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Dragon X
Dragon X
Dragon X
Ebook46 pages24 minutes

Dragon X

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About this ebook

See how a little kid accidentally enters a mysterious world full of dragons and magical creatures you've dreamed about.
You'll amazed to see How he becomes a real hero of that world!

Release dateDec 26, 2019
Dragon X

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    Book preview

    Dragon X - Lucky Yadav

    1|The Beginning

    Once upon a time there lived a boy named Nero his parents died in an accident now he lives alone in his house near a beautiful beach. He enjoys fishing, so one evening when he returned home after catching some fishes for his dinner he saw that strange rays of green color were coming from the cave near his house and he was amazed to see them, he hadn’t seen anything like that before, he starts walking towards the cave but his feet’s freezes when he remembers that his parents warned him not to go even near that cave, but he’s so curious to know where is that light coming from and he starts walking slowly towards the cave and soon he enters the cave, and finds out that the light is coming from top side of an open wooden box, his hands were shivering he founds a hand written note near the box that says to make it alive you’ve to read these mantras 3 times Nero reads those mantras and the green rays suddenly stops coming out, something moves inside and a dog jumps out of it, Nero starts running as fast as he can and the dog follows him, the dog speaks don’t be afraid of me, I’ll do no harm to you, Nero hears what dog says and stops to take a glance of that dog, the dog have a brown fur that glows and eyes are deep blue in color that makes him look different from others. Nero asks what’s your name and how can you speak our language? He says I’m the mystical dog Neo, and I’m from an another world, our world once also lived peacefully just like yours, but things changed a storm of questions was blowing Nero’s mind. Neo asked Nero about his parents and where do he live? Nero replied they died in an accident and you can come to my house we’ll talk there. Neo asked will you help me I’m on a mission, Nero said yes we’re friends now

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