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Amp: The Transcendent
Amp: The Transcendent
Amp: The Transcendent
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Amp: The Transcendent

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Colonel Tucker Petersen is in pursuit of Xat-Anah with the crew of Salvage-5 and one extra passenger. Will Tucker make it back to Earth in time to thwart Xat-Anah’s plan of activating the sphere’s portal?
Find out in this exciting and powerful conclusion.

What happens after Eva’s arrival will shock you...

Release dateFeb 4, 2020
Amp: The Transcendent

Brian K. Larson

Brian was born and raised in Seattle in 1959. He grew up in the town of Mount Lake Terrace, a small suburb north of the city. Brian, being the youngest, had two siblings, his eldest brother, Mike and sister, Pam. School was challenging, as Brian suffers with Dyslexia, a learning disability that affects 1 in 15 Americans. That didn’t stop Brian. He was named "bookworm" in school because he always had his nose in a book.Brian received his MBA in 2010 in Business, now writes for fun, living his lifelong dream of writing science fiction books. He enjoys his off time, with his seventh grade sweetheart, Diana Rose now for going on sixteen years. She has been by his side and continues to supports his writing. Brian says that without her encouragement, his dream would never have become a reality. They now live in Marysville, Washington, and enjoy three wonderful kids and eight grandchildren. They range from newborn to thirteen, and he says they are so special and great to have around.It is Brian’s hope that through his writing he will fill hearts with joy to readers all over the world, sparking their imaginations.

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    Book preview

    Amp - Brian K. Larson

    A M P

    (Amplified Mental Projection)

    The Transcendent

    Dark World Series 3

    Brian K. Larson

    A M P


    Dark World Series 3

    Brian K. Larson

    Published by Slipstream Publishing

    For Smashwords

    Copyright © 2020 Brian K. Larson

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

    This is a work of fiction, all the characters and events in this novel that appear similar to persons living or dead are unintentional and are completely coincidental.


    I dedicate this book to the rock group ‘Rush’ for their music from which I gain huge amount of inspiration while creating my works.



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22


    More Works


    "I don’t know how long it’s been, really. Five years or fifty? It’s hard to say for sure how many. It wouldn’t even matter if it was five-hundred or five-thousand years. The devastation my kind brought to this world have left a scar that will never heal.

    "My mind still replays it all out in my cybernetic brain. That’s all that’s left of me, anyway; my mind and the mechanical parts that made up my shell of a body.

    "My human half died long ago. I didn’t really know that would happen when it did, but I guess that’s a byproduct of being the first hybrid; half cyborg clone, half human. I would have ended then if my cyborg’s bioengineering hadn’t compensated for my dead human parts.

    "Since every living creature perished during the final days of the aftermath, there was no carbon-based food to sustain my human parts. My desire to eat was the first thing that was programmed out.

    "My blood is an alien substance that flows through the micro-tubing and circuits within my shell of a body…

    "I remember my father…

    "I remember my mother…

    "All of them I remember, every precise, accurate, eternal detail. Those thoughts of my human parents haunt me every day. For a Cybiologic lifeform, those memories can never fade as long as my power supply continues to function.

    "I know there is a limit to how long my energy will last. There is a limit to everything. Once that fades, my awareness will cease, though my mechanisms will likely persist for some time. Finally vanquishing my pitiful existence from this reality. I think.

    "I am the only lifeform that remains. There are no more any humans. No livestock grazing, or birds flying overhead, or fish swimming in the oceans. I do not know if my power supply will last another year, or another ten thousand. I do not have adequate information to calculate the answer.

    "The humans blamed me for what happened to their world. I can’t say I blame them for hating me. I hate myself for the pain and the suffering and the death our kind caused.

    "If I had a way to deactivate my power supply and terminate my existence, I would. That’s one human trait that was never correctly programed out of me; self-termination.

    "So, I will continue with my search. Perhaps one day I will find the missing core, somewhere in the debris of the city. Our kind returned to Earth with one. I know there is one here. But, again, I don’t know what happened to it. With so many years that have passed, each day it becomes less likely that I will find it.

    "My hope is that, someday, I will discover the core. When I do, my plan will ensure that everyone I knew, everyone that my arrival hurt, will live again. Forever.

    "If my cyborg power supply lasts long enough, that is.

    "I do remember how long it has been now… fifty-thousand years have passed. Is it even possible that my power supply could last another fifty-thousand?

    "Eventually, life will return to Earth. Once the radiation dissipates enough. Now that the radiation barrier has been fully restored, I know that life will, again, return to this planet… Someday.

    "Until such time that I discover the core, or my power supply fades enough to take me offline, I will always remember those times. The humans fought valiantly.

    All of them…

    The cyborg sat down on a pile of rubble, This is my story of what occurred before my arrival and the events just after the Aftermath.

    My name is Eva, but they called me The Transcendent!

    Chapter 1

    Port Angeles Field

    Government Armory

    January 19, 2068 02:17

    Jenny lay on the metal table. Trudy sat between her legs. Jenny had endured four hours of contractions to get to this point.

    She’s almost fully dilated now, Trudy reported.

    You broke my water a couple of hours ago, Jenny protested, her exhaustion present in her voice.

    Yes, I grew a tool used to perform an amniotomy when you were at seven centimeters.

    Won’t that be bad? I mean, shouldn’t the baby have come out by now?

    Bennie brushed her hair from her face as he squeezed her hand, seeing the look on her face, he knew another contraction was starting.

    Ahhhhh, Ohhhhhh man! Jenny labored, I don-don’t know how mu-much more I can take!

    Bennie closed his eyes and enveloped her in a golden glow of amp power. His fiber connection was active and plugged into his chip, providing a trickle amp charge throughout the entire night.

    Beverly held Jenny’s hand and wiped her dripping forehead, Just hang in there a little longer, sweetie.

    Trudy smiled over to Bennie, I think she’s almost ready to have this baby.

    Oh man! Here comes another one, can I push? I want to – need to – PUSH…

    Jenny rose up, trying to hold back, but Trudy glanced up to Jenny, Okay, Jen, give it all ya’ got!

    Jenny took a deep breath as Beverly supported her upright. Bearing down, she grunted and groaned before she had to relax and take a rest.

    Can you see my baby yet? Jenny panted before she had another uncontrollable urge to push.

    I see the head… she’s crowning! Trudy exclaimed, Keep pushing, Jenny! Push!!

    Jenny gasped another breath before bearing down again, I AM PUSHING! AHHHHHH, AHHHHHH!

    Trudy’s eyes widened as she positioned her hands to catch the child, I see the head! her voice echoed in the metal vault, The shoulders are coming!

    Jenny pushed once more and the baby slid from the birth canal. Trudy lifted the newborn child, and the room echoed with the sounds of a newborn baby’s cry.

    Bennie cried as he squeezed Jenny’s hand. Great joy covered his face as he gazed upon the child. Jenny smiled as she was lowered back down by Beverly, collapsing on her pillows.

    Trudy clamped the child’s umbilical cord and looked over to Bennie, C’mer. You wanna cut the cord?

    Me? Bennie nervously chuckled, You want me to…

    Jenny gave Bennie a weak push, Go ahead, Dad, you do it. Go ahead.

    Bennie reluctantly took the scissors from Trudy, held them to the cord and cut through before returning them to Trudy.

    Good job, Bennie, Trudy praised, Now, Jenny, you have to bear down once more.

    Yeah, yeah, I feel another contraction…

    Bennie took his child from Trudy as she spread Jenny’s legs once more, The afterbirth is next.

    Jenny pushed, not as hard before, and passed the placenta. Bennie came to her side and presented their new baby, She’s beautiful, Jen. Just like her mother.

    Jenny took the baby from Ben. She cradled the tiny baby in her arms and smiled, No, she looks just like her daddy, Jenny smiled up at Ben before returning her gaze to their new child, Hello there, little Eva... Welcome to the world.

    C’mon, Bev, Trudy motioned, Let’s give them some private time with her. Just for a little while. We should check to see if there’s any new growth out there.

    Okay, Trudy, Beverly nodded. We’ll be right out there, guys.

    The two left Ben, Jenny and Eva in the protection of the vault room as they ventured down the dim corridor.

    Oh, Bennie, she’s just wonderful!

    Benne sat on the side of the table and looked down at his daughter, It doesn’t seem real.

    She’s human, Ben.

    Bennie examined the child under the blanket, All of her extremities, everything about her looks human, Jen.

    Ten fingers and toes, Jenny smiled, She’s perfect.

    Her skin is so… so smooth, Bennie said.

    A baby’s skin is supposed to be soft, silly.

    I know that, Jen. But, if you feel it, it’s very soft. Not at all like what I’ve seen before.

    So, you’re an expert on how soft a baby’s skin is? Jen teased. Have any other children I don’t know about?

    No, don’t be silly, Jenny, but I’ve been around babies and none of them were as soft-skinned as Eva.

    The child stirred in Jenny’s arms, I think she’s hungry.

    Um, well, what are we supposed to do? Bennie asked, looking around the room.

    I’m well equipped, silly boy, Jenny smiled as she offered her breast. The child latched on and began suckling her first meal, There, that’s better now, isn’t it? she whispered to the child.

    Jenny hummed softly as the baby fed and relaxed in mother’s arms at her soft and comforting melody.

    Eva… Benne recited, She is perfect in every way.

    Oh, wow, Jenny. You are so beautiful. Especially holding her. I’m so glad you are okay. You do feel better, now, right?

    I’m pretty weak, Ben. Maybe I should get some sleep.

    Oh, okay, Jenny. Do you want me to watch Eva?

    No, she’s going to stay right by my side. I don’t ever want to be without her and I sure as hell am not going to let them take her away from us, either!

    I know, Jen. I didn’t mean that I was going to take her. Just was going to hold her while you got some sleep.

    Well, thanks anyway, but just the same, I need to keep her in my arms.

    And I will do everything in my power to make sure they don’t get their hands on our little Eva, here.

    I’m scared for her, Bennie. I mean it. What’s going to happen next?

    Now, don’t you worry about what’s going to happen next. We’ll deal with it then. Just know I’ll do anything I have to, to protect her. Okay? I mean it! Mark my words, Jen!

    Oh, Bennie, Jenny batted her eyes at him, My knight in shining armor.

    Beverly followed Trudy down the hall, the two checked each door to ensure the complex remained secure.

    Are we sure there’s nothing different about Eva? Beverly asked.

    I delivered her, Bev. She was perfect. She had all her fingers and toes… no extra tentacles, either.

    Beverly swatted at Trudy, That’s not funny!

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist. No, she looks just like one of us. You’d never be able to tell her apart from anyone else. But we have other concerns right now.

    Yes-we-do, Beverly affirmed, We have to ensure that the squids and clinkers aren’t returning any time soon for an encore presentation.

    That is a major concern. But I’m talking about supplies for our newborn.

    Ahh, yeah, I was wondering about that. I don’t think the armory has any diapers or infant clothes around here.

    True, I doubt that one blanket makes for a good wardrobe, Trudy smiled, That’s the main reason I wanted to come out here to talk."

    You wanted to come out here to talk about clothes for the baby?

    Yes. It’s January and it’s cold out there. We’ll need to get to a store in town and find some.

    You think going out there is such a good idea? I don’t think it is.

    It’s not a real good idea, no, Bev…

    Good, Beverly agreed, For a moment there, I thought you were going to say it was.

    It is safest out there in the dark. But once the sun comes up, if these clouds clear…

    I get your point. How far is it to town and how long do you think it’ll take? It’s already nearing three AM. The sun’s gonna come up in about five or six hours.

    I think that’s about right. It’s only a couple miles. We could try to start one of those cars out there.

    Okay, Beverly nodded, See if you can get us a ride. I’ll go let them know what our plan...

    Before Beverly could finish her sentence the two were interrupted by a blood curdling scream from the vault room.

    Trudy glanced at Beverly just enough to read her thoughts. The two took off running back down the hallway.

    Jenny! Trudy yelled.

    Ben? Beverly cried.

    They quickly reached the vault room only to see Jenny with her mouth gaping open. Bennie was holding the child and was staring into her eyes.

    What’s wrong!? Beverly demanded.

    Bennie looked up to his mom, It’s your grandchild… have a look for yourself…

    He offered Eva to Beverly and she took the child, being careful to support the newborn’s head. She looked at the child and then back to Ben, What’s wrong, Ben? She looks perfectly normal to me…

    The baby slowly opened its eyes revealing a slight almond shape to the eye globe itself. But what was even more disturbing when Beverly looked closer to the child’s eyes made the hair on the back of her neck stand to attention.

    What’s this? Beverly exclaimed.

    What does it look like? Bennie asked.

    They look like camera lenses, not irises!

    Well, that’s what it looks like to me too, mom, but if you look even a little closer…

    Beverly leaned closer to the baby. It’s eyes wide open and alert as she gazed back into her grandmother’s eyes. The baby blinked twice before Beverly could see the computer traces inside the eye.

    That’s remarkable…

    She’s telepathic too, mom. You just have to accept that she is. Just remain quiet for a moment and look into her eyes.

    She is so beautiful, Bennie, Beverly gazed in return, She’s not speaking to me verbally, or with any langrage… it’s just…

    … a knowing, right?

    Beverly returned her gaze into the baby’s eyes, Yes, it’s a total knowing of what she is relaying to us.

    Jenny regained her composure and held out her shaking hands, I want her back. Give her to me.

    Bennie sat by Jenny and held his hand on her shoulder, You saw it first. Are you sure you’re okay now?

    Yes, I’m fine, Bennie. I was just… shocked, I guess.

    Beverly returned the baby to Jenny, she carefully rested her hand on the back of the baby’s neck, She’s still fragile…

    Jenny looked down upon her smiling child, each of their eyes met. A feeling of warmth surrounded Jenny as a golden glow formed around both of them.

    Will you look at that, Bennie smiled, Eva is comforting her mother. She can invoke a self-amp charge.

    Yeah, Jenny smiled, the feeling of joy filled her, She’s telling me it’s going to be alright.

    The baby’s eyes squeezed closed and the child began to convulse in Jenny’s arms.

    What’s happening? Jenny panicked.

    Trudy noticed first, It’s the growth enzyme! It’s accelerating the baby’s growth just like before she was born!

    The child’s body began to undulate, its skin rippled like water across the soft skin. The child’s head grew, along with its arms and legs. Only a few aching moments passed as the baby cried out in pain before the growth spurt stopped.

    Oh, you poor child, Jenny cried as she held her baby close to her bosom, That can’t feel good… I know, I know, she comforted, I experienced this for myself. It wasn’t fun… not-at-all, she said, holding Eva out before her.

    The baby lifted its head up and gazed into her mother’s eyes once more. One of the child’s arms moved over to touch her face.

    She’s grateful that we’re here.

    She said that to you? Beverly asked.

    Yes, she’s going to be fine. She says she can endure this and much more, but she’s tired.

    Babies do sleep a lot. Beverly, if we’re good, Trudy said, I mean, is there anything else we can do for her?

    Right, right, Beverly nodded, Bennie, we were coming back here to tell you we should head to the city for some supplies.

    We were thinking like baby clothes and diapers, but I don’t know what do get for her anymore, maybe blankets? Trudy added.

    We’ll need food too, Beverly finished.

    The baby turned, causing Jenny to set the child on her lap, facing Beverly and Trudy, her eyes met with Trudy before moving to Beverly, find me clothing, suitable for an eight-year-old. That is how old I shall appear by the time you return… do not fear me… the growth enzyme will dramatically slow when I develop to this stage. For a time, that is…

    Beverly and Trudy glanced at each other before returning to Eva, Okay… Trudy answered, I understand…

    Now’s the best time to move through the city, Trudy nodded.

    Before sunrise, Beverly added.

    Okay, Bennie nodded, Be safe, okay? Bennie said, not taking his eyes from his child, resting in Jenny’s arms.

    You got that right, Trudy said as

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