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Side Chicks Strike Back Bundle
Side Chicks Strike Back Bundle
Side Chicks Strike Back Bundle
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Side Chicks Strike Back Bundle

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About this ebook

This super adult urban erotic bundle contains the following 3 stories:

My Secret White Baby

Nikki's boyfriend Jordan is taking her for granted in a real way - she's lucky if she can get a word out of him, let alone some love and affection. So when her girl comes to visit, why shouldn't she hit up the club? Her innocent intentions don't mean much when Jake, the owner of the club, spots her on the dance-floor and decides he likes what he sees. Nikki has no plans to cheat, that is, until she gets a text from her friend with a picture of Jordan getting into some ho's car. A night of drunken, unprotected passion in the VIP is just the start for Nikki though, when a few weeks later she takes a pregnancy test only to find out that's pregnant with Jake's baby!


Monica and Nicki were friends since high school, that is, until Monica finds out Nicki has been spreading lies about her to everyone she knows, to the point where Monica’s reputation is destroyed. With nothing to lose, Monica decides that if Nicki is going to talk shit about her, she’s going to give her something real to talk about. She decides to get back at Nicki in a way that she’ll never forget – by seducing her man!  This is a story of anger, revenge, and passionate sex.


When Alexus meets up with her friend Desiree to go see their favorite new rapper, C-Rock, she swears to herself that she's going to finally let loose for once. Little does she know just how loose she'll get when she is called up on stage for a twerking competition, and finds herself grinding on C-Rock in front of hundreds of people! She loses Desiree, and her morals as she kicks it backstage with C-Rock and finds herself doing things that good girls don't do!

Release dateNov 23, 2019
Side Chicks Strike Back Bundle

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    Book preview

    Side Chicks Strike Back Bundle - Aaliyah Jackson



    y Secret White Baby

    Aaliyah Jackson

    You’re not going, Jordan stated forcefully.

    Nikki closed her eyes and tightened her lips together to hold in the harsh reply that almost came out, but her annoyance welled up.

    Look, she told her boyfriend. This is the first time Cassie has been home in months and I’m not going to stand her up. All we’re going to do is have a few drinks and catch up on news.

    So why do you have to go to a club to do that? he shot back.

    A sigh of exasperation did come out this time before Nikki answered.

    She invited me out Jordan, she told him. It was her favorite place for a night out when she lived here, so I guess she just wants to have some fun in an old haunt.

    Yeah, he went on and snorted. Having fun in a club by finding some men to fuck.

    Oh for crying out loud, Nikki exploded. We’re not sluts on the prowl to get laid by the first man that takes an interest. All we want to do is have a girl’s night out. What is your problem with that? It’s not like you don’t go out with your friends.

    That’s different, Jordan said sulkily.

    Nikki shook her head. It was the typical macho response of a man in a relationship that thought he could live his life any way he wanted while expecting his partner to be the dutiful little woman that sat at home waiting for him. She loved Jordan, or at least thought she did, but the fact that he treated her like shit on occasions riled her. Those occasions were become all too frequent and it made her wonder sometimes whether they really were right for each other.

    I just want to spend some time with Cassie, that’s all, she tried to reassure him. It was the truth and she was looking forward to seeing her friend.

    Oh well don’t bother about me then, he said in an aggrieved tone. I’ll go out too then.

    Jordan, c’mon, she said despairingly when he got up and walked out the living room.

    Nikki heard the door of the apartment slam shut and let out a long sigh.

    Fucking men, she cursed.

    For a second or two she considered going after him, but she’d done nothing wrong and didn’t see why she should be the one to do the chasing. A glance at her watch showed it was almost ten minutes after eight and there was no time to worry about Jordan if she was going to meet Cassie by nine. She resolved to make it up with her boyfriend when she got home later and tried to put their argument out of her mind.

    Moving through to the bedroom, she checked her appearance in the dressing table mirror. She turned her head from side to side then stroked her fingers across her dark brown skin. The only thing she hadn’t finished before her preparations were so rudely interrupted by Jordan was her lipstick. When she finished coating her mouth with the vivid red she smiled. It was a while since she’d really dressed up for a night out and she liked the glamorous appearance she’d created.

    She brushed her hair then smoothed down her skirt when she got to her feet. The mid-thigh length meant much of her pretty legs were on show. Along with her butt, she thought they were her most impressive feature and she suspected she would get plenty of admiring looks from men that evening.

    Well..., looking is all they’ll get to do, she said out loud and laughed.

    She picked her bag up from the bed and headed for the front door. The photo of her and Jordan at the beach caught her attention and brought her boyfriend back to mind. She let out a sigh and shook her head at how they parted ways only a few minutes before. The curse about his attitude played on her lips, but she held it in. Her intention now was just to enjoy a fun night out with her friend and she set her mind to that as she left the apartment.

    The taxi ride to the club got her there just before nine. The arrangements were to meet at the front of the place rather than trying to find each other inside and when she stepped out of the vehicle to the sidewalk, Nikki scanned the crowd of waiting people. The smile of her friend was as pretty as ever and she held out her arms as Cassie walked up to her.

    You look great, Nikki said before they hugged.

    So do you girl, Cassie replied as they moved apart. Jordan is a lucky man.

    You should tell him that, Nikki joked. What about you? Are the men still falling at your feet?

    Oh yeah, Cassie answered. Come on and I’ll show you.

    Nikki laughed as they linked arms and walked to the back of the short line. It only took a few minutes for them to get to the front and they paid their money to enter the club. The thump of bass surrounded them as the loud music pounded.

    Just like I remember, Cassie shouted above the noise.

    Let’s get a drink Nikki encouraged her and they walked over to the bar.

    It was busy, but not overly crowded and they managed to grab a couple of free stools at the counter. Cassie caught the attention of the barman and they ordered a couple of glasses of wine to get the evening underway.

    So..., are you glad to be back at your old stomping ground? Nikki teased her friend.

    Sure, Cassie shot back and laughed. I enjoyed some great times in this place. Here’s to another one.

    She lifted her

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