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The Long Run: 1916
The Long Run: 1916
The Long Run: 1916
Ebook45 pages41 minutes

The Long Run: 1916

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'The Long Run' is a romance-adventure novel penned by Edith Wharton. The story begins by introducing us to the narrator, who accidentally met his old friend Halston Merrick at a dinner party in New York after a 12-year absence. Merrick and the narrator were at Harvard together and shared similar interests and ideals. After college, Merrick had a promising start in life, spending time at Oxford, working as a private secretary for the Ambassador in England, and running for political office. He also published a book on Municipal Government. However, after his father died, he took over the family's Iron Foundry business in Yonkers and stayed there for a few years before the narrator lost touch with him.
PublisherGood Press
Release dateDec 12, 2019
The Long Run: 1916

Edith Wharton

Edith Newbold Jones (nombre de soltera de Edith Wharton) nació en Nueva York en 1862, en el seno de una rica familia del mundo financiero. Con ella pasó parte de su infancia viajando por Europa, y, de vuelta a Nueva York, fue educada por institutrices. A los veinticinco años se casó con Edward Robbins Wharton, un graduado de Harvard doce años mayor. El conflicto entre sus inquietudes artísticas y literarias y el papel que tenía asignado como dama de la alta sociedad fue causa de contrariedades y de una grave depresión, pero también fuente de inspiración. En 1878 había publicado privadamente un volumen de poesías, y en 1897 un libro de decoración contra la estética victoriana, The Decoration of Houses (en colaboración con el arquitecto Ogden Codman), pero hasta 1902 no se atrevió con la que habría de ser su primera novela, The Valley of Decision, y no sería realmente reconocida hasta la segunda, La casa de la alegría (1905). A ésta siguieron, entre otras, The Fruit of the Tree (1907), Ethan Frome (1911; ALBA CLÁSICA, núm. XCV), El arrecife (1912; ALBA CLÁSICA, núm. LXI), Las costumbres nacionales (1913; ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR, núm. XXXVIII ), La edad de la inocencia (1920), por la que recibió el premio Pulitzer, y Los niños (1928; ALBA CLÁSICA, núm. LXXV), además de un gran número de relatos. En 1910 se estableció en París, y tres años después se divorciaría de su marido. Su contribución a la causa aliada en la Primera Guerra Mundial le valió la Legión de Honor. Murió en 1937 en Pavillon Colombe, su casa en Saint-Brice-sous-Fôret.

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    The Long Run - Edith Wharton

    Edith Wharton

    The Long Run


    Published by Good Press, 2022

    EAN 4064066211141

    Table of Contents








    Table of Contents

    It was last winter, after a twelve years’ absence from New York, that I saw again, at one of the Jim Cumnors’ dinners, my old friend Halston Merrick.

    The Cumnors’ house is one of the few where, even after such a lapse of time, one can be sure of finding familiar faces and picking up old threads; where for a moment one can abandon one’s self to the illusion that New York humanity is a shade less unstable than its bricks and mortar. And that evening in particular I remember feeling that there could be no pleasanter way of re-entering the confused and careless world to which I was returning than through the quiet softly-lit diningroom in which Mrs. Cumnor, with a characteristic sense of my needing to be broken in gradually, had contrived to assemble so many friendly faces.

    I was glad to see them all, including the three or four I did not know, or failed to recognize, but had no difficulty in passing as in the tradition and of the group; but I was most of all glad—as I rather wonderingly found—to set eyes again on Halston Merrick.

    He and I had been at Harvard together, for one thing, and had shared there curiosities and ardours a little outside the current tendencies: had, on the whole, been more critical than our comrades, and less amenable to the accepted. Then, for the next following years, Merrick had been a vivid and promising figure in young American life. Handsome, careless, and free, he had wandered and tasted and compared. After leaving Harvard he had spent two years at Oxford; then he had accepted a private secretaryship to our Ambassador in England, and had come back from this adventure with a fresh curiosity about public affairs at home, and the conviction that men of his kind should play a larger part in them. This led, first, to his running for a State Senatorship which he failed to get, and ultimately to a few months of intelligent activity in a municipal office. Soon after being deprived of this post by a change of party he had published a small volume of delicate verse, and, a year later, an odd uneven brilliant book on Municipal Government. After that one hardly knew where to look for his next appearance; but chance rather disappointingly solved the problem by killing off his father and placing Halston at the head of the Merrick Iron Foundry at Yonkers.

    His friends had gathered that, whenever this regrettable contingency should occur, he meant to dispose of the business and continue his life of free experiment. As often happens in just such cases, however, it was not the moment for a sale, and Merrick had to take over the management of the foundry. Some two years later he had a chance to free himself; but when it came he did not choose to take it. This tame sequel to an inspiriting start was disappointing to some of us, and I was among those disposed to regret Merrick’s drop to the level of the prosperous. Then I went away to a big engineering job in

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