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The Manchurian Candidate, Part 4, The Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump
The Manchurian Candidate, Part 4, The Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump
The Manchurian Candidate, Part 4, The Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump
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The Manchurian Candidate, Part 4, The Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump

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The Saga of the Manchurian Candidate, in four parts, describes the ascent to power of President Donald J. Trump and the corruption of America's norms and institutions. As collateral damage, the Republican Party, formerly a bastion of conservative principles, has adopted the Moscow Party Line in a last ditch effort to salvage the Gemini Presidents, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, whose trajectories are inextricably intertwined. Trump is betting everything on his audacious plan to re-write history with the help of his compromised Attorney General, William Pelham Barr. What the Nation thought it saw and heard in 2016 did not happen. Russia did not interfere with the election in support of Trump. It was little Ukraine that interfered in support of Hillary Clinton according to Russian Disinformation.
Attorney General Bar and his hand-picked investigator, John Durham, U. S. Attorney for Connecticut, made trips to London, Paris, Rome, and Canberra, to interview government officials of these allies as part of the third investigation into the Origins of the FBI Russia Investigation. Trump is displaying symptoms of what can only be explained as Multiple Personality Disorder. Trump's ego presents as the innocent victim of the evil Trump, who asked Russia to help him win the 2016 election. His ego claims the Russia Investigation is an attempted coup by the Deep State to take down the innocent Trump, who vanquished the evil Hillary and the illegitimate Kenyan, Barack Hussein Obama. Trump has no shame, and can, therefore, never apologize or admit making a mistake.
Trump is a Russian Asset, and holds Vladimir Putin in high regard. The U. S. President pursues the Kremlin Don as a swain would chase after a voluptuous seductress. Trump uses official meetings to woo his quest with favorable comments. At unofficial happenstance encounters, he wants to be alone with his idol without any note takers. At Helsinki in July 2018, Trump rejected the findings of DNI Dan Coates, and bleated, “I do not know why it would be Russia that interfered”. It is never clear who is hunter and who is game. It seems that the Russians may have something on Trump other than connivance in 2016. With a former Czech wife, and with his fixation on building a Trump Tower Moscow, there have been multiple trips to Russia to allow a wide variety of compromise.
Richard Nixon had the decency to resign when caught in 1974 without subjecting the Nation to the disruption of an Impeachment. Trump will force the entire Republican Party to go over the cliff with him as the Authoritarian Leader forces rank and file to hold their noses and declare him innocent. There was no bribery, no extortion, and no quid pro quo. Life long corruption fighter Donald J. Trump sent his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to organize the Investigation into the 2016 election and the separate Investigation into alleged corruption of the Bidens. Acting like clumsy Key Stone Kops, Trump and Giuliani decided that it would look better to “dirty up” Ambassador Yovanovich before removing her.
Giuliani admitted in the New Yorker (published 12/23/19) and to Fox News that he had to get Ambassador Yovanovitch out of the way because she was blocking the investigations that Trump needed [to “dirty up” Joe Biden and absolve Russia of 2016 election interference]. She blocked the visa application for disgraced Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who volunteered to bring “dirt” on the Bidens to America. Trump could have acted the gentleman Commander in Chief, and brought Yovanovitch home without assigning fault. Trump and Giuliani each knew they were involved in corrupt activities in Ukraine. Each acted the criminal, and sought to cover their crimes by projecting their wrongdoing onto the Ambassador.

PublisherPaul Covell
Release dateDec 20, 2019
The Manchurian Candidate, Part 4, The Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump

Paul Covell

Paul Covell is a graduate of Boston Latin School, Boston College, and Boston College Law School; formerly was licensed to practice law in Massachusetts, New Jersey, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Washington, D C; is now licensed in California (inactive); and writes to alert the Nation to dangers of making political choices while under the influence of propaganda.The author was motivated to write after the theft of the 2000 election by the G.O.P and the Supreme Court, the Swiftboating of John Kerry in the 2004 election, the attempt to delegitimize our duly elected President in 2008, the G.O.P. War on Women's Rights, & the G.O.P. attempt at Vote Suppression and Voter Intimidation.The Nation elected Donald J. Trump in 2016 to protect U.S. borders and jobs. What hold do the Russians have on this President?

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    Book preview

    The Manchurian Candidate, Part 4, The Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump - Paul Covell

    The Manchurian Candidate, Part 4,

    The Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump

    by Paul Covell

    Copyright 2020 by Paul Covell

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition Books by Paul Covell

    The Manchurian Candidate, Part 3, Trump & Barr Kill the Mueller Report

    The Manchurian Candidate, Part 2, Trump Seizes Power As Komrad Kompromat

    The Manchurian Candidate, Part 1, Putin Plays His Trump Card

    GOP Frankenstein, Tearing Down Our Government

    The Horror of Hannity

    Train Wreck 2016

    Vote! Impeach the Koch Brothers & The Do Nothing Congress

    D'Souza's Delusion

    The Hail Mary

    G.O.P. War on U. S.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 Enough is Enough, Mr. Murdoch!

    Chapter 2 The United States is Not For Sale.

    Chapter 3 Bill Barr's Reputation Falters.

    Chapter 4 Republicans Are Willfully Ignorant.

    Chapter 5 China, If You Are Listening, Investigate the Bidens.

    Chapter 6 Giuliani, Barr, Pompeo, Foxy Friends, & The Maltese Falcon.

    Chapter 7 Whistle Blower Halts President Trump's Criminal Enterprise.

    Chapter 8 The Moral Majority Will Reject Trump's Fascism.

    Chapter 9 The Impeachment is for More than a Telephone Call.

    Chapter 10 Trump Uses Soviet Style Disinformation and Propaganda.

    Chapter 11 The End Game. Trump Will Not Imitate Jeffrey Epstein.

    Chapter 12 Rudy Giuliani as the Target of a Counterintelligence Probe.

    Chapter 13 Spitballing and Fogging from the White House.

    Chapter 14 Articles of Impeachment of President Donald John Trump.

    Chapter 15 It's Your Watch Majority Leader McConnell.

    Chapter 16 DOJ Is Wrong, Judge Howell Ruled; Judge Jackson Agreed.

    Chapter 17 Which Candidates Are Russian Assets?

    Chapter 18 Witnesses Build the Case, While Trump Looks For Scapegoats.

    Chapter 19 Putin Compromised Trump, Fox News, & the Republican Party.

    Chapter 20 Trump Told the American People He Was Corrupt Many Times.


    Congress must remove President Donald J. Trump from office because he continued his Abuse of Power evidenced by the blow back from his flirtation with Russia in the run up to the 2016 election. One day after Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller testified in Congress to his 448 page Report on the Russia Investigation, the President called Volodymyr Zelensky to execute a conspiracy to pressure Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election. Having used his Attorney General to escape the consequences of the Mueller Report, he brazenly enlisted the Departments of State and Defense, and used Military Assistance appropriated by Congress to extort and bribe Ukraine to at least announce an investigation to fabricate dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden, a potential opponent in 2020.

    Donald Trump's Presidency reads like a work of fiction. Why not make the ending as surreal as the rest of the saga, with the suspect fleeing justice after Impeachment? No one could have predicted the strange twists and turns in the 2016 Campaign. Politics makes strange bed fellows, but it is beyond the pale to entangle Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Wayne La Pierre of the National Rifle Association, Porn Star Stormy Daniels, Play Mate Karen McDougal, David Pecker, Editor of the National Enquirer, the Religious Right, White Evangelicals, White Supremacists, and the Republican Party in a conspiracy of lies to the American People. Trump ran a specialized Campaign that was unable to recruit more angry white supporters.

    The reason the People and the Congress must oust Trump is not merely because he and Giuliani extorted and bribed Ukraine a second time in 2019 to trade arms for dirt on Joe Biden. They extorted and bribed President Poroshenko in 2017 to dead end the investigation of Paul Manafort, whose name appeared in the Back Ledger of Secret Pay Offs by Putin's puppet, Viktor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine from 2010 to 2014.

    An alternate reason to oust Trump is that he employs Soviet style Disinformation, Propaganda, and Mind Control against the American People. The Founders enshrined Freedom of the Press in the First Amendment. Trump subverts News Media as Fake News and as the Enemy of the People. Trump's cardinal sin is that he tried to condition the American People to disbelieve their Lying Eyes. The People can forgive arrogance, petulance, dalliances, and bad manners. The People cannot forgive Trump's assault on their cognition and sensory perception. Trump impeached himself when he tried to take away the faculties of sight, sound, smell, and touch. What you are seeing and what you are hearing is not what is happening. His entire Presidency has been a continual Assault on Truth and Obstruction of Justice and of Congress, starting with the firing of FBI Director James B. Comey on May 9, 2017, triggering appointment of Special Counsel on May17, 2017. Trump and Attorney General Barr conspire to re-write history to protect Putin and Trump. Past is no longer prologue.

    ***"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command … and if all others accepted the lie, which the Party imposed, if all records told the same tale, then the lie became history and became truth." [George Orwell, 1984] ***

    In July 2016, at a rally at his Doral Resort near Miami, Trump asked for Putin's help. Russia, if you are listening, I hope you will be able to find the 30,000 [Hillary Clinton] emails that are missing. This was a startling admission of guilt. Trump was convinced that Putin would help him beat Hillary Clinton. The admission presupposes that the Russians were trump supporters, and would somehow get their hands on emails of Hillary Clinton. Four hours later, on Vladimir Putin's orders, Russia's Military Intelligence Directorate (the GRU) hacked into computers of the Democratic National Committee and of John Podesta, Chair of the Hillary Clinton Campaign. The Russians would turn over the stolen emails to WikiLeaks for publication. Trump insiders such as Roger Stone seemed to have a curious foreknowledge of the Russian Plan.

    Trump guru, Roger Stone (found guilty on 11/15/19), and sleaze author Jerome Corsi (escaped indictment), were cheering WikiLeaks on. Trump eked out a win with the State Electors when the Democrats' Blue Wall in the Midwest disintegrated. Two hundred thousand gullible underemployed workers believed Trump would lead them to higher paying jobs. NeoNAZIS, White Supremacists, Russia First, the Religious Right, White Evangelicals, Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, Wayne La Pierre, David Pecker, and Republicans were thrilled to have their man in the White House. President Obama imposed sanctions on Russia for Interference in the 2016 election. Trump embarked on a bold plan to re-write history, and absolve Russia from the historical fact of Interference. Trump's defense requires that Russia did not interfere in the2016 election. Putin is happy to cooperate, so long as he keeps Ukraine as a vassal state, which is fine with Trump.

    Trump's challenge to the faculties and cognitive abilities of the average American began slowly and progressed in subtle ways. At first, it seemed that it was only Trump's narcissism that was the tail wagging the dog. Although modest, and lacking the mandate of a majority or even a plurality, Trump heralded his 2016 win as a landslide conquest. Transient Press Secretary Sean Spicer insisted that more people attended Trump's Inauguration, despite photos that showed empty snow covered parcels for Trump, contrasted with crowds of spectators for Obama. Few realized that they were experiencing Soviet style Disinformation, Propaganda, and Mind Control. What's wrong with having good relations with Russia, the Authoritarian Strong man innocently asked? No one could rebut the proposition.

    America's Founders enshrined a Free Press in the First Amendment to the Constitution, because the Press traditionally speaks Truth to Power. In order to corral the American psyche, and camouflage the Party Line as gospel, Trump had to break America's faith in the news media. He called critical stories Fake News. He dismissed the Russia Investigation as a Witch Hunt, a Hoax. He refused to call on CNN at Press Conferences because the network allegedly was not legitimate. He went so far as to have his Justice Department oppose ATT's acquisition of Time Warner because it included CNN. Trump had no interest in Government, except as it affected his reputation, the revenue of the Trump Organization, his cratered ego, or his chances for re-election. His Campaign for president was a branding exercise for his businesses.

    Officials at State, Justice, FBI, and CIA must choose between offending Trump with the truth or supporting debunked Conspiracy Theories. To protect himself and Putin, Trump rejects the facts reported by his Intelligence Agencies, namely, that Russia interfered in the 2016 election on his behalf. Trump is re-writing history by adopting a Conspiracy Theory that Ukraine interfered on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Attorney General Barr and John Durham, U. S. Attorney for Connecticut, flew to Rome and London in 2019 in their investigation of the Origins of the Russia Investigation. If Barr and Durham uphold Trump's Conspiracy Theory, Trump will try to revise the history of what happened in 2016. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) is All In on Ukraine conspiracy as an antidote to Impeachment.

    The tip of the iceberg, and trigger for Impeachment, is that on July 25, 2019, Trump called Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and asked him to agree to announce intent to investigate what happened in 2016 and to fabricate dirt on Hunter and Joe Biden. Trump asked Zelensky to work with his personal attorney fixer Rudy Giuliani and Attorney General Barr. Having sabotaged the 2016 election, Trump devised an elaborate conspiracy to fix the 2020 election by pressuring Ukraine to fabricate dirt on the Bidens. The conspiracy embraced Vice President Pence (who claims ignorance), Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (who claims self righteousness), Secretary of Energy Rick Perry (who may be willfully ignorant), Ambassador William Taylor (who rejected the scheme as crazy), Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch (whom Trump fired for resisting the scheme), E U Ambassador Gordon Sondland (who now regrets his support of the scheme), and Trump's fixer, Rudy Giuliani, who profits on conspiracy theories, foreign intrigue, and money from Russian oligarchs.

    A Whistle Blower filed a Complaint with the Intelligence Inspector General in August 2019 to warn of a security risk in the White House. When word of the Conspiracy against America came public, House Speaker Pelosi made the House Investigations on Trump an Impeachment Inquiry under Adam Schiff (D-CA), Intelligence Chair. Senate Republicans cower in fear, saying, "We will not remove the president over a telephone call." Majority Leader, Moscow Mitch McConnell, and Lindsey Graham, if they fail to convict the President, will have done irreparable harm to the Nation. U.S. Attorney SDNY, will bring Rudy Giuliani to justice with an indictment coincident to the Impeachment. Four of Giuliani's thugs were arrested in October

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