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Road Warrior Bible: Living a Life Worth Living on the Road
Road Warrior Bible: Living a Life Worth Living on the Road
Road Warrior Bible: Living a Life Worth Living on the Road
Ebook263 pages2 hours

Road Warrior Bible: Living a Life Worth Living on the Road

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This volume contains a wealth of knowledge on how to deal with a wide range of business travel problems that may occur. A set of guidelines and checklists are provided to avoid travel problems and how to get the most of travel for work, family and yourself -- the business traveler. Detailed suggestions are provided on responding to such issues as air traffic delays, saving money on travel, work around canceled or delayed flights, managing travel expenses, and the more complicated international business travel. Topics on travel health and safety are also provided. Information on how to plan, manage and follow-through with business travel opportunities, and how to use a wealth of travel apps and services. Effective ways to work with travel service personnel at airlines, hotels and corporate travel departments are also provided. This book is a must-read for both beginning business travelers as well as the most seasoned and experienced. Additional information can be found on
Release dateSep 25, 2019
Road Warrior Bible: Living a Life Worth Living on the Road

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    Book preview

    Road Warrior Bible - Todd Davis

    Road Warrior Bible: Having a Life Worth Living on the Road

    Copyright © May 1, 2019 by Todd Davis

    ISBN (Print): 978-1-73328-020-4

    ISBN (eBook): 978-1-73328-021-1

    Published by Chester Springs Publishing Company

    Chester Springs, PA 19465

    Table of Contents


    1. Develop an Effective Travel Lifestyle that Balances Personal and Professional Goals

    2. Understand Travel Markets

    The U.S. Business Travel Market

    Travel Markets and Competition.

    The Travel Strategy Should Consider Market Dynamics and Your Travel Values

    The Business Travel Market is More Transparent Now and Good Opportunities Exist in Finding Attractive Travel Deals

    3. Planning Your Trip

    Develop a Checklist for Creating to Good Travel Habits

    Avoid Unnecessary Risks

    4. During Your Trip: Getting the Most Out of Your Trip

    Develop a Comfortable Routine

    Know Your Travel Rights

    Fares Shown are the Full Price

    If You Get Bumped Off a Flight

    Delays and Cancellations

    Tarmac Delays in the U.S.


    Involuntary Bumping

    Lost Baggage

    Hazardous Items


    Have work time, relax time, exercise time, family time, food time and play time

    Travel Safety and Security on the Road

    Safety When Traveling Alone in a New City

    Travel Safety at Your Hotel

    Travel Liability and Insurance Health Coverage

    Working with the Gate Agents and In-Flight Service Personnel

    Having an Office Away from Home

    Set goals for your flight and trip – some Useful Activities to Accomplish

    Travel Socializing and Etiquette

    Be a Good Conversationalist

    Finalize Arrival Plans

    Hotel Arrival, Upgrades and Base Setup


    Staying Healthy on the Road

    Road Warrior Brain Food

    Hotel Departure/Extending Your Stay/Using Electronic or Automatic Checkout

    How to Avoid Losing Things

    Staying in Contact

    You are on your way home — Getting to and From the Airports or Train Stations

    5. What to Do When Things Go Wrong

    Lost Credit Cards and Credit Card Fraud

    Your Flight is Delayed or Cancelled

    Hotel Booking Problems and Imperfections

    Travel Plans Change and You are Past the Cancellation Period for your hotel reservation

    No Rental Car

    Stranded Due to Bad Weather or a Storm? Make the Best of It and Think Multimodal.

    Terrorist Events like 9/11?

    Household Repair While You Are Away from Home

    A Family Member Needs Money

    Served with a local Notice while Traveling?

    Trips Extended?

    6. After Your Trip

    Post Trip Checklist

    Get in Touch

    Complete Your Expenses On Time

    Unpacking and Filing

    Write a Trip Report



    7. Leveraging Business and Family Travel


    The Family Side of Road Warrior Travel

    The Obligatory Details of Foreign Business Travel with Families

    The Negative

    The Good Side of Foreign Business Travel

    The Return from Foreign Lands: The Adjustment Period

    8. Getting More Out of Travel Gear and Gadgets

    9. Using the Web and Online Tools

    Travel Planning and Scheduling Apps

    Apps Useful During Your Trip

    Post Trip Travel Apps and Tools Including Expense Reporting

    International Travel

    Travel Electronics, Gear and Updates

    Travel Etiquette

    General Travel Reference Web Sites Useful to Business Travelers

    10. Display Good Travel Manners, Etiquette and Companionship

    11. International Travel Considerations

    Plan Ahead

    See the World

    Know Customs and Visa Requirements

    Check the Department of State Web site

    Know Exchange Rates and Commissions

    Be Aware of Travel Security and Risks

    Blend in

    Work and Travel with Local Associates

    Use Your Sixth Sense, be in groups and talk within cultural norms

    Avoid Going to Unfamiliar Places Alone at Night

    Let People Know How to Reach You

    Keep a Copy of Important Papers

    Take Cash but Store It Wisely

    Check the CDC Web Site

    Make Medical Arrangements in Advance

    Be Sure Your Insurance Covers You

    For Extended Stay, Be Sure You Know About Your Corporate Compensation Package and How It Compares to Purchasing Power Parity

    Keep Your Hand on the Pulse at Home and Work

    Travel Security When Traveling — Check the locks on your door and windows and Use In-Room Safes

    Be Aware of the Foreign Earned Income Tax Credit

    Carefully Select Your International Air Carrier

    Some Caution About Code Sharing Arrangements

    General International Travel Tips

    Know Something about the History and Geography of the Country You Are Going To

    Knowing about the Culture of the Area Where You are Working,

    Seeing the sites.

    My Recent Experience in the UAE

    Know About Business Culture and Conventions

    Manage Your Optics and Persona Abroad — Avoid the U.S. Calvary Syndrome

    Know some of the foreign language but you do not need to be fluent – know the 5 key words

    Know about the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

    Save Time with Global Entry and/or TSA Pre-check

    12. Conclusions and Observations on My Road Warrior Years

    Appendix A: Road Warrior Travel Checklist

    Trip Checklist

    Appendix B. The Road Warrior’s Creed

    Appendix C. References for Great Travel and Fly Books for Road Warriors to Know More About What’s Behind Travel and the Experiences that Are Possible

    Appendix D. Road Warrior Travel Hints Summarized

    The Biz Travel Market and Saving Money

    Planning Your Trip for Saving Time and Reducing Risks

    During Your Trip

    What to do When Things Go Wrong

    After Your Trip

    How to Leverage Business and Family Travel

    Travel Gear

    Best and Essential Travel Apps

    International Travel

    About The Authorz


    I wrote this book to help bridge the gap between the seasoned Road Warrior and the beginning business traveler. I have spent all my life traveling in the pursuit of economic opportunity that has provided both inconvenience and rewards to my family. My family was able to discover great international and local attractions for vacations and new lands to live in, learning new cultures and even learning more about our own homeland. My travels have taken me to every U.S. state, to living in Europe and the Middle East, working on location in Central Asia and the Silk Route, and doing business in Australia. I have been on 25-hour door-to-door flights from the East Coast of the U.S. to Sydney, Australia, arriving at 6:30AM, and then going straight to work. I have flown from Philadelphia to Rio de Janeiro and from Rio de Janeiro to Dubai via London. I have also had the opportunity to fly around the world. These trips, though exciting, take their toll and you must carefully plan.

    I have been to most major European cities on business and vacation. I had the great pleasure of living in Copenhagen, Denmark for three years, two of which were with my wife and youngest child. I have also lived in the United Arab Emirates, living in Al Ain and working in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. When you spend so many years on the road, winning business, managing projects, plus carving out personal time with family, you build Road Warrior experience. Not only responding to what can go wrong on domestic and international travel, but you also learn how to adapt and solve the litany of travel glitches that occur. When you live on the road, you also need to discover a life worth living. There is an unbelievable amount of adventure out there when doing business travel. There are also many risks. The key is to develop travel savvy habits that benefit you, who you work for and your family. From extensive international travel you will grow professionally, personally, and your family can also gain in some of the benefits of what other destinations hold. It is a great gift to include your family to see major historical sights and attractions.

    There are challenges to overcome, rules to live by, but great rewards if you work at managing your business travel style. Road Warrior business travel is something we can all share in. To share the ongoing information exchange with business travelers, go to and join a community of world travelers who make a living on the road, have problems and experiences to share, and who can open the door to huge opportunities for travel learning, economic growth and entertainment. My advice is to be travel wise, proactive in your planning and management, and this will lead to an experience you will never forget.

    April 2019.


    Develop an Effective Travel Lifestyle that Balances Personal and Professional Goals

    Business travel affects our personal life, professional career, wealth and health. We need to find a balance. A Road Warrior is a person who spends a good part of their life on the road for business travel. We are a major part of the lucrative business travel industry.

    A Road Warrior pushes the envelope on both sides – business/profession and family. This book is about how to do this more efficiently and effectively. Plus, there are many savvy travel tips included in the book. People who follow the recommendations in this book, should expect more pleasurable, less costly and exciting travel that has payoffs for work and family.

    There is a certain mindset and travel sophistication that evolves when you spend a substantial amount of time on business travel. For relatively new business travelers and those who travel on business infrequently skills need to be nurtured and used to get the most out of business travel and to avoid the many inconveniences that can occur. Many travel mishaps can be prevented or reduced through better planning and trip management. In fact, a life of business travel as I have experienced can be quite painful if proper planning does not occur. Yet, it can also be rewarding if you manage it properly. You can live a life on the road and have a very exciting personal and professional life experience if you plan for it. I am still learning from my travels. I still make mistakes. I am still working on how to be a better Road Warrior.

    Special skills are needed to address all the things that can go wrong on a business trip and all the work and family demands that exist. The first has to do with defining your travel values. These will grow and change over time. There will also be many tradeoffs involved. Good business travel also requires quick, decisive action and thinking on your feet when things go wrong as shown in the pages that follow. The insights of this book are based on over 30 years of global and domestic travel experience. What do you value the most when you plan and complete your business travel? Answer these questions:

    1. What are your travel priorities and values? Saving money, using your time well and getting the most out of your trip? Avoiding travel delays and cancelled flights?

    2. Being safe?

    3. Maintaining proper health and avoid getting sick?

    4. Balancing time away from home and achieving your business travel objectives?

    5. Complying with corporate travel policy and minimizing time doing the trip planning and expense reports?

    6. Complying with country immigration and customs rules including obtaining the proper work visas?

    7. Being good at completing an effective and efficient travel itinerary and finding time to enjoy foreign locations and traveling well with colleagues?

    8. Taking time to see the sights and prospect for future family vacations?

    Where this gets tricky is when you must make tradeoffs among these various travel considerations. Trading off flight departures with costs and convenience and even having a backup if the flight is delayed or cancelled. More importantly, being proactive and avoiding risky flights where delays or cancellation could occur, and your backup options are slim and none. Packing for extended trips and what to bring with you or buy abroad is another trade off along with what to bring home when your foreign travel assignment is over. There are many more tradeoffs that will be discussed in this book.

    Road Warriors may also have dual goals including pushing the envelope in travel by cramming a tight flight and meeting schedule and balance the risks and rewards, plus get home in time to spend time at a family event. A seasoned business traveler must know and make up for the inconveniences caused to family and the emotional bank account must be replenished by sharing with family some of the fruits of business travel. When major surprises occur, there is a need to have a Plan B so that you can still meet your schedule and deliver on your family obligations.

    I, being a Road Warrior, break down my travel into distinct components or phases and have a set way of doing things. I have a specific process developed that helps me stay on time, not forget what I need, or lose things while traveling. I use good travel gear and technology to help me be efficient and economical. I like to blend into my travel schedule the amenities that an away location has to offer.

    Road Warrior s know the formal and informal when it comes to business travel. There are times when you can take advantage of formal procedures or rules and try to modify them to your advantage. I am not talking about breaking the law, but I am referring to finding ways to work within the system and still come out ahead when barriers arise (More on this later).

    As we travel more, we become an explorer which can lead to riches and rewards; we can also face some peril if we are not careful and calculating. The goal is to come out ahead often. Managed right, pushing the envelope in business travel can be quite rewarding. It is easy for it to get out of control, however, and the recommendations and insights in this book are designed to keep the experiences under some control and balance.

    A key theme in this volume is that we must know our options and take charge when things go wrong or when we plan our trip. Corporate travel advisors are often not as savvy as an experienced business traveler. Sometimes we are asked to leave later, make too many connections to save a few bucks.

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