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His Christmas Carol
His Christmas Carol
His Christmas Carol
Ebook108 pages1 hour

His Christmas Carol

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Carol had never thought of life as particularly hard. She just did what she needed to survive. She and her sister, Persephone, were happy and healthy, if a bit poor. They had each other and that’s all that mattered. Then her world threatened to fold in on itself.

Logan had been watching Carol for the better part of a year. She treated Persephone like a daughter so he naturally thought the child was Carol’s daughter even though Carol was only currently eighteen. Which meant she'd been impossibly young when Persephone was born. Which made the father of Carol's daughter a dead man if he’d left the pair alone. Imagine his surprise when he learns the truth.

Wondrous things happen at Christmas time. Even a lord isn’t immune to the magic. Persephone was quick and intelligent and Carol even more so. It was enough to melt even the Grinch’s heart. This is one lord willing to leap in any direction it takes to keep his girls.

Release dateDec 22, 2019
His Christmas Carol

Marteeka Karland

Erotic romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent style her English teachers tried so hard to rid her of. Want to see what's up with Marteeka? Website Facebook Facebook Page: E-mail at Blog: BookBub: Amazon:

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    His Christmas Carol - Marteeka Karland

    Chapter One

    W hy would one lord be leaping, let alone ten? I mean, aren’t lords rich or something?

    That was Carol’s lovely six-year-old sister. Analyzing everything. Some days, she just couldn’t keep up with the girl’s questions.

    I don’t know, sweetie. I suppose some are.

    Lord Grayson sure is. Rupert Logan Grayson, Lord of… some place Carol could never remember, her employer, was most decidedly rich. Or something.

    I suppose that’s true, she said, continuing to walk down the snowy sidewalk, holding Persephone’s hand as she skipped beside Carol. I certainly can’t imagine him leaping for anyone. Can you?

    They both giggled at the image.

    I bet Lord Grayson would raise his chin and look down his nose at anyone who tried to make him leap around like a frog. She made a face, much like the one her employer had given everyone working at his estate at one time or another. Including her.

    Carol couldn’t help but giggle. It was a fair impression.

    I just bet he would. She gave the little girl a sidelong look. You wanna test your theory?

    Persephone opened her mouth—the child always had something to say—then closed it again. After a moment of contemplation, she said. No. I’m good.

    They both laughed.

    Lord Rupert Logan Grayson was something of an enigma. She didn’t see much of him, but when she did, he always had a look of intense disapproval when he looked at her. Like, seriously. He could walk into a room looking all serene and, well, Lordly, then, if he happened to glance her way, he’s gaze would snap back to her, and he’d look nearly angry before giving an irritated huff and walking away from her as fast as he could. It was almost as if she’d done something to personally offend him. Which she was sure she hadn’t. All she did was help in the kitchen and occasionally help set the formal dining room.

    Yeah. That’s what I thought.

    Why’s he always got such a meanie face?

    Carol shrugged, her lips twitching a little. I don’t know. Maybe his shoes are too tight.

    Persephone broke out into a fit of giggles. Or his head isn’t screwed on just right.

    They looked at each other, then quoted, But I think that the most likely reason of all may have been that his heart was too sizes too small. After a heartbeat, they both laughed so hard Carol had to sit down on a cold wooden bench along the sidewalk to catch her breath. Persephone threw her arms around Carol and continued to giggle.

    Oh, Peppy, Carol sighed as she continued to laugh. Stay six forever.

    The girl pulled away slightly, grinning up at Carol. Only if you promise to watch the Grinch with me tonight before bed. The real one. Then the long one.

    Both of them?

    Yeah. Cause I need some inspiration for my cookie making tomorrow.

    Carol raised her eyebrows. Cookie making? Where are you making cookies?

    Mrs. Spencer is helping me. She said since you had to work every day until Christmas, there was no way you’d feel like helping me make cookies and they every kid ought to get to make Christmas cookies.

    That was so like Mrs. Spencer. The older woman was forever looking out for Carol and Persephone.

    That’s so wonderful! I bet you’re excited. She pushed a stray chestnut colored curl that had escaped the girl’s hat away from her face.

    I am! I want them to be the bestest Christmas cookies ever!

    I’m sure they will. I guess that means we better get home if we’re going to watch the Grinch.

    Do you think my other mommy will come see is for Christmas this year?

    Just like that, Carol’s good mood plummeted. She tried not to let it show on her face. The subject of their mother was a sore one with Carol. She tried not to say anything negative in front of Persephone, but it was really hard sometimes. It also frustrated her to no end when Persephone mentioned the woman with longing in her voice, like it would just be the best thing in the world if she made an appearance back into their lives. Carol knew better.

    I don’t know, sweetie. You know Mom’s pretty busy. She wasn’t, but Carol wasn’t about to get into it.

    She’s in prison, Mom. Persephone had taken to calling Carol Mom soon after their mother had gone. It was fine with Carol, but made for some confusion when they were actually sisters. Carol was eighteen, Persephone six. While technically possible Carol could be Persephone’s mother, when people thought that, it was more than a little awkward. It’s not like there’s anything for her to be busy doing. Isn’t she supposed to get out soon?

    She was up for parole a couple of months ago, baby. If she got out, she didn’t come home.

    Did she call?

    No, baby. I’m sorry.

    You did keep the same phone number, didn’t you? Persephone looked almost shrewd as she grilled Carol. The kid was smart. No question of it.

    You know I did. I swear to you I haven’t spoken to her since the summer when she said she thought she’d get out on her first parole hearing. You talked to her yourself. If she calls or contacts me in any form, I promise I’ll let you know.

    That seemed to satisfy the child for now. Carol stood, and they continued walking until they got to their little apartment. It was a side-by-side kind of thing with one floor and two living areas. It was small—one living/dining/kitchen area with one bedroom and one bathroom—but it was comfortable for the two of them. Carol had managed to secure it after their mother had been arrested. It was a miracle, too, because she’d just turned seventeen when everything had gone to shit. If she hadn’t already started the process of becoming an emancipated minor, she and Persephone would have been thrown into the foster care system. With her mother’s drug conviction, her lawyer had pushed through the emancipation and started work on the custody situation. She was still paying the fees, but, luckily, the woman was kindhearted and had allowed her to pay overtime and with no set amount. Even if it was only twenty dollars at a time, Carol always made a payment every single month.

    The tiny space they had was currently decorated out the ass with lights, garland, icicles, and tree ornaments that wouldn’t fit on the actual tree. Persephone loved decorating and Carol let her. It was a small price to pay to keep the glorious smile on the child’s face this time of year.

    Carol hung hers and Persephone’s coats neatly on the rack beside the door, draped their hats and scarves over the coats, and stuffed their gloves in the pockets for the next day. Both of them took off their shoes and placed the under the coat rack, then Persephone went in search of her bunny and other dolls while Carol set about making dinner.

    So, I’ve got a frozen pizza or we do leftovers from last night’s sloppy joe dinner, she told Persephone. What’ll it be?

    The girl turned her face to Carol with a duh expression. Uh, pizza. Honestly, Mom. Left overs?

    Well, we have to eat them sometime.

    But not tonight.

    She couldn’t help but laugh. The girl was a holy terror sometimes. No, not tonight, I guess. But that means we eat them tomorrow. No fuss, no muss.

    Without looking back at Carol, Persephone gave her a thumbs up, and kept on playing with her dolls.

    It wasn’t fancy, but Carol was giving Persephone as normal a life as she could. The girl went to school every day and got off the bus at the estate along with a couple of the other children of Mr. Grayson’s staff. They all huddled

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