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Rangers in Danger
Rangers in Danger
Rangers in Danger
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Rangers in Danger

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About this ebook

This is the story of Iceglacian Rangers, police officers from a fantasy realm, who find themselves on modern day Earth in pursuit of an evil wizard. They don’t understand the customs, the currency, or why magic doesn’t do what they expect it to do, but hey, there’s always time for a cheeseburger. There are scenes of violence and profanity, but also humour and honour.

Release dateNov 25, 2019
Rangers in Danger

John W Partington

I have been writing for most of my life: as a child, as a soldier, and now as an independent author. My favourite colour is purple. I have two cats, who choose to annoy me most when I am trying to write. I'm a middle aged white dude suffering from psychosis, but with medication am perfectly stable (except for singing to my cats).

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    Book preview

    Rangers in Danger - John W Partington

    Rangers In Danger

    John W Partington

    Copyright © 2019 John W Partington

    Published at Smashwords by John W Partington

    ISBN: 9781777024819

    Cover art ©">fxquadro / 123RF Stock Photo

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Acknowledgements: I would like to thank my beta reader, Cynthia Massimiliano who pointed out some plot difficulties. I would also like to thank my editors, Sylvia Melba McGee (author of 4/3 A Baby Boomer Memoir), and Gerry Kroll. They saved me from some wondrous blunders. That means they did a great job.

    Special thanks go to the Canadian Museum of Nature and Algonquin College for authorizing the use of their buildings as a setting in the story.

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    More about John W Partington

    Chapter One

    Marcus pulled uncomfortably at the neck of his shirt. He hated wearing formal clothes, but deemed it best, given the gravity of their situation. The three stood before a formal hearing to judge their competence, and possibly their lives.

    Quit fidgeting, Clarissa whispered out of the corner of her mouth. The half-elf was dressed in a flowing robe that, while simple, was elegant. No matter what Clarissa wore, she had the bearing of a queen.

    If they’re going to hang us, you might as well be comfortable, Bannor growled from the other side. The only concession the dwarf had made was removing his scale-mail armour. His axe still hung from his belt, and there were a number of knives sequestered about his person.

    It makes a good impression, Marcus replied. The three magistrates continued their private council for a while. Occasionally Clarissa smiled or frowned at what she heard with her sensitive ears.

    Is it going well? Marcus asked. His legs were getting sore. He had been standing for over an hour in a room that was gloomy and humid. Wearing a tight, high-collared shirt, he could feel a trickle of sweat running down his neck and back, to pool uncomfortably in the crack of his buttocks.

    They aren’t going to hang us, Clarissa replied, but they aren’t going to acquit us either.

    Enough, the Chief Magistrate said with a wave of his arms. Marcus Wardenvale, Bannor Olafsson, and Clarissa of Moonhaven, serious charges have been brought against you. You have heard all the evidence. What have you to say for yourselves?

    Well, Marcus started. It wasn’t really our fault.

    Bannor and Clarissa, does Marcus speak for you as well? The dwarf and half-elf both nodded their heads. What happened?

    Our patrol… Marcus started.

    A large patrol, Bannor interjected.

    Our patrol of twenty Rangers was dispatched to bring in the wizard Mondez. Seventeen of our number were wounded or killed in bringing him down, but we finally managed to bind him with anti-magic manacles. He was helpless at that point. We buried our dead and tended our wounded as best we could. Our wounded were able to travel to the nearest town on their own, so we three set out on foot for the Prison Keep. Along the way we were ambushed by trolls.

    So you let a few trolls capture the wizard? the magistrate asked.

    It was a hundred and fifty trolls in a war party, Marcus said.

    They seemed more interested in eating the wizard and us, Clarissa added.

    We took a few down with our bows, but it was hopeless. Then Mondez offered to help us in our plight. He said he had no desire to be brought to justice, but did not want to be eaten by a troll either.

    So you took off the binders? a second magistrate asked.

    It seemed the best option at the time.

    And you thought he would be honourable?

    He swore an oath to Lindros that he would come quietly, Bannor exclaimed.

    And you believed him?

    As I said, Marcus continued, it seemed the best option at the time. Mondez summoned all his arcane knowledge and turned the trolls into rabbits. Then the rabbits attacked. In the confusion Mondez opened a rift and escaped.


    One hundred and fifty vicious rabbits! Bannor exclaimed.

    While they had the bodies of rabbits, they still retained the minds of trolls, Clarissa explained.

    And why, Lady Clarissa, did you not use your spell casting to similar effect? the Magistrate asked.

    As you well know, Lord Magistrate, my talents do not lie in that area.

    It is embarrassing to say, but we were hard-pressed to defend ourselves. Marcus said.

    From rabbits? the Chief Magistrate said.

    One hundred and fifty ravenous flesh rending rabbits, Bannor said. With teeth like chisels and claws designed to dig through flesh like it was soil.

    We slew the rabbits, but not without injury. Marcus held up his hand to show that his middle finger was severed at the middle knuckle. But the rift was closing.

    So Mondez escaped, the magistrate said in a flat voice.

    But we tracked the rift!

    Where did it go?

    We don’t know.

    Was it a space rift or a time rift?

    It was neither but had qualities of both, Clarissa answered.

    There’s a simple solution, Marcus said. We’ll go into the rift and bring him back!

    Without even knowing where you will end up, the Magistrate laughed. You could find yourselves in the Nine Hells or on the other side of the moon for all you know. You certainly won’t be in Iceglacia anymore.

    If we let him escape he will come back deadlier than when he left. We have to go!

    What do you mean ‘we’? Bannor whispered. The magistrates bent their heads together and whispered so quietly that even Clarissa could not hear them.

    Very well, the Chief Magistrate announced. Your quest is approved. You shall enter the rift, bring Mondez back, or die trying. We will give you every aid we can in this. Now go, and prepare for your journey.

    Several hours later Marcus, Bannor, and Clarissa found themselves standing before a turbulent mass of swirling blue light. The centre of the mass looked like a smooth mirror that had ripples of lightning arcing across it.

    We have given you every protection we could think of, a grave looking mage announced. We have given you a considerable sum of gold and silver. Certainly, it should be enough for your needs. Perhaps the greatest gift is the language spell. You will understand fluently the first language you hear in the lands beyond the rift. The accommodation spell will allow you to adapt quickly to whatever strange customs you may encounter. The mage handed Marcus a ring that held a large sapphire. "When you have captured Mondez break the stone in the ring. The rift will reopen to bring you back here. Good luck Rangers, and Lindros be with

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