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About this ebook

Getting pregnant with my boss's baby was never a part of the plan.

It all starts as a business transaction,

I get double the pay and he gets double the pleasure.

And then things change.

What was supposed to be his pleasure,

Slowly becomes all about me.

And man…don't I need it!

I know this is wrong,

I know the infamous playboy is playing a game,

And I am planked in the middle of the board without a dice.

But I just don't want to kiss him goodbye.

At least not yet…

He's inked my name all over him,

And I am hiding this huge secret.

What if this secret of mine tears us apart!

PublisherMia Ford
Release dateNov 30, 2019

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    Book preview

    Inked - Mia Ford

    Chapter One – Lexi

    Inarrow my eyes, trying to work out what’s missing. It’s something, for sure. I just need to put my finger on it. This is supposed to be a good thing, a really positive experience, yet, I just feel nothing.

    ...I mean, who would’ve thought it? Will tosses his head back and laughs loudly, a bellowing sound that comes deep from the pit of his stomach. Me? The jock from high school, a high powered accountant? Not me, that’s for sure. I assumed that I’d always be on the football pitch with cheerleaders surrounding me.

    My nose screws up completely of its own accord. I can’t stop my expression from betraying how I feel inside, which just shows how out of practice I am at the whole dating thing. I can’t even remember the last time I went out on an actual date. Certainly not since I split up with Mark two years ago. His shitty treatment put me off men almost forever. I didn’t ever think I’d be sitting at a dinner table with a guy ever again. After eighteen months of being told that I’m fat and disgusting, I was shattered to the core.

    But, I must be passed that now, because I’m here on a date with my high school crush. The super cool Will Mayer. The football player with dreamy green eyes and floppy blond hair to die for.

    Mind you, you have changed as well, Lexi Tyler. You used to be that nerdy quiet girl in the corner, didn’t you? Not this crazy tattooed girl that you are right now. I would have noticed you if you looked like this then.

    I jut my chin out, taking offense to this. I have always been this person on the inside. You just didn’t take the time to notice. Not that I can blame him. No one did back then. I was pretty much the same, by myself.

    He laughs again, that annoying sound that makes me want to punch him right in his stupid face. I know that I was young and dumb, but how could I have ever liked this guy? Seriously? Was I blind and deaf as a teenager? Did I manage to completely ignore everything about his awful personality, or did that come with the suit? Now that Will is an accountant, he looks like he has a suit glued to his body. He probably wears one to bed.

    Well, I’m looking at you right now. He bites his bottom lip and drags his eyes up and down my body, like he wants to sink those teeth into me somewhere. The idea makes me shudder. Not a chance in hell. And I’m wondering where the snake coiling around your neck goes. Does it cover your whole body?

    This is pretty much the first question that he’s asked me about myself all evening. I started with all the things I thought I should speak to him about and he launched into a tirade about himself. But he never once asked about where my life is right now... and now he thinks that it’s okay to make suggestive comments. Not a chance in hell. I would storm out of here right now if I was in the mood for making a scene... but I like it here. I don’t want to end up booted out on my ass. It’ll be fine, I won’t have to suffer this nightmare for much longer, surely.

    And your hair... what made you go for the bright red color? Isn’t it brown naturally?

    If he dares to ask me anything about the other hair on my body, I might forget everything I just told myself and take this knife to stab it into his eye. Luckily for him, he shuts his mouth tight.

    Why haven’t you done anything to change your appearance? I snap back instead.

    Because you can’t improve on perfection, can you? I mean, just look at me.

    I slide my eyes closed and take a deep breath, imagining the ways that I am going to make Jane pay for this. If it wasn’t for her and her super persuasive nature, I wouldn’t be here right now, suffering. She’s the one who persuaded me that bumping into Will was destiny and that it was time to move on.

    She’s wrong... I need to let her know. I’m better with no man.

    I think I just prefer someone who isn’t afraid to step out of their suit, who’s got a bit more... spark.

    Will appears gob smacked. Like no one has ever dared to insult him before. Well, he’s got another thing coming with me. I might have been quiet and shy once upon a time, but not anymore. Since I’ve been allowed to step out of the shell that high school stuffed me into, I have grown as a person. I am finally me.

    Wow, well... I don’t know what I should say to that. His eyes dart downwards. Maybe I asked out the wrong sister. Your older sister, Jane, was always a fox, wasn’t she? I remember all the boys lusting after her in school, wanting a piece. Perhaps I should have gone for her.

    Anger bubbles and boils, and not because I have always lived in Jane’s beautiful shadow, but because he has absolutely no right. I’m about to freaking lose my mind right now.

    I slam my hands down on the table and push myself off the chair. My nostrils are probably flaring like a dragon. Will certainly recoils a little, as if I might tear his head off his body.

    I’m going to the bathroom, I growl. I will be back in a moment.

    My body pounds with rage, my heart pumps boiling hot blood all around my body, my ears thump and pump. I’m trying my absolute hardest to hold it together right now, and I don’t know how much longer I can keep it up. If I don’t get a freaking break from Will right now, I’m going to kill him.

    I grab my cell phone out of my pocket and take a seat in the fancy waiting area outside the bathrooms. I’m so glad this place is here. I need a moment to make a phone call, just like the other people who are here.

    I pace up and down as the phone rings, impatience getting the better of me. If Jane doesn’t answer soon, I might scream... luckily, before I can get to that point, I hear her soft voice saying hello to me.

    Jane, I don’t know what I’m doing here. Honestly, I’m going to lose my mind. This is awful.

    Oh no, really? I can almost see the sympathy rolling off her tongue. That’s too bad. I thought it was good for you to bump into Will. I thought he was going to be the one to help you move on from Mark.

    The mention of his name twists in my gut. Girl, I am over Mark. We’ve been split up for longer than we were together, and he was a shit... but trust me, Will is a shit too. Not the guy for me at all.

    Oh, well... at least it’s a dating experience. Get all your rustiness out on someone you don’t like.

    My head falls into my hand. I just don’t know how much longer I can listen to his stupid suit.

    Jane is silent for a beat too long before she bursts into unexpected laughter. I’m shocked for a moment, but then I end up joining in with the laughter. Jane always manages to have this effect on me. Perhaps that’s why I allowed her to talk me into this stupid mess. I’ll just have to be sure that I’m not coerced again.

    So, are you going to walk out on him? Leave him on his own? Is he being that bad?

    I think about the spiteful comment he made about Jane, but I decide not to tell her about it. I don’t want her to blame herself for the reason this is going to shit. It isn’t her fault and she has enough on her plate right now.

    He’s being arrogant. The only question he’s asked me about is my snake tattoo...

    He hasn’t even commented on that gorgeous rockabilly dress of yours.

    I glance down at my outfit and smile. At least I can be happy about how good I look tonight. Nope, he just asked me how much of my body is covered by the snake.

    Urgh, what an ass. Eat your food quickly and get the hell out of there.

    I will... and I’ll come and see you tomorrow. Tell you all about it.

    We say our goodbyes quickly and I hang up the phone, now feeling a little lighter because Jane has lifted the weight that was leaning heavily down on me. I needed that. I can probably get through the rest of this now. The meal anyway. There isn’t a chance in hell of dessert or coffee.

    That was fucking rude.

    The male voice is so close to me, the words fall right on my ears. It has to be directed at me, which is why I turn to see what the hell is going on. There I find a striking man staring back at me. Cropped blond hair, sharp brown eyes, sculpted cheek bones... but then a nasty looking smirk playing on his lips.

    Excuse me? I demand.

    Did you not hear me? I said that was fucking rude.

    The heat rises back in my cheeks but is rapidly replaced by an ice-cold sensation. Were you listening into call? Because I have to say that is rude. And also, really weird.

    He chuckles at my accusation. Well, you shouldn’t be talking about another person in such a public space.

    My hands fall on to my hips. Why don’t you just mind your own damn business?

    What’s so wrong with your date anyway? What’s wrong with a guy in a suit?

    He indicates to his own which is clearly far more expensive than Wills, but that just makes it a lot less appealing. I just like a guy with a bit more edge, you know?

    Edge? Don’t you think you have more than enough edge for two people?

    I can’t bitch about him calling me out on my look, because I just did the same to him. Instead, I shake my head and snort with anger. I don’t think it matters. If he’s not fit for me, then he just isn’t.

    So, go put the poor asshole out of his misery. Tell him that it isn’t working. Don’t make him pay for dinner.

    I wasn’t going to make him pay for dinner. What do you think I am?

    I don’t know, some kind of feminist probably. His lips twist up into a bemused smile.

    I take one step closer to him. You say feminism like it’s a dirty word. I know what sort of a man you are, and you aren’t one I want to waste any time on. So, thank you for your bullshit opinions that definitely weren’t asked for. I will let you get back to your night, and I’ll getting back to mine.

    He laughs loudly, completely unbothered by me being a bitch to him. It’s really annoying. I can tell that he wants to wind me up, and it works, but when I try and throw it back, he doesn’t give a shit at all. I suppose this is good, it gives me someone else to focus my rage on. Perhaps it means I might be able to hold it together with Will... either that, or I’m a pressure cooker and I’m about to explode.

    Chapter Two – Isaac

    Mmm, she is delicious . There is something awesome about this spunky red head who’s covered in tattoos. That’s what got me interested in her in the first place, she is so unlike the girls that I usually surround myself with. It was the comment about the date, Wondering where the snake tattoo went? which grabbed me. I want to know where that goes as well. I bet it’s somewhere sexy as hell.

    Oh, I bet she’s a fox in bed, wild as fuck. If I slide my eyes closed, I can imagine that sexy, naked, tattooed body bouncing up and down on my cock, that crazy red hair flailing everywhere. God, I just want to grab her and press her up against the wall to kiss her. Fuck her date, she doesn’t like him anyway. Mine isn’t exactly grabbing my attention either. Either way, it wouldn’t even matter if anyone else was watching. I honestly wouldn’t care. I’m Isaac Janie and I do whatever the hell I want.

    But with her, I try to resist myself. I wait where I am and let her walk away from me, leaving her to her a bad date. I need to get back to Olivia anyway, before she starts making a scene. She’s eighteen years old, eight years younger than I am, and breaking into the model scene. She’s confident and insecure all at once, needing attention. New models are always this way, it’s a constant stream of drama. I don’t know why I date them actually.

    No, that’s a lie. I do. They are hot as hell. Sexy and freaky... but I don’t know if that will keep my focus forever. I can already feel myself growing restless and bored. I need something else, some spice to my life. Someone who might keep my focus longer, a bit like that rude red head.

    Usually, all I want is looks, brains don’t bother me at all, but it’s something about a spark. That woman hit the nail on the head in that one word. That’s exactly what I have been missing out on, what I want.

    Don’t do the usual shit, I warn myself. Try and behave. Just for one night.

    But I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I’ll be able to resist the urge to act out, like I normally do. I think this is the problem with having money at my disposal. My father’s money, but that makes no difference. I’m invincible. I can do whatever the hell I want and buy myself out of it.

    I stuff my phone away, no longer bothering to call my father back and that is the sole reason I came out here. He’ll be mad, he always is when I don’t respond to him right away but fuck it. I have the charm, I’ll be able to talk myself out of this and everything will be just fine.

    I make my way back into the restaurant, heading towards my table, but my eyes scan around to find her again. I can’t help myself, I want to know who her bad date is. It doesn’t take me a long time to spot her, she stands out. Her look is attention grabbing and awesome. I love the way that dress clings to her curves and shows off her incredible body. I wish I could stalk over to her and sit in front of her, but instead, Olivia is right on the seat in front of me.

    Hey, babe. She puts her phone down. It looks like she’s been taking an endless stream of selfies. I can just imagine them online already with a million pointless hash tags. Your father okay?

    Yeah, he’s good. He just wanted to talk about some business stuff, that’s all. All sorted.

    Good, because I want all your focus on me right now. She reaches out and grabs my hand, her eyes full of desire. She wants me, she wants me so bad. I can see it. I could take her home right now and things could get wild. I want that, I do... but I can’t stop myself from looking over at the other table. At the red head. Hey, Isaac, what the hell is going on with you? Why aren’t you looking at me?

    Sorry, Olivia, I’m just... I drag my eyes off the other table. I’m here. What’s going on?

    I’m trying to see if you’re ready to get out of here. I’m done eating.

    You haven’t eaten a damn thing, Olivia. I roll my eyes. Get some ice cream in you.

    I don’t want to leave yet. I’m not ready. I’m still watching the show unfold in front of me, and I don’t want it to end. The red head might have been rude back there, but she seems like she’s being polite enough to her friend. A little cold, perhaps, but overall, she is holding it together well.

    What the fuck, Isaac? What the hell is going on? Who are you looking at?

    Olivia twists around in her seat to see and I think she clocks on to who I’m looking at. Her face flames with red and she looks absolutely furious. By the time her eyes meet mine again I know the jig is up. Me and Olivia aren’t heading to bed tonight... and actually, I’m okay with that.

    You’re a fucking asshole, Isaac, I hope you know that. I know you’re a bit of a playboy, but doing it right in front of my face is just bullshit, and I think you damn well know it. She grabs her bag and rises to her feet. I’m out of here and I don’t want you to follow me. Or call me ever again. We’re through here.

    Of course, she wants me to follow her. She wouldn’t have said that otherwise, but I’m not going to. I’m relieved that she’s leaving, I don’t want to have anything to do with her.

    I sit back in my seat and finish my drink, continuing to openly stare at the red head. The real woman that I want to go home with tonight. It looks like her date is about to wrap up, which might be time for me to go and make my appearance known again. I don’t know which way it’s going to go, but I’m sure as hell that I’m going to give it a try.

    Isaac Janie is known for trying, for taking risks, never turning my back on a challenge.

    With a confident swagger, I make my way over to their table, not even caring as people stare at me like I’m a bit crazy. The red head sees me. Her eyes drag up and she narrows her gaze at me, still looking mad. Good, I like her madness. Especially with her. She’s fiery as hell and I can’t help wanting to drag that side out of her again.

    Hey there. I lean my hands down on the table and dart my eyes between them both. Yep, I’m starting to see what she was talking about before, he’s too boring for her, they would never be a good match. Good to see you again.

    Again? the guy asks, bristling. What do you mean again?

    I can almost see him trying to work out if I’m a threat or a business connection. It’s hilarious because he doesn’t want to be rude. That’s something I can work with, to see how far I can push him. Especially because my red haired friend isn’t saying anything yet. She’s just glaring at me in freaking silence.

    Hey there. I’m Isaac Janie. His eyes light up. Of course he’s heard of me. Good to meet you.

    Oh, I’m Will. Will Mayer. I’m an accountant at...

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s why you’re being so boring then. I dismiss him. You’re boring your date.

    His face contorts, I can see a range of confused emotions cross his face. This is a shock, he doesn’t know how to take it. Wha... what do you mean? Boring, who? I don’t get this at all...

    I point to his date. She’s bored as fuck of you. I heard her out on the phone, talking to her sister.

    He glances between us both. Is this shit for real? Are you being serious, right now? Because...

    I think that you should stop embarrassing yourself and just leave. I pull out my wallet and toss down some notes on the table. I’ll even pay for your meal to make sure that you aren’t out of pocket. I can’t make up for the wasted time, but I can save you a few dollars, which should help you as you go home...

    Who the fuck do you think you are? he snaps, finally cracking. You can’t come over here and throw money at me, telling me that my date isn’t interested in me. That’s some serious shit.

    Tell him, I insist the red head, pointing at Will. Tell him what’s going on right now.

    The red heads stares me down, trying to kill me with her eyes. Fuck, I love that look. It’s so hot. She’s sexy as hell when she’s mad and probably even more of a demon in the sack. I picture incredible make up sex, sending my head spinning. Fuck, I want that so bad.

    What the fuck are you doing here? she whispers in almost a demonic voice. What is this? You can’t keep your nose out my business for even a second, can you? I don’t even know you. What the hell is your issue?

    I just want to know if you want to leave with someone who you might actually like.

    Are you suggesting that I like you? She rakes her disgusted gaze up and down my body, which makes me want to laugh. I think that I have made my opinion about you very clear. I don’t like you.

    Tell him to get out of here, Will insists, seeing this as a win. To stop being so damn rude.

    Oh no. She falls back from the table, gathering up her belongings as she goes. I don’t like you either. You have been rude to me all night long, you haven’t shown any sign of being pleasant, and you haven’t asked me any questions about myself aside from my tattoo... you’re an asshole, but it seems like this place is full of them tonight. She grabs some money out of her bag. There, I’m paying my share, not using you. But, I’m also not trying to show off my feminist values... just paying my half because it’s the right thing to do.

    With that, she turns on her heels and stalks off, her heels clipping behind her as she goes. I tilt my head to one side and stare unashamedly at her as she goes. Of course, I would much prefer her to be leaving with me, especially to see the look on Will’s face as I take her away, but it was fun anyway.

    What the fuck did you do that for? Will yells, his hands waving in the air in frustration. You ruined my date. Why the hell would you do that? What did you get out of it? Nothing!

    I think you’re the one that wrecked it. I just made it a little more interesting. I shrug, not seeing anything that I’ve done wrong. I made you all be a bit more honest with one another, that’s all.

    Will shakes his head and storms off too, but I can tell he isn’t going after his date, there wouldn’t be any point. She’s never going anywhere near him ever again. I doubt I’ll ever see her again either, which is a shame, but if I ever do by some coincidence, I will make sure that she ends up in my bed.

    Chapter Three

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