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Embers of Lust: Red Willows, #5
Embers of Lust: Red Willows, #5
Embers of Lust: Red Willows, #5
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Embers of Lust: Red Willows, #5

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About this ebook

***This was previously released in a Kindleworld series. Those elements have been removed.***

Riya Hendrickson was just back from her trip, relaxed and happy right up until she walked into her job and found the one man there who turned her world upside down; Firefighter, Cameron Liaci. Being away gave her time to move on, or so she thought.

Cameron's thought that Riya would be around when he got back to town had been a mistake. As he waited for her to return, he realizes he doesn't ever want to let her go. It may have been a one-night stand between them but the heat is still there, he feels it and knows she does as well.

Will he find a way to coax the embers with her back into a full fledged flame?

Release dateJan 27, 2020
Embers of Lust: Red Willows, #5

Aliyah Burke

Aliyah Burke is a USA Today bestselling author happily married to a career military man. Blissfully owned by some Borzoi, she spends her days at the day job, writing, and working with her dogs. She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached via her website.

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    Book preview

    Embers of Lust - Aliyah Burke


    Riya jogged from her car toward the back door of the diner.

    Shit, my first day back and I’m almost late, because I was too damn comfortable in bed.

    She’d just returned the day before from her vacation of touring Europe and all the amazing things they had there. Not all, but she got a lot done, was already making plans to head back for her next vacation. A word that she swore was a misnomer because while it had been a blast, she now needed to recover from it. So now, a vacation was needed to recover from the very thing which was supposed to give you rest. She rolled her eyes at her brain’s runaway thought train and hopped over the puddle in her way. The rain had momentarily stopped but she had no doubt, given the dark clouds floating around, that it would be in downpour status soon enough.

    Jiggling the handle, she stepped through into the back and just as she closed the door behind her, the skies opened up once more.

    Thank God, I’m inside now.

    She yawned and smiled at the dishwasher, Martin.

    Hey, hon. Glad to see you back. We missed you around here.

    She shrugged out of her coat and patted him on the shoulder as she moved past. Thanks, Martin. Missed you too.

    Did you have fun? he called out over the spray of water on the plates as he rinsed.

    I had a blast. Didn’t want to come back. She threw him a smile and ducked around the corner to hang up her things. When she walked back out, she was tying on her apron and trying to get more in the mindset of taking orders instead of being a visitor in places. How are things here? She ran her gaze over him, noticing he looked a bit older than when she’d left. She loved everyone here and they were family to her. How are you doing?

    Had a bit of the flu for a while, so that’s why you are looking at me like I aged ten years. I’m fine, promise.

    Holding you to that, she said, blowing him a kiss. Pushing through the door, she waved at Todd, the owner and fry cook of the joint.

    The relief on his face nearly made her laugh.

    Thank God, he said when she neared him. No more vacations for you.

    Riya smiled. Missed me, huh?

    That Molly is okay but she’s definitely not you. And your boyfriend was having a hard time without you. I’m positive he’s here today. Maybe you should take his food out to him and cheer him up.

    Riya didn’t even bat an eye. There was only one man who Todd called her boyfriend and that was octogenarian Emmett McGinty. With his tufts of white hair sprouting out at all angles, he reminded her a bit of just a crazy old loon, but she loved him. He never failed to make her smile and laugh.

    You know, you could just say you missed me, it would be okay.

    Todd narrowed his eyes at her and gestured for her to get moving. Chuckling, she stepped out into the diner and swept it with her gaze, locating Emmett in the back.

    "I missed you."

    With those three words, her world slowed. The entire thing. Her heartbeat grew loud in her ears while everything else faded. No matter where she went, or what she did, who she met in her life, this one voice had the power to render her into a pile of mush.

    And the man who owned her, heart, body, and soul…Cameron Liaci.

    She didn’t have to turn to see him beside her. This man she felt all the way to the marrow of her bones. He’d ingrained himself into her, her skin, blood, everything. Especially, her mind.

    She may not have had to look, but being the glutton for punishment she was, she did. Then her breathing grew difficult. Being away for all this time from him had her resistance to him worn down more than she’d care to admit.

    Riya cocked an eyebrow at him and blinked slowly. Excuse me, she said prior to moving by him and heading straight for the man in the diner, she knew she could handle without any problems. As she moved, Cameron’s gaze bore straight into her back, but she refused to turn.

    God dammit, she’d missed him. More than she would ever admit aloud to anyone other than herself. And only then, when no one can hear me cry out his name.

    Shoving the desire Cameron created within her to the back of her mind, she pasted a smile on her face, not hard to do since she enjoyed Mr. McGinty, and touched his shoulder as she angled her body to his booth seat. How are you today, Mr. McGinty?

    He gazed up at her, blue eyes sparkling. With a nearly toothless smile, he gripped her hand and squeezed hard. About time you got back here, child. This place hasn’t been the same without you around. That new girl, well, she’s just not you. I missed seeing your smiling face.

    Squeezing his hand in return, she smiled wider. I missed you too, Mr. McGinty. Have you put your order in yet?

    He shook his head. No. I was just sitting here thinking about how nice it would be if you came back to work and then you walked up.

    Wishes do come true. Let me go put it in for you and I’ll be back with some more coffee.

    I’ll be here.

    Good to see you again, she said.

    With a final pat to his shoulder after he released her, she walked back to the window where Todd worked to put in the order. She noted the back table where Cameron sat, his gray eyes latched onto her without any sign of wavering. If she were to head in the back, she would have to pass him once more.

    Molly was on the other side of the diner, flirting with Garret Michaels.

    Riya didn’t begrudge anyone their happiness. However, she did wish the girl would work more instead of flirt.

    Cameron sat up as she neared and slowed her walk. Mentally preparing herself for both his scent and voice, she waited. He remained silent and she slid her gaze to his cup. Could I get you some more coffee, Mr. Liaci?

    Will you stop calling me Mr. Liaci and call me Cameron, sweetness? Has it been so long since you’ve said Cameron? His deep voice pitched even lower so this conversation would remain between just the two of them.

    She took a deep breath, cursed herself for forgetting not to do that around him since his masculine scent wove deep into her,

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