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The Kundalini Accident
The Kundalini Accident
The Kundalini Accident
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The Kundalini Accident

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The true story of a mystical woman, inspired by the Narrative of Sophia - our Mother who became the Earth. All opposites become reconciled, as hidden secrets are disclosed for personal and collective healing.

From Kundalini awakening to the Hopi Prophecy, from Leonardo da Vinci to alien abduction, from the abiogenesis of the Archons to the Magdalene's journey. The book is a visionary memoir rich with discoveries and revelations in the fields of mysticism and heightened consciousness, offering insights to deep questions on topics such as reincarnation, shamanism, ufology, art-history, and prophecy.

The narration runs along the Mythos of Sophia, the Goddess from the Galaxy Core who, according to Gnostic texts, first emanated the human genome and then morphed into the Earth Planet that we inhabit. That was a 'mistake' (anomous), as described in the Gospel of Philip, and so here we are now, currently in the process of Correction, as foreseen by the ancient Telestai (Gnostics of the Mystery Schools).

It is truly from the ancient Gnostic texts that we learn how, when the Aeon Sophia 'fell' from the Pleroma, she happened to manifest an aborted species, called the Archons, or 'authorities', who soon began to try and suppress their own involuntary Mother. Some of us are trying to help the 'Trapped Goddess' restore the balance, firstly by becoming aware of our divine origin, along with the existence of the alien predatory race, and secondly by escaping its grip - for the fulfillment of the original Dream that Sophia had for us and for the Earth.
Release dateDec 9, 2019
The Kundalini Accident

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    Book preview

    The Kundalini Accident - Elena Starwater

    Elena Starwater

    The Kundalini Accident

    The Kundalini Accident

    Elena Starwater

    The Kundalini Accident

    (a personal odyssey in spiritual warfare)


    "Love and the Supernatural operate

    on the same frequency." JLL

    Youcanprint Self-Publishing

    Title | The Kundalini Accident

    Author | Elena Starwater

    Cover: Original painting by Elena Starwater (mixed media)

    ISBN | 978-88-31652-87-2

    © All rights reserved by the Author

    No part of this book may be reproduced without the

    prior permission of the Author.

    Youcanprint Self-Publishing

    Via Roma, 73 - 73039 Tricase (LE) - Italy




    The list of authors and teachers I would like to acknowledge is certainly longer than this one. Some I have met in person: Nathalie Van Ravenstein, CR, Cesare Peri, Marco Todeschini, Savitry Nair, Aloka Panikar, Tim Robbins, John Trudell, Nepali Harati Aama, Amma, Hirokazu Kobayashi, Archie Fire Lame Deer, Frank Natale, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Rita Marley, Fabien Maman, Loreon Vigne, John Lamb Lash (JLL), Chantal De Bock, Eve Lorgen, James Robideau, Brent Florendo, Elitom Elamin, Elisa Toffoli, Freedom.

    "Do not hate my obedience

    and do not love my self-control.

    In my weakness, do not forsake me,

    and do not be afraid of my power."

    -- The Thunder Perfect Mind - III century e.v.

    Declaration of Intent: Gathering Tonal

    (1: Make Death an Adviser.

    2: Be Impeccable with Power

    - Don Juan Matus)


    In the mood of Apuleius, formerly turned into an asinus as in the Metamorphosis, I humbly renew my pact, and my homage, to Gaia Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom who fell from the Heavenly Abode to become the Earth.

    She is mother, sister, daughter, and sheìs also known as Isis, the goddess ‘whose image is great in Egypt’.

    I here intend to recollect the pieces of my meta-mythos as intertwined with the Mythos of the Earth Mother.

    The tale by Apuleius, about the metamorphosis of a human animal into a donkey, is cathartic to me, ringing as an initiation.

    As I proceed with the reading, I believe to be experiencing the same kind of pain that was suffered by the Aeon Sophia when she became solid matter, descending from her purely spiritual state in the Pleroma, the Plenitude.

    I feel that the Apuleius story may be an analogy for the story of Gaia Sophia, the Aeonic Goddess.

    As an Aeon, Sophia fell from the core of the Galaxy. This is a scenario that has been described by the gnostic initiates of antiquity, the sages from the Mystery Schools. Only few writings have survived.

    'The world as we know it is the consequence of a mistake.' – Gospel of Philip. Anomous is the word used by Philip for the error, the anomaly. It was an anomaly for the young enthusiastic Goddess Sophia to become incarnated as the Earth, a planetary body composed of dense matter.

    Maybe she has been feeling a little bit like our Apuleius, morphed into an ass, all the while preserving his consciousness and awareness as a human being, exactly like Mother Gaia.

    Just like Apuleius, She 'needs' a healing co-creational intervention.

    I always had a vision of global healing and unification. Of how the Sacred Loop would be restored. How Earth would be whole again.

    From terregaste to Heaven on Earth.

    Unfortunately, Humanity has got enemies. A dire truth that we all would prefer to ignore, in order to carry on with our lives as happy unicorns roaming in an earthly paradise. If you want to embody your full awareness, you have to become aware of and eliminate the denial process, the cognitive dissonance. Once we learn, and accept, that yes, as a collective of living relations we have been heavily screwed, and that some 'deviant influence' is trying to destroy the planet, then we have to deal with the fact that we must do something about it. Or at least give it a try.

    The Kundalini accidental awakening and subsequent vision of the White Buffalo in 1995, the vision of the Dance of the Nations of 1999, the Great Gathering vision of 2007, and innumerable discoveries and revelations, stand out as life-turning for me.

    I am here to facilitate the onset of the process of Re-unification, as a way to offer my contribution to the Correction of Gaia Sophia, the Aeonic Goddess who became the Earth.

    Yes, the Earth Mother - organic life in general on this planet - does have bitter enemies, both declared and undeclared.

    This factor makes it almost impossible for Utopia to manifest.

    Now, all I can do and offer is my prayer, and my vision of a Positive Timeline to become prominent.


    For years I have been wanting to publish a document on my experiences. However, my being always 'on a run' - made it impossible.

    For long I’ve searched for a place to stay, and possibly set roots. Or maybe for a span of time just long enough to gather a bit of mental peace, a little easiness, just enough to allow this book to get done.

    Subsequent to my last traumatic injury, in August 2013, I felt that I might not be dwelling in this incarnation much longer.

    That's how the Angel of Death took charge.

    Time to jell, even while on a run.

    As of September 2014, as I drag around in a wounded state, it has become obvious that there isn't much time. This book is the record of certain salient facts in my life, almost a testament. (August 2015 is when I experienced a miraculous healing, but there was no way I could know, when I wrote this preface.)


    "The luminous children of Gaia-Sophia are in war against a supernatural phenomenon of cosmic interference. As narrated in gnostic texts, it is a negative interference perpetrated by an alien species of inorganic beings comparable to the acari insects, bent on devouring the human genome and destroying the beautiful Experiment of Gaia Sophia - the Aeon of Wisdom from the Pleromic Core.

    It is a war waged on all levels, set in the hidden realm of the astral worlds, involving the physical, mental and spiritual realms.

    As of today, we are indeed fighting a raging war to withstand the blows of the little big demons that seem to face us on a rather daily base. Personally, I have been on a run as long as I can remember."


    My quoting from authors does not necessarily imply my adherence to their propositions, ideas or associations.

    Names of people and places have occasionally been changed for privacy reasons.


    To Sophia and to Her Luminous Children.

    To the poem The Thunder, Perfect Mind

    Nag Hammadi, 3nd century a.e.v. (ante era vulgaris).

    The day I found this poem, I began to Re-Member.

    In a threatened state, emotionally and physically deflagrated, while contemplating suicide, the discovery of this poem changed my life.

    It spoke with a voice I knew, and said things I could have said.

    I simply felt that I knew who wrote those words, for I knew their meanings, and even it's most cryptic phrases made sense to me.

    Astonished at the granularly detailed description of my very own state of mind, I kept reading, and then I knew it was an Isis aretalogy.

    I wrote and painted, inspired by this poem. Danced and sang. Later on, while in Nepal, working at an FM radio station, I even birthed a radio series in 10 episodes titled The Thunder, Perfect Mind.

    I was so in love with this unique poem, that I couldn't stop reading it. It is an exhortatory poem, spoken with the supernal voice of an enlightened woman.

    The poem speaks with a female transpersonal voice, obviously the voice of a Goddess, or one of her emissaries. Her pulse is androgynous, in the alchemical sense of the self-realized human, the 'rebis'. But this voice speaks of real life experiences when she says, I'm the whore and the virgin. It is not someone pretending to be some mythical creature.

    There actually is a person in flesh and bones behind those words. It was an individual who, about 2000 years ago, took 'pen to paper' to write the poem in ancient Greek - the Nag Hammadi version being its translation into Coptic.

    In 1945, in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, several more compositions, mostly fragmentary codices, were found along with the Thunder.

    To this cache of books (the first ever made books with bindings) also belongs the now famous Gospel of Philip.

    To learn of the discovery of this miraculously salvaged document – of the entire Nag Hammadi collection, but in particular The Thunder - was a cathartic event for me, one that shook my soul and compelled a nearly suicidal woman to find the strength to stay. In my condition of total despair, I had found a motivation. I was bent to try and discover the author of the poem, the one who might have written it, about 2000 years ago.


    1) On False Light and Positive Negativity

    2) Sophia: The Fallen Goddess Scenario

    3) On Alien Interference

    4) Visconti

    5) Close Encounters of the Third Kind

    6) On Healing - The Aspie Aeon

    7) The Prophecy and the Mystic Dance of the Nations

    8) The Question of Suffering and Reincarnation

    9) Planetary Tantra

    10) Mary in Sardinia


    1) The Woman Who Saw the All (Caravaggio's MM)

    2) Secrets of the Lost Leonardo>





    Recently, I met a woman who claims to see the Angels. From the age of three, she has been communicating with angels. Thanks to her words I am now writing the first chapter of my book.

    The woman was the speaker at a conference. When she was done, a friend of mine, among the event managers, asked the woman if she could make a divination for me.

    Her angels told her that I should erase all negative thoughts.

    This made me ponder for hours.

    Because now I need to ask this question: what do we mean by 'negative thoughts'?

    I see four possible categories of negative thoughts.

    1. Thoughts of ill intent towards other living or non-living beings.

    2. Thoughts of self-annihilations.

    3. Thoughts coming from outside sources, third parties - alien interference.

    4. And last, the personal thoughts (only apparently negative) aimed at sharing awareness about the reality of the existence of negative beings - outside sources - simply in order to avoid them, or with the noble intent of denouncing the wrong-doers, and that for the sake of protecting the innocent.

    We'll call these alien predators Archons, with their proxy followers.

    Granted that I have none of the first kind of negativity, I figured she picked up (her angels told her) on my long time depression, and that strangely enough, as now such 'disease of the soul' belongs to the past, and even more so after my recent self-healing episode, having my mood been quite uplifted!

    Therefore, she might have picked up on the negativity coming from others - an unfortunate consistency in my life.

    Lastly, she might have picked up on some comment I had made in the course of her conference in regards to a world religious leader, whom she had mentioned, and whom I regard as a false prophet. Mine was certainly a negative thought, and the psychic energy might have been floating off my body across the conference hall!

    I am very grateful to this woman, and to her angels, for prodding me into these reflections.

    During the last several years I have been trying to spread awareness on the existence of the 'deviant predator' factor, the psychopathic infection originally spread, as from the Gnostic Texts, by the alien species of the Archons - the Error of Sophia.

    It is precisely because of Her Error that we are now in trouble. But She is somewhat trapped too, and the only way out of this mayhem is our mutual cooperation. She can't do it alone. However bizarre, this is a concept also hinted at in the Gnostic Texts of the Nag Hammadi Collection.

    Now, thanks to the 'angels', I know that I have to write about positive negativity.

    Positive negativity would correspond to the fourth type of negative thoughts.

    As a sine qua non for liberation, we have to become aware of the phenomenon of Cognitive Dissonance.

    Denial is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.

    Quoting freely from B. Murphy's The Grand Illusion:

    "Santayana pointed out that we are all much better at believing than seeing. Almost all the time, we see what we believe, and only rarely see what we can’t believe. We are less likely to decode into our perceptual reality that which we do not believe in.


    I suspect that for many people, their closed-minded wholesale dismissals of the paranormal simply serve to undercut any potential cognitive dissonance or distress caused by contrary data competing for supremacy within their minds (and as I pointed out earlier, all such people know the truth at subconscious levels, so they have to fight to perpetually repress it, especially when the truth is presented to them at the conscious level). … Thus, we can see how easily our preconceptions from prior conditioning can interfere with our ability to perceive clearly or correctly. Scientists are absolutely not immune to this phenomenon as it is a quirk of human psychology—hence the many unscientific opinions wielded by scientists with regard to psi and 'the paranormal.'"


    We owe to consider becoming aware of the 'dark side', and not only in Jungian terms (One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious – Carl Jung), for such process, which would allow us to fully express our instinctual side, on the path to personal individuation, would allow us to also recognize the existence of the darkness which exists externally.

    Such phenomenon would equate with the term alien interference, the intrusion effected by some inorganic species that came into being by mistake, ‘by electricity’.

    These nasty aliens display parasitic behaviour, enacting deviant predation. They have infected a lethal percentage of the world's human population with their insanity: the human psychopaths.

    Such is the darkness, the secrecy that needs to be exposed.

    It is a hard task, due to the fact that the deviant predator is very cunning, greatly expert at deception, skilled at camouflaging as a false light.

    One may call the process of the exposing the false light, positive negativity.

    Negative negativity is when a false prophet starts his sermon, each and every time, by calling out one or more of these themes: violence, evil, terror, hate, war, pain. Pay attention to who's doing it.

    Cognitive dissonance is what makes people believe that the false prophet is good, although he systematically evokes the negative. Listen carefully, devoid of prejudice, look with your own eyes. Question everything.

    The original deceit originates in the biblical primordial deceiver, the false god of the Genesis, the first of the Archons, the Yaldabaoth who is also called the False Demiurge.

    According to gnostic texts, the first and foremost trait of the false god is mimicry, imitation, HAL in Coptic. The inorganic living beings are indeed the most cunning imitators. To the non-gnostic eye, their false light might appear as truth.

    Quoting from Cameron Day:

    The Dark Side Makes the False Light Look Good

    The two teams have to play their parts convincingly, and the dark team has really embraced their role as villainous scum ready to kill, rape, torture and do any sort of depraved thing that they can get away with.

    The dark side is designed to be incredibly repugnant so that the majority of good souls will run to the other end of polarity, right into the loving embrace of one of the false light’s patriarchal religions, or to their new age religion with its legion of channels and masters.

    Note 1)

    When I speak or write in a negative manner about the deception of the false goodness, the ‘false light’, and of the marketing strategy of the false prophet, I am often being finger-pointed as someone who's negative.

    It is a wrong judgment primarily due to denial.

    Denial is often due to cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is a trance-like state, a veil that needs to be lifted. The Archons, with their proxies, have put the majority of the world population under such spell, and that in order to keep it controlled, and feeding their eerie Machine. The Matrix wasn’t just a movie.

    There is purpose to negative thought.

    If the nous is aimed at bringing more light, and more freedom, it is a positive thought. In other words: I need to expose the evil side of reality in order to spread information about the luminous real truth. Only few seem to have the necessary Gnostic Eye to see that truth.



    For apport it’s intended an object carried from across dimensions, so that it is both tangible in our reality and in the 'other' reality, where it has been brought from, or manifested. Famous mediums in history are known to have been witnesses to many such apports, one for all, the séances led by Roberto Setti, for il Cerchio 77 Firenze. Others call it materialization.

    In 1993 I found my first Eye amulet on the street at Porta Ticinese, Milan. It was staring at me.

    I picked up the metal object bearing a peculiar carving of an eye.

    A medium said it was an apport.

    It is a bronze-like metallic, flat object, sized two by one centimetres, in the shape of an eye of a molded style. It now rests in my treasure chest. It took me years to realize how it was an anticipation of my 'shamanic-crisis'.

    Now, considering the close encounter I had in 2005 with a plasma being, a bright UFO that actually had a conversation with me before shedding lights in the shapes of eyes, I realize that the source of the first Eye might be just the same. Those were the ones that I called the Star Brothers. Some say they come from Ra, the Source.

    I see the Eye Apport as the Gnostic I.



    Sophia: The FGS (Fallen Goddess Scenario) in 9 Episodes

    "I am the soul of the Earth.

    I thrive, and I dwindle.

    I am infinite grains of sand, water, green lymph.

    I am a human animal, and at the core I am Sophia.

    I exult, and I lament.

    I am twice trapped: as an Aeon, and as a woman-animal.

    As a woman I must break the Archontic machine by way of Gaia's Beauty.

    As an Aeon, I long for my Syzygy.

    You say you love me, but hate comes from you.

    You see the darkness surrounding my light.

    You don't know me, and you are scared of me.

    Do not be ignorant of me."

    According to the gnostic intel, the planet we inhabit is the metamorphosis of a living Goddess.

    The Aeon Sophia, from the Galaxy-core, is such goddess.

    She somehow fell from the core of the Milky Way - the Pleroma - in the course of her tentative experiment to produce the genome of the human species.

    Like a scientist, she combined the elements in her pitri-dish and then watched the human DNA manifest. She was so intrigued by the potential and the fun of her experiment, that she became overly-excited, overly enthusiastic, and then, as the texts describe, she precipitated. She fell off the precincts of the Galaxy Core, due to her enthymesis, her excessive enthusiasm. She erred on the side of passion and a little bit of foolishness (after all, she is the youngest of the Pleromic Aeons) and she fell into the dense matter of the Kenoma, the matter stuff in the periphery of the Galaxy.

    During the process of falling down from the heavenly pleromic state, several facts occurred. These are called the 9 Episodes of the Fallen Goddess Scenario.

    As described in his remarkable book, Not in His Image, by comparative mythologist John Lamb Lash:

    "The sacred narrative central to the Mysteries of the Great Mother has a complex structure that can be outlined in nine episodes:

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