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Children's Teacher: January- March 2020
Children's Teacher: January- March 2020
Children's Teacher: January- March 2020
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Children's Teacher: January- March 2020

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Children’s Teacher is a teacher’s quarterly. In addition to the exposition of the printed text, each of the thirteen lessons includes the purpose of the lesson, extensive teaching plans, lesson introduction, background of the lesson, meaningful insights, and related activities.
Release dateDec 1, 2019
Children's Teacher: January- March 2020

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    Children's Teacher - R.H. Boyd Publishing Corporation

    Lesson 1 for Week of January 5, 2020



    A Place for the Ark


    I. Completion of the Temple (2 Chronicles 5:1)

    II. The Ark in the Holy Place (2 Chronicles 5:2–7)

    III. Worship in the Temple (2 Chronicles 5:11–14)


    Then the priests brought the ark of the covenant of the LORD to its place, in the inner sanctuary of the house, in the most holy place, underneath the wings of the cherubim. (2 Chronicles 5:7, NRSV)


    1.Solomon finished the work of building the temple of God.

    2.Solomon was the fulfillment of the promise that God made to his father, David.

    3.The presence of the Lord overwhelmed those worshiping in the temple.


    People have dedication ceremonies or grand openings for many different things. How are these ceremonies or grand openings celebrated? When King Solomon called an assembly to celebrate the dedication of the temple, the glory of the Lord filled the house of God.


    •To learn how the Israelites prepared for the dedication of Solomon’s temple.

    •To sense the holiness of places of worship.

    •To celebrate having access to a place of worship.

    Target Emphases

    PRESCHOOLERS: Preschoolers are beginning to understand the sacred nature of church sanctuaries.

    YOUNGER CHILDREN: Younger children can take part in songs, prayers, and other aspects of worship.

    OLDER CHILDREN: Older children are learning to sense the presence of God in church services.

    Materials Needed to Teach

    For further reference, see today’s lesson from Boyd’s Commentary, New National Baptist Hymnal, 21st Century Edition #30.

    Need more teacher helps?


    Suggested Teaching Plan


    MATERIALS NEEDED: music player, markers, download a picture of a church in black and white for coloring, crayons

    GETTING STARTED: Greet each student as he or she enters the classroom. Start the class with a worship song. Ask the students to sing along. Begin the class with prayer.

    A GREAT BEGINNING: Share that today’s lesson is about the temple that Solomon built. Explain that Solomon became king of Israel after his father David. Tell them that the temple was a church for the Israelite people. Ask the students what is important about church. Explain that church is where we worship God and let Him know how much we love Him.

    AN IMPORTANT LESSON: Read the lesson story for today. Ask the students how the Israelites worshiped God. Give each child crayons and a picture of the church to color. Direct them to color the picture and draw a picture of themselves in the picture. Ask them to explain how they worship God in church. Tell the students that God wants us to worship Him to show our love for Him.

    KEEPING IT GOING: Allow the students time to complete the activities in the student books. Have them form a circle and take their prayer requests. After the prayer, dismiss the class.

    JUST FOR YOU: Spend time this week asking God to help the students have the courage to take part in worship. Pray for each student by name and ask God to equip you to prepare adequately so that you can teach the upcoming lesson more effectively. Finally, review your teaching methods to see how you might add more excitement and fun activities to the teaching session.


    MATERIALS NEEDED: picture of various furnishings cut from magazines, paper, glue, crayons

    GETTING STARTED: Greet each student as he or she enters the classroom. Suggest a worship song for the students to sing and ask a student to lead the class in singing it. Begin the lesson in prayer.

    JUMP START: Tell the students that today’s lesson is about what King Solomon did when the work on the temple building was finished. Ask the students if they know anything about King Solomon or the temple he built. Ask them what they would include in a temple if they built one for God.

    THE LESSON STORY: Read the lesson story for today. Ask the students if they remember the lesson that spoke about how God promised David that Solomon would build the temple. Tell the story of the building of the temple by explaining who Solomon was and the reason he built the temple. Give each student a sheet of paper and a picture of furniture. Help the students glue their picture to the paper and direct them to draw a church around the picture. As they work, ask them to talk about what it means to worship God

    TAKING IT HOME: Allow the students time to complete the activities in their books. Have the students form a circle and take prayer requests. Close in prayer, asking God to bless our worship. Encourage the students to let their pictures remind them to worship God.

    ENERGY TO EDUCATE: During your quiet time this week, spend time thanking God for your church and praying for the specific needs of your church. Also pray for each student by name. Ask God to reveal to you ways to make your teaching more exciting and effective.


    MATERIALS NEEDED: music player, paper with lines for writing, pens/pencils

    BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Place a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil on each seat. Have Christian worship music playing in the background. Greet each student as he or she enters the classroom. Encourage them to sing and worship God with the music. Begin the class with prayer.

    ’NET CHECK: Discuss and complete the activity from Bring extra copies to class for those who haven’t completed it already. Allow time for the ‘Net Check and Bible Quiz sections to be completed. Discuss the answers together.

    INTRODUCTION: Share with the students that today’s lesson is about the events that took place after Solomon built the temple. Explain that Solomon fulfilled the promise God gave his father, King David, to build a temple for the Ark of the Covenant to stay and the Israelites to worship God. Ask the students to talk about how they feel when they worship God.

    TODAY’S LESSON STORY: Ask for a few students to read the passages. Explain that Solomon brought some things that David had saved and dedicated to the future temple. He also had the Israelite leaders to bring the sacred Ark of God into the temple. Ask the students to write down what they would do if they were there with Solomon. Remind them that God’s presence went into the temple. Tell them the Israelites were so excited they celebrated with music and worshiped God. God lives in the hearts of believers. We should worship Him whenever we can.

    LESSON REVIEW AND CLOSING: Allow the students to complete the activities in their student books and review the key verse. Ask the students to write the key verse on the bottom of their paper to take home. Encourage the students to keep the paper in their Bibles as a reminder that God loves them and wants them to worship Him when they are in church or wherever they feel led to worship. After taking prayer requests, close the class in prayer.

    — Lesson Overview —


    Many children who attend church regularly are familiar with most of the stories in the Bible, including stories about the Creation, the Fall, the Flood, the Exodus and so forth. However, there are some lesser known stories, like today’s lesson. The story of the celebrations that took place following the building of the temple is an important event in the history of the Israelites. Located in 2 Chronicles, it provides an understanding of the holiness of God and what the temple meant to the Israelites. Children may become curious about why church is so important to the lifestyle of a Christian. Teach them to understand that the activities that take place within the church building, especially worship, really matter to God because those things bring Him glory. During the lesson, help children understand that God is active in the church. Remind them that the Bible says that when two or more people are gathered in His name, God’s presence is there (Matthew 18:20).

    CREATE INTEREST: Ask the participants why they think they should go to church.

    I. Completion of the Temple (2 Chronicles 5:1)

    King Solomon, who was the son of King David, built a magnificent temple with the finest, most expensive furnishings and materials that Israel had to offer. King David desired to have a temple where the Spirit of God would dwell, and Solomon fulfilled David’s desire. This beautiful building was the center of worship for the Israelites. It allowed God to dwell among His people. Before Solomon became king, David did a lot for the temple. He designed and made some of its furnishings and dedicated them to the future use of the temple. Solomon placed those things in the temple where they belonged.

    Even though the people had been in Israel for many years, they still longed for a place that made them feel as though they were rooted in their new Promised Land. Even though many buildings had been built and the area was established, the Israelites were still conducting the worship of the Lord in a tent, as they had for hundreds of years before. The origination of the tent was needed when the Israelites were wandering through the desert, searching for God’s Promised Land. Now that they had conquered it and established Israel as a world power, they were still wanting a place of permanent worship. Even though King David desired to build the temple for the Lord, God did not allow him to do so because he had too much experience killing others in battle. Not that this should be seen as a bad thing--God had told him to do so. However, the creator and builder of the new temple was to be one without massive bloodshed on his hands.

    This story today is about more than just someone building a new temple, it is about the thousands of years of promise finally coming into fulfillment as the Ark of the Covenant found its permanent resting place. The people had heard all of the stories of their ancestors and how God had brought them so far from the moment God had originally called Abraham. Their temple had endured wars, famine, death, and loss, yet God was still in their presence where He would remain. Now Solomon, the wisest ruler who ever ruled Israel or any other country, had been allowed to build the temple because he followed God and had no excessive bloodshed on his hands. The people of Israel today still speak of and long for the day that a temple for God will be built like that again.

    Explain to students that before Jesus died for our sins, the temple was the place that people would go to in order to make sacrifices by killing animals and

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