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The Intolerable Binding
The Intolerable Binding
The Intolerable Binding
Ebook109 pages1 hour

The Intolerable Binding

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With Minuet and Sullivan separated, their youthful devotion is tested. However, through a clever scheme their love grows into a deep passion that cannot be suffocated by absence. That passion meets its greatest challenge when Minuet is sent to Russia to attend a prestigious university and meets a curious oligarch with a plan of his own concerning her.

Just as Lina finally reunites with her Sully, their future is threatened as they land at the center of a conspiracy involving piano playing, organized crime, and powerful men with nearly endless resource. Determined to build an empire rich enough to offer them everything they need and powerful enough to decimate anyone or anything that stands in their way, Lina forms a plan which will have irreversible consequences in days to come, but how will these obstacles change our star-crossed lovers?

PublisherRuby O'Connor
Release dateDec 26, 2019
The Intolerable Binding

Ruby O'Connor

Ruby O'Connor is a bit of a philodox, and a killjoy. She'd also like to take this opportunity to apologize to Howard Jones. Why is not important. She has lived here and there, learning this and that, and chronicles these adventures as Arizonacolleen on various social media. Proud creator of Sophie Hollander and Minuet Nero so far. Friend, expat, activist, and unique dresser. Ruby does most of her social drinking near her husband and their two dogs in Wexford, Ireland. She's very grateful you checked out her profile. Seriously.

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    Book preview

    The Intolerable Binding - Ruby O'Connor

    The Intolerable Binding

    The Intolerable Binding

    Ruby O’Connor

    The Intolerable Binding by Ruby O’Connor 

    © 2019 Ruby O’Connor, Arizonacolleen

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by copyright law. For permissions contact:

    Cover designed by Emma Clinton.

    ISBN:  978-1-9162763-1-4

    for Kennedy

    Table of Contents

    Part One

    Part Two

    Part Three

    Part Four

    Part Five

    Part Six

    Part Seven

    Part One

    Dear Sully,

    How are you? How are things? Are you practicing your sign language? You have to everyday Sully, even if I am not there. It’s important. Also, did you keep my knife? I do want it, I just thought it might get taken away from me wherever I was going, so I left it behind. I don’t want you to think I didn’t want it. I do. Would you keep it for me please? Also, do you know where to get those olives you liked so much? It’s not at coop, but the smaller market near it. I know how much you like them. I hope you are eating well. I know you sometimes skip meals, but I don’t want to worry that you aren’t in good health, especially with what you do at night. Gosh, how is that going? I hope you found out whoever was responsible for that night. Eliseo won’t tell me anything, but I worry about it a lot. Be sure to fill me in when you write me back, ok? I hate not knowing that you’re safe when you go out alone.

    Man, this house is really nice. Your boss must be very important. I don’t like the guys in the gate house, though. They seem a bit leery. Don Eliseo says if I go out I have to take one now. So I haven’t been going out much. Do you ever come here? It would be amazing to see you if you do. My chores haven't been bad, and they let me help take care of the horses! It’s been so long since I went riding that I was very rusty, but I’m getting better at it. I also have to help Donna Blanca, but I don’t mind that. She’s very nice. You were right about her cooking too, and she’s promised to teach me how to make milanese, since I know someone who really likes it. If you come visit, I’ll be sure to make it for you. The chores are time consuming but I don’t mind them. It makes it a bit easier when I’m missing you. I think of you all the time, especially at night before I go to bed. Do you think of me?

    My bedroom is nice. It’s in the corner of the house, above Don Eliseo’s billiard room. I sometimes hear the men below late at night. Not what they are saying, but that they are there. I stay up reading some nights. I’m trying to remember the titles you had, so I can read them as well. Maybe you could make me a list? Don Eliseo has a library, but most of the titles are a bit boring. I don’t think Don Eliseo likes kids, or maybe he just doesn’t like me. I’m not sure. He always seems annoyed by my talking. Most people are like that though. You liked my talking, but if I bring that up Don Eliseo says I shouldn’t expect that from other boys. I don’t care what other boys think though. I am trying not to annoy him, and I try to ask little of him. He explained that you were paying for my school, and I don’t want you spending extra money unnecessarily on me. I will find a way to pay you back when we are together again.

    I was thinking of getting a job in one of the shops, but maybe with my chores I could find a job with horses. Do you like horses? I was thinking about a place where we could get a dog someday. I’ve always wanted a dog. Do you like animals? We don’t have to get one if you don’t, of course. I’m just thinking. I’m thinking of the future all the time. Maybe I could become a cook. I do really enjoy working with Donna Blanca in the kitchen. I bet you’d like that. Then I could make your bread and you wouldn’t have to go to the bakery all the time. You could train the dog while I baked in our little place. Unless you want to remain in the apartment. I don’t really care, as long as we are together. Don Eliseo says I shouldn’t make so many plans because we don’t know what the future holds. I try not to let his moods upset me. I’ve met men like him before, that think children should be seen and not heard.

    I want you to know that I am on my best behaviour. I do everything asked of me, I try to stay in my room as much as possible, and I mind my manners at all times. I know this man is your boss and that this is costing you money. I don’t want to be ungrateful or to cause you any problems. I know you could have sent me away for real, or back to my father. I will love you forever for not doing that. School is coming up, and I will do my very best to not daydream or become bored. I know that my behaviour is a reflection of you too. I wonder how school will work, but I speak Italian well enough so I don’t think it will be a problem. I was thinking of taking another language, and for once Don Eliseo thinks this idea is a good one. He suggested Russian, which might be interesting I guess. What do you think? Eliseo says it might be useful someday, but I don’t know. It would be fun to learn something challenging.

    I was thinking maybe I could come stay with you next summer during the midseason break. It could be just like this summer. Well, not just like it of course, but it could be really nice. If that’s too long, maybe just a visit. I know you’ve been very busy lately. We have months, and I know it’s going to be a hard sell to Don Eliseo, but if you and I both make the case I’m sure it couldn’t hurt to try. I won’t be under his feet anyway, and it would be a savings to you. Perhaps I could get a summer job and pay back some of what I owe in all of this. Something to think about, and maybe look forward to on the horizon if you think it would be okay. Let me know in your next letter, and I will figure out the best way to make my case to Don Eliseo. It’s always a good idea to have a plan when a person has an ambition.

    I miss you. I miss your apartment, and reading to you. I miss making dinner and going shopping for you. I miss how you always made me feel like my rambling was interesting. You always looked at me like I was curious, but not weird. You make me feel like I hope I am. I miss your sweetness, and your thoughtful nature. I miss looking at you, maybe you could send me a picture? It would be nice to have one to look at when I’m thinking of you. I meant what I said before - I love you and nothing is going to change that, Sully. I know I can’t be your girlfriend yet, but I don’t want you to forget. So I’ll just keep writing it down until the rest of the world gets it too. Please write to me. It would make me feel so much better to know that you are safe, and to know how you are feeling. You could explain if you want, but you don’t have to. I understand.


    Minuet Nero

    PS - I really like the name too.

    Dear Sully,

    How are things? Is everything still crazy at work? I hope you aren’t forgetting to water the plant in the window that I bought at the market. It doesn’t need much water, but it does need some tending. I heard you were working a lot lately. I hope that isn’t just because of me, and that you aren’t too exhausted. Take care of yourself Sully, but maybe get a letter to me when you can. Also, don’t eat too many of those polenta cakes you like so much. You need vegetables too. I have been learning to cook lots of things with Donna Blanca the past few months, even cooking for the boys who stay in the gate house. One tried to chat me up, but I reminded him that I was your girl and he stopped. Maybe you could come to dinner one night. I’d love to cook for you again, and let you see how much better I am getting at it. That’d be really cool.

    I miss you. Do you miss me? I’ve

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