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The Comely Teacher's Bodyguard: Volume 15
The Comely Teacher's Bodyguard: Volume 15
The Comely Teacher's Bodyguard: Volume 15
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The Comely Teacher's Bodyguard: Volume 15

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An opportunity to study in the city gave the village teacher, Du Ruiqi, a springboard to enter the city. From then on, she embarked on her career as a government official one step at a time.Using the wisdom and advantage of a woman, she had grown from a village teacher to a county secretary.In the game of power, what had she lost and what had she gained? What this article reveals to you is the bitter story behind the rise of a group of grassroots.
Release dateDec 18, 2019
The Comely Teacher's Bodyguard: Volume 15

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    The Comely Teacher's Bodyguard - Da Shu



    No, you don't want to go back! You had the chance to go back to Beijing, and you went back to Beijing, but you didn't go home to see my mom, nor did you go back to visit my grandma! " Ni Ni said stubbornly.

    This must have been what Ou Xiaoli had told him. Otherwise, how would Ni Ni know? Ou Xiaoli, oh Ou Xiaoli, why should we tell this to our children? The child is studying abroad, why to add trouble to the child?

    Li Chengxin could not understand, why did Ou Xiaoli not even have this little cultivation anymore? Should such a thing be allowed to involve the child? Too unreasonable!

    Ni Ni, your mother told you this, right? I don't remember it myself. I also want to go back, but every time, I would rush to Beijing, meet different people in a meeting, and then rush back in a hurry. I really can't leave! Li Chengxin said, Don't worry, after I'm done with my work, I'll go back and stay at home to accompany the two of you. How about that?

    Father, mother did not tell me this, but I know that it has been a long time since you have gone home, Ni Ni said. Last year, when I went home, I already knew that there was a problem between you and my mother, but I didn't expect that it would become like this.

    Ni Ni, don't get involved with the matters of the Lord. There is no problem between your mother and I, don't speak nonsense! Li Chengxin berated him. He hated letting his children know about these things the most, so how could Ou Xiaoli do it? What did she want?

    Dad, I hope there's nothing going on between you two. I hope you and my mom are just as happy together as when I was a kid, loving and loving each other — but tell me, are you and my mom the same as before? Still? Ni Ni looked at her father and asked.

    Ni Ni, listen to father, don't let your imagination run wild. The relationship between your mother and I isn't as good as it was in the past, this is something that happens between many couples. It's been more than twenty years, how can it be the same as when we were young? With the marriage coming to this point, it must have entered into its ordinary phase. Furthermore, I am often at Jiangnan Province and am separated from your mother, so my relationship is not as good as it was in the past. Li Chengxin said, Don't think too much into it!"

    Dad, I don't want to think too much and I don't want to think too much either. I just want you and my mom to be safe together, our home can't be scattered, I need you guys. No matter where I go, I need you guys to be together, always together! This is my greatest wish, and also my happiest place! In this family, losing anyone is incomplete! Dad, do you know what I'm most proud of abroad? Ni Ni said as he looked at his father.

    Li Chengxin stared into Ni Ni's eyes, he saw that her daughter's eyes were flickering with tears, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

    Li Chengxin did not say anything, but looked at Ni Ni, waiting for her words.

    Dad, what I'm most proud of is not that my father is governor, not that I was born in a high family, with a good upbringing, not that these things are common among Chinese students around me. In my classmates' home, if it wasn't a high-class family, then it was a rich family. With such a family background, there's nothing to be proud of and show off about there. I also never told my classmates about my family background and who my father is! What I'm proud of is that I have a happy home! I have the most loving parents in the world! I have a whole family! Ever since I was young, I have had my grandparents and parents loving me, and I have had my grandparents from my hometown worried about me. I feel that I am the happiest little princess in the world! Many of my classmates had divorced families, and many of their fathers, because of their power and wealth, had changed women, families, and even several fathers. Their earliest home had long since ceased to exist. Even if it existed, it also existed in name! Amongst them, there were also many mothers who went abroad with them. Although they were called reading partners, they actually didn't want to stay in the country anymore. Because there was no home in the country, because they had already been abandoned by men! Some were divorced, some were undivorced, but they had already died in name! Therefore, they chose to escape, choosing to go abroad with their children — Dad, these people's lives are very painful, and they don't live well abroad at all. Because most of them don't understand English, they don't have the ability to survive on their own over there. They left their homeland, losing their own circle of life, without their own career, without their own friends, the only possibility they had was to spend money abroad, the only thing they didn't lack was money, nothing but money — I didn't want my mother to become such a woman —"

    Li Chengxin was truly ashamed at Ni Ni's words! He felt that the person he felt the most sorry for was his daughter! He knew what a complete family meant to his daughter!

    Ni Ni grew up with the immersion of love. The child's mind was simple and meticulous, and she had a great deal of affection for everyone in the family. Last year, her grandfather had passed away, so he didn't inform her to come back in time. Later on, she found out that she had applied for leave to come back, and she was heartbroken for a very long time. As Li Chengxin watched this, not only were his tears flowing!

    Now that Ni Ni had said all these, she was obviously telling him that she already completely knew about his matters! She already knew that he might abandon her mother! She suddenly came to his side so that she could help his mother keep him, and more importantly, she wanted to protect this family!

    A child is a good child! He was not a good father!

    I'm sorry, Ni Ni! Daddy is sorry!

    Li Chengxin raised his head, trying his best to not let his tears fall.

    After a long while, he finally calmed himself down, looked at Ni Ni and said: My child, I know that you have grown up, and that you are no longer the little girl in father's embrace! You are the pride of our parents, you are the pride of our Old Li Clan! What you said made father ashamed! There was a problem between your mother and father. A big problem. Every time I think about these things, I can't stay calm. My heart is filled with contradictions — — Child, you want our family to be whole, you want me and Mom to not be separated, I understand that, and I want to do my best to do it. However, emotions were the most delicate thing. Once something went wrong, it would not be easy to restore it. Because emotions hurt a person's heart. When one's soul was harmed, it was often the greatest injury, an unrecoverable injury. Your mother and I, in this matter, have deep scars in our hearts. Father first examined himself. It was Father who had done badly and hurt your mother — but this matter is really not as simple as you think. The reason I didn't go back to see your mother is because I can't face her. We can't face each other, so, at this time, we might as well not see each other. When the time is ripe, I will have a good talk with your mother."

    Ni Ni looked at his father and pursed his lips, tears still flowing out of her eyes.

    She knew all this.

    Mama didn't tell her, but Aunt did! Aunt told her everything! That was why she had come straight to her father. She hoped that for her sake, her father would be able to reconcile with her mother and maintain the integrity of their home.

    However, she also knew that it was very, very difficult to return to the past.

    She had never thought that her father would be like so many other officials, embracing other women and wanting to play with them! She had seen that woman before, that woman who looked so delicate, so much older than she was. Last year, when she and her mother came to Jiangnan Province and met her at the elevator, Ni Ni could still clearly remember that woman's appearance. Her innocent and weak appearance made her look like a university student.

    All men like young women, and it is men's nature to dislike old and new.

    However, Ni Ni always felt that her father was not that kind of person. His feelings for her mother were so good, so deep. Even if there was, that hand was just for show!

    But the truth had hit her in the head! Dad really was playing with real, he really was playing with that little girl!

    She could not accept this reality, she absolutely could not!

    She had seen plenty of love between old and young, but she hadn't thought that such a thing would happen in her own home.

    Daddy — are you, for her, really in love? Ni Ni looked at her father and mustered up the courage to say these words.

    As a daughter, she knew, she shouldn't have asked her father that question. However, she wanted to ask, she wanted to know if her father was serious!

    Li Chengxin looked at Ni Ni in disbelief. How could this child ask something so direct? How could he talk to her about such a thing? After going to the United States to study, his thoughts were really so jumping and open that he could talk to his father about anything?

    However, Li Chengxin had the Chinese way of thinking, he was unable to directly talk about this with his own daughter! He couldn't say it out loud!

    He stood up, not wanting to answer the question.

    Li Chengxin stopped at the entrance of the study room and slowly said: It's getting late, you have been flying for a long distance, and you are already tired. You should go rest! Pour down the jet lag!"

    Father — — Ni Ni stood up, wanting to continue asking, but Li Chengxin waved his hand and said, What do you have to say tomorrow? I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep. Go to the room upstairs and rest. Everything is ready —"

    With that, Li Chengxin entered the study room.

    Listening to the activity in the living room, he realized that there was no movement there for a long time. Ni Ni seemed to still be sitting motionlessly on the sofa.

    Ni Ni watched his father's leaving figure and felt very, very uncomfortable in his heart!

    She knew that her father was avoiding her, and he didn't want to talk to her about it.

    But she wanted to know, what did Dad love about that woman? Love her young and beautiful? Love her simple and cute? However, every woman would become old. No matter how young or beautiful a woman was, no matter how pure or adorable a woman was, there would always be a day when she would grow old and old!


    Back then, her mother, Ou Xiaoli was such a beautiful woman! When she was young, she was a flower on the campus! Now that she was fifty years old, even though she still retained his charm, she no longer had the same appearance as before! Didn't Dad understand that? Why did she have to go after a beautiful young woman and forget about her wretched wife? Why can't you stay with your mother for the rest of your life? Is a man's love so unworthy of the test of time? If that was the case, how dangerous would it be for a woman to love a man her own age?

    When she was young, a woman had to use her youth to water a man's growth. When she turned a man into a towering tree, she had already exhausted her youth and turned into a yellow-faced grandma, facing the fate of being abandoned by a man!

    There are two types of marriage that are most valuable: the woman who lived with the man when she was young and the man who lived with the woman when he was old.

    Ni Ni felt that her mother was such a woman. She hoped that her father was also such a man!

    No, she still had to talk to her father tomorrow! I have to talk to Dad!

    On the second day, Li Chengxin woke up early as usual, exercised, then ate breakfast and went to work.

    He went out, but Ni Ni, who was upstairs, still did not make a move. He probably slept for a long time, so he left a note on the table for Ni Ni and went to his office.

    As expected, Ni Ni slept all the way until noon. When she finished packing and went downstairs, it was already lunchtime.

    There was a note on the tea table. She picked it up and saw that it was from her father.

    Ni Ni: Daddy is still very busy today, I don't have time to accompany you to lunch. You can get the waiter to send you to your room, or you can directly go to the dining room in Floor 4 to eat. Daddy has already arranged everything. In the evening, Daddy will give you a welcoming party.

    Father and mother have their own choice. No matter what happens in the future between your mother and I, we will always be the people who love you the most in this world. We will always be your parents. Daddy wants you to be happy, my baby! Daddy loves you!

    Ni Ni's eyes moistened when she read her father's message.

    Ni Ni remembered that when she was in high school, her father often left her notes like this.

    At that time, her father wasn't very busy with his work. Almost every morning, her father would prepare breakfast for her. This task was something her mother had never done before. Dad would make all sorts of breakfast for her, so she could eat whatever she liked every day and never get tired of it. Occasionally, when her father had matters to attend to at the office and needed to go to work early or occasionally had to travel, he would leave a note like this telling her what he was going to do today. The breakfast was already ready, so she was to take the bus to school after eating.

    Every time Ni Ni saw his father's slip of paper, she would feel extremely warm in her heart, as if she had heard his father personally say these words to her. The feeling she gave her was always so kind, so kind, so kind, so kind.

    She was always happy to have such a father.

    Because her father was not only handsome, but also so talented, so loving family, so much loving her and her mother. Ever since she was young, she felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

    Now that she saw the note her father had left her again, the warmth and emotion in her heart rose again, as if she were back in the past, back in her own home.

    However, in the blink of an eye, more than ten years had passed. She had grown up and flown away. Her father had gradually aged, and the happiness she had at home was completely gone.

    Time can bring you a lot of things, but time can also bring a lot of things —

    She felt that her father had changed, and her mother had changed, as if everything had changed.

    She wondered if she had been wrong to do so. Should she not talk to her father like that? Her father was the senior leader of the Party. He faced a lot of things every day and was under a lot of pressure. If she continued to pressure her father like this, shouldn't it be possible?

    Recalling the last words that he had asked her father yesterday, Ni Ni felt that it was a little rude now. After all, she was his daughter, so she shouldn't have been so overbearing towards his father! Her father said that her parents had their own choices, maybe it was true. Every generation had their own choices, every person had their own choices, but she really didn't want to see her once happy home disperse just like that. She didn't want her parents to part ways just like that, didn't want other people's tragedies to happen to her again.

    She didn't want this, she really didn't want this!

    If she could, she would like to go back to her childhood, to Beijing, to her warm and happy home.

    Ni Ni still hoped that she could have a good talk with his father. She hoped that his father could, on her account, return home and reunite with his mother.

    Ni Ni did not go to the cafeteria to eat, nor did she ask the waiter to bring the meal to her room. She went out alone, and asked a few classmates who came back from America to lunch together with her.

    Li Chengxin spent the entire day in a meeting.

    But on this day, Liang Xiaosu officially began her journey in Hainan.

    When he flew to Sanya at 9: 30 last night, Liang Xiaosu used his memories to go to the lover's hotel that she and King Li stayed in last year.

    They were in room 1052, she remembered.

    Liang Xiaosu went to the lobby and directly told the waiter that she wanted to stay in room 1052. It was unknown if it was due to the blessing of the heavens that no one stayed in this room, but as she wished, Liang Xiaosu stayed in this place that was once full of love between her and King Li.

    Pushing the door open and entering, he discovered that everything inside was both unfamiliar and familiar.

    A couple's room in a wooden house. It was warm and romantic.

    The room was filled with the scent of roses, and the large double bed with the white sheets still made of roses in the shape of a heart. The large double bath in the bathroom was already covered with rose petals — the room's lights were orange and warm, giving one the feeling of a warm, romantic tenderness.

    He then went outside to the small courtyard. There was a square swimming pool, with water flowing in it. Next to the pool was a SPA pavilion with a white towel spread out on the table. It seemed like it was waiting for the guest's embrace.

    What a familiar sight! What a romantic thing!

    Seeing everything here, Liang Xiaosu felt that there was King Li's figure there — —

    King Li gently lifted her up in the swimming pool. King Li passionately kissed her in the bathtub. King Li loved her from the big bed — —

    King Li's shadow could be seen everywhere!

    Liang Xiaosu laid down on the bed, pressing the unrestrained heart under him.

    Overhead was the orange chandelier, right in the middle of the big bed. Liang Xiaosu opened her eyes and looked at the light, feeling that the light was all about King Li — —

    King Li was smiling, looking at her smile, that naughty smile, made Liang Xiaosu's heart feel drunk all of a sudden! She liked to see him smile like this the most. It was a bit cunning and naughty, full of the charm of a man.

    Little girl — little girl —

    It was King Li calling her!

    King Li — — King Li — —

    She whispered with her eyes closed.

    Little girl, why did you come here alone? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you have to come alone? King Li looked at her and asked.

    Just not telling you? I won't let you find me! " she said mischievously.

    You little girl, you think I can't find you without telling me? I tell you, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I can still find you! Look, haven't you gone to the ends of the earth? King Li has also found you! Li Wang said with a mischievous smile.

    How did you find me? Hm? Who told you I came to the ends of the earth? she asked in surprise.

    Hehe, no matter who told me, no one told me. I will just figure it out and find out where you, this little girl, went. King Li continued to speak with a smile, looking very pleased with himself.

    She was speechless.

    When she opened her eyes, she only saw that the light was still shining in front of her. There was no one else in the room apart from her!

    She had been hallucinating. It was all an illusion!

    Liang Xiaosu's heart immediately became sad as tears unknowingly flowed out.

    Everything here was the same as yesterday. Today, she had come to the place where they used to live. But, King Li, where are you? Do you know how much this girl misses you?

    No! I can't think! Why did you miss him?

    Why did she miss him? Have you not been burned deeply enough by this feeling? You yearn for a plain and genuine relationship, but unfortunately it is absolutely impossible for King Li to obtain it! Xiao Su, Xiao Su, why do you think of him like that? Why not forget him? You lost two children and almost lost your life! Is your lesson not painful enough? Why miss him?

    Liang Xiaosu forced herself to stop thinking about King Li, but her mind was still full of his figure! This room was filled with his shadow! How could she miss him?

    Liang Xiaosu bit her lips and cried. With a trembling hand, she took out her phone.

    She really wanted to call King Li and listen to his voice. She hadn't heard his voice for a long time. She missed him so much! Even texting him to tell him that she was in Hainan, in the room where they had once lived, to let him know that she was retracing the footsteps of their love! She believed that once he received her text message, he would definitely reply to it! Definitely!

    However, she didn't dare to call him after flipping to his number. She didn't dare! I really don't dare!

    She thought of Ou Xiaoli and Ou Xiaomei, their sinister and fearsome appearances, the way they punched and kicked her. These two demon-like women, in an instant, shattered all of the fantasies in her heart!

    King Li's love was a burning flame, ardent and persistent, but jumping into it would be like jumping into a pit of fire, burning her to death! It would burn her to ashes! She had already experienced this feeling! Life is better than death!

    Was she going through fire and water for love? Was he going to jump into a fire and die?

    No! Absolutely not!

    Liang Xiaosu covered her face and sobbed. She could not contact King Li! She really couldn't!

    This love, with just a spark of it, would come back to life, she knew. Then, all her previous perseverance would collapse and she would begin a new round of self-destruction!

    Yes, this was self-destruction! Liang Xiaosu, oh Liang Xiaosu, from now on, even if you are truly alone for your entire life, you cannot jump back into King Li's Fire Pit! Those two devilish women will definitely not let you off! How shameful it is to have such an identity as you, who will never see the light of day!


    Let go, never contact him again! No more!

    If I really can't forget you, he'll take care of everything and come look for you again! In fact? He did not do so! Ever since you left, he hasn't sent you any messages, never gave you any phone calls or text messages. It's been over between you ever since you chased him out of the ward!

    Yes, it was over! Why leave behind a dead relationship? Why think of someone who doesn't care about you at all? It was time to end it! It was time to end this all!

    Liang Xiaosu lied on the bed, her heart in torment. As she struggled, her tears had unknowingly drenched the pure white bed sheets.

    A person's entire life, will meet many people, not everyone will be able to accompany you to the end. Some people let you grow up, some people let you regret it, some people made you grateful, some people made you hate them — no matter what kind of person you were, as long as you experienced it, you would end up with something in your heart, and that was enough!

    Liang Xiaosu didn't know if King Li was sent by the heavens to make her hate him, or to let her grow up, in short, she couldn't hate him in her heart, nor could she hate him, but she couldn't say that she was regretting it. She loved King Li, she truly loved him, and she believed that King Li loved her as well.

    However, reality was too cruel. The love that they had met at the wrong time had suffered such a huge blow, leaving both of them scarred.

    The most beautiful love is to meet the right person at the right time. Unfortunately, they had run into each other at the wrong time.

    I was born before I was born, and I am born old.

    I hate it that I was born too late, I hate it that I was born too early.

    I was born before I was born, and I am born old.

    Hate cannot be born at the same time, day and night is good for the king.

    I was born before the Lord, and I am old.

    I am separated from Jun Tianya by my sea.

    I was born before the Lord, and I am old.

    He transformed into a butterfly to search for flowers and roamed the grass every night.

    This poem once again appeared in Liang Xiaosu's mind, full of regret and sorrow.

    Liang Xiaosu's mind was in a mess. She went to the bathroom, and immersed herself in the bathtub, closing her eyes, telling herself not to think about anything else. Everything was in the past, everything was in the past.

    On the morning of the second day, Liang Xiaosu carried her bag on her back and began her solo journey.

    Her first stop was at the ends of the earth.

    There were many tourists here. The blue sea and sky, the soft sand, the gentle sea breeze, it was all very comfortable.

    The north was covered in snow, and the south was freezing cold. Coming here, however, was still the feeling of summer.

    A couple was walking barefoot on the beach. Their fingers were clenched tightly as they felt the waves coming in wave after wave until they reached their ankles. The feeling of the sand being washed away by the waves and left on their feet was very comfortable, very beautiful!

    In the distance, there were still some people surfing in the sea. It was really exciting!

    Liang Xiaosu also wanted to go down and tread on the water to accept Hai Shui's caress. However, she was alone and felt a little pity for him.

    Just one person! One person's mood was even higher!

    Liang Xiaosu took off her shoes and socks as she walked on the beach barefooted.

    On the wet and soft beach, it was cool and creamy under his feet. This kind of feeling was very special and Liang Xiaosu felt very satisfied.

    The waves had still wet the bottom of her pants. The seawater had faded, and a layer of white foam was left on the beach, spreading all over.

    Looking out into the distance, the vastness of the sea was pleasing to the eyes.

    Hugo had said that the widest part of the world was the ocean, that it was the sky that was wider than the ocean, and that it was the human heart that was wider than the sky.

    If a person's heart was that vast, then there would be nothing that they couldn't tolerate and there would be no Blazing Mountain that they couldn't cross.

    It's just that people tend to pester over one thing, often for a matter of obsession and wasted their whole life ah!

    The human heart was the largest and also the smallest. It was a place that could accommodate anything, or even a small sesame seed. The human heart was unfathomable.

    Looking at the endless sea in the distance, Liang Xiaosu wished dearly that her heart could be like this ocean and be able to hold anything.

    Beautiful girl, can you take a picture for me? An extremely magnetic young man's voice sounded beside Liang Xiaosu's ears.

    Liang Xiaosu was not sure if someone was talking to her, but she did not turn her head around. Instead, she continued to look at the sea in front of him.

    Beauty, can I trouble you to do me a favor? It was the same voice from before that rang in her ears again.

    Liang Xiaosu couldn't help but turn her head to look at her. She saw a tall and handsome young man holding a very professional looking SLR camera, looking at her in anticipation. The smile on his face was very sunny and he looked just like the sky in Hainan. It was very clear and very comfortable.

    Liang Xiaosu smiled and nodded.

    The young man was very happy, he immediately took off the camera belt around his neck and was about to hand it over to Liang Xiaosu.

    Seeing such a professional camera, Liang Xiaosu immediately hesitated, I'm sorry, I wouldn't take such a camera —

    Liang Xiaosu said embarrassedly.

    Hehe, don't worry about it. It's very simple. Since I have adjusted the focal length and aperture, just press the shutter button! The young man smiled and said, Actually, this camera is also very simple, it's not as complicated as you think!

    Then I'll give it a try! Liang Xiaosu said as he took the camera from him.

    Sure, thank you! The young man said happily.

    After handing the camera to Liang Xiaosu, he happily ran into the sea water. She did not even take off his shoes, but just stood there in the water, acting like a cool person — — Jumping both of his feet, stretching his body, and leaping up from the ocean water!

    This was the effect of wanting to soar into the sky!

    Liang Xiaosu had never taken such a difficult photo before, so her hands couldn't help but shiver a little. She pressed on the shutter two times consecutively, but she didn't know how it would work.

    The young man happily ran over and said with a smile, Thank you, beautiful woman! Did you take a picture of me when I was flying? Let me see …"

    He flipped through the photo, only to realize that Liang Xiaosu's picture was a little blurry. The image of herself flying around was not clear, and it was obvious that it was caused by her hands shaking.

    Beautiful girl, you caught me very well, just as I was rising up in the air — he said with a smile.

    Liang Xiaosu was slightly shocked in her heart. How can you shoot well? She didn't expect this professional to praise her so highly.

    I don't know how to take photography — Liang Xiaosu said embarrassedly.

    Indeed, she had never touched such a camera before. Her only camera was Sony's stupid machine, which she had bought a few years ago. It wasn't a photographic camera at all, but a camera that could be taken by any person, so it was called a stupid machine. There was no prize.

    Hehe, it's alright, the scenery is good, the grabbing is also good, it's just that my hands shook a little, which affected the effect — He laughed and said, How about this, you take two more photos for me, keep your hands calm and relax a little, then it won't be easy to shake them!

    Liang Xiaosu did not expect to see it again! She couldn't do it in the first place, so she had to do it over and over again.

    However, the man in front of him seemed to be traveling alone as well, so he had to find someone to take pictures for him. Otherwise, there would be no one to see but the scenery.

    She took the camera from him again, with the intention of trying it again.

    Listen to me. Relax and take the camera. Then, quickly press the shutter button! he said.

    Liang Xiaosu nodded.

    This time she tried to relax, and pressed the shutter fast, twice in a row, and felt her hands not shake.

    The young man took the camera and looked at it again. He smiled and said, Not bad, not bad. Here, take a look. Not bad! The feeling of being in the air is very good. I flew above the sea!

    Liang Xiaosu also looked at the two pictures she gave him, she never thought that the effects would be so good, the person on the screen really felt like she was flying, on the vast ocean, he was flying, it was indeed not bad.

    Are you alone? he asked curiously.

    Liang Xiaosu pursed her lips and laughed, nodding.

    Oh, I'm alone too! He said happily, I'll take a few pictures for you, too. When I get back, I'll send them to you in your mailbox, or you can give me your QQ and I'll pass it to you!

    Liang Xiaosu shook his head and said, Thank you. I don't like taking pictures.

    He smiled and said, Such a beautiful place, it would be better to leave behind some memorials! In the future, when he recalled it, he would have an image! Come on, I'll take your picture. Don't worry, I'm not a bad person!"

    Liang Xiaosu laughed but still shook her head.

    She had taken pictures of this place before, with King Li. That was what she remembered. Now she didn't want to take pictures. She wasn't in the mood for this, and she didn't want a stranger taking pictures of her. She didn't want him to know who she was, didn't want to give her contact information.

    Her heart refused all foreign invaders.

    Heh heh, then forget it, he said without a care.

    In his heart, he felt that the beauty before him was very strange.

    It was clear from her expression that she was thinking hard. Because her face was filled with melancholy, she stood alone in the sea, gazing into the distance. It was completely different from the other tourists!

    There were all sorts of people walking on the beach, including people surfing, people playing, and so on. However, it was still rare to see someone as depressed as her.

    If he wasn't wrong, she must have been lovelorn.

    A woman would only carry her backpack when she was out of love to travel, but the sadness in her heart was still there.

    This must have been the place where she and her lover had been, to revisit, to find the trail of love, the most common way for a woman to reminisce about lost feelings.

    Only a woman could be so silly. Coming here would obviously cause pain in her heart, but she always liked to look for pain.

    Men were not like this. If a man lost his love, he would quickly fall into a new relationship, allowing himself to walk out as soon as possible. This was a common healing method used by many men; it was quickly forgotten.

    Beauty, I am also traveling alone. If you don't mind, how about we go together? How about it?" he ventured.


    Liang Xiaosu was startled for a moment, but very quickly she shook her head and said: No, thank you, I will walk alone — —

    Oh, good, sorry to bother you! Thank you for taking my picture! " he said regretfully.

    He had wanted to accompany this beautiful lady and increase the fun of the journey, but to think that he would be rejected! He felt slightly disappointed in his heart.

    However, he quickly calmed down. There were too many perverts right now, and they were trying to cheat money and women. The beauty in front of him was probably a very cautious person, so she didn't dare to take this step.

    However, there weren't many girls who were like this anymore. Most of the girls who traveled alone with their backpacks were very unrestrained, so they would often have sex during the journey. This was something that both young men and women were looking forward to!

    Liang Xiaosu watched as he walked past her and then disappeared into the crowd.

    She did not dare and would not travel with a stranger. It seemed impossible in her world.

    Thus, she continued to walk alone, aimlessly.

    A day passed just like that …

    It was just that the Liang Xiaosu at this time would not know that because of her invading from the east and attacking the west, another person had eagerly gone to the south of the rainbow clouds, waiting to meet her full of anticipation.

    And on this night, Li Chengxin, who was in the capital, finally found the time to accompany his precious daughter to eat a meal.

    In order to make things more lively, Li Chengxin called Ruan Peiyun over, and even called his little brother Li Chengru and his wife over.

    It had been a long time since he last saw Li Chengru. His little brother was very calm now, focusing only on his work, he did not have the time to look for him.

    This was good, Li Chengxin liked it. Li Chengru was happy to see him work the most.

    After so many years, Li Chengru was not really stable even when he was running all over the place. Now that he could finally stabilise his body, Li Chengxin was more happy than anything else in his heart.

    Ni Ni never thought that his father would ask so many people to accompany her. She had thought it would be a meal for her and her father, so she could let her father continue the conversation she had had yesterday. Last night, they didn't finish talking about the substance at all!

    However, it was impossible to talk about that with his father in front of so many people.

    When Ruan Peiyun saw Ni Ni, he was quite shocked!

    This little girl had indeed grown up and become even more beautiful than when her mother was young! He truly had good genes, a beautiful appearance, and a great ability to read books. His overall qualities were also very good.

    Ruan Peiyun envied Li Chengxin the most for having such a good child. Of course, there was also that pair of twins. This made Ruan Peiyun even more envious! Those two children will definitely be very good in the future. Just by looking at their eyes, one could tell that they are very intelligent!

    Ni Ni, this change of yours is something that uncle is almost unable to recognize! It was the same every year! When I saw you earlier in the year, it changed a lot from what it is now. Ni Ni, isn't it very easy to attract boys to fight you to the death in school? Ruan Peiyun said with a smile.

    Hehe, Uncle Ruan sure knows how to joke around, Ni Ni laughed and said, And here I thought Uncle Ruan was going to introduce me to a new aunt.

    You little girl, you know how to make your uncle happy! I'm already in Old man, who would want me! " Ruan Peiyun sighed and said.

    Haha, Uncle Nuan, you are a diamond-ranked Old man. You are the god that many young women think of! Ni Ni said with a smile.

    Haha, I'm not, your father is — Ruan Peiyun laughed and said. Your father's image on TV is the perfect idol for many women!

    After Ruan Peiyun finished speaking, he inadvertently glanced at Li Chengxin, but unexpectedly discovered that Li Chengxin's expression was not well.

    Oh, that's a joke! Ruan Peiyun looked at Li Chengxin somewhat embarrassedly, and then kept quiet.

    Li Chengru had not seen Ni Ni for a year, and last year, during the new year, Ni Ni went back to her hometown with her big brother to visit his grandparents. They had seen each other once, but they never thought that after this year, the child would change so much! It really was a change of women's style! More and more like her mother, and so beautiful!

    Ni Ni, if you have time, you can call your brother Bao Long and encourage him to study under you. Ni Ni said. Li Chengru's wife looked at Ni Ni and said.

    She truly hoped that her precious son would be as promising as Ni Ni. But that child just wasn't interested in studying and his grades are just so-so!

    Aunt, studying abroad doesn't mean anything. I feel that little brother Baolong might not have to leave the country, and there will be a lot of opportunities in the future. I want to return home after graduation to develop! There are many opportunities within the country, and we also spend a lot of time together with our families. This is the most important! " Ni Ni said, and looked at her father who had yet to speak.

    Li Chengxin's smile finally returned to his face, he called Ni Ni and said: Eat the food, this is what Uncle Ruan specially ordered for you, it's what you like to eat –

    Hehe, thank you Uncle Nuan! Ni Ni said obediently.

    During his first three years in the United States, Ni Ni had always gone to find him whenever he needed help. He had also frequently went to the school to visit Ni Ni, so he didn't feel lonely in this foreign land.

    Ni Ni, you said that after graduation, you want to come back and develop? Ruan Peiyun asked in disbelief.

    Yes, I really meant it because I didn't want to leave my parents and I wanted to come back and stay with them. Besides, I can also develop very well at home, there's no need for me to stay abroad! Ni Ni said firmly, Uncle Ruan, haven't you come back after working on Wall Street for so many years? Right?

    Ruan Peiyun nodded his head and said: I can't compare to you, I only left the country after finishing university. You went to America when you were in high school, you accepted American ideas early, so you should have a stronger sense of identity with America. Why don't you consider staying abroad?

    I don't think so. I just want to come back and stay with my parents in the future. I want to be able to take care of them and also develop my own career. Dad, you want me to come back, too, don't you?" Ni Ni said with a smile.

    Li Chengxin laughed, and did not say a word.

    Actually, from his point of view, he did not wish for Ni Ni to return.

    Because the situation at home was too complicated.

    He believed that when Ni Ni returned, he would definitely be able to develop his strength well. This was because Ni Ni herself was a child with very high quality and ability. With her background in education, there was no need to even mention about her.

    But, Li Chengxin was actually still worried, worried that if his daughter came back and one day his position would not be preserved, or if he was harmed by the enemy, then his family would be affected and his future would be bleak! Although Li Chengxin felt that he was not considered a greedy official, but if he was truly ambushed or punished, it could be said that no one would be able to escape. Li Chengxin believed that he would lose.

    With this kind of system, everyone was trapped in a vat. Who would want to be the only one who could do something like this? It was definitely impossible.

    The reason why he allowed Ni Ni to leave the country was because he hoped that she would be able to lead the life he wanted in the future. No matter what happened to his father, she wouldn't be implicated.

    This is the root cause of many officials sending their children abroad.

    Sacrifice one person to make your family happy. It was a lot of greed. The real idea of the officer. This was especially true for children!

    Li Chengxin did not think about how much property he would give Ni Ni, but he hoped that he could provide her with a good job and a good living environment so that she could live the life she wanted.

    But why was this child thinking this way now? He actually said he was coming back? Could it be that she was truly affected by his matter this time, and wanted to use her strength to preserve the integrity of this family?

    Foolish child! Li Chengxin said in his heart, you don't need to meddle in Master's matters!

    Although Li Chengxin thought about it a lot in his heart, he did not say it out loud. If that was the case, he needed to talk about this with Ni Ni alone. Ni Ni was still young, and did not know the intentions her father had for her!

    After eating, Li Chengxin returned to his living place and began to squeeze fruit juice for Ni Ni once again.

    It was rare for his daughter to come here, so he had to do this kind of service to serve her.

    Father, Ni Ni shouted, I will return to Beijing tomorrow, as tomorrow would be the weekend. Can you come with me?

    Daddy isn't free, he's been really busy recently! Li Chengxin said, I will go back during the new year!

    Dad — I wish you'd come home, a year ago, okay? Ni Ni continued.

    Is that your mother's idea? Li Chengxin frowned and asked.

    No, I meant it! Ni Ni said, But Mom must have wanted you to go back earlier!

    Li Chengxin stopped and did not press the juice again.

    He looked at Ni Ni and said: Child, you don't need to worry about me and your mother. You've grown up and this is a good thing. I still have the same words. No matter what happens between your mother and I, we will always love you the most!

    In addition, after you graduate, I hope that you can consider this matter carefully. I hope that you can stay in the United States in the future and do what you want. Don't go back! Li Chengxin said.

    You can do what you want at home? Ni Ni asked, Why must we stay abroad?

    Li Chengxin thought for a while, then said: You will understand in the future!

    Father, I can promise you that I will not return home, and will stay abroad to develop myself. However, you must also promise me one thing — — Ni Ni said as he looked at Li Chengxin.

    Li Chengxin looked at Ni Ni suspiciously. What did this silly child want to say? He seemed to have already guessed it!

    Father, I can promise you that I will not return home, and will stay abroad to develop myself. However, you must also promise me one thing — — Ni Ni said as he looked at Li Chengxin.

    Li Chengxin looked at Ni Ni suspiciously. What did this silly child want to say? He seemed to have already guessed it!

    Dad, I'm working abroad, so there's no problem. However, I hope that you and mom can live together for the rest of your life. Our family can't be separated from each other ever again! Ni Ni looked at him, with glistening teardrops flashing in her eyes.

    Li Chengxin knew that was Ni Ni's condition. This was the only thing that Ni Ni was worried about.

    This child had truly troubled himself!

    Li Chengxin's heart was once again filled with guilt. This originally blissful family was indeed created because of him. He was a sinner, he could not be forgiven!


    If —

    If Ou Xiaoli did not know about what had happened between him and Xiao Su, if Xiao Su had not suffered such heavy injuries, if their child had not been harmed by Ou Xiaomei and Ou Xiaoli … Perhaps, in his entire life, he would feel guilty towards Ou Xiaoli, and on the surface, she would maintain the integrity of this family. In front of Ou Xiaoli, he would treat her well as usual, even if it was just an act.

    However …

    But now everything had changed.

    He thought that if the red flag did not fall from the sky, it would be impossible for the colorful flag to fall from the sky.

    Li Chengxin felt that he had failed, and was an extremely defeated man.

    He seemed to be incapable of handling the relationship between several women. He had injured two innocent women, injured two children who had not been born yet, and also injured his own daughter Ni Ni. At the same time, he was also riddled with scars!

    In the end, it seemed as if this relationship only brought harm to everyone.

    Ni Ni — you heard dad say that staying abroad to work and living with your parents is a completely different question from asking them whether they can get back together. There's no need to pull it together, child! When you grow up, you will have your own family, your own children, a world of your own, and your parents will not be able to accompany you to old age. As for your mother and me, we will consider our relationship carefully. Twenty years of marriage between your mother and me is not something that can be separated so easily. Besides, I'm in this position right now, and my personal family situation, including the fact that you left the country, is going to be reported to the organization. Your mother and I won't break up that easily, because there are a lot of things going on between us that you don't necessarily understand and you don't need to understand. You just need to know that Mom and Dad both want you to be happy, happy, and able to live a life of your own. That's what we want the most, and that's what your mom and I want the most.

    Li Chengxin looked at Ni Ni and said sorrowfully.

    He had never thought that he would talk to his daughter about such a topic. For a father like him, this was truly a failure.

    Parents should be the role model for their children. Whether in life or career, they should set a good role model for their children to have a positive outlook on life and values, as well as a happy future. He had done the same thing all these years. He tried his best to be a good father. Knowing that he had met Xiao Su, he did not stop the carriage to allow his emotions to slide into such a dangerous situation.

    Now, he had actually given his daughter such a bad influence in terms of feelings. He hoped that Ni Ni wouldn't have any improper judgement on love just because of him, and if that was the case, then he couldn't forgive himself even more.

    Father — — Ni Ni looked at him and said, If I am abroad and your relationship with mother is not good, I will always be very worried about you two. You all have jobs and careers now, and you're busy every day, so you won't feel lonely, but once you retire and return to your personal lives, you'll be really lonely if you separate. Father, before, when Grandpa was still alive, Grandma was in such a good mental state. Even when Grandpa was laying on the bed every day and Grandma sat on the bed to talk to him, Grandma was very happy because Grandpa was one of her companions. However, after her grandfather had passed away, her mental state immediately collapsed, and her entire person sank into depression. Although her mother and aunt were by her side often, her grandma was the happiest when she was with her grandpa. They had been living together for decades and shared their hearts. They did not speak to each other, and with just a single glance or movement, they could tell what the other was thinking. This was the real young couple that came together! Dad, I hope that you and mom can have an old age together, this is much better than me staying with you guys! Father!"

    Li Chengxin was embarrassed from what Ni Ni had said!

    That's right, young husband and wife were always together! When he was young and busy with work and children, he would often turn a blind eye to the closest loved ones around him. However, once he entered his old age, his children would all fly away, leaving behind only two old people. Children can come back to visit you every holiday, it is good to call you often. If you want your children to stay by your side, that is very difficult!

    However, how many couples were able to keep a young couple together all the time?

    Li Chengxin felt very, very uncomfortable hearing Ni Ni's words. He got up and walked to the window, not knowing what to say to his daughter. This was something his daughter could understand, but he, his father who had lived for half his life, did not understand. This was such a shameful thing!

    There was nothing wrong with Ou Xiaoli. No, it should be said that Ou Xiaoli was very good, a very good woman. All these years of giving him, all for his career, loyal to him without fail.

    Before Liang Xiaosu appeared, he had never thought that she would abandon Ou Xiaoli for another woman, never once.

    However, now that such a thing had happened, it was impossible for him to turn back even if he wanted to. Because he couldn't go back. His heart couldn't go back. He believed that Ou Xiaoli was the same, and he would not be able to return to her heart!

    He no longer wanted to discuss this topic with Ni Ni, as it was too heavy and injurious.

    After a long while, he turned around and looked at Ni Ni, and said sorrowfully: Child, what you said makes a lot of sense. I am glad that my daughter has such an understanding towards marriage and family. If you say so, dad will put it in his heart, and I will think about what to do with your mother. I didn't want you to know about this, because this isn't something you should be worrying about. It's just that your father is giving you trouble, and your father is letting you down! I hope that you will not be affected by this matter. Tomorrow, go home and happily accompany your mother. Go to your grandmother's house and accompany her. Do not mention this matter in front of your mother. When I finish my work here, I'll be back with you. Tell your mother, I will definitely return home to celebrate the new year. I will definitely return to visit your grandmother!"

    Ni Ni also knew that this matter must be very uncomfortable for her father.

    Father is not a heartless person, if he really had feelings for that woman, he would not easily abandon her. She was giving her father so much pressure right now that her father must be having a hard time.

    His father had clearly lost a lot of weight in this period of time, and his spirit was not as good as before. He looked much older.

    Ni Ni didn't want to see her father like this. She also hoped that her father would be in high spirits like before, talking and laughing merrily.

    Therefore, Ni Ni got up and walked to her father's side. She helped him tidy up his clothes, patted off the hair that had fallen on his collar, and then looked at him and said: Father, I actually hope for your happiness, hope that you can be as energetic as before, and hope that you can pay attention to your own body. You will always be young, and will always be so humorous. Dad, don't worry. When I go home, I will definitely accompany Mom out for fun and chat with Grandma. Mom and I will wait for you at home …"

    Good — — Li Chengxin's eyes were moist. His daughter was too considerate and sensible, making him, her father, feel ashamed!

    Dad, I know mom loves you very much. Mom and I love you very much! Ni Ni said while looking at him, and then hugged him tightly.

    Li Chengxin hugged Ni Ni tightly.

    His daughter had grown up and hadn't hugged him like this for a very long time! Now, the feeling of holding his daughter in his arms made him feel like the happiest and happiest father in the world!

    When Ni Ni was young, the scene of her acting coquettishly in his arms was still fresh in her mind. Suddenly, her daughter was already as tall as him! Ni Ni had grown up, how could he not be old!

    Li Chengxin couldn't help but sigh in his heart, thinking back to his daughter's childhood, when he was teaching her how to treat the world, teaching her how to conduct herself. Now that his daughter had grown up, she was trying to persuade him otherwise!

    Li Chengxin, oh Li Chengxin, you are already over a hundred years old, what are you still doing? No matter how glorious or powerful a man is outside, if he does not have a happy, whole family, he will fail and be miserable. Because the home is a spiritual home, is a spiritual habitat.

    He gently patted Ni Ni's back. His daughter's long hair was in the palm of his hand, making him feel a bit warm and touched at the same time. His tears couldn't help but flow out of his eyes as

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