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The Dark Fox
The Dark Fox
The Dark Fox
Ebook37 pages27 minutes

The Dark Fox

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About this ebook

The Dark Fox is based on an ancient tale of the Japanese Kitsune taking on the form of a human, usually for sexual gain or to seek revenge.

For generations, people have been interested in the human mind and the way it works. If you truly believed in something, would that make it possible? Would it bend reality? Would it hide you in the form of another?

Tom finds a Kitsune mask at a garage sale. The instant he puts it on, he enters a nightmare world. Memories that are not his take control of his reality. The fox has a message for him and when she delivers it, he will scream.

Release dateDec 2, 2019
The Dark Fox

Richard Lee

    Award winning author, Richard Lee, is a displaced writer of the weird, wonderful and grotesque. Since 2001 he has made an impact on the genre world and thrives within its limitless boundaries.      Over seventy short stories have slammed his name on anthologies and magazines across the globe. Five novels impacted humanity and two novellas were the icing on the cake.      He still sends his books out to independent and legacy publishers, looking for that elusive million dollar cheque.  Facebook: Twitter: Website: Instagram: Daily Motion:

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    Book preview

    The Dark Fox - Richard Lee

    Richard Lee

    The Dark Fox

    Richard Lee

    Published by Raging Rivers Press

    Copyright ©2017 Richard Lee

    Cover art/text/design ©2017 Lee Pletzers

    All rights reserved. No copying or reselling please.

    This Book (print, audio, video and eBook versions) is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This product may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

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    This is a work of fiction. The events and characters described here are imaginary and are not intended to refer to specific places or living persons. This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher.

    Tom hated these things. Everything was junk, nothing more. Everything looked like crap and it was all just laid out on tarps and blankets for everybody to see. It was a fucking waste of time. Why did his mother insist on dragging him to these things? There were better things to do on a Saturday morning.

    Fucking garage sales. He hated them with a passion.

    Tom stared at the junk laid out on the lawn.

    It was Saturday morning. If he had friends, they would be getting up to trouble. His lack of friends hadn't gone unnoticed. Even unpopular kids had friends, but he cruised through school almost invisible. Maybe his mother was trying to be a friend more than a Mum. That would really blow.

    Being overweight, spotty, and a lover of all things Star Trek and Star Wars equally placed him squarely in the nerd population. And on top of that, he had a nicotine habit that had been driving him batshit crazy during long school days.

    Being sixteen sucked.

    God, he was bored.

    He saw Mum haggling with the owner of the house over the cost of a crappy jacket that she’d never wear.

    People milled about. There were more people here than he thought would turn up. It was a beautiful

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