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Garro: End Times
Garro: End Times
Garro: End Times
Ebook191 pages2 hours

Garro: End Times

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Perfect for lovers of star wars, Warhammer 40,000 and magic!


The obliteration of Earth has begun...

With the orbital defences swarmed through the devastating strength of the Order armada, the Order launches their assault on the human Throneworld with centuries of fury behind them.

After withstanding a ferocious barrage of twisted firepower, an apocalyptic ground war commences all over earth with every inch gained paid for with the brave lives of billions. The front lines are beyond horrific as well as the very air is reduced to toxic ash.

Bodies are thrown into the meatgrinder of the vile races of the Order and the Undead pour into reality as the veils between worlds become too thin to hold them back anymore.

The defenders face a losing battle.

To make matters worse, with the God Cabal and her daughter revealed it's up to Hugo to end the Cabal once and for all no matter the cost but in this epic showdown between the three characters shocking secrets are revealed that will make Hugo question everything.

However, there is minimal hope as Garro and his forces race across the stars to save them.

But will they be enough to save humanity from the Order when ancient foes and the Order’s best come for them?

Not everyone will make it out alive in this gripping ending to the trilogy, but your favourite heroes live or die?

Release dateDec 21, 2019

Connor Whiteley

Hello, I'm Connor Whiteley, I am an 18-year-old who loves to write creatively, and I wrote my Brownsea trilogy when I was 14 years old after I went to Brownsea Island on a scout camp. At the camp, I started to think about how all the broken tiles and pottery got there and somehow a trilogy got created.Moreover, I love writing fantasy and sci-fi novels because you’re only limited by your imagination.In addition, I'm was an Explorer Scout and I love camping, sailing and other outdoor activities as well as cooking.Furthermore, I do quite a bit of charity work as well. For example: in early 2018 I was a part of a youth panel which was involved in creating a report with research to try and get government funding for organised youth groups and through this panel. I was invited to Prince Charles’ 70th birthday party and how some of us got in the royal photograph.Finally, I am going to university and I hope to get my doctorate in clinical psychology in a few years.

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    Book preview

    Garro - Connor Whiteley


    Chapter 1

    Fire spread across the ship rapidly. One by one, each critical system was starting to fail. The ship’s and her brave valour crew’s only hope was to enter Slidespace and escape.

    However, this Magi flagship was alone in the darkness against five Order cruisers. That was not built specifically for destroying flagships. Between themselves, they could annihilate the poor ship over time.

    It was that time, which was approaching fast.

    Damn the Order for their actions, Davion cursed, in his dirty grey Angel plated armour with bright purple highlights around the shoulder as well as a breastplate. From his waist hung two important mysterious objects. The first was a railgun similar to Garro’s, although, his own had strange purple energy radiating from it.

    The second object was an ancient A4 book with a very used leather cover with an enchanted padlock. Shutting the book to all but him.

    It was rumoured that upon accession to full Magi Supreme Grand Master Jeremy gave the book to him as a duty to the Magi Order. Besides that, only Garro knows the content of the book.

    Magi- we can’t survive like this, a trooper screamed.

    Sir, critical systems damaged: oxygen recycling, engines and shields. One more hit and our shields are down, the ship itself reported.

    Looking over to the holographic map of the situation floating in front of him. Davion saw the five ships behind him. One in each corner and another directly behind them.

    They needed a plan.

    All forces…

    Before Davion could finishing the entire ship roared as missile ripped through the ship. Killing hundreds.

    Shields are down! Engines are down! Slidespace engines are down!

    Davion froze. All of the most important systems were down.

    How long until you can repair yourself ship? Davion asked.

    With marine engineering help. An hour,

    If I channel some of my magic into the ship. Aiding with the repairing,

    Then 30 minutes Magi,

    So be it, with a thought Davion forced some of his magic into the ship.

    Sir, what our plan?

    All forces- turn off all non-essential systems and redirect all power to the repairs. Launch all remaining fighters,

    Of course, Magi, Davion’s commander replied with a bowed of respect.

    Nevertheless, the ship only had about twenty fighters left since the rest were destroyed when the rest of the fleet was attacked. When they were docked at a major port planet after they managed to escort a colony ship filled with billions of people to safety.

    Overall, Davion found it strange that they were attacked and slaughtered when they were docking instead of being attacked when they were escorting an important target.

    Suddenly, an order drop came ploughing into the bridge as well as ten other places in the ship.

    At least thirty Cinealthans and one Cineachan came out. No give no quarter.

    Among the smoke from the fires that the pod caused. All of Davion’s men and himself they would only see gunfire as they got chopped down.

    Focusing on the room being clear, Davion managed to clear the smoke. Only to see his men being killed.

    He fired his gun with well-aimed shots. Destroying his targets with ease.

    Not bad, Magi, the Cineachan uttered, snapping the neck of one of his troopers.

    Get off my ship now!

    In one swift movement, the alien shot at Davion. The bullets grazed his left shoulder.

    Some Cinealthans came at him.

    Davion lunged forwards ripping the windpipe out of one and throwing the dead body like an axe as the other two. Chopping them messily into two.

    Not bad,

    Again, the ship started creeping at the Cinealthan beginning to think.

    Pointing his gun at the Order scum, Davion shouted, focusing his will: You will tell me what you’re doing!

    In fact, the psychic force was so strong that the alien fell back a bit. Giving Davion an idea.

    I’m controlling your ship Davion,

    No, you’re not,

    Using everything he knew, Davion focused on imagining his mind escaping his body and entering the Cineachan’s mind.

    He managed it.

    Screaming, the alien managed: Get out! Get out!

    No, if you want to control my ship. You can,

    Snapping back into his body, Davion jumped behind some computers as the Cineachans went into a seizure.

    When Davion was inside the beast’s mind. He gave it a new command: put all your magic into repairing my ship, so that’s what it’s doing. Nevertheless, part of the mind is trying to battle against that order.

    Within minutes, the alien boiled away as even its cells turned into magic to repair the ship.

    Some minds are so weak, Davion smiled.

    Although Davion was alone. All of his fellow people on the bridge were dead along with the Order forces.

    All forces, report!

    Ship is clear for now, Magi. Although my scans detect more drop pod preparing to be launched,

    Thank you, Lieutenant. Ship- report!

    My Lord, everything is operational. The shields could give way at any point. I’ll continue to fix them,

    As another high impact shot, tried to punch through the shields. Davion heard metal plates of the ship start to undo.

    Plotting a course to Earth now! before Davion could hit the launch button. A blade got forced into his chest.

    As his Magi biology kicked in, he ripped the blade out of his back and plunged the blade down the throat of the Basican behind him.

    Starting to loss conscious, he stumbled back to hit the button. He punched it.

    As his world went black into a medical coma, the ship opened a Slidespace and escaped. Seconds before the Order launched everything they had at them.

    Chapter 2

    Tearing into reality, Garro’s fleet glazed upon the Ciarog Homeworld of Goid 3. The only planet in the system of twenty worlds that wasn’t constantly spilling toxic gases and volcanic eruptions into the atmosphere.

    However, even Goid 3 had problems. Such as a lack of water that didn’t contain mercury and a lack of fertile soil.

    As a result of this harsh climate, the Ciarogs were forced to built amazing orbital cities, shipyards and other marvels out of their scarps, to survive.

    In fact, this system was actually a brilliant option to build an empire from because it’s the only part of space that doesn’t have a Republic or order forces nearby.

    Interesting Garro, isn’t it? That an entire race of scavengers can simply hide here for so long without being attacked, Kortana said.

    Indeed, but we’re not here to attack,

    Of course, Garro,

    Garro, the King, wants to talk, Maura smiled.

    Garro nodded.

    You drag me through five systems, hundreds of battles with the Order when he could help your humanity. Prepare for the war to end all wars. To come here. This is your master plan to save humanity?

    Come, come now King we both know the importance of allies and this is a mere cog in the mighty machine that will save humanity,

    Okay, Grand Master. What’s the plan?

    Ever teleported before?

    No, no, no. I am not going to kill myself then reappear somewhere else.

    Kortana started to silently laugh since that’s not how teleportation really works.

    Fine, you and I will board a Kingfisher, and then we will take a few men each and then we will go and talk to the Sibyl,

    But I don’t like your Kingfishers. They’re not comfortable,

    I don’t care. Do as you’re told and stop acting like a baby, Garro ordered.

    I’m still taking a Iarannthan transport,

    Smiling Garro replied: Fine,

    Torical fire her up,

    With that, the floor resided and up came the famous marble teleportation block.

    Garro stood in the middle and urged Maura and Torical to join him.

    But Garro, I’m an admiral, not a frontline person,

    I know, but you can be diplomatic,

    Admiral Torical stepped on.

    Subsequently, they all turned into blue smoke as they went off towards the strangely built orbital palace in front of them.

    Rematerializing, Garro scanned the area.

    Clear for now, Garro reported. King, how far out are you?

    Garro, I can see you. You look so small down there. Five minutes out,

    I’m actually surprised how he ran such a good species when he’s actually acting like a child sometimes, Kortana said.

    Garro smiled inside his helmet.

    Humans! a Ciarog warrior screamed.

    Kortana, find me that Throne room now!

    On it,

    The beetle warrior swings his sword wildly at them. Garro launched at a fireball at him. She burned to death.

    Out of no were, a Ciarog knocked Maura to the ground. Snapping back up Maura flicked her gun around and fired it. It shot him in the right eye.

    You could feel him landing on the ground.

    Another five came at them.

    Kortana, anything?

    A bit longer,

    Holding his staff out, Garro launched a massive laser beam from it.

    Meanwhile, Maura leapt onto a Ciarog’s neck and using her momentum, she threw it over the side of the palace. He died in space.

    Subsequently, a Ciarog warrior that was twice the usual size of one as well as was armed with a hammer. The size of a human. Caused Maura to go flying into a wall.

    Garro tried to rush over, but he was being swarmed by warriors.

    Now that’s not very nice, Torical bellowed. Firing shots at the warriors.

    The warrior laughed.

    What do you plan to do about that human?


    The warrior looked perplexed.

    Giving Torical enough time to charge at the beetle as well as leap over the left wrist. Grabbing it as he did.

    The warrior roared in pain as Torical crushed a pressure point.

    While it was down, Torical managed to shoot it in the back of the head.

    Seconds later, Garro stamped down his staff, causing all the warriors to go flying.

    Garro, you’re a bit later, Torical suggested, pointing to the dead corpse.

    Since when do you know how to kill that easily?

    You forgot I’m a doctor of alien physiology. I know all their physical weaknesses,

    Garro was speechless.

    Stumbling over Maura said: I’m okay too. Thanks for asking,

    I’ve found the throne room. It’s about a minute’s run from your current location,


    The King’s transport landed.

    Looking at the dead bodies, the King said: What happened?

    Kortana joked: They killed themselves,

    Why did they do that?

    Garro picked Maura and Torical up then he ran off to the throne room. Using his magic to kill any foe in his way.

    Upon entering the throne room, which was nothing more than a sphere-shaped room with a lot of odd décor and polished sheets of steel. Furthermore, warriors filled the room with a lone throne in the middle.

    In the throne, sat the Sibyl of Life, an enormous female Ciarog warrior. Easily three times the normal of her surrounding warriors. In addition, she bearded golden armour and the blade of Ashes. A similar blade to one that Tutan used in the last book.

    All guns were raised at Garro and his allies.

    Mighty Sibyl of the Ciarog empire, Garro began.

    In a voice that was ridden with old age and disease, the Sibyl spoke: Why does Grand Master Garro of the Magi Order bring theIarannthanKing and their pets to my empire?

    Because we have come to ask a favour,

    You, the warriors and tyrants of the Galaxy come to me for help. After both of you murder by people. Murder my empire. Murder my family!

    Family? Garro questioned.

    Yes, the five Sibyl of the Ciarog. We were brothers and sister. You murdered my sister Grand Master. YouIarannthankilled another,

    Torical saw that this was going south, so he needed to intervene.

    Mighty Sibyl please acknowledge how sorry we are about those deaths. We were wrong to attack you unless it in self-defence. I know personally that it wasn’t always. Therefore, please accept our deepest apologies for the upset caused by our actions,

    He’s good, Kortana said.

    The Sibyl nodded her head.

    What are you after?

    Sibyl, we want your help to defend Earth, Garro explained.

    Why would I do that? You’ve said that you’re sorry, but both of you have never given us peace nor help nor remorse,


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