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Wish: A Christmas Tale
Wish: A Christmas Tale
Wish: A Christmas Tale
Ebook34 pages29 minutes

Wish: A Christmas Tale

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A Christmas short story, Beth Myers wished for one thing for Christmas, her boyfriend to come home from Afghanistan for Christmas. But she knew that wish was not possible. It was hard having a boyfriend so far away all the time. But her parents told her that learning to be patient was hard thing and she better get used to it.. Trying to take her mind off Joe, she got involved in the Christmas Parade.

PublisherRita Hestand
Release dateNov 16, 2019
Wish: A Christmas Tale

Rita Hestand

Hi friendsI'd like to ask a favor, not just for me but for all writers. PLease when we offer a free book, it would be wonderful if you'd take the time to rate the book. This doesn't take much time out of your day and authors really apreciate your time to do this. I know not everyone wants to sit down and write a review, but rating the book will help as well. And a big thanks to all who do this. You never know how much an author appreciates you taking the time to do this.I finally finished The Car Stalker. Hope you'll check it out. This is the second book in the stalker series. Like I said mystery is much different from romance all though there are elements in romance in my stalker books too. Today I finished an another book in my series of Vets coming home, Better Every Day. This book takes the angle of when family interrupts your plans. When a one-night stand is much more. I love this story as it hits home. So two new books out now and more coming.I'm taking the time to write while confined at home. But lack of seeing people outside, and living alone all the time is not new to me. I've got lots of stories to tell so be on the lookout for my newest releases. You might check out my Searchin g for You Indian romance on Amazon too.There are several new free books for you enjoyment, since your stuck at home. Home you enjoy them.As for a bio, suffice it to say, I'm a Texan tried and true. I have grown children and grandchildren and already some great-grandchildren. I've done multi jobs in my lifetime giving me a variety of experiences to write and talk about. I've done many different kinds of work from Texas Instruments, to City of Garland, to working for the Wylie Independent School District. I've worked for a hat factory, filing insurance claims, secretarial work, to waitress work. My writing reflects my varied background. Another note I've had a in home day care for twenty years too. So when I write about something I have a general knowledge of it too, which is a real bonus for me. Just like my public work, my writing varies too from contemporary to historical, I write romance, thrillers, children's. A lot of people might say gee, that's a lot of different jobs, and it is, but, I've learned from them all, and I use that experience in my writing.I want to thank all the readers over a length of time that have tried some of my books. I hope I've enlightened and entertained you. I hope I've shared some love in this world. Sharing love can't be bad, it's God given.God bless.Other places to see my books

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    Book preview

    Wish - Rita Hestand

    Wish: A Christmas Tale

    (a short Christmas Short Story)

    By Rita Hestand

    Copyright © 2019 by: Rita Hestand

    All Rights Reserved

    ISBN # 9780463257456

    Cover Design: Dazed Designs

    This book Wish: A Christmas Tale is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without express written permission of the author. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy or copies. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Wish: A Christmas Tale is a work of fiction. Though some of the cities and towns actually exist they are used in a fictitious manner for purposes of this work. All characters are works of fiction and any names or characteristics similar to any person past, present or future are coincidental.

    Chapter One

    God, I wish you'd let Joe come home for Christmas. Beth Myers prayed as she sat in the lunchroom. She was between classes right now and waiting to hear if she'd be in the Christmas Parade this year. It was one of the few things she was looking forward to. Her performance on the drill team was fantastic and she hoped she'd be involved with the Parade events. After all it was the last parade she'd actually be in as she was a senior at Wylie High School. She knew it would take her mind off her real troubles.

    She'd learned early on when Joe Gilmer deployed that she'd need a lot of activities to keep her mind off of him. He probably wouldn't get a leave until sometime next spring. She'd dated Joe since he invited her to his senior prom. From then on, they dated and when he graduated, she'd been there to watch him walk across the stage. But she had no idea he'd enlist in the marines. But she had two years left of school at the time and most of that time would be spent without Joe around.

    Still Joe had written to her faithfully and called when he could. He was anxious to hear how everything was back home. She'd kept up with all his friends. And he'd sent pics on the phone of all his

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