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Seeing Scarlett
Seeing Scarlett
Seeing Scarlett
Ebook216 pages3 hours

Seeing Scarlett

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Seeing is believing!

DCI Morgan was looking forward to returning to his old career in his beloved hometown. However, when he’s assigned to his first case, to question a young woman, Grace, who claims she has psychic abilities, he is more than a little sceptical!

Grace claims to have seen the murder of a woman – Scarlett, the wife of a wealthy entrepreneur – six months ago. Her murder was supposedly solved, with the culprit in prison, and the case closed, but did it really happen the way the police were led to believe?

As Grace embarks on a mission to discover the truth behind Scarlett’s death, she uncovers dark secrets, shocking revelations, and lies once buried which threaten to resurface.

A twisting and turning plot, weaved with mystery, suspense, and romance...

PublisherNC Marshall
Release dateNov 26, 2019
Seeing Scarlett

NC Marshall

NC Marshall was born and raised in the North East of England, where she still lives with her fiancé. As a keen reader, she has always wanted to write a novel of her own and has held a dream of doing so since she was young. She enjoys travelling, and likes to get inspiration for her writing from the various places that she has been lucky enough to visit.NC Marshall’s debut novel, ‘Sleep Peacefully’ was listed as a UK Kindle bestseller in its categories, and reached the number 1 best-selling chart position in the ‘Paranormal Suspense’ genre. Her second novel ‘See You Soon’ was released in April 2016 and went straight into the Kindle bestseller’s chart for its category. Her third novel, ‘The Wrong Turn’ was released in February 2017

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    Seeing Scarlett - NC Marshall


    Scarlett felt the urge to run as soon as she set foot in the field. Careful to avoid the thin patches of ice that were beginning to form as the darkness rolled in, she made her way steadily towards the barn, her breath exhaling in short, sharp rasps, visible against the cold evening air.

    Usually, the distance between her house and the barn could be covered by a gentle ten-minute jog. However, she knew that tonight the journey might take a little longer because of the conditions underfoot, and her clothes. Pausing briefly, she lifted her long evening gown, removed her heels, and continued. The cold frost sliced painfully into the soles of her feet, only minimally protected by the delicate layer of her silk stockings.

    The countryside was still and eerily quiet tonight. Above her, the moon shone down, unlimited by a blanket of stars, which illuminated the farmers' fog-filled fields that surrounded her home, and enabled Scarlett to safely navigate her way. Not that she really needed the help of the light. Scarlett had made this trip countless times, using exactly the same route. She also had many memories of the area from when she was younger and her grandparents had lived nearby. She only wished they were here now.

    Trying her best to quicken the pace, she chose to ignore a ripple of pain in her head, and an unpleasant image flashed through her mind. He hadn’t meant to hurt her, she was absolutely sure of that, but still, the push had caused her to fall, and she was now starting to realise that she hadn’t escaped as unscathed as she’d first thought.

    Struggling to see clearly, Scarlett slowed for a moment and, after wiping her hand across her eyes, she saw makeup and blood streaked across her pale fingers. As upset as she was, she also felt a little relieved. Now – hopefully − the truth would come out!

    She felt more encouraged as she reached the wooden fence that separated the fields and the grounds where the old barn stood. Throwing her shoes over the fence, she swung one leg up first, the tight, fragile fabric of her dress tearing easily under the strain. She climbed from the fence and bent to retrieve her shoes. Not far now − she was almost there!

    As she neared the barn doors, she became excited by the thoughts of their time together in there; the secret meetings, and passion-filled, hot and sticky nights under an endless sky. She knew that he loved her as much as she did him − he just needed a bit more time…

    The heavy door creaked on its rusted hinges, and a windchime tinkled. Scarlett thought back to when she was younger – when her grandfather would bring her here after riding at the nearby stables. He always smelt of the peppermints that he kept in his trouser pocket, which he gave her to feed the horses.

    Tonight, the dilapidated barn was dark and bitterly cold. Above her, a large hole in the metal roof gave a perfect view of the stars above, but offered no protection from the plummeting temperatures outside. Scarlett briskly rubbed her arms and blew warm air into her palms. Still shivering, she checked her watch and pulled her phone from the small bag strapped securely around her wrist. She tried the number and, when there was no answer, left a message.

    Hi darling, erm, I have something to tell you. I’m waiting in the barn − come and meet me as soon as possible, please?!

    She wandered around the barn impatiently for ten minutes when suddenly she heard the hum of a car engine approaching, and she watched the headlights through the gap under the barn door. A smile grew on her lips as her relief increased.

    Rushing out to meet him, it took a few seconds to register that she didn’t recognise the car, and then – oh God – it wasn’t him!

    Realising her foolishness, Scarlett turned in shock and ran, almost instantly losing her balance and falling heavily onto the slippery surface. Frantically digging her nails into patches of hardened mud, she managed to push to her feet again.

    As she heard the car door slam shut, and the driver moving closer, she scrambled helplessly back towards the barn. She knew there was no point in screaming − nobody would hear her cries.

    She just about made it to the far side of the barn, and to the door that led out to the field behind it, before she felt the first strike!

    Hitting the cold, hard concrete, she lay there, helpless, while a cold hand snaked across her neck and removed her beloved necklace.

    As her eyes closed, and her breathing became more laboured, her mind travelled to a place of contentment – her childhood memories. The darkness crept in around her and she caught the aroma of peppermints floating in the cold air…

    Chapter 1

    Tony Morgan was in a faraway paradise, where the sun blazed down onto his skin, and the soft, white sand felt hot under his bare feet. The ice-cold bottle of Spanish beer in his hand sent a cool trickle of water down his wrists and into his palms.

    He lay down lazily on his sun lounger, closing his eyes to the mesmerising rhythm of the Mediterranean Sea, lapping at the shore. Then, in the distance, a familiar, but unwanted, chime interrupted the tranquillity, dragging him woefully back into the realms of a typical Monday morning routine!

    Reaching to turn off his alarm, and reluctantly shaking off the dream, Tony adjusted his sleep-dazed vision to the unfamiliar shadowed room, and let his eyes drift over the destruction covering the vast majority of it; half-wrapped ornaments, discarded pictures, over-filled cardboard boxes, and more belongings than they could ever squeeze into their new family home.

    Pushing back the warm bedsheets, he climbed out and tiptoed through the narrow maze of clutter-free carpet leading to the ensuite, pausing at the door to check his wife, Liv, was still sleeping. Thankfully she was. It was too early for her to get up and see to the kids; she needed to rest after the hectic and stress-ridden weekend of moving house. Apparently, due to a recent survey he’d read online, moving home was no longer in the ‘top ten most stressful life events’. He found that impossible to believe!

    Tony paused at the sink, rubbing his hand across gritty eyes – he could have done with another couple of hours, and he sighed, acutely aware that it would be a while before he got the chance to lie in.

    Taking a refreshing, albeit speedy, shower as quietly as possible, he made his way back into the bedroom, walking straight into the unforgiving corner of a plastic box containing the kids’ toys.

    Oh, shi…goddamn it! he shouted, unable to suppress the pain that flashed through his bare shin.

    Don’t worry love, I’ll get the rest of the stuff unpacked today. Liv sat up and eased herself from the bed. She smiled at her husband, reaching up to give him a kiss as she passed and retrieved her dressing gown from the back of the ensuite door.

    Oh I’m sorry Liv, I didn’t mean to wake you. I’m sure these bloody boxes are breeding!

    Shrugging into the dressing gown, she chuckled. Don’t worry, I was getting up anyway. Too much to do today to be lying in bed!

    Tony reached for his suit, freshly washed, pressed and hanging in the half-full wardrobe. He appreciated his wife’s scrupulous organisational skills, which, unlike his, hadn’t taken a nosedive after hitting forty.

    What time are you due at the station love? asked Liv, as she reached for the bedroom door to the sound of their five-year-old son, Archie’s early morning demand for dippy eggs and soldiers.

    I’m due to meet with Emery in an hour and a half, picking Charlotte up on the way.

    Liv nodded. You got time for breakfast with us then?

    No, sorry sweetheart, I’ll just grab something on the way in, Tony replied. He wasn’t hungry, and even the thought of forcing down a slice of toast made his stomach churn. Was he really that nervous about returning to the place where he’d spent so many years during his career in law enforcement?

    Tony registered the flash of disappointment in Liv’s eyes.

    I’ll make sure I’m back in time to have dinner with you all tonight, though…promise, he added softly, attempting to lessen the blow.

    Okay, you’re on! Good luck, although I’m sure neither of you will need it!

    As they reached the top of the stairs, Liv threw her arms around her husband’s neck and gave him another quick kiss on the lips, before passing their daughter's room to enter their son’s. Her skin was warm, and her moisturiser smelt like coconut, reminding him of the paradise he had just left behind...

    Tony really didn’t want to leave his family, and he began to wish he’d booked a few extra days before returning to work after the move. However, he knew that his old boss, Joe Emery, was understaffed at the moment and needed all the manpower he could get.

    Thanks, love. Have fun unpacking, and give the kids a kiss from me! Tony shouted.

    Oh yeah, will do! Liv shouted back, unenthusiastically.


    Tony couldn’t resist a broad grin as he got into the car. Something about moving back to the North East felt right, and a feeling of anticipation washed over him. He couldn’t deny that Manchester had been a great experience, and for that he was grateful, but now, as far as he was concerned, he was back where he belonged – back home.

    Making a right turn away from the tree-lined avenue, Tony followed the road until he reached the coast. At just gone seven thirty, the wide promenade spanning the long seafront was beginning to come alive as the sun continued to rise above the glistening waves. Joggers and keep-fitters were already taking full advantage of the rare, but glorious, warm summer morning.

    Tony took in the familiar scene – the traditional fish and chip shops, ice-cream parlours, and amusement arcades – the seaside town where he’d grown up. He approached the golden sandy stretches a little further along the coast towards Tynemouth, where the castle and priory ruins stood on the rocky headland, above the ocean, leading down to the bay. As a boy, this was somewhere he’d spent a lot of time.

    It didn’t take as long as expected to reach Charlotte’s new-build apartment, situated on a small marina looking out over the River Tyne. However, he was aware that the roads would start getting busy heading into the city centre and, today of all days, they must not be late.

    Emery had been good to him and he owed him a lot, which meant he was going to put everything he had into being back at CID, and, like previous years, would work extremely hard to attain the desired results – putting the culpable behind bars, where they belonged.

    Climbing out of the car, Tony inhaled the warm air, raised a hand to his eyes to shield against the glare of the marina water, and waved to a passing fisherman before shouting a hearty good morning, in his direction. With a large smile across his face, he made his way up the steps to Charlotte’s apartment.

    Chapter 2

    Charlotte Taylor could not believe her luck! Not only had she landed a fantastic position at Newcastle CID, but she had also made an impressive, and productive, start on her personal life. She’d only been in the North East for three short days, but already she could tell that she was going to like it here!

    After helping Tony with a case when he was called back to the area last year, Charlotte had secretly hoped that it would lead to bigger things. She really liked it here and, although it was further away from London, her home town, than Manchester had been, she had a sneaking suspicion that she would settle in well.

    Tony’s original relocation from Newcastle to Manchester had been three years ago, after sixteen years on Northumbria CID. They’d worked together when she was assigned to his team, on her first day of joining Greater Manchester Major Incident Team, and they’d hit it off immediately. They worked well together, with an admirable track record, and Charlotte had a great deal of respect for her boss. It was true that she’d learned a huge amount from Tony Morgan over the years – and she hoped she’d also taught him a thing or two!

    Flinging on a slightly crumpled pastel blouse, and a pair of loose-fitting suit trousers, Charlotte began to rummage through the boxes of clothes piled up against her bedroom wall, in search of the matching jacket. She cursed herself for not spending more time on unpacking over the weekend, choosing to focus on her ‘love life’! She smiled to herself.

    Lately, Charlotte had found herself worrying that she was falling behind. Her friends, sister, and generally everyone she knew, had settled into married life. At forty she was more than aware that the ‘textbook rule’ suggested she should have accomplished a woman’s supposed life goals by now – husband and kids – or at least be well on the way to it. Previously it hadn’t bothered her; she’d been content with her carefree and single status, with only herself and her career to focus on. Then, almost overnight, she’d stopped enjoying being on her own, and felt she was missing out. Anyway, fingers crossed the ‘husband box’ would be ticked off much sooner than she’d anticipated if last night’s date was anything to go by!

    She grinned at the thought, and after a full five minutes of searching for her jacket, she admitted defeat and chose a ready to hand suit. Charlotte knew that today in particular she needed to ‘dress to impress’ but, as she studied her reflection in the full-length mirror, she wasn’t feeling it – her mid-length, wavy blonde hair lay limp on her shoulders, and dark circles surrounded her eyes – evidence of last night’s lack of sleep! Charlotte was aware that she, usually, had above-average looks, and she also believed she was extremely good at her job. Her hard work, dedication and shining track record during her years as an officer in the London Met, and then more recently working with Tony as a Detective Inspector, had led to her assignment here. She also knew that Tony had provided a glowing reference, and Superintendent Emery had supported that with his own positive experience of working with Charlotte on the case that had brought them to the North East last year.

    Charlotte reached over, pulled up the window blinds and gazed across to the glistening blue waters of the small marina. She loved her new apartment! It was twice the size of her old one, and boasted the most wonderful views. The sun was steadily rising now, casting a warm glow across the water, where already the keen sailors were pulling up their yachts’ anchors and preparing for the forecasted hot late-August day that lay ahead.

    The doorbell chimed as she was pouring coffee from the new, flash decanter her sister, Becky, had bought her as a house-warming gift. Glancing at her watch, Charlotte wondered if she was running uncharacteristically late, but she quickly realised that it was just Tony Morgan’s slightly annoying attribute of being far too early.

    Well, good morning DCI Morgan, and how are you today? Charlotte swung open the door, allowing Tony into her new home.

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