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Grit (Book 3): Vegas Vipers MC, #3
Grit (Book 3): Vegas Vipers MC, #3
Grit (Book 3): Vegas Vipers MC, #3
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Grit (Book 3): Vegas Vipers MC, #3

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About this ebook

This is book 3 and the finale of the Vegas Vipers MC romance series! 

She's hiding secrets. I'm gonna get them out of her.

A baby was never part of the plan.

But Honey was too tempting to resist.

Now, I have a woman and a son to protect in this world of violence.

And I'll kill any man who touches what's mine.


As President of the Vegas Vipers Motorcycle Club, I'm no stranger to Sin City's dark side.

In fact, I'm not sure it has anything else.

But when a new drug starts killing my men, you better believe there's going to be hell to pay.

Caught in my crosshairs is Honey, the sweet little stripper with a heart as golden as her name.

I'm no good for her, but she doesn't have a choice.

She holds the key I need to bring this empire of death to the ground.

But she's unlocked something within me, too…

Dark desires.

Forgotten pain.

And the hope that maybe, if we're lucky…

We'll get out of this chaos together.


The biker president is a dangerous masterpiece.

Tall, toned, and rough, with dark eyes that pierce right through my clothes.

He is a man hell-bent on control.

Grit is dangerous. He frightens me.

But I'm in too deep to leave now.

I can't get the sweet taste of his ravenous lips off my mind.

I find myself willing to do anything for him.

I'll give him the information he wants.

I'll help him eradicate this evil from the streets.

But what he doesn't know is that there's more than our lives at stake.

There's someone else caught in the balance…

Someone new…

Someone precious…

The baby he put in my belly.

Release dateNov 26, 2019
Grit (Book 3): Vegas Vipers MC, #3

Nicole Fox

Nicole Fox writes smart, sexy mafia romance novels. She is a crazy cat lady in her late 30s with a coffee addiction, an overactive imagination, and a husband who somehow puts up with her impulsive need to keep buying new plants for their house. Sign up for her mailing list at 

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    Book preview

    Grit (Book 3) - Nicole Fox

    Grit: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Vegas Vipers MC Book 3)

    By Nicole Fox

    SHE’S HIDING SECRETS. I’m gonna get them out of her.

    A baby was never part of the plan.

    But Honey was too tempting to resist.

    Now, I have a woman and a son to protect in this world of violence.

    And I’ll kill any man who touches what’s mine.


    As President of the Vegas Vipers Motorcycle Club, I'm no stranger to Sin City's dark side.

    In fact, I'm not sure it has anything else.

    But when a new drug starts killing my men, you better believe there's going to be hell to pay.

    Caught in my crosshairs is Honey, the sweet little stripper with a heart as golden as her name.

    I'm no good for her, but she doesn't have a choice.

    She holds the key I need to bring this empire of death to the ground.

    But she's unlocked something within me, too...

    Dark desires.

    Forgotten pain.

    And the hope that maybe, if we’re lucky...

    We’ll get out of this chaos together.


    The biker president is a dangerous masterpiece.

    Tall, toned, and rough, with dark eyes that pierce right through my clothes.

    He is a man hell-bent on control.

    Grit is dangerous. He frightens me.

    But I’m in too deep to leave now.

    I can't get the sweet taste of his ravenous lips off my mind.

    I find myself willing to do anything for him.

    I'll give him the information he wants.

    I'll help him eradicate this evil from the streets.

    But what he doesn’t know is that there’s more than our lives at stake.

    There’s someone else caught in the balance...

    Someone new...

    Someone precious...

    The baby he put in my belly.

    Chapter 1


    Honey had raced back to her home in a daze. After she’d called the police and waited for them to arrive, telling them everything she knew about Bethany’s death, she’d felt like she was in some sort of terrible, terrible dream. Every time she’d closed her eyes all she could picture was Bethany’s lifeless body sprawled out on the bed, her eyes glazed over and her limbs limp.

    She can’t be gone, she’d thought. This isn’t happening. They’re going to take her to the hospital and they’ll find out that she was just unconscious or something. She’ll be back to normal in a few weeks.

    Honey had known that thinking that way was delusional, but facing the reality of what had happened, what she had seen, was too much for her. She’d spent the day in her apartment, pacing back and forth and trying to come to grips with everything. She’d had a shift that night, but she didn’t give a damn; as far as she was concerned, her life at Fantasies had ended when her friend died.

    No one from the club had called her, and Honey’d figured that they’d known that she was hardly in a mood to work. After all, news of Bethany was likely rushing through the staff.

    But when midnight had rolled around, and she’d realized that sleep wasn’t an option, Honey had decided to call Charlie and figure out just what the hell he knew about what happened to Bethany. After all, he’d been the one giving her drugs, and he’d been the last one to see her alive.

    Honey! he’d shouted through the phone. Where the hell are you?

    Didn’t exactly feel like working, Honey had said, her voice calm and cold. "But I want answers. You were the last person to see Bethany alive, and I know you’d been giving her drugs. I want to know everything you know about what happened to her.

    A silence had fallen over the conversation.

    We’re closing up early tonight on account of Bethany, he’d said. If you want to talk, meet me at the diner near the club at around two-thirty.

    In the morning?

    You know how this business works, he’d said. We don’t exactly have the luxury of regular hours.


    And now the hour to meet had arrived. Honey checked her phone and saw that it was a little after two. She didn’t know exactly what she was going to say to Charlie, or how he’d react. All she knew was that she needed to find out just what kind of man Charlie was. It was all she could do.

    Honey arrived at the dingy diner on the corner down the road from the club and spotted Charlie in one of the back booths. She sat down with him and stared hard at her boss, the man she thought she knew.

    What the fuck happened? she spat out before he could say a word.

    It’s a goddamn tragedy, said Charlie, shaking his head sadly and looking away.

    Don’t give me that bullshit, said Honey, her words ridged with venom and rage that she didn’t know she was capable of. I know that you’d been giving her drugs, and I know that you were the last person to see her alive. So tell me everything you know.

    I don’t know if I like this tone from you, Honey, he said, taking on the tone of a scolding father. I am your boss, in case you’ve forgotten.

    Maybe so, but I’m the one with a dead best friend, so I think at the very least I’m entitled to some answers.

    Charlie sighed, looked away, and sipped his coffee. Honey got the impression that he was preparing to tell her something that would be very difficult to say. Or, at least, he wanted it to look like it was something that’d be difficult to say.

    Bethany ... well, she was troubled. You knew that, I knew that—we all did. She did her best to turn her life around and stay off drugs, but a girl like that is just an addict down to her bones. It was only a matter of time.

    Honey said nothing, instead staring hard at her boss as she tried to figure just how much of what he was saying was bullshit.

    I found out that she was using again, and it broke my heart. I asked her where she was getting her drugs from, and she didn’t even know the guy’s name. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. And I’ve been around enough users to know that going from clean to doing random drugs that you don’t know what the hell they’ve been cut with is a good way to end up OD’ing.

    So you figured you’d do the ‘nice’ thing and give her drugs of your own.

    "I’ll come clean—we’ve been running drugs out of the basement of the club. And I’m telling you that because I know I can trust

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