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The Perfect Boss: The Smith Brothers Series, #2
The Perfect Boss: The Smith Brothers Series, #2
The Perfect Boss: The Smith Brothers Series, #2
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The Perfect Boss: The Smith Brothers Series, #2

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

She's completely off-limits. 

But my brother won't stop trying to set us up. 

I'd been a playboy all my life. 

That is, until she came along. 

Tami Johnson… 

Her curves, and her deep green eyes. 

One-night stands have become a thing of the past.

She's all I care about now. 

But she's innocent. 

My assistant. 

And way younger. 

I'm the last man she should be with. 

At the same time, though…  

I'm the only man who'd do anything for her.

She's supposed to be mine. 

I'm way too obsessed to let her go. 

Especially now that she's pregnant. 

I'll do whatever it takes to claim my family.

PublisherBrenda Ford
Release dateNov 29, 2019
The Perfect Boss: The Smith Brothers Series, #2

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    Book preview

    The Perfect Boss - Brenda Ford

    Chapter 1



    I hate him, Ruby, I moan desperately, my head hitting the table in despair. He’s so horrible.

    I suppose he must be pretty ruthless if he’s the head of such a massive company. But he can’t be that bad... can he? I give her a painful look. Okay, so he is that bad, clearly. But you’re only his PA for a week.

    A week too long. Then I’ll be back on the creative team with Angelo where I belong.

    Brad Smith. Brad freaking Smith, the boss of the marketing company I work for. The grumpy, moody, brooding guy who keeps the whole thing going. I have a lot of respect for him, especially since I know he took over caring for his five brothers after their parent’s died when he was young and that he has shouldered the family business too and made a massive success of it... but I much prefer respecting him from afar. Close up, he’s kind of terrifying. I don’t know why his younger brother, Angelo who I normally work underneath, has done this to me. It’s almost as if he wants to punish me for something and I don’t know what it is. I haven’t done anything wrong as far as I know. I’m a bad ass employee who is always on top of everything.

    Maybe it’s just because it’s the first day, Tami, Ruby tries to reassure me. He might be better tomorrow.

    I just don’t think he believes I’m good enough to be working for him, that’s all.

    Oh, get lost! You kick ass, Tami! He will be able to see that if he’s the ruthless, smart business guy that he seems to be. You finished top in all of your college classes and you’ve done nothing but prove yourself ever since. Personally, I think you’re far too good to even be Angelo’s assistant. You should be running a creative team of your own. Hopefully, your time with the boss will help him to see that!

    I can’t help but smile at my best friend. You’ve always been my biggest cheer leader, Ruby, and that’s why I love you so much. But I’m only just twenty two years old. He’s in his thirties. I’m sure that he just sees me as a kid. I might have done well in college, but I probably don’t have enough work experience.

    Ruby rolls her eyes dramatically. I might not have a business as big as the Smith’s, but I’m a boss too, remember? And when I see potential, work experience doesn’t matter.

    Well, maybe one day when I am running my own accounts, I will take your salon on as a client.

    You know that I would love that. I wouldn’t trust anyone to do that but you.

    I finish the rest of my drink – non-alcoholic because it’s a work night of course – and I lean back in my chair. I’m so glad that I came out for dinner with Ruby. I wasn’t going to because I’m so exhausted, but I needed someone to vent to and now I’m really glad that I did. I have to admit that I do feel a lot better now.

    Well, let me just survive this long ass week first then we’ll see where my career goes from here.

    I would love to think that this could be a big step for me and that was Angelo’s plan all along, but I don’t know. I don’t want to get my hopes up for nothing. I don’t want to be let down.

    Let me see a picture of this arrogant ass, Ruby suddenly blurts out.

    What, Brad? You want to see a picture of Brad? I don’t think he has a social media account.

    No, but there must be a photo of him on the company website or something like that.

    I pull my cell phone out, wondering what the hell Ruby is planning now, and I head to the website. I find the page about Brad and wait a second for it to load. As his face fills my screen I can actually look at him with a feeling like his gaze is piercing deeply back into me, and my heart skips a few beats.

    You aren’t going to do anything silly, are you? I check before I show her anything.

    Of course not! I just want to see what he looks like, that’s all. I hand the phone to her and immediately her whole expression changes. Oh my God, he’s gorgeous! Wow wee, no wonder he’s arrogant. I bet he carries himself like a sexy as fuck boss. Woah, I wouldn’t mind working underneath him.

    Ruby! I exclaim in shock. I just told you how I don’t want to work for him...

    Well, I don’t understand why not. He’s hot. Even if he is an ass, he’s good to look at.

    You have a fiancé, Ruby. I don’t think you should talk about another man like that.

    She rolls her eyes and snorts at me. So, I can’t say that another man is good looking? I don’t think so. I can admire, and this man is sexy. Tall, dark, handsome, clearly takes care of himself...

    Not your type at all, Ruby! I honestly don’t get what all of this is about.

    No, but he might be yours. Don’t you think? She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. Don’t you think that it’s time you start considering popping those V plates of yours?

    I am not losing my virginity to my boss! I hiss while snatching my phone back. Have you lost your mind?

    Why not? Daniel kept stringing you along for years and it never happened, so maybe it’s time...

    I squirm in my seat, not wanting to think about my ex, Daniel. The boy I met in high school who I had stupid dreams of spending the rest of my life with. I thought he was ‘the one’. We never slept together in school because we didn’t feel ready. Then we had to keep things long distance as we went to college because he moved so far away. But that was okay for me, I wasn’t in any hurry. I just loved him. I would have waited forever...

    Until the last year of college when he accidently video called me while in the middle of sex with someone else. I was left watching the whole show in shock. The worst part was the lack of apology. He didn’t even care, he just said that he needed to sow his wild oats before settling down with me... like I would ever want to stick with him after that. I was done.

    Over. I was never going to go back. Even if I loved him still...

    But that was over a year ago now and I’m truly over him and the pain he caused me. I think I might even be ready to move on and to be with someone properly... but not my boss. That’s just crazy!

    I don’t think so. I shake my head hard. Not Brad. He isn’t the one for me.

    He is very handsome though. You can’t deny that. I mean, look at him. He’s a serious hottie.

    Maybe. I shrug, trying to play it down. I don’t know. Whatever.

    Ruby gives me a look, almost as if she can see that I feel more for Brad which isn’t the truth. He’s just some guy who owns the company that I work for and that I have been forced to work closely with this week. Nothing more. Maybe he is good looking, I don’t know. I haven’t ever noticed him before and that isn’t going to change now. All I have to do is get through this week with some dignity intact. That’s it...

    STOP LOOKING AT THE website, I complain to myself as I stare at my phone screen again. What is wrong with you? Why do you need to keep obsessively looking at pictures of your boss all the time? It’s weird.

    Almost as weird as standing in my bedroom in my pajamas, talking to myself. It has to be Ruby’s fault. Her words about Brad have stuck with me and I can’t handle it. I don’t want to think of the man that’s been pissing me off all day long as sexy, but I suppose he is. I just haven’t ever really looked at him before. He has striking features. Beautiful dark warm eyes and a nice body. He seems to have a depth to him as well which I haven’t really noticed before... but I still shouldn’t be thinking about him like this. Especially when I have four more days putting up with him. The last thing I want is to still be attracted to him...

    I slide into bed and close my eyes, trying to block all thoughts of Brad, but of course he remains as if he needs to torture me further. Not only is he in my mind, but he’s leaning towards me as if he’s about to kiss me.

    Fuck, stop it, I mutter. But my body likes it. Butterflies flap in the pit of my stomach and there’s a pulsation in my panties. Brain, what the hell are you doing? I don’t want this...

    But imaginary Brad grabs me, and his mouth claims me. He kisses me with the sort of fiery passion found only in movies, his hands sliding down over my butt, flames igniting all the way through me. I’m foggy, heady with need, desperate to get the much needed release that’s already building up.

    Stop this, I whisper as I light up all over. Just stop it already.

    But it’s practically out of my control. My fingers travel down towards my panties regardless. I imagine that it’s Brad’s commanding hands, his expert touch coming for me. My back arches off the bed, my hips roll towards my fingers, I take myself as if it’s this man controlling me.

    Oh fuck, I burst out as I feel my wetness. Fucking hell, Brad.

    I graze my fingers over my throat, picturing his lips there, sucking and licking. Then I tweak my nipple, his teeth tugging and teasing me, driving me wild. I plunge my other fingers deep inside of myself as if it’s him taking me. This isn’t a sweet virginal fantasy. It’s raw and intense, full of passion and desire. It’s hot and sweaty, wild, primal, animalistic. The sort that I never got with Daniel, even when things were good.

    He never wanted me like that, I can see that now or it would have happened with him. I know now that I want the person who I give myself over to, to feel like he might die if he can’t have me. Someone like Brad who knows what he’s doing, who knows how to fuck, how to use a woman’s clitoris to make her feel everything...

    Oh shit! I scream out as I balance myself on the knife edge of desire, my touch flickering wildly as I touch myself in the way that I just know I love. I might be a virgin in reality, but in fantasy I’ve been with all kinds of men. Brad, fuck me. Just take me already.

    I see him teasing me, driving me over the top and pulling away just as I’m about to fall. Being the boss in the bedroom as well as the board room. Shoving me as far as I can before I really lose my mind. The intense pressure consumes me, filling me up, fizzing through my veins until I can’t handle it for another second longer... until I fall. I can’t contain myself for another second longer.

    As I tumble, head first into the swirling, powerful, fiery pleasure, my body bucking and writhing wildly, I can’t even curse Ruby aloud for making me feel this way because right now it’s fucking incredible. I can just imagine that actually being with him would be just as amazing.

    Chapter 2


    Monday and Tuesday

    You’re late, I point to Oliver as I find him at the computer in his office. Lots of number crunching?

    He glances up and smiles at me, bleary eyed from staring at the computer for too long. Oh yeah, you know what I’m like. I find it really hard to delegate because I want to get it all right.

    That’s why I’m glad to have you here working all the numbers. I wouldn’t cope without you, bro.

    Oliver is next in line in the long list of my five brothers, but there is still a thirteen year age gap between me and him. I was born a long time before the others which is why it was left for me to take care of them when our parents died. I was nineteen years old and they ranged from two to six years old.

    It was also left to me to take over the family company and each of my brothers was given the chance to work for me but only Oliver and Angelo chose to do so. The others are chasing their own dreams.

    Why are you still here? It isn’t like the big boss man to stay as late as me.

    I chuckle and take a seat on the other side of his desk. I’m just sorting stuff out. You know how it is. Actually, I’m glad that you’re here now. I need to talk to you about Angelo. Angelo and his new plan.

    Are you talking about Tami? He immediately knows exactly what I’m talking about.

    Yes, I am. I don’t get why he’s made her to be my assistant for the week. I don’t need her, and he knows that. She’s a creative, just like him, so I don’t get what she can do for me. I throw my hands in the air in frustration. He basically forced her on me, and I don’t know what to do about it.

    Surely, there are things she can help you with! You have so much filing...

    I like to do it myself. I’m like you, Oliver. I don’t like to delegate.

    But you are the boss. He shrugs. You are supposed to delegate. This is probably a good thing. Maybe that’s what Angelo is trying to tell you. I mean, we all see how much you throw yourself into this business, but maybe you’re doing that a little too much. You don’t have any time for other things.

    What the hell is that supposed to mean? I groan. I am sick of you lot talking about my love life...

    Why? We’re only wanting what’s best for you. We only want you to be happy.

    I roll my eyes. Well, I am happy. I don’t need a girlfriend for that. Plus, it isn’t like any of you have amazing love lives to talk about, is it? Angelo is the only one with a girlfriend that I know of. And before you say it, yes, I know that I’m older than all of you, but that doesn’t mean I need to settle down right now.

    Oliver doesn’t say anything for a beat too long. He really does believe that I need to be toed to a woman. Yes, deep down, I would like to meet someone and start my happy ever after, but that isn’t my main priority.

    Brad, maybe that’s why Angelo has asked Tami to be your assistant. He has been talking about knowing the perfect woman for you, hasn’t he? Maybe his assistant is the one and that’s why...

    Tami is much too young for me, I shoot back instantly. She’s in her early twenties.

    Right? Oliver shrugs. And what does that have to do with anything? What does it matter how old she is? It doesn’t change what sort of person she is, does it? Why would that make any difference?

    Because... well, of course it does, doesn’t it? You can’t deny that age is a huge factor. What would we even have in common? There are so many ways in which we are poles apart.

    But Angelo wouldn’t have recommended her if he didn’t think that you were perfect for one another. Would he? Angelo and you are very close, he probably knows you better than anyone. He wants what is best for you as well. If he has suggested Tami, then you should at least give her a chance...

    No. I shake my head hard. No, you’re being silly. Even if that was Angelo’s intention, it isn’t ever going to happen. If I’m going to be with someone then it needs to be a woman who has life experience, who understands me and what I have been through. It can’t be some college graduate.

    Do you think that she is attractive? Oliver surprises me by asking.

    Erm, I don’t know. I suppose so. She is beautiful, but that doesn’t mean...

    So, talk to her. Just get to know her a bit. See what Angelo was talking about. Aren’t you at least intrigued?

    I guess I am and that’s the problem. But I have tried to talk a little bit to Tami today and we’re just uncomfortable with one another. Surely, you aren’t supposed to be awkward with ‘the one’... if that concept is even real. Having not seen any evidence of it myself, I’m not totally convinced.

    Urgh, I don’t know, Oliver. Life is simpler when you’re single, isn’t it?

    Is that the reason you haven’t ever had anyone serious to be with before? Because it’s easier? But if I’m honest, Brad, it seems like one night stands aren’t really working out for you either. Some of them have created all sorts of drama, haven’t they? Wouldn’t it be better to meet someone nice for a change?

    Maybe, but I have a lot of responsibilities. I don’t have time for something long term...

    You need to stop using that as an excuse, Brad. It can’t hold you up forever. We don’t need you as much as we used to. It’s time for you to start living your life for yourself, for a change.

    I nod and rise to my feet, needing to leave Oliver if he isn’t going to blindly just agree with me that I’m right. I wanted someone to vent to, someone to tell me that yes, Angelo is being a pain. I don’t need to be over analyzed and to go too deep about my feelings and life choices. I have enough going on right now.

    Well, I’m off now, I say quietly. But I will see you tomorrow if you’re staying.

    You headed out? he knows me all too well. Going to the bar?

    Normally, I would but his lecture about one night stands has caught in my throat and I don’t know how to feel about it. I’m not quite as in the mood as I should be. Maybe it’s because they do often bring drama along with them. The older I get, the harder it is to have no strings attached fun without any trouble attached.

    I don’t know. I’m pretty tired. I will probably just go home. Get a good night of sleep.

    Oh right. Oliver’s eyes open wide with shock. Right well, see you tomorrow then.

    WHAT IS IT? I THINK as I lean back in my office chair and I watch Tami doing some filing. Why does Angelo – and Oliver so it seems – think that this woman is perfect for me? I can’t see that at all.

    It doesn’t help that I’m shattered. But not from a night of debauchery and fun, from lying in bed all night long and thinking about Tami. I hate to admit it, but I suppose Oliver is right. Angelo does know me best and if he thinks that Tami is perfect for me then maybe I should try and work out why. He did hint that’s why he sent her to work for me, so I guess I should just try and figure out what he’s up to.

    I just need to stop looking at her and admiring her beauty and actually talking to her. Find out what Angelo thinks we have in common because we must have a connection somewhere. But where the hell do you start with someone who you don’t know anything about? Before now I have only seen her in and around the office. It wasn’t even me who interviewed her and gave her the job in the first place. That was all Angelo, since it’s his department.

    Do you need help with anything? I ask, my voice sounding strained. The erm, filing I mean.

    Oh no, I got it, thank you. I get Angelo organized all the time.

    Ah, so you’re one of those rare organized creative people. That’s good to know.

    As she giggles and she tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ears, I find my eyes darting down to her silky thighs. The black skater dress she’s wearing grazes the top of her legs, making my heart race much faster. She does seem to wear these kind of dresses a lot, but it’s the first time I’ve really thought about underneath her dress...

    Shit, not that I should be thinking about underneath her dress. That’s not me getting to know her. It’s like thinking about her body in a way that I shouldn’t. She can’t be a one night stand. No one from work can. That’s where I draw the line. There’s no way I can deal with all of that drama in the work place.

    But those lips of hers... oh my God, I would love to kiss those sexy plump lips of hers...

    Do you need to keep this document? She takes a step closer to me, closing the gap with ease. The awkwardness is still there between us, but it’s definitely less than yesterday. Maybe we’re getting more comfortable or perhaps it’s just because we’re one day down in this week already. Or should I shred it?

    Erm... I inhale deeply and the soft scent of her perfume hits the back of my throat. It’s a sweet smell that speeds my pulse up. Yeah, er... Fuck, why is it so hard to focus? I think it’s best to keep it.

    Sure. Her sweet smile manages to light up the whole room. I will file it then.

    Right, yes. Perfect. Then if I need to chuck it away, I will do so later. I can’t make a decision like that right now while I’m so close to her and my brain is like mush. Thank you, Tami.

    As our eyes lock, I can’t help but wonder if she’s feeling the same chemistry as I am. It’s sizzling, undeniable, almost overwhelming. But as she takes a step back, it all vanishes and I find myself able to breathe so much easier. It must have just been a moment, that’s all. Oliver and Angelo getting into my head.

    You know, it is easier with you here, I muse. Maybe I do need an assistant full time.

    I see her eyes pop, as if she’s afraid that I might ask her to be my full time assistant. Nope, I guess it’s just me then. She isn’t feeling anything at all, or she would want to spend more time with me. Okay, well that’s probably a good thing. If we were both feeling the same way, then it would be about to get a whole lot more complicated. Instead, I get to tell Angelo ‘nice try but it didn’t work out’.

    Then it’s time to take control of my own love life. If I want something more permanent and to leave the quick fling life style, then I should do it myself. I should start to make more time for myself – even if that does feel impossible – and to try some actual adult dating to see where that leads.

    Urgh, that feels fucking terrifying. Completely out of my comfort zone, but

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