed to be in a mess!

    Perhaps, he could only use time to verify and search. Life is like an act. It doesn't matter if you are serious or fake, you will have to busy yourself for the rest of your life.

    But You Meng still mentioned her cousin Cheng Xinjie immediately. Perhaps this was within my expectations. She was extremely concerned about her cousin, she always tried her best to talk about Cheng Xinjie in front of me and repeatedly told me to take care of her. With regards to these unnecessary warnings, I became a little impatient listening to them.

    Is it because You Meng doesn't trust me, or is she overly concerned about her cousin?

    A rich girl becoming a security guard was a mystery and a concern. But You Meng's concern for him seemed to be a bit too much.

    You Meng still acted like she was giving me a mission, she pointed at my chest and drew: Zhao Long, I'm telling you, treat his well, don't bully her, and don't let anyone bully her either …

    I interrupted You Meng and said with a wry smile, I'm counting it for you, you've already said this hundreds of times! I am her brother-in-law, do you really need to tell me what to do? After all, Cheng Xinjie's current situation is a bit dangerous. She'll only be safe as long as Fu Shikun doesn't stop his hunt. Should I think of a way to arrange for Cheng Xinjie to come back and stand by her side, or — or should I simply let You Meng help her find another job?

    But how should I begin?

    Among the thirty-six schemes, one of them is called 'Capturing someone by their own volition', but in my desperation, I actually thought of a move called 'Capture someone by accident'. I obviously wanted to get Cheng Xinjie away from me, but my mouth deliberately displayed the desire to have her stay by my side forever. I know that all women will be jealous, You Meng is no exception. When You Meng gets jealous, she might even think of ways to bring him back home … Thinking about it carefully, this idea was actually feasible, but she did not know if You Meng would be able to see through it.

    So I grabbed onto You Meng's hand, and purposely said to her. "I'm telling you, You Meng, this cousin of yours is much stronger than you! More beautiful than you, more understanding of things, more caring than you. No matter where she went, she would be overwhelmed! In the past, I always thought that you, You Meng, were already beautiful enough. As I said that, I secretly looked at You Meng's face, and thought to myself: I'm jealous, I'm jealous, quickly!

    I feel like I'm a child returning! I have become an innocent young man!

    But other than that, what other good plan was there?

    What I did not expect was that not only was You Meng not jealous, she laughed at me: You just realized it! My cousin was prettier than me when she was little! Look at how inexperienced you are! But let me tell you, although my younger cousin is good-looking, she is definitely not a vase. Doing housework and cherishing her husband's filial piety is definitely first-rate!" You Meng even gave a thumbs up, praising her continuously.

    I said, embarrassed, Do you love your husband for being filial to his in-laws? How do you know? She's never been married.

    You Meng argued, She's my cousin. I was like a worm in her belly, and I knew it. For a good girl like my cousin, which man wouldn't be envious of her?

    I feel that I have not used enough strength to provoke You Meng, but instead made her praise him even more. So I went on to increase the fire: To tell you the truth, I have some -- a little envious! Fortunately, I, Zhao Long, am an honorable man. No matter how good Cheng Xinjie is, I can only look into the distance and not see her. As the saying goes, you can't pick wild flowers by the roadside, and you can't catch butterflies among the flowers. I changed the topic of my words as the corner of my mouth bloomed into an evil and lustful smile. But how good would it be if it wasn't for your cousin?

    You Meng was startled, and indeed there was a reaction. She slapped my head, and started questioning: Hey, Zhao Long, what did you say? I can't see it, you're really well-hidden. What, have you fallen for my cousin?

    I pinched my nose and smacked my lips in a bluff. What's the use of looking? They could only watch as the gluttony left their mouths, not daring to make a move. I haven't even got my current girlfriend yet, let alone the other girls! But maybe, maybe, I'll just make a few insinuations and kill my sister-in-law first. I'll wait for the raw rice to be cooked, hehe …

    At this point, I felt goosebumps rise all over my body. Why would I say such vulgar words?

    But in order to make You Meng jealous, she actively proposed to bring Cheng Xinjie back, and it could only be done with this plan!

    You Meng burst out laughing as she looked at me, and then, she started slapping me like a storm. As she slapped me, she scolded, Zhao Long, it's been a few days since we last met, look at each other in another light! I've really learned wrong in society!

    I read aloud: Men are not bad, women do not love. In this day and age, fun is excitement! Let me tell you, this brother-in-law and his sister-in-law have been going on a lot since time immemorial. I saw an article in the magazine that day, which said brother-in-law and his sister-in-law were having an affair or something. As your brother-in-law, I really want to imitate your example. There is a saying that goes, 'A fat water doesn't flow to a foreign land.' For such a beautiful sister-in-law, we have to make it to the water tower first. I pinched my nose again, trying to sound as rich as possible. But in fact, why do I feel so different the more I talk? I feel like I was born to be a 'decent man', and these 'evil' words come out of my mouth as if I were - as if I were reciting a movie.

    Maybe my acting is too terrible, causing You Meng to suddenly start laughing again. She patted my shoulder and smiled at me. Alright, alright. Zhao Long, stop joking. Stop pretending! I really admire you, you're not even pretending to be a pervert!

    Seeing that I was seen through by You Meng, I couldn't help but feel a little awkward. However, I pinched my nose and pretended to be serious. Let me tell you You Meng, I really have that wicked heart! Why are we pretending not to be hungry when the meat is in our mouths? When it's time to eat, it's time to eat!

    You Meng pinched my nose hard and scolded: Big fool! Do you think I'm stupid? If you really had such a scheming heart, would you have foolishly reported it to me? You can't hide it even if you want to! I've never seen a thief who would run out and shout before he tried to steal something. Hmph, you little prick, you want to provoke me to see if I'm jealous or not? This lady isn't jealous, so what? You Meng even had a hand on her waist as she stared at me with a pair of extremely lethal eyes, as if she was filled with pride.

    Sigh, am I too impatient, or is my acting too bad?

    It seems that You Meng does not eat this bowl of vinegar!

    Then what should I do? How can I persuade You Meng to take Cheng Xinjie back from my side, or — or make Cheng Xinjie take the initiative to suggest taking Cheng Xinjie home?

    I felt as if my brain had rusted. The originally uncomplicated problem was being tossed and turned by me, yet it was being handled with such laughable and retarded thoughts!

    However, at this moment, my phone suddenly rang.


    I pulled it out and looked at it.

    I realized that the time was ripe …

    The person who called was none other than one of the four great instructors of the TIANLOON SECURITY CO. LTD, my junior sister Qiao Ling.

    It was obvious that she was trying to get me to join Tianlong once again. To be exact, after being around TIANLOON CO. LTD for so long, I feel that the time has come. It's just as By Director said, if I don't 'take the bait' now, then it would seem like 'I won't get anything up'.

    Of course, since You Meng is by my side, it's impossible for me to be too detailed on the phone. Thus, when I received the call, I was the first to casually ask: What's the matter, Instructor Qiao?

    Qiao Ling laughed: Why aren't you calling me junior sister? I still think it's kind of you to call me that.

    I said, All right, I have something to do now.

    Qiao Ling said: Have you thought it through?

    I asked, Have you figured it out yet?

    Qiao Ling said: Senior Brother, your memory is really bad. Let me put it this way, now that Fu Shikun has strengthened his manpower, you don't know how big of a force he has become, he can actually — even the Town Security — trick him, and get the Town Security to do something for him. The Town Security, you know what? They are the assassins of the city. There are many people in the underworld, and their methods are brilliant. If they want to find out about you, hmph, then it would be useless even if you ran to the ends of the earth.

    I was stunned: Town Security? The Town Security also joined in? No way, does Fu Shikun have that kind of ability?

    Qiao Ling said: In Beijing, I am not afraid of you being a gangster, nor am I afraid of you being an official.

    I laughed. You're exaggerating. Isn't it just the Town Security? We still have the Town Security association's project in Wangjing. I don't think they're that good, either. Why are they even getting involved with the underworld?

    You didn't even see a post online that was specially written to praise the Town Security, saying that the American soldiers are nothing, and the Japanese army is nothing, and if China wanted to beat them up, there was no need to send out all the troops, just let the Town Security hold onto their iron rods and kill them all.

    I said, embarrassed, All right, all right, stop boasting! I feel that our Town Security is not bad and is rather responsible. Let's do it like this, if there's anything we need to say, stop beating around the bush.

    Qiao Ling laughed and said: Good! It was still that matter. Our boss, Mr. Chen, saw that you were a talent and had been wanting to recruit you. Don't worry, as long as you enter Sky Dragon, Fu Shikun will only be at a loss. Even if you kill his wife, he will still be unable to do anything to you. This was power! As for our Mr. Chen, he said that he wanted to have a chat with you. We'll meet at Xinyuan Teahouse in an hour.

    I laughed, How could I, Zhao Long, have the ability to have your boss meet me personally?

    Qiao Ling said: Our boss values talent the most! Especially a talent like you!

    I thought about it and said, Okay, I'll call you later. Alas, I seem to be really desperate now.

    Qiao Ling chuckled: Then it's a deal, I'll pay for the boss's errand.

    I said, It's settled. I'll be there on time.

    Then I hung up first.

    You Meng looked at me suspiciously, she stepped forward to support my arm, and asked: Who is it, who called?

    I said smilingly, An instructor from the Security Company.

    You Meng said, Why does it sound like she's a woman?

    I deliberately mystified, Of course it's a girl! And she's a beauty at that!

    Speaking of which, when You Meng and I were teasing Cheng Xinjie, You Meng wasn't jealous at all; but when You Meng confirmed that the one who called him was a woman, she immediately pouted and said in a voice filled with jealousy: Sure, Zhao Long, you want to do an affair, right? I haven't heard of any female instructors!

    I frowned and said, Why? Can't I become an instructor because I'm a woman? Fang Xiaoyue has also been an instructor, Cai Lin has also been an instructor.

    You Meng naughtily pinched my nose, and said: I'm warning you, if you dare to have any affairs outside, hmph, see how I'll take care of you! Don't forget, I arranged it right next to you--arranged it to have a spy.

    I asked, Who?

    You Meng said complacently: My cousin. If you have any questions, she'll call me. I'll deal with you when the time comes.

    I said in the same way, sarcastically, Come on! Is she your spy? I didn't see anyone arranging spies, and even told them in public: I arranged a spy for you, you better behave yourself — You Meng, your IQ is a little low! I took the opportunity to be silent.

    You Meng said angrily: You're hurting me again! If you're going to bicker with me when we meet, can you be a bit gentler?"

    I said smilingly, You were the one who started this war! You're blaming me?

    You Meng, on the other hand, didn't say anything more, only looked at me thoughtfully.

    However, Qiao Ling's call, has determined that I cannot stay any longer. Everything she had experienced before — escape, difficulty, and everything else — had all been to pave the way for this day. To be exact, I've always wanted to meet that all-powerful and all-powerful Mr. Chen, and it was only today that we were both able to make this move.

    I held You Meng's hand and patted her back lightly. I couldn't help but say, "Alright, You Meng.

    You Meng was startled for a moment. What, you've worked so hard to come to find me, how long have you spent gathering here, and you're going to leave now?

    I replied evasively, You heard what I said. There was an instructor who called me just now. Something happened at Security Force and I need to go deal with it.

    You Meng flanked me, It seems like in your heart, this lady's position is inferior to a Security Force like you.

    I held You Meng's shoulders and smiled at her. Your place in my heart is one world.

    You Meng giggled, You're becoming more and more poetic.

    I said, Don't praise me. It's easy to be arrogant.

    You Meng's smile slowly faded as she suddenly moved her feet forward and used her fiery lips to cover my mouth and gave me a deep kiss.

    I kissed her back, feeling the heat in her. We held each other tightly, two scalding hearts, no distance.

    In the end, I took the initiative to push her away and tentatively asked, I wonder when we'll meet again.

    You Meng drew circles on my chest with her hand. It will be soon.

    I replied, I'm afraid that you'll disappear again.

    You Meng corrected him: It's not that I'm missing, it's just that you're stupid. Don't worry, I'll call you sometime. Don't forget to take care of her, I'll leave her to you.

    I frowned. What do you mean 'please'? It's only right that Brother-in-law takes care of his sister-in-law. "

    You Meng nodded, and I realized that there was actually some moisture in her eyes.

    I gave You Meng a deep hug before forcing myself onto the journey instead of urging him to stay.

    It's not perfect, but I have to go. You Meng is my lover, I am worried about her, but my mission is to be completely loyal to my country. Now that they were at the most critical juncture, whether they could gain the TIANLOON CO. LTD's trust and successfully infiltrate into the TL organization was already an urgent matter.

    With a myriad of lingering feelings, I quickened my pace and cautiously made a detour to the parking lot of the nearby supermarket.

    After getting on the Honda Car, I took a cigarette and drove out of the parking lot.

    My cell phone is always very busy, just a few kilometers away from the car, the phone bell fiercely rang.

    Opening it, he saw that it was actually Qi Mengyan.

    The call connected. Qi Mengyan's sweet and domineering voice came from the other side: Captain Zhao, where are you right now?

    I said, Where else do I need to report?

    Qi Mengyan said: Do you know, the Wangjing Squadron is in an upheaval right now, Li Quntao and Jin Biao have teamed up, and are starting an uprising, preparing to overthrow the current Company Leader's rule. You just wait and see.

    It can't be that serious, can it? Why revolt? The organization was quite scary.

    Qi Mengyan said: Wangjing Squadron has received Fu Shikun's instructions, and threatened to dig you out. In the end, this idiotic Company Leader actually teamed up with the Town Security Force to search for you one street at a time. Furthermore, this brat even went ahead and did a great deal of cleaning up in the squadron. In the past, whenever you have a good relationship with him, he would conduct a secret interrogation, and many people have already been called to the office to be beaten up. What's even more infuriating is that this idiotic team leader even set fire to this team leader's body. This team leader can eat his crap? Jin Biao and Li Quntao, these two are your past capable generals, and I have long been dissatisfied with this current captain. After my captain's instigation, the Wangjing Squadron is in deep water now, and the entire squadron has been divided into several groups. But honestly speaking, although you have already left, there are still a lot of people supporting you, and most of the members are on Jin Biao's and Li Quntao's side. As for me, I'm on my guard and I'm waiting for a good show.

    Qi Mengyan kept talking, and the more I listened, the more surprised I became.

    It seems like the words that Qiao Ling said came from the capital. Wangjing Squadron already had a Town Security team to assist the Town Security in their work. Fu Shikun had a good relationship with the leaders of the Town Security Force, that was why the rumor that Qiao Ling was talking about could be heard. However, it did not sound as serious as Qiao Ling's words. Like I said, no matter how capable Fu Shikun is, he would not be able to invite all of the Town Security in Beijing to be his accomplices.

    Of course, I still believe in Qi Mengyan's words more. This girl didn't know what she was doing, but I could feel that she wanted to play a big game.

    I said to Qi Mengyan: Don't make things difficult for the new captain, he is also under the roof, and has no choice but to obey.


    Qi Mengyan tried to denounce him: You're still speaking up for him? You don't know how he ruined you, but a few days ago, he wanted to beat Li Quntao up in public. Luckily Li Quntao didn't buy into his tricks, and got away with it. According to Captain Ben's deduction --

    As Qi Mengyan was speaking, she suddenly stopped.

    I took over the conversation and said: Alright, Qi Mengyan, tell Li Quntao and the rest to stop messing around, otherwise they'll end up like me, being chased around by people. The smell was unpleasant.

    Qi Mengyan said: You asked for it! Rest assured here, with this captain here, everything will be safe. A great revolution was about to begin!

    What revolution! I said, embarrassed. Why do you sound so arrogant now? I became a sub-captain and looked at how amazing you were.

    Qi Mengyan argued: "Yes, yes, yes! Wait and see. Someday, you'll be surprised.

    I changed the subject and said self-deprecatingly, Okay, Captain Qi, I'm driving right now, so it's not convenient for me to talk to you. I hope that I can survive this ordeal and not let Fu Shikun 'kacha' towards me.

    Qi Mengyan said: I'm really worried about your situation! You can't run around like this, and you won't listen to my advice and won't join the Sky Dragon. Otherwise, once Sky Dragon appears, even if Fu Shikun got a hundred times more guts, he still wouldn't dare to do anything to you.

    I felt that there was no need to hide the truth from Qi Mengyan, so I told him my current plan: I've thought it through, and I'll go talk to Boss Tian Long later.

    Qi Mengyan suddenly exclaimed: Really?

    When have I ever lied to you? I said. Rather than live on top of the blade, it would be better to look for a stable backer as a shelter to take advantage of. Sooner or later, I will find Fu Shikun to seek revenge.

    Qi Mengyan scoffed, You're awesome! Back to the shore, back to the shore.

    I frowned. I didn't make any mistakes, what does that have to do with looking back? I just don't want to run anymore. I'm too tired. To be honest, I didn't want to join Tianlong. There are too many people in the dragon, and I'm afraid I'm drowning. I would rather be a general among dwarfs than a fool among talents.

    Qi Mengyan laughed: When did you become so unconfident? What, did the four great instructors scare you?

    I didn't say anything, but said, Okay, I'm going to die. Take care, we'll talk later.

    Qi Mengyan quickly said: Wait, don't hang up yet, wait a while. Oh right, you said that you wanted to talk to Boss Tianlong. Is that true? As far as I know, boss Tian Long is very arrogant, and some government officials in Beijing have to line up for him. Even after seeing it, he would still act subserviently.

    Don't put gold on his face, I said. A boss of a Security Company.

    Qi Mengyan said: What, you don't believe me?

    We'll see, I said.

    Qi Mengyan said: I'll wait for your good news.

    I nodded. Thank you.

    After hanging up, my speed gradually increased. The speed indicator on the gauge increased to 140.

    By the way, I checked the time: there was still half an hour left, so there was no hurry.

    To be exact, I didn't expect it to be this fast. Although I had already expected to walk this path, when I finally agreed to it, I felt extremely uneasy in my heart.

    What awaits me is unpredictable.

    As time passed, the car also shuttled back and forth on the road. The Heart's Origin Tea House gradually entered his line of sight.

    In the distance, I saw a dozen luxury cars parked in front of the Xinyuan Tea House. All of them were famous cars. There were Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, Audi A8, and so on. The body of the car flickered with a noble aura, indicating that the teahouse was welcoming a very distinguished guest.

    Could this customer be Mr. Chen from TIANLOON CO. LTD?

    At the entrance of the teahouse, a dozen or so fierce men in black suits were vigilantly keeping watch when a familiar figure suddenly came out from the teahouse and stopped at the entrance. After saying a few words to a few fierce men, he raised his wrist to look at his watch before starting to look around.

    It was Qiao Ling.

    In other words, the esteemed guest in the teahouse should be the TIANLOON CO. LTD's Mr. Chen without a doubt. Such a powerful security force, only I could enjoy it when I was in Secret Service.

    However, this mysterious Mr. Chen actually had such a vast aura. It was truly frightening to look at.

    To be exact, at this very moment, I was a little hesitant and a little apprehensive. Because I know what it means to enter this teahouse.

    Maybe it was a combination of danger and opportunity.

    Since Mr. Chen was able to get to his current position, he must be an experienced veteran. Would he suspect me of anything I said or did?

    If that's the case, my personal safety will be minimal, and my own mission will be a failure. Secret Service did all that I could to sneak me into the Security Company just to wait for this day. Now that day has come, I will take the most crucial step. However, who knew how many days this simple step had paved the way, and how many times they had experienced a contest of scheming against darkness and light?

    Thinking of this, I couldn't help but harden my conviction, doing my best to suppress my perturbed mood.

    The normally unsuperstitious me, however, involuntarily patted my chest, secretly praying: God bless me, I hope this move will go well.

    Looking at the well-dressed, black-clothed, fierce men at the entrance of the teahouse, I coughed lightly. It really felt like I was going to fight them single-handedly.

    But just as I was trying to get closer, my cell phone rang again.

    I frowned at the cell phone screen: it was Fu Shengyi!

    I didn't want to answer, but I looked at my watch and saw that there was still a quarter of an hour before I picked up the phone.

    After the call was connected, Fu Shengyi said emotionally: Not good, not good! Big Brother Zhao, my sister, she is in trouble!

    I was stunned and asked, What's wrong with your sister? She couldn't have sprained her leg again, right?

    Fu Shengyi anxiously said: My sister is missing! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

    After hearing this, I immediately thought to myself: could it be that it was TIANLOON SECURITY CO. LTD who did it? When Mr. Chen heard that I had agreed to join Tianlong, he wanted to give me a present. It was very obvious that kidnapping Fu Shengbing could be exchanged for a chance to further threaten Fu Shikun.

    Thinking about this, I couldn't help but laugh bitterly. I thought to myself, how can the TIANLOON SECURITY CO. LTD, a tyrant of this world, do such a low level business deal?

    However, my guess was immediately overruled by Fu Shengyi's words. Fu Shengyi continued to say: Just now, my sister called. She said that she had been kidnapped, and told me to quickly tell my father about it. I called you right after I called my dad! Big Brother Zhao, I am so scared, I am so afraid that my sister will meet with misfortune, although she is a little fierce towards me, but she is still my sister, I am afraid that the people who kidnapped her will bully her.

    Fu Shengyi said and started crying.

    I comforted her, All right, Sant'yi, don't cry, just be clear about it. What did your sister say on the phone?

    Fu Shengyi seemed to have thought back a bit before she said: My sister said that she went to the bookstore to buy books that day and quarreled with the shop owner. At this time, a few men barged in and kidnapped her, then stuffed her inside the car. My sister also said, let my dad hurry up and send someone to find him, otherwise, those people will tear the vote.

    How did your sister get into a fight with the bookstore owner? I pressed.

    Fu Shengyi said: My sister said that the bookstore sold pirated books, my sister scolded the owner for not having any moral integrity, so they started arguing. Big Brother Zhao, do you think that the owner of the book shop found someone to kidnap my sister?

    I frowned. Impossible! How could he tie someone up after a short argument?

    Fu Shengyi asked anxiously: What's going on?

    Did your sister say which bookstore it was? I asked.

    Fu Shengyi replied: My sister didn't say. She said she forgot.

    I said shamelessly, Then did your sister say why those people kidnapped him? Is it about money or revenge?

    Fu Shengyi said: My sister did not mention money, nor did she say she would take revenge. You don't know, my sister is so brave. When she called, she was not afraid at all. The more she was like this, the more uncertain I became. I wonder how my sister is doing now.

    I thought for a while in my heart, then said to Fu Shengyi: Sheng Yi, don't worry, your sister will be fine. I suspect that your sister is being mischievous.

    Fu Shengyi was startled: "No way? Why did she play a prank?

    I asked. I'll call you soon.

    Then, I hung up the phone and directly dialed Fu Shengbing's cell number.

    When Fu Shengbing answered the phone, I immediately scolded her: Fu Shengbing, what are you doing? Why are you scaring your sister? And you were kidnapped, you must have been kidnapped by yourself, right?

    Fu Shengbing was stunned at first, but after that, she began to laugh out loud. Did you see through all of this? Tell me, how did you figure it out?

    I said: The story you made up is too uninteresting, and only Fu Shengyi will believe you! Also, if someone did kidnap you, would they let you call for help so freely? Furthermore, with Fu Shikun's current strength, there were too few people who dared to kidnap her daughter.

    Fu Shengbing repeatedly said. Awesome, powerful! Your IQ can definitely be a detective! You're going to keep it a secret, okay?

    What's the use of you tormenting yourself with all this all day? Would it be great to let your family worry about you all day?

    Fu Shengbing suddenly felt wronged: Lao Zhao, don't talk to me like that! Wasn't I doing this for you?

    For me? To give me trouble?

    Fu Shengbing said: Hmph, biting off more than I can chew, you truly don't know how to be a good person! I'm doing this to take some of my dad's energy away from you. Now that dad is chasing after you so closely, I'm his biological daughter after all. If I go missing and get kidnapped, I don't believe that he won't look for me. In this way, he will spare a large portion of his energy and manpower to find me, and you will be much safer!

    After hearing this, I felt a little apologetic in my heart.

    How could I, Zhao Long, be able to come up with such a rotten idea just for my sake!

    But although she was smart, she was also smart. Would the old cunning fox, Fu Shikun, believe the 'kidnapping' she planned?


    Fu Shengbing saw that I was silent, and then said: Lao Zhao, how is it? The name of this trick is -- sound attack from the east. Hehe, other than me, Fu Shengbing, who else could think of such a good idea?

    I bitterly laughed: Alright, Miss Fu, stop being narcissistic! Tell me, where are you now?

    Fu Shengbing said: Why, are you looking for me? That's great. I'm staying in a luxury hotel right now. It's so free and cool. I'm just a little lonely. Why don't you come and stay with me? That way, you'll be safer. I am willing to be your hostage at any time. And we, in the hotel -- hehe, we eat and dance together, we watch TV, we make love together --

    Fu Shengbing paused for a moment, and a layer of goosebumps immediately appeared on my body. I angrily shouted at Fu Shengbing: Girl, can you be a bit more reserved? Who would dare to marry someone like you in the future?

    Fu Shengbing laughed out loud: Lao Zhao, you wrongly accused me! You didn't hear what I said. I mean we made love together — doing things we love to do.

    I was ashamed, but I didn't have the courage to say anything other than a wry smile.

    Meeting Fu Shengbing in this life is really the 'fortune' that I cultivated in my previous life!!

    But I didn't have time to listen to Fu Shengbing flirt around anymore, so I quickly said to her: Sacred Ice, stop messing around, okay? Listen to me and come home and stay.

    Fu Shengbing repeatedly said. I'm fine here!

    I reprimanded her, You are fine, but your sister is at home crying for you!

    Fu Shengbing replied: As a child, crying is healthier. Hehe, looks like that little girl Sheng Yi is quite human after all!

    I looked at the time on the carriage and saw that there were only five minutes left to the scheduled meeting time, so I hurriedly said to Fu Shengbing: You better take care of yourself, stop messing around, when that time comes, no one will clean your ass!

    Then he hung up.

    I composed myself, steeled my heart, and drove the Honda Car towards the front door of the Xin Yuan Tea House.

    I still felt a little apprehensive about going alone.

    After all, what I'm going to face is a crucial big shot. What I'm going to do is even more important …

    To be more precise, the distance he had traveled to Xinyuan Teahouse after getting off the car was only a dozen or so meters. I walked for an hour, trying to figure out what the mysterious Mr. Chen looked like and what role he played.

    I suddenly remembered a person — — Eyebrow.

    In the past, when Jin Ling and I spent at the Your ladyship's Leisure Center, we met the Eyebrow. She was a very haughty and powerful woman, and her entire body was permeated with a condescending aura. And that Eyebrow should undoubtedly be this Sir Chen's wife.

    While I was thinking, I was already in front of the Xin Yuan Tea House, and Qiao Ling, who was observing me from afar, saw me, took two steps forward and grabbed my hand.

    Qiao Ling laughed: Senior Brother, you are so punctual, there are still three minutes left. This is the first time that our Mr. Chen has been waiting for someone else. After saying that, the girl took the opportunity to remain silent. She leaned forward and whispered, Our Mr. Chen has given you his' first time '.

    Just as I was about to speak, I saw a few black-clothed men who had been wandering around the entrance of the building all this time. One of them asked Qiao Ling: Instructor Qiao, is this the person Mr. Chen wants to meet — — Mr. Zhao?

    Qiao Ling appeared to be particularly domineering in front of these black-clothed men, and berated them: Hurry up and greet Mr. Zhao!

    These people were quite obedient. They all revealed passionate smiles, and from a dozen 'bitter faces' to a dozen wisps of spring warmth, they began to flatter each other. Amongst them, a man dressed in black spoke in an even more astonishing manner: Mr. Zhao is indeed a talented youth, no wonder they were able to make Mr. Chen come out personally …

    He sounded like a sycophant!

    Qiao Ling turned and scolded him, Don't hit me, don't hit me! Mr. Zhao doesn't buy into this.

    The man in black, who was flattering me, smiled awkwardly and reached out a hand to shake mine.

    Qiao Ling slapped his hand with a palm, and cursed again: Tch! Who do you think you are! Mr. Zhao's hand can be held so easily?

    I blushed a little and had no choice but to withdraw my hand that I was prepared to shake. I smiled at the man dressed in black clothes who looked like a smelly sock being reprimanded by Qiao Ling, as a form of courtesy.

    Qiao Ling turned to me and said: Let's go, senior brother. Mr Chen is in the Ju Yi Hall on the second floor.

    I nodded.

    Before nearing the teahouse, Qiao Ling still bluffed and told the black clothed men, Watch closely and don't mess around. Today's meeting is very important, no one is allowed to enter, understand?

    All the black-clothed fierce men said in unison, Understood!

    After that, under Qiao Ling's guidance, we entered the teahouse. When we climbed the stairs, Qiao Ling burst out laughing and flaunted at me: How is it, is your prestige alright?

    I nodded perfunctorily. I didn't expect you to be so fierce.

    Qiao Ling asked: Vicious? Senior brother, you can't not see that, right? Junior sister is clearing the obstacles for you, helping you gain prestige! If I don't kill the prestige of those people outside, when you join Sky Dragon, they will bully you like you are a newbie. Everyone is like this now, no matter how hard they try, they won't give in. "

    I said gratefully, Thank you. What are those people? Are they the security guards of the TIANLOON SECURITY CO. LTD?

    Qiao Ling said: "In the TIANLOON CO. LTD, not all of them are security. These belong to the Secret Service. They are the company's most popular people. Aside from us four instructors, they are next. Under normal circumstances, when Big Star came to Beijing to attend some activities, it would be these people who came out. Those ten over guys from just now, they had all been there before — for example, Zhao Benshan, Cheng Long, Liu Dehua, Dawn, Zhang Baizhi, and so on. They had all been there as bodyguards when they came to Beijing. He is the one who wanted to shake your hand just now, the one who was Liu Dehua's bodyguard for two years before, Heavenly King Liu had often learned a few moves from him.

    I asked in astonishment, It's that powerful?

    Qiao Ling replied: What's so great about that? It's just that one thing! Compared to your Junior Sister, they are still far from being able to compare. "

    I smiled and didn't say anything more, but I started to think.

    When we reached the entrance of the Convergence Hall, Qiao Ling and I halted our steps, and my heart suddenly started beating even faster.

    Qiao Ling placed her ear close to the door and listened for two seconds. Then, she stood up, used her right middle finger to knock on the door lightly, and said to the inside: Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhao is here.

    A deep male voice could be heard from inside: Come in.

    Only then did Qiao Ling pull my arm, and say to me while nodding: Come, let's go in senior brother.

    I nodded slightly and followed Qiao Ling in. I pushed open the door and walked in.

    Sitting on the north side of the tea table was a middle-aged man in his forties who was lightly slashing the lid of his teacup against the edge of his teacup. The steam of the tea was rising from the cup, and with a glance, I could tell that this man's middle finger was wearing a very beautiful jade thumb ring.

    Behind the middle-aged man were two fierce men in black suits. They looked extraordinary, and their eyes glittered brightly.

    Looking at this middle-aged man, he did not look like a fierce person. On the contrary, he looked like a scholar. However, there was no doubt that he exuded the demeanor of a powerful general. Just a slight expression was enough to cause others to feel reverence for him. To a certain extent, this middle-aged man looked a bit like Hong Kong movie star Dillon, but he was probably a bit taller than Dillon.

    Qiao Ling didn't miss an opportunity and slightly waved her hand towards the middle-aged man, and said respectfully: Mr. Chen, this is Mr. Zhao.

    I also gave a slight nod to the high and mighty Mr. Chen to show my respect. Hello, Mr. Chen.

    Mr. Chen slightly raised his head and looked at me, and actually stood up. He stretched out his hand and said in a very gentle yet terrifying manner, Mr. Zhao, I am glad that you are able to show me your face.

    I immediately replied politely, Mr. Chen, you're too kind! It's an honor to meet you. "

    I thought Mr. Chen was holding out a hand to ask me to sit down. Because I don't think a big shot like him would shake hands with us, the nameless ones. Just like how Qiao Ling reprimanded those black clothed men just now — I am also not qualified to shake hands with such a great character.

    Until Qiao Ling whispered in my ear, Senior Brother, shake hands, shake hands, Mr. Chen wants to shake hands with you.

    Her voice was so thin I could barely hear it.

    Embarrassed, I leaned forward and tried to shake hands with Mr. Chen.

    This Mister Chen is truly worthy of being an almighty being. He was able to see through my inner world with a single glance, and lightly clapped with my hand, then smiled and said: Mr. Zhao, today you are a little lacking in confidence.

    My heart started pounding. He can tell?

    But I still humbly replied, Thank you for your guidance, Mr. Chen. I will definitely engrave it in my heart.

    Mr. Chen chuckled and sat back down. He took the teacup lid and started tapping it lightly on the edge of the teacup.

    I sat down across from Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen suddenly said, Hurry and make tea for the Mr. Zhao!

    The man in black behind Mr. Chen took a step forward, then took out a handkerchief from his pocket and carefully peeled it open. Only after he had peeled it thoroughly for a while did the items inside reveal their mysterious appearance.

    Unknowingly, a trace of cold sweat appeared on my face. Why do I feel that this atmosphere is especially solemn? Besides, this Mr. Chen was acting very strangely. He instructed his men to make me a cup of tea, while his men opened a flowered cloth bag. There was no tea inside the cloth bag, only a few small leaves that looked like willow leaves. Besides, the work of brewing tea should be done by the waiters in the teahouse. Mr. Chen's bodyguard, why did he take out these 'Willow Leaf' for?


    Could it be that this willow leaf-shaped thing is what Mr. Chen meant by tea leaves?

    Despite my confusion, I tried to keep my emotions calm, even calmer.

    But in fact, I could already feel the tension in the air, and I even felt like I was talking to the mafia lord in the movie, who was repeating the unthinkable.

    Mr. Chen's subordinate started to get busy, but Mr. Chen did not miss the opportunity and smiled at me: Mr. Zhao, try the limited edition 'Red Cliff Tea'. Don't look at it, it's only the size of a leaf, but this piece of the Red Cliff Tea is able to brew ten cups of wine, one cup is more delicious than the other, the fragrance is pleasant.

    I was stunned for a moment. I've heard that there are limited edition cars, limited edition watches and AV bags, but I've never heard that there are limited edition tea leaves!

    Was it all in the universe, or was this Mr. Chen deliberately mystifying?

    However, why do I feel that the name 'Red Cliff Tea'

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