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Ebook101 pages44 minutes


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A collection of poems written over a few years. These are often not poems, just thoughts, memories or dreams wrapped in a mystical veil of words.

- Adam Vecsey

PublisherAdam Vecsey
Release dateNov 24, 2019

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    Book preview

    Wordless - Adam Vecsey

    Drops of water

    The monolithic idols will fall one day

    and our immortality, believed to be supreme, will pass away.

    Our shell, that we cast around ourselves, will wither

    like the multitude of drops of water in winter: merge as one and whole.

    Our megapolises will be levelled to the ground, corrosion will

    devour the buildings’ skeletons like erosion breaks apart

    the skeleton of our bodies lying dormant in the ground.

    Our invisible connections will be blown out

    like they were never existent to begin with.

    The flow of blood red in our veins, it stops

    like it was stagnating to begin with.

    Brains of ours, (which has been) creating gods forever,

    will fall to the deepest of slumbers

    and your nerves will become insensible.

    You will ask yourself: ‘was there any reason for this?

    This is which I paid such a big price for?’

    You find no conclusion,

    you’re just seeking, just looking for it just like for everything else.

    You don’t even think about that the conclusion could be even yourself.

    2018-06-28 15:10


    On the sublime ignorance of humankind

    Hibernation and eugenetics.

    The humankind, playing the god,

    are seeking, pursuing the source of wisdom.

    Driven by immortality and Hedon.

    Even sacrifice the souls of their children,

    hunting a mirage time and time again.

    Astronomy and space exploration

    are worth no more than any disingenuous humbug,

    or erring in the sulphurous maze

    of the development mocked to be sustainable.

    What is the use of this all, what good does it do,

    if after Unas, we eat up our own companions?

    Blood-painted fresh lawn decorates

    the path into the light

    after our glorious and imperturbable footsteps.

    No son of man thinks about

    to doubt the unfathomable ways

    of history, science and belief.

    You are a human, yet your heart does not beat.

    But silently sits among your ribs, like a prisoner.

    You are not alone, but you don’t have any companions, either,

    This is how the many centuries of history condemned you to be.

    Lying on the spongy ground, all you will ask yourself will be:

    why did I receive such a miserable fate,

    despite all I wanted was untainted?

    Was it?

    2017-08-16 15:30

    Black rain

    Happiness lasts but for a few moments,

    therefore, you need to live it until it disappears.

    But happiness is just a condition, a state,

    when you are actually not embraced by pain.

    You have been misled! Fed by false aims,

    while watching your shameful attempts,

    the cowards, laughing to themselves, turned their backs on you

    and on all your tormented, sweat-filled hours.

    Your glory is subject to disdain for others,

    your achievements are basis for their hatred-campaign.

    If you could see in their minds, would you still want to save the world?

    Looking at them, you would want to pour black rain and start a nuclear fire!

    In their footsteps, the ground goes rotten, mildew eats the grass out of it.

    But before that, you have to chase away the blue torrent of light, the corrupted.

    You would not seek partners, only one friend would be there for you:

    the silence, where neither you, or your thoughts

    could not be heard from close or faraway

    and you could peacefully walk the empty meadows

    in a thick, silent and black downpour.

    2017-12-11 23-40


    King-blue sky is poisoned by the green grass

    flickered by scars of lavender flowers.

    Beautiful sight. Gods engage in fights

    with each other to take a look at this land.

    People are in the onsen of the nearby village.

    Women, mostly women are bathing.

    The mysterious water is crystal

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