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Rough (Book 3): Wilderkind MC, #3
Rough (Book 3): Wilderkind MC, #3
Rough (Book 3): Wilderkind MC, #3
Ebook72 pages1 hour

Rough (Book 3): Wilderkind MC, #3

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This is book 3 and the finale of the Wilderkind MC romance series! 

I sent her back to her owners with my baby in her womb.

She belongs to my enemies.

But that didn't stop me from taking her my way:

Rough. Savage. Relentless.

And I left her with a little something extra.


I got my nickname because I'm as big as a bear – down there.

It's why girls flock to my bedroom every night of the week.

But every morning, I kick them out.

I'm not the kind of man who settles down.

More like the kind who settles up.

On the racetrack, that is.

No one rides harder or faster.

No one wins like me.

That's how Sunny ended up bared in my bed – I claimed her as my latest trophy.

And when I was done making her moan, I sent her back to the men I'd stolen her from.

They're none too pleased about what I did to her.

And they'll be even less happy when they find out what I left behind, inside of their most precious prize…

Release dateDec 14, 2019
Rough (Book 3): Wilderkind MC, #3

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    OMG! I loved it, so romantic! True love is reachable you just never know where you will find it!!

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Rough (Book 3) - Evelyn Glass

Rough: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Wilderkind MC Book 3)

By Evelyn Glass

I sent her back to her owners with my baby in her womb.


But that didn’t stop me from taking her my way:

Rough. Savage. Relentless.

And I left her with a little something extra.


I got my nickname because I’m as big as a bear – down there.

It’s why girls flock to my bedroom every night of the week.

But every morning, I kick them out.

I’m not the kind of man who settles down.

More like the kind who settles up.

On the racetrack, that is.

No one rides harder or faster.

No one wins like me.

That’s how Sunny ended up bared in my bed – I claimed her as my latest trophy.

And when I was done making her moan, I sent her back to the men I’d stolen her from.

They’re none too pleased about what I did to her.

And they’ll be even less happy when they find out what I left behind, inside of their most precious prize...

Chapter 1


T oday’s the day! Can you believe it? Larissa squeals as she squeezes me into an unwanted hug. I am so, so, so excited for you!

Shut up. Please. Kitka rolls her eyes while walking towards the fridge for a bottle of beer, despite it being only eleven in the morning. She gives me a nod up and down before focusing on my growing belly. Damn, girl, you sure it’s not twins?

Seriously? I shoot back, knowing it does no good. The five months since we found out I was knocked up and I went with the Cobra scheme have been hell on Earth. Kitka hasn’t gone a day without giving me some kind of jab or sting. Lately, it’s been commenting on how freaking round I was getting. Even with about two months to go, I Iook as though I’m about to burst.

Oh, c’mon Kitka, you’re not excited to find out if she’s having a girl or a boy? That’s like the best part of this whole thing! Larissa, on the other hand, has been nothing but a giddy fool over me being pregnant. First, I thought it was because I was out of commission. Me being both claimed and knocked up meant I didn’t work the bars or take on any of the boys. It’s less competition for her and Mary to fight over under Kitka’s new, iron-fist rule. But then, she started acting sweet, genuinely sweet. A few months back, she bought me a few yellow onesies with the money she had from tips. I almost cried over how kind it was. The hormones didn’t help.

I couldn’t care if it’s a mole rat... or some kind of other animal. Kitka’s eyes peer at me half-open. We both know what she’s referring to. She played these games early on when there were questions about the fast romance between Cobra and me, and the rumors about him dumping Kitka swirled. Killer had to stop her from giving away too many hints that the baby wasn’t Cobra’s. I watched that shit show go down and couldn’t have been more pleased to get her off my back—at least for a while. Now, Kitka’s gone back to Kitka bitch mode.

Oh, for fuck’s sake, shut your bitch-ass mouth, Kitka, Larissa snaps. Then she turns to me and says, Seriously. I’m excited. I can’t believe you’re letting me go with! I’ve always wanted to go to one of these appointments.

It’s nothing, really, I reply. They put some gel on you, show you some pictures, and you’re out of there. That’s a lie, really. The first time I saw my baby on that screen, I burst into tears. I was alone, sobbing in a white, undecorated hospital room with only the image of my baby floating in a pool to keep me company. That’s why Larissa’s coming today. I need to share this with someone.

What does Cobra think it is?

He, uh, hasn’t said. Actually, the truth is that Cobra hasn’t said anything. At all. We don’t exactly talk when I go over to his place every night. Killer’s been generous by upgrading Cobra’s condo to a two-bedroom for the baby, but the nursery has been turned into a place for me to get the hell out of his way and lay low until morning when I can creep back to my apartment and sleep with both eyes closed.

That’s a shame. I think it’s a boy! I read somewhere that if you’re carrying low, it’s a boy. If it’s high, like a basketball, it’s a girl.

What if you’re somewhere in between? I ask as I take a look at myself in the full-length mirror. I’m still so unused to seeing myself like this.

C’mon. She laughs. We gotta go.

Good luck, Kitka murmurs under her breath. You’re gonna need it.

I turn to ask her what she means by that, but Larissa is practically dragging me out the door. We walk the five blocks to the hospital, arm in arm, as she gossips about Mary’s new boyfriend or the new recruits the club has just brought in. There’s some talk going around that most of

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