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Good vs Right
Good vs Right
Good vs Right
Ebook132 pages1 hour

Good vs Right

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The Catholic space empire wages war on heathens and heretical empires and against sinners within her ranks across the universe. Follow nine distinct groups in the empire in this series of short stories where what is good and right is brought into question along with why certain things are good and/or right.
Blood will be shed, many will die, and who knows who will be sent to Heaven or Hell?

PublisherAlbert Oon
Release dateDec 29, 2019
Good vs Right

Albert Oon

A Catholic, self-published writer who writes for fun and to help others out. I write in the genres of horror, fantasy, romance, and sci-fi. I hope to be a successful writer who will also write for movies, video games, and more since I've been told that's the crowds my books appeal to.

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    Book preview

    Good vs Right - Albert Oon

    Good vs Right

    Copyright 2019 Albert Oon

    Published by Albert Oon at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes: This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Story 1 – Soldier’s Orders

    Story 2 – Rescuer or Executioner

    Story 3 – God’s Will Over Mine

    Story 4 – Rulers and Rule Enforcers

    Story 5 – Fight and Never Surrender

    Story 6 – Harsh but Corrective Justice

    Story 7 – Walking Only by Faith

    Story 8 – Death to Evil

    Story 9 – Family Comes First

    Cover made by Fhunde (on Twitter).

    Original cover by Albert Oon.

    Story 1 – Soldier’s Orders

    After singing the Apostles' Creed, Our Father, Three Hail Marys, and a Glory Be, we begin to sing the battle prayer of the Knights of the Sacred Blood of Christ.

    Let us pray. Oh God, who is all-knowing, all-wise, and all good, it is known that you are a God of battles and the army that has your favor shall obtain victory. We pray,

    Grant us your favor, Oh Lord, to us, your poor servants.

    Let us be your instruments of justice.

    So that thy will shall be done as it is in Heaven.

    Make our aim true.

    So that our anger is just.

    Protect us from all dangers especially those of the spirit.

    So that we may forever serve you in Heaven.

    Always be in our hearts, Oh Lord, who is truth and love itself.

    Always and forever we shall love you.

    St. Jude, Saint of Impossible Causes.

    Pray for us.

    St. Joseph, Terror of Demons.

    Pray for us.

    St. Michael the Archangel, Prince of the Heavenly Host.

    Pray for us.

    Our Lady of Victory.

    Pray for us.

    Jesus Christ, Savior of all.

    Pray for us.

    Jesus Christ, Ruler of the Universe.

    Pray for us.

    Jesus Christ, Conqueror of Death.

    Pray for us.

    Use your weapons of justice as you see fit, Oh Lord, for we are yours and yours alone as we enter into battle.


    The air inside the aircraft lifted a bit. It’s to be expected of a prayer, but this is our first deployment and the sounds of explosions and laser fire are keeping me on edge. Some of the people I went to training appear to be praying while others are checking out their equipment. There’s one that’s constantly switching his gun to sword mode on and off as if the way it works still amazes him. A girl is admiring her skull helmet with the little markings she made on it.

    The markings on your helmet are the only thing they’re going to be identifying your body by if you keep obsessing over it, someone tells her.

    She dismisses him and puts her helmet on.

    The captain of our unit stands up and says, We’re going to be landing soon. To recap, you will storm the beachhead, join your brothers and sisters in battle, and help them win the battle. I know this is going to be a lot for you since we’re fighting against the Orthodox empire instead of fighting against weaker heathens and Protestants, but stay strong, keep your faith in God, and He will deliver you to safety whether that’d be to your homes here or in Heaven. Remember that we’re not going to take any prisoners. Any questions?

    One guy raises his hand.

    What is it?

    Why should we be worried about fighting heretics? They’re just tools of the devil steeped in their own ignorance. Sure, they have advanced weaponry like ours, but there’s one important thing that we have on our side that they don’t.

    And what’s that?

    We have the Lord Jesus Christ on our side!

    I, along with my unit, cheer at the reminder.

    Why should we fear death or the heretic, who thinks they serve the Lord but only serves his own warped version of God?

    That’s what I want you all to think about when you’re out there. Keep God in your hearts and victory will be ours.

    The aircraft lands on the ground and the landing door begins to open. We all stand up with our weapons in hand and in formation.

    Ready yourselves! Give your lives, your souls, your very existence for the Church, for your Holy Mother, and for your Lord!

    Amen! the unit screams out before charging out into a hail of laser fire.

    I’m not sure who was shot from the point we scattered and sprinted on the battlefield, but I’m sure a few people died because of all the screaming I heard. There’s nothing I can except shoot and move forward. By the time I get to the cover of dug in trenches, I think I might’ve killed five or so heretics and lost a few people in my unit. The people in the trenches are catching their breath for a second before going back out or using the trenches as cover. At least none of them are being cowards and just sitting here. I’m not even sure we can stay here with all the explosions blowing up the battlefield. I see the captain of our unit finally entering the trenches.

    I’m glad you’re still alive, Private Joshua, he says, Have you seen your fellow squad mates?

    I’ve seen a few here and there. I think some are still charging ahead.

    God bless them.

    What should we do now, sir?

    Your orders still stand, private. Keep fighting and leave no heretic standing.

    Incoming! a solider screams out.

    We scatter out of the trenches as artillery fire blows it up. I manage to get to cover behind the rubble of fallen buildings and push forward. Our allies return with artillery fire of our own as more air reinforcements come in to finish off the last of the heretic’s aircraft. Once their air support is gone, our aircraft take out heretics camped out in the taller ruins. We keep pushing forward as they retreat to their field base. They’re really dug in here with a shield around them and heavy laser gun placements that keep the pressure on us. This is their last stand and they’re throwing everything they have at us in their tall fortress. An explosion behind me blasts a fellow soldier to the cover near me.

    Are you okay? I ask them.

    Y-yeah. I’m just a little shaken up. This armor is better than I thought it was.

    I don’t think it was the armor that saved your life.

    True that but who’s to say that God didn’t help make this armor? How are we going to pierce their defenses? Not even the aircraft can pierce it.

    What about the artillery?

    It’s going to take a while to load and fire again.

    There has to be some way to break their shields. While looking around, I see that the ground around the base is broken with holes in them that appear deep. After throwing a couple grenades, the broken concrete reveals that the ground is hollow.


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