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Endomorph Diet: The Modern, Scientific, and Sustainable Approach to Achieve Your Long-Term Fitness Goals
Endomorph Diet: The Modern, Scientific, and Sustainable Approach to Achieve Your Long-Term Fitness Goals
Endomorph Diet: The Modern, Scientific, and Sustainable Approach to Achieve Your Long-Term Fitness Goals
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Endomorph Diet: The Modern, Scientific, and Sustainable Approach to Achieve Your Long-Term Fitness Goals

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About this ebook

Modern, Scientific, Sustainable - The right approach on how to conquer the endomorph body type and keep your results for a lifetime!

One crash diet and fitness program after another lead to one failure after another. That's the journey I've been on for most of my college years. One day I decided it was enough, no more crash diets, no more listening to weird advice from so-called experts. I decided to educate myself and trust science. The truth I discovered was mind-boggling. All this time I was using wrong methods and was listening to lies all designed to work against my endomorph body type. However, once I discovered the truth and witnessed sustainable improvement over the years, fitness has never been easier. The same could happen to you.

If you want to discover how to get lean and stay that way even if you are predisposed to put on weight extremely fast, then this book gives you the real truth. Inside this book you will discover:

  • The myths surrounding weight loss and muscle gain that keep you in an endless loop of crash diets and unnecessary failures.
  • Long-term dieting options from which you can choose, depending on your lifestyle and preferences.
  • The truth about cash-grabbing diet plans and how you can create your own long-term healthy eating habits.
  • Myths about fitness and exercising that make it clear why so many people fail when trying to obtain their dream body.
  • The truth about workout routines and how clear everything becomes after you trim out all the nonsense.
  • Myths about supplements and how you can use them in the way they were intended - for supplementation (you'd be surprised how many people get this wrong).
  • How sleep impacts your health and fitness and how you can get the most out of every slumber.
  • A bonus method you can include in your fitness life to accelerate your results and take total control over your nutrition.
  • The essential mindset you need to have in order to achieve long-term sustainable success.

Will you get results overnight?

No, but the results you get will be sustainable for the rest of your life.

Does the journey require dedication and hard work?

Definitely, but nothing good ever came out of laziness and the fact that right now you are willing to educate yourself on this subject means that you have what it takes.

Let me be clear, this book does not mislead you with "lose weight quickly and gain muscle yesterday" schemes but offers scientific knowledge in such a way that everyone can understand it. Regardless of your age or how experienced you are in the fitness world, you can start on the right path (and stay on it for the rest of your life) by discovering the truth about your body type, about nutrition, exercise and everything you need to make it in the modern fitness world.

If you want to say goodbye to those short-term crash diets -- forever -- and finally take charge of your health and body then scroll up and Order Now! The journey towards your dream body is one click away!

Release dateNov 19, 2019

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Book is totally wrong. It has no scientific evidence and has no plan, nothing that can help you change your lifestyle. Worst 20 min in my life.

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Endomorph Diet - Shawn Mack


We would all like to lose a little weight and put on some muscle, wouldn’t we? Looking at how many books, articles, magazines, fitness trainers and videos there are on the topic of fitness, it is easy to answer that question with a resounding yes. But how many times have you begun on a new fad diet or exercise routine that promised to change your life seemingly overnight, only to find yourself back where you started and feeling defeated? If you have had this experience, you may have found yourself wondering if fitness wasn’t for you? Maybe it’s just one of those things that others do and you dream of?

It is easy to misidentify the problem we have in reaching our goals and believe that the fault lies at our feet. But we are all, each and every one of us, capable of making positive changes to our physical health and our level of fitness. The fault lies squarely with those that promise the fitness journey will be easy, or that there is a one-size-fits-all approach to dieting and exercise, which ignores the very simple fact that each of our bodies is different. It would be wonderful if this was true. But, alas, this is false advertising. The truth is that it takes effort, commitment, and knowledge in order to create a lasting change.

In this book, we are going to be focusing on building meaningful, long-lasting habits so that those of us with an endomorph body type will be able to conquer our fitness goals and develop life lasting change. Through developing well structured and scientifically sound habits, we will stack the deck in our fitness favor so that we can approach our dieting and exercise plans with new confidence built on sound principles. Instead of filling your brain with misguided myths about fitness and weight loss, this book will bust open some of the most common lies about weight loss, dieting, and exercise, and use concrete truths to give you the tools you need to truly change your body.

Without a proper fitness plan, you will always be more likely to fail than to succeed. According to data collected by the International Health, Racquet, and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), 10.8% of gym memberships are begun in January. These members are fresh off their New Year's resolutions. However, by February as many as 80% have fallen off the wagon and reverted to old, unhealthy habits. With this book, I want to help you land within that 20% of people that keeps going and sees their fitness goals achieved.

But, what if I don’t have the time? Have you ever caught yourself asking this in regards to dieting and exercise? It is one of the most common excuses, one that often prevents us from even getting started on our fitness goals. Unfortunately, the idea of not having time is one of the biggest fallacies we have invented. Are you busier than Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi? She has combined exercise with her busy schedule by using a 45-minute power walk to plan out her day. What about Condoleezza Rice? This former Secretary of State fit 40 minutes of cardio work into her daily schedule.

In his book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, author Daniel Kahneman combined his interests in behavioral economics and psychology to explore how our brain tends to think in two systems. He labeled these systems as the fast system and the slow system and together these two systems help explain why we throw so many mental roadblocks in the way of our fitness journey. Our brains do not like to begin new tasks - tasks that require an upfront mental energy cost and the use of our slow system - therefore, the fast system jumps in to provide us with reasons why we can’t succeed. However, if we base our fitness journey around solid, scientifically proven information and habits, we provide ourselves a better perspective from which to overcome the struggles we face and our own lethargy. Even better is that once we make it through our initial hardships, we will walk away with the habits and knowledge necessary for a lifelong fitness routine. Not only that but a fitness routine that comes to feel effortless over time.

Ultimately, that is my goal with this book. It is my absolute belief that by using the knowledge found within the following chapters you will be able to develop the tools you need to take your fitness into your own hands and achieve a new routine that shows you results. Furthermore, I believe that once you see those results for yourself, you will want to carry them forward with you throughout the rest of your life. But remember, this is your journey and no one can take the steps needed except for you. The longer you wait to begin taking control of your fitness experience, the harder it will be to get going. We must fight against our personal level of homeostasis, and the longer we wait to take up that challenge the harder we must work to achieve the same results. The action you take must come from you alone. But if you want to set yourself up for success, then you need grounded, scientific knowledge of the kind contained herein.

This book has been laid out to have two key sections. The first section is made up of chapters one through four and is designed to provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge from which the remaining chapters will branch off of and built upon. We will first explore what we mean when we refer to the different body types a person can have. From there we will tackle myths about weight loss, the three most important tools we have with us on this adventure, and, finally, how we can build a long term mindset that props us up for success. Chapter Five will bring us into the second section of the book and from there we will cover dieting options, tools like counting macros and supplements, exercising, and healthy sleep habits. I am confident that with the knowledge you gain herein, used consistently, you will be able to crush your goals and take control of your health. So, why wait any longer and risk it being any more challenging?

It’s time to take the first step and gain control over your physical fitness.

Chapter One:  What is the Endomorph Body Type?

One of the key points you’ll come to appreciate throughout this book is that each and every one of us is unique. This means that we need to match ourselves to the diet and workout plan that is right for us. In order to do this, we need to figure out what type of body we have. When we say body type we don’t just mean male-female, big-small. We’re actually talking about body types as introduced by W.H. Sheldon in the 1940s: ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic bodies.

In this chapter, we will be looking at each of these body types to understand what each of them is and gain a generalized understanding of how their fitness plans typically differ. We will also explore what we mean when we refer to an in-betweener body type, which combines elements of the other three. We’ll close out the chapter with a look at how to figure out what type of body you have. Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think.


People that fall into the category of ectomorph tend to have lean bodies, often on the thin side of the spectrum. Ectomorphs often have longer limbs and small muscle bellies compared to the other two types. Typically, ectomorphs struggle when it comes to gaining body mass, either fat or muscle. Because of this, ectomorphs have to eat and eat and eat just an absolute ton of food if they want to gain weight.

Ectomorphs are still able to gain a lot of muscle, though they will often look far smaller than they actually are. A good way of thinking about it is to consider a featherweight boxer or fighter. These athletes look quite tiny, especially compared to a heavyweight, but they pack a massive amount of force in every punch. Just because the package is small doesn’t mean it is any less healthy than the other body types and their small frames deceptively hide their true potential. If they were a video game character, the ectomorph would fall within the rogue class.

Typically, diets and exercise advice for ectomorphs recommend eating a ton of protein and carbs to help with weight gain. It is also advised that the ectomorph should put more of a focus on strength training rather than cardio so as to focus on gains.


People with a mesomorphic body exist in that middle ground between ectomorph and endomorph and could be considered to have the best of both categories. Mesomorphs tend to have broad shoulders but a narrow waist and round muscle bellies.

Because mesomorphs have a natural tendency towards staying fit and healthy, they often are able to come back

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