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Prom Kings
Prom Kings
Prom Kings
Ebook141 pages2 hours

Prom Kings

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About this ebook

This is the story of how a boy went straight to gay, fell in love with a misfit and how they became prom kings.

Hunter is the All-American Boy. He's the quarterback of the football team and the most popular guy at school. His body is hard and athletic, but he doesn't understand his own heart.

He has a beautiful girlfriend and his life seems perfect to everyone else, but he wants more.

Hunter wasn't counting on the blue-haired temptation who would show him what love is all about.

Billie Jay is a British punk rocker and leader of the band Blue Haired Jesus. Hunter is about to become their lead singer.

The boys experience a night of forbidden love, and Hunter discovers a side of himself he didn't know existed.

He's barely legal, and his small town isn't ready to accept his bisexuality.

Hunter's girlfriend exposes him to everyone at school  and starts a war. Will love conquer all or will hatred and prejudice triumph?

Hunter will do anything to protect this new love, even if it means having his entire world turned upside down.

As Hunter rebels for his love and fights for his happy ending, he experiences homophobia and has to deal with the death of someone he loves.

Music, love, sex, and heartbreak collide in this explosive romance coming of age story.

This is a gay spin on the classic Romeo and Juliet story.

How far would you go for love?

Would you risk your reputation for happily ever after?

This is what happens when two boys from opposite worlds discover what love can do.

Warning: contains Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Roll.

PublisherJustine Cox
Release dateNov 21, 2019
Prom Kings

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    Prom Kings - Justine Cox

    Caught By The Tongue

    Billie Jay was a god.

    Reasons to love him: his hair was blue, like the night sky. His skin was soft it felt like home. He was a rock star, and all his songs were about me. Love came to me in the form of a boy.

    When a special person enters your life, they color everything with the colors of their rainbow. And everything came back to Billie.

    When I walked out of my house he was waiting to give me a ride to school. I didn’t even need to ask. And I saw him in the halls at school. And I saw him after school. And I saw him in my dreams. And sometimes he slept in my bed. Those were the best times.

    Sometimes I thought he was the devil, and that he had come up to earth just to tempt me. But that was just a theory.

    I craved more of him, the moments we spent together were the best times of my life. I missed everything we lived together. Even the fighting. Even when he said things that hurt me so much, they made me want to die.

    Yeah, it was kind of an abusive relationship but in a good way. The kind of abuse that leads to intense lovemaking against the wall. The kind of fights that leave a mark on your back, his nails were sharp so he could play his guitar.

    His eyes were wild. His voice was warm and he said things that made me feel bulletproof. But most of all, he loved me back. At night, I dreamt of him. During the day, all I thought about was Billy. I spent nights awake thinking about that blue-haired boy.

    My love was a prison, and I didn’t want to escape. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't think, not about anything but my man. I sacrificed for him, and he saved my life in return. Looking at Billie made my mouth water. It was the kind of powerful passion you never recover from. His kisses were unforgettable.

    My love was my redemption. Billy was the beginning of my new life. A better life. With new colors and a newfound willingness to explore the world. And to understand the darkest parts of myself.

    I saw it in movies, I heard all about it in my favorite music, I read it in books, but before him, I had never felt it. I was about to learn how wild it can get. Until my Blue Haired Jesus, love was but a word, until it became... everything.

    Billie’s love was like chocolate, sweet and addictive.

    When night came, and I was all alone in my room, I thought of him and I felt broken. Because he wasn’t there, I felt empty. When we were together again, it's like I came back from the dead. It was a beautiful resurrection. All thanks to my Blue Haired Jesus.

    His love was illegal. His eyes reflecting the morning light were life-threatening. He was beautiful, but above it all he was a rebel. And when the world came between us it only made us stronger. Our love rang louder above the noise. And everyone hated us for it. They couldn’t understand why I wanted him.

    I was a soldier in the midst of chaos, there was a war raging in that small town. Everyone tried to put doubt in our hearts, but love destroys hate. A story about love is always worth sharing, and I wanted everyone to know about us. I didn’t mind if they stared at us when we kissed.

    Whatever they said about two boys discovering an explosive passion, it was nothing compared to what we had. We all have our secrets, who were they to point the finger? Who were they to define what love's supposed to look like?

    If the world couldn’t understand us that was the price I had to pay for experiencing our passion.

    It started innocent, it always does. I never saw love coming. I didn’t plan on falling in love on a Sunday night. I didn’t plan on becoming obsessed with another boy.

    I thought I was straight, then how did I end up with a guy's tongue in my mouth and his hand under my shirt?

    Dangerous thoughts raced through my mind as we experienced each other’s mouths. I lost myself in his touch, I went insane as I smelled his skin. I had never felt anything like it. Had I spent my entire life feeling lonely and didn’t even realize it?

    It wasn’t just a kiss, it was pure temptation, making me want to do things I had never done before.

    Holy shit! As I grabbed his nipple and realized it's pierced, a million thoughts went through my head. I knew it was dangerous, so my heart was going faster than my Porsche ever could.

    I knew I could get caught, but mostly I couldn't understand why he was getting my motor going faster than my girlfriend ever did.

    The more I tasted his mouth, the more I wanted to. His fingers explored my skin, and I wanted to scream with excitement.

    He whispered his name in my ear. I’m Billie Jay, he let out a laugh, we both knew how ridiculous this situation was. I’m Hunter, I answered.

    All it took was one look, I had noticed him in his skinny jeans and the next thing I know we’re dancing. I don’t know if anybody noticed, at the time I didn’t notice anybody but him. I had never danced with a boy before.

    As we danced he was practically rubbing himself against me. OK, to be perfectly honest, he was grinding on me.

    We walked upstairs to my bedroom and he took a sip of my Budweiser. I told him: I’ve never done this before

    He put his hand under my shirt. He felt the muscle I had cultivated with years of football practice and thousands of hours spent at the gym. He seemed to love my body, he was completely out of breath. It was pretty hard for me to breathe, too.

    He left his fingerprints on me as he touched my body. He smiled and made a silly joke. What, you’re telling me you’ve never kissed before? I rolled my eyes and answered: No. I’ve never kissed a guy.

    He kissed me again, his tongue circling my tongue, it felt like a nuclear explosion. And it felt like an implosion at the same time. This was wrong, and I knew it, and maybe that’s what I liked about it.

    I was risking everything for a kiss.

    What am I doing, I thought to myself.

    My girlfriend’s waiting for me downstairs, I told him, he answered by taking off my shirt. I don’t wanna hear about your girlfriend, just kiss me!

    His accent was strange, but I didn’t bother to ask him about it. 

    Hell, I had never been into a guy before, let alone shove my tongue up a boy’s throat. This was not only strange, but it was also extremely forbidden.

    I didn’t know anything about that boy. All I knew was how much I loved feeling his body against mine, feeling his delicious lips pressed to mine.

    It was the kind of impulsive act that could ruin your entire reputation. If my parents knew I had let a boy shove his tongue up my mouth, they would literally kill me. I’m talking full-blown murder. And that made my heart pump blood even faster. The blood went to strange territories.

    There I was, 18 years old, my whole life ahead of me, and apparently I didn’t know a thing about my own sexuality.

    My one mistake was kissing him. Once I kissed him for the first time, there was no stopping it. Nature took its course, it made me want him, and it was a never-ending cycle of desire. I was about to fall in love, and I didn’t even know it.

    The blue-haired boy tried to unbuckle my belt, I grabbed his hand and grind my teeth. This was like playing Russian Roulette with a loaded gun.

    If he kept touching me I would lose control of my own body. Slow down... I said, but I wasn’t sure if I didn’t want it. I was unsure about a lot of things. I didn’t even know a boy could touch another boy like that.

    Come on, relax, he said and then grabbed my butt. I felt like I was on a fast train, and now I was regretting the destination. And I had no way of getting off.

    I definitely couldn’t let him touch me there. If he did touch me there, something new would begin, and I knew I would get addicted to his touch. His kiss already felt better than my girlfriend’s. I imagined the nasty things he could do to me if I let him touch me on the danger zone.

    He tried putting his hand down the back of my pants. That did it for me, I pushed him away and took a deep breath. He stood there, his beautiful green eyes shining in the near dark. My God, why was I so attracted to that blue-haired stranger?

    Did I really not know my own desire? Why had I never felt like that before? Why hadn’t I realized boys could turn me on until Billie touched me like that?

    The window was open and the moonlight was pouring into the room, it would have been perfectly romantic, but I was somewhat terrified.

    Boys weren’t supposed to turn me on.

    This was not how my night was supposed to go. I should’ve been downstairs dancing with my beautiful girlfriend, and not locked in my room with a strange blue-haired boy.

    Time stopped. I licked my lips. I couldn’t stop looking at his face. It might have lasted seconds, it might have lasted hours, I lost track of time.

    I kept staring at him, both of us silent. He stared back. And what a stare. I had never seen a boy like him before. I had never looked into eyes so intense. They were like staring at the sun.

    All the guys at my school looked the same. But this guy, Billie Jay, he was different. There was something about him. It was like he could read my thoughts. We had this telepathic conversation and naughty things were said. What was inside him was inside of me. We were similar, but also and completely different.

    His hair was blue, which was the first thing I noticed about him. His jawline was sharp and he had killer cheekbones. He was a perfect mix of masculine and feminine. And his lips, damn! His lips did me in. They were like perfectly fluffy pillows, and when I kissed him it was like I was lying in bed after a brutal day.

    He was skinny and his nose pierced. Tattoos covered his arms. I would someday memorize every single one of his tats, but at the time they were like a blur, a perfect mosaic of something forbidden.

    His skin was endless and I wanted to explore it. He seemed designed to draw me in, and his eyes made me look at myself in a completely new way. How could I know so little about someone, yet feel like I had known him my entire existence?

    I could smell his cologne all over me. He smelled intoxicating. I considered the word fate for the first time. We were supposed to meet, we were supposed to fall in love.

    He was made to drive me crazy. To make me see myself in a new light. I didn’t know it, but the universe was conspiring in our favour. We were about to become a surreal tale of passion. Our love would become the stuff of legend in that small town.

    He slowly made his way to me, he knew that if he made his move too fast I would get spooked. He was like a lioness analysing her prey. And he had already noticed, he was my Achilles heel.

    He put his hand on my chest. He bit my earlobe in such a soft way that I could feel my whole body trembling. I was petrified of

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