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Timid teen Alex Hutson ventures into the Forest that "eats people" upon finding that the authorities will do nothing to help find his missing best friend, or further the other missing causes caused by the forest. Although it seemed like a good plan to him at first, it all goes downhill when Alex, himself, goes missing. Upon his awakening, he finds that his idea of normalcy could be changed forever, and something much too human is transpiring among the unnatural foliage. With the help of odd allies, he sets out to find his friend, before his normal life is put at risk. He soon realizes that his "normal life" is the least of his worries as he finds himself caught between strange forces and something much more sinister.
Release dateNov 22, 2019

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    M.I.A. - Shawnee Morris


    Copyright © 2019 by Shawnee Morris

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.

    eBook ISBN 978-1-54399-011-9

    Printed in USA by


    This book is dedicated to my amazing family. My Mom (Sherri) and my Nana (Nora) who have always supported me and always gave me a place to be. They always tell me they will continue to support me no matter what my job. I am truly grateful.

    A rough map of the regions and places inside of The Forest…

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1: A Neon World and Talking Cats

    Chapter 2: Not-So-Talking Cats are Lame

    Chapter 3: The Birds That Darkness Feeds

    Chapter 4: And Then Things Went Downhill

    Chapter 5: Things Go Downhill, Literally

    Chapter 6: An Odd Ally

    Chapter 7: I Have a Crisis

    Chapter 8: The Gloom

    Chapter 9: Which Witch makes Sandwiches

    Chapter 10: You Have Seven Days

    Chapter 11: What Lurks in Darkness

    Chapter 12: The Crystal Kingdom


    The purpose of this book is to make people happy. To introduce the characters who have been living in my mind for the past three years. That’s right, folks, I’ve been slow cooking this world in my brain for three whole years! That’s not too bad, I think. I want to inspire people. To show people that you can, too. I want to share these characters that I’ve worked so hard to create. These loveable, weird, sassy dorks that I hope you guys learn to love, too. Now get on into the book! I’m sure they’re dying to meet you, too!


    ALEX WAS FURIOUS sounds like the perfect opening line to a story, right? Well, I hope it is, because this is my story. My name is Alex Hutson. I’m your average boy, but let’s skip the introductions.

    Now, where were we? Oh, right. I was furious. I still am, as I write this. Furious at what, you ask? Well, it was unacceptable what the police were doing: absolutely nothing.

    That’s usually not a problem, but it is when your best friend goes missing in the forest. The forest that eats people. The police do nothing more than put up a few missing posters. There were no news articles, no search party, nada. (That’s Spanish for nothing. Christian taught me that.)

    She told me she was going to the forest. I told her that it was a bad idea. I told her it was stupid to go into the woods, but when Blu gets something in her head it is hard to change her mind. I searched the whole town for her but did not find her anywhere. That is when I knew for certain that she had really gone into the forest.

    I didn’t think I would have to tell the police that I thought she was stupid for going into the forest. I guess telling them where she went was my mistake.

    I watched the two officers go pale at those words. One put on a fake grin and chuckled. Kid your best friend is eighteen, right? Maybe she just wanted to get out of this town. She will probably come back if she wants. I persisted and that’s when they finally agreed to put up posters.

    You might be wondering why authorities with big, bad guns are so afraid of a wad of trees. Well, the reason for that is:  the missing cases. See, our town isn’t normal. Anyone who enters the forest—even the authorities—goes missing without a trace. There has not been one single person that has entered and returned from the forest alive. How strange is that?

    Naturally, the only people that live here are druggies, deadbeats, and misfits. Or the curious type, like my mom. She was a scientist, researching the disappearances and odd magnetic fields of the forest. Her corpse was found in the outskirts of the forest, six years ago. I miss her every day.

    There are some other exceptions, like my other friend, Christian. When he moved in, it was like clouds had parted and the sun was singing her sweet melody… He and his family have made me feel like a part of their family. It is a large and loud family! They have big dinners and lots of laughs. Now Rosa, Christian’s mom, is sick. Which made me feel bad for what I had just done. I left him when he needed me.

    I faintly remember scowling at the missing poster of that I tore off of the flickering lamp post. I ran my fingers over the letters on the paper. Missing: Blu Villain she’d only been gone three days and I already missed her. I could have chuckled at that, but I wasn’t really in the mood.

    I still felt guilty about leaving Christian like that. He had come over to my house (much to my father’s dismay) as I had told him to. I told him I was going after her and started packing my bag with anything I deemed useful.

    He immediately protested, but I tried to ignore it. I heard his accent become thicker with each word, showcasing his worry. I heard him speak of loneliness if I were to disappear.

    Yet, I persisted. I slung my bag over my shoulder and turned to leave. I remember him putting a hand on my shoulder, warm to the touch and making me shiver. When I turned to face him, he outstretched his hand, offering his necklace. Its small cross charm glinted oddly. I swallowed hard. Christian’s necklace meant the world to him. I’ve never seen him without it. Take it, he stated. For protection. It would give me peace of mind.

    I could hear him, but everything sloshed in my head, as if I were under water. I could feel myself shakily reach out and take it gently into my hands. I slipped its long chain over my head, getting stuck in my hair a bit as the cross charm hung just

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