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Most Adults May Already Have A Macular Disease, And I, Can Prove That The Effects Of Wet And Dry Macular Degeneration Can Be Reversed
Most Adults May Already Have A Macular Disease, And I, Can Prove That The Effects Of Wet And Dry Macular Degeneration Can Be Reversed
Most Adults May Already Have A Macular Disease, And I, Can Prove That The Effects Of Wet And Dry Macular Degeneration Can Be Reversed
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Most Adults May Already Have A Macular Disease, And I, Can Prove That The Effects Of Wet And Dry Macular Degeneration Can Be Reversed

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About this ebook

I want to thank all doctors and medical bodies who published photographs, books and papers on macular degeneration online from mid December 2019 to date.
That is the period after I published the first edition of this book.
The reaction to my publication of this, my first book on this disease, was aggressive publication of a whole lot of previously unpublished information and photographs about macular degeneration.
After looking at the photographs posted online of the severity of cases of macular degeneration that doctors are having to deal with, it is important for me to state that some of those cases are too far gone for reversal, no matter what intervention method is used.
My sincere apology to anyone affected by this disease to that extent who read my book. My intention was not to raise false hope in anyone.
I also wish to apologize for the impetuous tone of my first book, though the information contained therein remains pertinent.
The series of photographs I present are merely the photographic rendering of what I wrote about in that book.
Macular atrophy is in fact, atrophied rods and cones.
These atrophied rods and cones can be melted by the sun, and they release back color into the eye. The melted rods and cones pass as waste in urine.
In this series of books, I offer photographic evidence of how color is released back into the eye.
The photographs in books 1 to 5 are based on 1 minute of video footage, slowed and screen shot.
Color release from rods and cones is a normal, everyday, process in the eye.
The video for this series, does a far better job than the screenshots, especially for book 1. Anyone interested in the video from which this series of books is screenshot, can email me.
I am very privileged to have witnessed this process in my own eyes countless times in these last four years.
The lack of clarity in some of the photographs is due to logistical limitations.
Therefore, I have taken different screenshots from different videos showing color release from macular atrophy to use as cover images for this series of books.
For this book series, the idea was to try and capture the correct sequence of this process as it unfolds.
Mine is the first independent story of reversal of this disease. It is not yet complete.
The method I am using to do this reversal has never been tried and recorded before by any human.
This is my fourth year doing this. And, as will be seen in these books, I still have atrophy left to clear out.
Renowned scientists are yet to be convinced of use of the sun as therapeutic to any human.
And true as it may be that I do not, as yet, have any noteworthy side effects, I am still to finish and post a final result.
And as promising as my results look and sound, four years is a long time to do what I am doing daily.
So, my hope is that, the information contained in this series of books will bridge a crucial information divide about this disease.
When a disease is correctly profiled and understood, remedies for it are found faster.
I am now committed to sharing the information that I have in a responsible manner.
I wish to state here that I never intended to slight the work of any doctors or researchers by publishing my first book.
If I offended anyone, I sincerely apologize.
I totally appreciate doctors and researchers' frustrations at people who come out with half-baked theories about diseases they spend years battling to find cures for.
After looking at the photographs medical researchers and doctors posted online after I published my first book, I felt justly chastised.
I sincerely hope this information will help doctors and researchers to bridge the chasm to better understanding macular disease.
In these three books, I present close up photographs of macular atrophy.

PublisherAgnes Musa
Release dateDec 7, 2019
Most Adults May Already Have A Macular Disease, And I, Can Prove That The Effects Of Wet And Dry Macular Degeneration Can Be Reversed

Agnes Musa

Agnes Musa is a published author with Hodder UK, Smashwords, Amazon, Lulu, Createspace and Google Play. Agnes is a full time writer passionate about health and welfare, human rights, female empowerment, children's rights and the environment. Agnes strives to produce well written short, exciting books on a variety of subjects.

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    Book preview

    Most Adults May Already Have A Macular Disease, And I, Can Prove That The Effects Of Wet And Dry Macular Degeneration Can Be Reversed - Agnes Musa

    Most Adults May Already Have A Macular Disease

    And I, Can Prove That The Effects Of Wet And Dry Macular Degeneration Can Be Reversed

    By Agnes Musa

    First Published December, 2019

    Revised September, 2020

    Copyright Agnes Musa 2019-2030

    Smashwords Edition License Notes:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    To everyone suffering from macular diseases,

    Everyone who dares to believe,

    My family,

    The people of Jamaica in Tafara, and

    Calvin, Jeff and John


    To doctors and researchers the world over too numerous to mention, without whose online research, videos and blogs, I would not have been able to write this book

    To my mentor, Doctor Maringo

    To Adobe SP Spark for use of their free cover design facility


    To everyone who will read this book.

    A special thank you to God, who still, makes all things possible, in His time.


    Photographic evidence to support the information on macular disease and macular atrophy that I write about in this book is available in the following books.

    Macular Degeneration, What Is Blocking My Central Vision, Photographic Evidence Book 1

    Macular Degeneration, What Is Blocking My Central Vision, Photographic Evidence Book 2

    Macular Degeneration, What Is Blocking My Central Vision, Photographic Evidence Book 3

    Macular Degeneration Atrophy Close Up, Photographic Evidence Book 1

    Macular Degeneration Atrophy Close Up, Photographic Evidence Book 2

    Macular Degeneration Atrophy Close Up, Photographic Evidence Book 3

    Macular Atrophy Colour Pigment Release, Photographic Evidence Book 1

    Macular Atrophy Colour Pigment Release, Photographic Evidence Book 2

    Macular Atrophy Colour Pigment Release, Photographic Evidence Book 3

    Macular Atrophy Colour Pigment Release, Photographic Evidence Book 4

    Macular Atrophy Colour Pigment Release, Photographic Evidence Book 5


    I want to thank all doctors and medical bodies who published photographs, books and papers on macular degeneration online from mid December 2019 to date.

    That is the period after I published the first edition of this book.

    The reaction to my publication of this, my first book on this disease, was aggressive publication of a whole lot of previously unpublished information and photographs about macular degeneration.

    After looking at these photographs, it is important for me to state that some of those cases are too far gone for reversal, no matter what intervention method is used.

    My sincere apology to anyone affected by this disease to that extent who read my book. My intention was not to raise false hope in anyone.

    I also wish to apologize for the impetuous tone of my first book, though the information contained therein remains pertinent.

    The series of photographs I present are merely the photographic rendering of what I wrote about in that book.

    Macular atrophy is in fact, atrophied rods and cones.

    These atrophied rods and cones can be melted by the sun, and they release back color into the eye. The melted rods and cones pass as waste in urine.

    Mine is the first independent story of reversal of this disease. It is not yet complete.

    The method I am using to do this reversal has never been tried and recorded before by any human.

    This is my fifth year doing this. And, as will be seen in these books, I still have atrophy left to clear out.

    Renowned scientists are yet to be convinced of use of the sun as therapeutic to any human.

    And true as it may be that I do not, as yet, have any noteworthy side effects, I am still to finish and post a final result.

    And as promising as my results look and sound, five years is a long time to do what I am doing daily.

    So, my hope is that, the information contained in this series of books will bridge a crucial information divide about this disease.

    When a disease is correctly profiled and understood, remedies for it are found faster.

    I am now committed to sharing the information that I have in a responsible manner.

    I wish to state here that I never intended to slight the work of any doctors or researchers by publishing my first book.

    If I offended anyone, I sincerely apologize.

    I totally appreciate doctors and researchers' frustrations at people who come out with half-baked theories about diseases they spend years battling to find cures for.

    After looking at the photographs medical researchers and doctors posted online after I published my first book, I felt justly chastised.

    I sincerely hope this information will help doctors and researchers to bridge the chasm to better understanding macular disease.

    Thank you.

    Agnes Musa September, 2020.

    Chapter One

    Most adults may already have a macular disease, which they and their eye doctor may not yet even be aware of.

    In this book, I use my own background information to tie up why I say so.

    Those interested in proof that most adults are likely to already have macular degeneration, and why, please follow the link below to go straight to the book with that information.

    How To Favourably Manipulate The Macular And Other New Information.

    My journey with this disease started five years ago as dry macular degeneration which progressed to wet.

    And my ‘findings’ will support my assertion that I think most adults the world over may already have a macular disease.

    And I'm not even talking about the upwards of 67 million known cases in Europe here, (figure courtesy of the British Journal of Ophthalmology).

    I am still reversing the

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