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30 Day Alkaline Diet Challenge
30 Day Alkaline Diet Challenge
30 Day Alkaline Diet Challenge
Ebook119 pages57 minutes

30 Day Alkaline Diet Challenge

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

These days, the Alkaline Diet is wildly popular. There are plenty of celebrities and public
figures backing this diet, but most of us don't have a personal trainer or nutritionist who
can help us understand the ins and outs of how it works, and why.
In this guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about how the Alkaline Diet works,
and how you can create your own 30-day Alkaline Diet Challenge. You'll lose weight,
you'll lower inflammation in the body, and you'll live an overall healthier lifestyle. In other
words, you'll look and feel great.
What is unique about this guide is that it will tell you exactly what you need to know to
create a plan that is tailored to your needs, tastes and lifestyle. Here are just some of the
things included in this guide:
 A quick, easy-to-understand explanation of how the body maintains pH levels in the
 A quick rundown of how certain foods are digested as acid-forming or alkaline-
forming in the body
 An honest look at some of the things you can expect from this diet
 Special considerations like making sure you get enough protein, vitamins and
 Tips on getting organized to ensure the success of your diet
 An extensive list of ingredients that are alkaline- or acid-forming
In addition to these things, you'll also enjoy:
 10 breakfast recipes
 15 lunch recipes
 10 snack recipes
 15 dinner recipes
 Bonus drink recipes to keep you hydrated
 A standard template to give you an idea of what your 30-Day Alkaline Diet
Challenge could look like

That's over 50 delicious recipes that are all 100% alkaline-forming so that you don't have
to worry about doing any research about whether you can include something in your diet or
One thing that readers particularly love about this guide is that it empowers the reader to
create a 30-day diet plan that works with their life.
If you're ready to take on the Alkaline Diet, but you were always intimidated by how strict
it sounded or how confusing the science could be, this guide is going to be perfect for you.
The amazing thing about this diet is that you don't have to count calories, have a strict
exercise regimen, restrict your food intake, or do any of the other stressful things required
on a traditional diet. It's all about limiting the stress and enjoying yourself through this
journey of weight loss and natural healing.
That's right, this diet isn't going to leave you feeling hungry and cranky, and you won't
have to struggle with any math equations in order for the Alkaline Diet to start changing
your body and your life for the better.
All you have to do is plan out your month with delicious, healthy recipes, and eat the food
that you picked out for yourself. By the end of your 30-Day Alkaline Diet Challenge, you
won't even want to go back to your old lifestyle. You'll feel great, you'll look amazing, and
your body will thank you.

PublisherBrandon Henry
Release dateJan 2, 2020
30 Day Alkaline Diet Challenge

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    Book preview

    30 Day Alkaline Diet Challenge - Brandon Henry


    First of all, what is the Alkaline Diet?

    What are the rules?

    What are the benefits?

    Are there any side effects?

    Special Considerations

    How can you get started with your very own Alkaline Diet?

    What’s included here

    A Final Note

    Let’s Get Started!

    Chapter One: Organizing your 30 days

    Step One: Get a weekly calendar

    Step Two: Think about your diet as a spectrum

    Step Three: Plan to stay hydrated

    Step Four: Make a plan to be kind to yourself

    To sum it up

    Chapter Two: The Alkaline Table


    I won’t sugar-coat it, the Alkaline Diet is a bit technical. The scientific jargon turns off a lot of folks who would otherwise really benefit from and enjoy this diet. The problem is that most of the research that has been done about the Alkaline Diet hasn’t really been translated into something the general public can access and understand. The celebrities and public figures who go on the diet are able to pay for personal trainers and nutritionists to do the legwork for them.

    So how can we break down the Alkaline Diet in a way that is concise while also giving you all the information that you need to be the expert of your own health on a molecular level?

    Don’t worry, it’ll be easy. This guide is going to help you not only understand the Alkaline Diet and how it works, but also allow you to create your very own 30-day Alkaline Diet Challenge.

    First of all, what is the Alkaline Diet?

    Alkaline, very simply, means the opposite of acidic. And we all know, more or less, what acidic means. In the science world, alkaline versus acidic has to do with the pH level of something. If it is low on the pH scale, or between 0 and 6, it is considered acidic. If it is high on the pH scale, between 8 and 14, it is base or alkaline. 7 is neutral.

    Now, there are certain foods that are acidic and others that are alkaline, but the tricky part about the Alkaline Diet is that those categories aren’t actually indicators of whether a certain food is included in the diet or not. Instead, what is important is the reaction in the body after the food is digested. Some foods form acid compounds in the body. Others form alkaline compounds. A good example of this is with citrus fruits. Lemons, grapefruit, and oranges, for instance, are acidic foods, yet they have the opposite effect when you eat them. In fact, they are one of the more alkaline-forming foods available.

    On another note, you might have heard some people calling the Alkaline Diet the Ash Diet, which refers to these compounds. The ash is the metabolic waste that comes from converting your food into energy. So, when people talk about alkaline ash or acid ash, that is what they’re referring to.

    The foods that produce acid compounds in the body over time will change the pH level of your blood. And your body, striving for equilibrium, will work to get the pH level back to 7, or neutral. Through your breath, chemical signals from the brain, and the hard work of your kidneys, your body is able to regulate your blood’s pH through small and large adjustments. Amazingly, this is happening all the time.

    The problem is that there are long-term effects of this process. The more that you eat acid-producing foods, the harder your body will have to work, over time, to maintain equilibrium. Plus, the energy that goes towards normalizing the blood might be used instead for other functions, like maintaining your immunity, restoring cells, healthy digestion, or any number of important things.

    One particularly damaging part of this process on the body has to do with inflammation. There are a variety of dangers associated with inflammation, from neurological problems to fatigue to chronic pain.

    So, when we take some of the load off the body by lowering the acidity in the blood, the body is able to function with less wear and tear. Your immune system will function better. Your body will be able to lower inflammation. You’ll feel less groggy and sluggish. And yes, you’ll lose weight.

    What are the rules?

    Make no mistake, the Alkaline Diet is very structured, as compared with some other diets. You’ll be invited to cut out some of the ingredients that you might thing are the stars of your plate at this point.

    But when it comes to black-and-white rules, there are none. You can also let go of the stress of calorie counting, exercise goals, and other traditional elements of a diet.

    Here, your only focus is whether the foods you eat cause your body to produce acid or alkaline.

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