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Bully Revenge: Taking Revenge on Her Bully, #2
Bully Revenge: Taking Revenge on Her Bully, #2
Bully Revenge: Taking Revenge on Her Bully, #2
Ebook193 pages2 hours

Bully Revenge: Taking Revenge on Her Bully, #2

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About this ebook

I've made my choice.

But now I have another choice to make.

Can I really leave the past behind and love Ryker, despite what he does and who he is?

Or should I pick the safe option and never look back?


The second installment in the Taking Revenge on Her Bully series.

PublisherTalia Ellison
Release dateJan 7, 2020
Bully Revenge: Taking Revenge on Her Bully, #2

Talia Ellison

Talia Ellison is the author of Hold Me, Unfold Me, the Loving Your Enemy series, the Your Love Is Dangerous series, Destroying the Billionaire, The Mafia Proposal series, the My Broken Hitman series, the Her Dark Mafia Heart duet, the Owned by the Mafia Queen series, the Never His duet, the Taking Revenge on Her Bully series, the Varano Mafia series, and Arranged: Cassaro Mafia. She loves to read and write all kinds of romance, and she has a thing for broken, tortured heroes and fierce heroines who aren't afraid to take what they want. When she’s not busy with a book, she likes to watch TV shows and listen to music. Never miss a new release! Sign up for Talia’s newsletter:

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    Book preview

    Bully Revenge - Talia Ellison

    Chapter 1

    I NEED AN OBJECTIVE opinion, I said as I turned toward Nia.

    I’d been pacing up and down her living room for about an hour, but my brain was still having trouble processing what had happened with Ryker only a few hours ago.

    The cops had taken him away, and I had no idea when I was going to see him again.

    I’m not very objective, Nia said, her dark brown eyes narrowed at me as she ran her hand through her dark brown hair. But you can try me.

    I feel as if I did something wrong. Does that make any sense or not? I mean, Ryker did so many terrible things to me, and yes, I was afraid for my life when I pressed that button and released the evidence I’d collected against him to the cops, but still... What if I made a mistake? What if I should’ve tried to talk to him first?

    Girl, he could’ve told you that he knew who you really were. If you’d known, you wouldn’t have reacted the way you did. And considering who he is and what he does, I don’t think he should be surprised that you did what you did.

    Yeah, I guess. I let out a sigh. But why didn’t he tell me that he knew everything?

    That’s something only he can answer.

    Yeah, except how was I going to ask him now?

    The evidence I’d collected against him was pretty damning. It showed him killing someone and acting as the leader of the Scarlet Cobras. The videos were everywhere since I’d released them on the Internet too.

    It was really funny.

    Not too long ago, I’d been longing for a moment like this.

    I’d wanted Ryker to pay for everything he’d done to me and to anyone else who’d had the misfortune to cross his path.

    But the time I’d spent with him had shown me that there was another side to him.

    A side that I hadn’t even dreamed existed.

    And now I’d never get a chance to truly meet him because I’d panicked.

    True, he should’ve told me that he’d found the phone. I’d thought he was going to kill me for it, so what was I supposed to do?

    Why? Why didn’t he tell me? I repeated once again, as if the walls were going to give me a magical answer to all the questions that were buzzing in my mind. Why didn’t he confront me about the phone?

    I guess he really liked you and he wasn’t sure what you were going to do. Maybe he was testing you.

    My gaze snapped to Nia’s. Well, that’s great. I proved to him that I was willing to release that info. If he’d been hoping that I wouldn’t do it because of my feelings for him, then I royally messed that up, didn’t I?

    I’m still telling you it’s his own damn fault. How can he expect you to put your life at risk? You thought he was going to hurt you, and it was a legit concern. He might’ve been nice to you, but it’s not like you don’t know what he’s capable of. He should’ve talked to you.

    I know. I know. But what now? I ran my hand through my hair, my fingers shaking slightly.

    I wished I could take it all back.

    Rewind my life to the point before I’d pressed that damn button.

    But it was too little, too late now for that. Besides, back then, I hadn’t known Ryker wouldn’t hurt me, so I would’ve probably pressed that button again.

    He should’ve talked to me, I all but growled.

    Nia only nodded. Can you at least sit down? You’re making me dizzy with all your pacing. And you can’t change anything now. Maybe you can talk to him about everything later.

    When? I settled on the sofa, but I was too restless, so I wrung my fingers instead. When he’s in prison for life or something? Oh shit. What are they even going to do to him there?

    She shrugged. If he’s allowed visitors, you can go see him. I guess.

    If he even wants to see me.

    You said that he went willingly. He could’ve run. So why didn’t he? I don’t think he blames you for alerting the cops.

    He said he’d deserved it. I fought the urge to start chewing on my fingernails.

    Well, he’s not entirely wrong about that. Nia cocked her head. He’s a criminal. He’s killed who knows how many people. I know you fell for him and that you liked being with him, but what about everything else? Are you sure dating someone like him is a good idea? After everything he did to you in high school?

    I don’t know. I lowered my head into my hands.

    I didn’t know anything anymore.

    It was hard to figure out how I was feeling about all this and about Ryker.

    Lexi, hey, Nia said softly. You’ll figure it all out. You just need time to process everything. But now, you should get some rest. It’s not going to help you if you keep torturing yourself because of what happened. It wasn’t your fault. None of it. Especially not the things Ryker did.

    You’re right. I guess he didn’t trust me either if he didn’t tell me anything. Maybe we really weren’t meant to be. Maybe our relationship is too complicated. Who the hell falls in love with their bully? I let out a nervous laugh. That just doesn’t make any sense, does it? It would be so damn stupid.

    Nia didn’t say anything, just watched me carefully.

    I’ll go talk to him. I’ll find a way, I said determinedly. He’ll have to explain everything. I don’t even understand what he meant when he said that he’d always known who I was. Did he really come looking for me because he’d always liked me? Was he really protecting me in a way from becoming a target of someone more dangerous? I know the Scarlet Cobras were upset about my cousin, but why would they turn on me? Yes, I was the closest family member they could unleash their anger on, but is that the truth?

    Okay. Nia got to her feet with a tired sigh. I’m going to sleep now. We can talk more about this tomorrow. How about that?

    Yeah, sorry. All I do is talk about Ryker.

    And you can talk about him all you want. You know I’m here for you. But it’s been a long night, and I’ll be able to listen to you better in the morning. Do you want to stay here and sleep on my sofa?

    I gave her a nod. Yeah, thanks.

    I didn’t want to go to my apartment.

    I didn’t want to be alone.

    Although, I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to fall asleep with all those thoughts flying through my mind.

    How was I going to close my eyes when all I could see was Ryker’s face?

    I’ll get you some pillows and a blanket. Nia gave me a small smile and then headed for the door.

    I leaned back, looking up at the ceiling.

    So many things could’ve gone differently.

    But now, was there even anything I could do? And what was going to happen to Ryker? What was going to happen to us?

    I didn’t know who could answer any of those questions.

    Chapter 2

    I STARED AT THE TV screen in disbelief, and the cup I was holding almost fell out of my hands. The news was on, and my mind was having trouble processing the words that the reporter was saying.

    Actually, I had a feeling as if the whole thing was a dream, and I was just standing there and looking at my own body as if in a haze.

    But it was all real.


    My heart was jumping in my chest, as if it were trying to fight its way out.

    What’s wrong? Why are you so pale? Nia asked.

    Days had gone by quickly, and in the end, I’d decided to stay at Nia’s place.

    She didn’t mind the company, and I didn’t want to be alone either, so she’d freed up some space in her apartment for me and my things.

    She only had one rule, and that was for me to never touch any of her computers or any of her hacking equipment, which was totally fine by me.

    I managed to lift my finger and point at the TV screen.

    Nia’s brow furrowed. A gang member was murdered in jail? A gasp escaped her lips as her wide eyes met mine. Wait, you don’t think it’s Ryker?

    I don’t know. I gripped the cup in my hands as if it was the only thing keeping me from falling apart. They didn’t say the name of the gang or his name.

    It could be someone else, Nia said. There are way too many gang members out there. Some of them get arrested often. Who knows who the guy was and what happened to him?

    But why aren’t they telling us who he is? I set the cup down and rubbed my arms.

    If Ryker was dead...

    I didn’t even want to think about it.

    Nausea rose at the back of my throat.

    I’d killed him.

    What if I’d killed him?

    If I hadn’t sent those files to the cops, he wouldn’t have been arrested, and then none of this would’ve happened.

    Hey, breathe. Nia pulled me into a hug as I was trying to force back my tears. You don’t know if it’s him. And even if it is, it’s not your fault.

    Of course it’s my fault! I raised my voice when I stepped away from her. I’m the one who sent him there!

    No. His actions sent him there. That’s very different.

    Deep down, I knew that she was telling the truth.

    Can you figure out who they’re talking about? I asked.

    I can try. Nia was already on her way to her computer. Do you think they don’t want to say who it was because they fear there’d be a gang war?

    I don’t know. Maybe. Or maybe they’re hoping someone will reach out to find out who it was and then they can get that person too.

    Hmm. Don’t know about that, but let’s see if I can find something. She took a seat in her chair. A few moments later, her fingers started flying over the keyboard.

    I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I picked up the remote.

    As I flipped through the channels, I was hoping someone would offer more information on the murder, but there wasn’t anything.

    Then I pulled out my phone and searched the Internet, but everyone only had the info I already knew.

    Someone had been killed in jail, a gang member, and now there was an investigation so the cops could figure out what had happened and who had killed him.

    You know, maybe it really was someone else, Nia said. Maybe some gang was afraid the guy was going to talk, so they had him killed before he could do it. Ryker is the boss of the Scarlet Cobras. Surely, he has someone in there to protect him.

    I bit down on my lip because I had no clue about any of that.

    What if he didn’t have protection?

    What if his enemies had gotten to him first?

    What if the cops who were on the Scarlet Cobras’ payroll had decided to get rid of him so he wouldn’t say anything about them to anyone and make a deal?

    Um, Lexi, Nia said, and my head snapped toward her.

    What? I didn’t like the tone of her voice, and dread filled my stomach.

    I can’t find out who he is, she said, frustration evident on her face.

    What do you mean? Why?

    There’s no report for me to hack into. Maybe no one has written it yet or entered it into the system. It’s weird.

    Or they’re hiding something or trying to cover it up.

    Maybe they’re just slow. I’ll check back later.

    I started pacing the room again. He can’t be dead. He can’t.

    What about his gang members? Do you think they might know something?

    I shrugged. I don’t know, but it’s not like I know how to get to them, and I doubt they’d even talk to me. Actually, it’s possible they’d try to kill me. Their boss went after me, and then he was arrested. I’m sure they blame me for the whole thing.

    Yeah, that’s possible. She made a

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