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The continuing saga of my adventures in the limitless realm of the golden highway. I encourage my readers to brace themselves for paradigm shifts and the introduction to a world of wonder that may appear fictional at first. I can identify with Jules Verne as he spun his novels that seemed to be outrageous in his time. Life beneath the sea and a journey to the moon appeared fictional as well. The reader can only hope to shed the shackles of former belief systems to understand the experiences that are chronicled within this episode. Buckle up and enjoy!

Release dateJan 2, 2020

Adriel Chevalier

Adriel Jacques Chevalier descended from a French family that migrated to the Netherlands before immigrating to the United States. His family's vocation centered around the jewelry and watchmaking business for generations. However, Adriel was never adept with handling the delicate parts of tiny machinery. Instead, he turned his interests to the software industry that was just becoming popular in his young, adult life. He found that logic and problem solving better suited his skills, and he excelled in his field.Adriel's elder sister had taught him to read and write at the age of three. Due to boredom suffered from structured learning, he sought to educate himself from his youth. In his adult life he spent decades studying ancient history and various writings, mostly centering around Christian and Judaic literature. Some of his studies he opted to conduct in the pre-translated, original language to gain a clearer understanding.Always frustrated with the structure and politics of organized religion, he sought relationships according to the instruction of the Messiah, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst." Adriel recognized that the Messiah's name was synonymous with his authority, which is Truth, and that any group larger than three brought annoying problems.Adriel and his fellows departed from the mainstream teaching of the established religions and embarked on a journey that led them on a quest for intrinsic Truth. Through many enlightening revelations and miraculous experiences, Adriel came to recognize that much of what is taught today concerning the Creator and his anointed one is rubbish. He forsook the erroneous cliches, rhetoric and discrepancies of the religious culture and embraced Truth, which is available to any man anywhere at any time.Although it was contrary to Adriel's belief system to share his findings in a rhetorical document, in his latter years he decided to envelop them into works of fiction to be enjoyed by others. He has developed several stories with elements of actual experiences and enlightenment for others to enjoy and ponder.

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    Zanzibar - Adriel Chevalier

    Adriel Chevalier Book Series

    False Antichrist - 2016

    The Gold of Ophir - 2018

    Noah’s Portal - 2019

    Zanzibar - 2020

    The Precinct Murders - 2020

    Where the Chips Fell - 2020

    COVID-21 - 2020

    The Templar Secret - 2020

    The Geneticist - 2021

    Midnight Marauder - 2021

    The Ribbon Maker - 2022

    The Seven Peals of Thunder - 2022

    To the Reader

    The Creator has granted me another year on this earthly plane, and my story continues. I never cease to be amazed at the endless experiences that take me far beyond where I have ever been. I am convinced that there is no end to what we can learn and attain, and if I lived to be a thousand years old it would remain as such. Although reading the previous experiences that I have had would be beneficial in understanding this adventure, it isn’t necessary. I try to keep each story contained with enough explanation to get you up to speed on what has happened.

    As I cannot disclose anyone’s true identity, the names and locations have been altered, and any similarities to persons living or dead are merely a coincidence.

    Love from the bottom of my heart,



    Adriel Jacques Chevalier

    Copyright © 2020 Adriel Jacques Chevalier

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 9780463195369


    The Agency

    I AWOKE IN darkness. Annette’s naked body lay close to me, and I kissed her soft, sweet shoulders being careful not to awaken her. She was lightly snoring. It had been months since we had worn any clothing. That’s the way life was at our villa. She had designed a unique paradise of natural stone for our abode. The gardens that adorned our estate were breathtaking and required the constant attention of our caretakers, Brigette, Gianette, and Françoise, who lived in a separate villa on our property. They were three young, beautiful French women who were purely homosexual. I wasn’t sure if Annette had chosen them as such to reduce the chances of their involvement with me or because she herself had been homosexual prior to our marriage. Although, I knew that Annette would bring any one of them into our bed at my request. I never wanted that. Annette was the only woman for me these days, and I didn’t want to mar the incredible sensual experience that we shared. We had been married for eight months, and I was completely enthralled with her beauty and personality.

    Annette had been employed by the agency for over ten years. I met her when she was assigned to assist me in finding a secret gold mine that was believed to exist somewhere near Africa. I was with Evelyn at that time. Evelyn and I had been happily married for over thirty years. Unfortunately, the project to find the gold mine proved to be more than she could bear. I couldn’t blame her. I was forced into some very close relationships that were extremely difficult for her to navigate. In the end, I had to fake my death to protect her and myself from those who sought to either end my life or coerce me into working for them. I had some unique talents, and everyone sought my assistance. I had tried to reconnect with Evelyn after a few months, but the more she learned, the more impossible it was for her to continue as my wife. She held my death certificate, and she demanded that I go back to my deceptive grave. I haven’t seen her since.

    I gently pulled away from Annette’s sleeping form and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I felt the cool tile beneath my feet. We were sleeping in the lower bedroom because it was summertime, and the nights were hot. She had designed our villa with rooms that were cut back under a stone cliff and lower than the rest of the estate. She had unlimited funds to design and decorate, and she had created a virtual paradise. The weather was superb. We lived on an island in the Mediterranean off the coast of France. We had no doors, and the rooms were designed with angles that provided ample privacy. The girls would clap if they needed our attention, and we could answer from our rooms without any obstruction. It was very dark, so I felt my way out of our summer bedroom to the stone steps that led up to the patio area which adjoined the large kitchen. I made my way around the stone counter to grab a bottled water from the fridge. The darkness and silence held an ominous ambience that felt like I was still dreaming. It was peaceful and serene.

    I strolled out to the patio and sat in one of the loveseats to gather my thoughts and sip my water. I could see three faint lights among the gardens below, and I knew that our three gorgeous, naked caretakers were hard at work to keep our surroundings beautiful. They always worked at night to minimize their exposure to us during the day. I truly seldom saw them except for the monthly parties that I threw for them at our swimming pool. None of us wore clothing unless we were receiving visitors, and there were times that I couldn’t help but be aroused by their flawless bodies. That amused Annette more than annoyed her, and she would sometimes tease me about it. I was trying to clear my head and determine what had awakened me at three o’clock in the morning. I continued to sip my water and watch the faint lights move from garden to garden like fireflies in the darkness. Finally, I decided to wander down the stone path toward the beach. The stars were bright, and there was no moon. The walkway was dimly lit to assist in my navigation of the smooth stones. They felt so good underneath my bare feet, and I enjoyed every step as I slowly sauntered toward the awaiting surf. Annette and I spent a considerable amount of time sunning ourselves down there. We were as dark as night, and I knew that I was practically invisible in the darkness as I strolled along.

    I made my way down the stone stairway and stepped onto the sand. The soft roll of the surf was delightful. There was no breeze, and the air was warm. I walked to the edge of the water and looked out over the blackness of the sea that stretched before me. Suddenly, I realized that I wasn’t alone. I quickly turned and saw her beautiful form standing in the starlight about five meters from me. She slowly approached and shed her white robe onto the sand. She held out her hands, and I swiftly ran to her. I dropped my empty water bottle and grabbed her into my arms. It seemed like ages since I had held her. She began to weep on my shoulder as I wept upon hers. It felt so good to hold her again. We spent several minutes in our emotions as we clung to one another. We then began a kissing frenzy that lasted for nearly half an hour. Her lips and tongue were electrifying, and I wanted her so badly that I felt my heart would explode. We hadn’t spoken a word. She spread out her robe on the sand and lay down with her arms outstretched to receive me. I slid on top of her, and we began our unique interlude of lovemaking that is impossible to describe in this realm. We both exploded with delight again and again as we wept, kissed, caressed, and pleased one another. We were engaged in our bliss for at least two hours, and I knew that the sun would soon rise. I wanted more time with her. Our lovemaking customarily lasted for several hours at a time, and I wasn’t ready to stop. Yvonne knew that I needed more time. She gently nibbled on my ear and invited me to take the step onto the golden highway where we could splice time and enjoy one another for as long as we wanted.

    She had taught me so much. The universe is interconnected in ways that most people cannot comprehend. We continually limit ourselves in our understanding by creating erroneous paradigms that inhibit our willingness to look beyond what we think is possible. Two hundred years ago it would have been extremely difficult to convince anyone that we could live beneath the surface of the ocean for prolonged periods of time or walk upon the surface of the moon. In like manner, it is difficult for me to describe to others the abilities that are available if we will but accept the truth. The golden highway is the hub of space and time. It isn’t really a golden highway as Yvonne once explained to me. It’s just the perception that is created by those of us who were born into this world. It’s necessary for us to have an imagery that is conducive to our experience on this earth. Therefore, I see it as a beautiful atmosphere with a golden glass road that is surrounded by brightly colored flowers that appear as jewels. There are many components to that environment, and as time permits I will disclose to you what I am allowed.

    To enter the golden highway requires a step in a direction to which most people are unfamiliar. I had learned some rudimentary steps early in my experience that were taught to me by a dear friend whom I lost to pancreatic cancer about a year ago. From those initial steps, I was introduced to a vast array of navigational capabilities that can take me anywhere in the universe within seconds. As fictional as this may sound, the more I learn, the more I see the science behind it. Yvonne has taken a considerable amount of time teaching me various aspects of time and space. The one which we are about to employ is the splicing of time. Yvonne and I can step onto the golden highway and then go anywhere in this world to make love for as long as we like. When we are finished, we can step back to the golden highway and walk into what I call a breeze that blows. She said there is really no breeze, but I perceive it that way to understand the concept of time. We then take the necessary steps into the breeze to return back to the same time that we left the beach to step onto the golden highway. In this manner, I have learned to virtually cheat time. However, contrary to popular belief and fictional writing, I cannot actually go back any further than when I stepped onto the golden highway to splice time. In other words, time travel as you may have heard is not allowed. Notice I didn’t say it wasn’t possible, but Yvonne explained the inherent pitfalls of doing so. However, there were equally disastrous pitfalls to splicing time if I didn’t abide by the rules. I could splice several strings of time to be in several places at once, but she forbade me to do so in the same time and place. Otherwise, I could duplicate myself somewhere which she insisted could be a fatal mistake. It could destroy my paradigm of time and space and make it impossible for me to function within this world. She said I would most likely end up in a mental institution, and that warning alone kept me compliant.

    Splicing time was contiguous for me. It didn’t appear that I was traversing time in any manner. Although returning to my origination point was just an extension of my day, I had to be aware of the circumstances that existed when I left. Annette was still asleep in our bed. Our caretakers were still working in our gardens. Yvonne and I extended our lovemaking for hours on end, and instead of returning to start my day in an exhausted state, she let me catch up on my sleep before we returned. She would hold me and caress my hair as I snoozed in her arms. I wasn’t being unfaithful to Annette. They knew one another well, and Annette had been present in the past when I made love to Yvonne. She described it as frightening because it wasn’t a sexual activity as one may have with another human. Although Yvonne and I made love that is incomprehensible, it transcended anything that can be experienced with another earthly person. It brought healing to my soul. I had known Yvonne for a while before I discovered that she was really a part of me. One might consider her to be my subconscious, and in the sense that one might understand that, she is. As feeble as language is to convey this, she described herself as another one of my body parts. She did have a mortal body that was separate from mine. If my body died, and I transcended this world into the next, she would do the same in her realm and follow me. Likewise, if her mortal body died mine would follow as well as we stepped into the next realm together. Some refer to it as Heaven, but it’s nothing like what most people imagine.

    The writings about the Christ in the original Koine Greek language disclose that he referred to the kingdom of the heavens in a plural manner. Many lives are lived in many ways. Some believe that we return to earth, but we do not. We traverse other realms to develop. I can tell you more about that later, but right now I need to return to my current state of affairs. I have several dilemmas that confront me, and I am clueless how I am going to dodge the various threats to my life and marriage. So much has happened in the past five years. I was a software engineer in the Midwestern United States with a wonderful and beautiful wife. We have two grown children, who to this day believe that I was murdered. I have had to detach emotionally, and I have been through some heart wrenching experiences along the way. I would say that it’s a miracle that I’m still alive, but in reality it is not. It was part of the plan. I’m not talking about the Creator’s plan for me. It was my plan. One of the frustrating aspects is that I cannot remember what that plan was. I have to live it out here as it unfolds. If it hasn’t occurred to you, you existed long before you were born on this earth. Perhaps you have had an inkling of being far older than your physical body. I assure you that it’s true. In fact, you and I may have met before we came here.

    One of the interesting things that happened to me about six years ago was that I became aware of my former existence. I remembered meeting countless souls before we descended to this earth. When it happened, I was confused and began to doubt its validity. At one point, I thought I might be losing my mind, but I was able to know things about others around me that I seemingly had no way of knowing. I learned later after meeting Yvonne that it was she who was allowed to disclose all of it to me. She allowed me to read the thoughts of others for a period of months as I was involved in preventing a world disaster. I wrote about my experiences and published it as a novel entitled, False Antichrist. As I began to recount my experiences prior to my birth here, I explained that we each had a choice about particular aspects of our future lives on this earth. We had watched so many descend to this plane, but we were totally unaware of pain, desire, emotion, or any other earthly experience. Much of what we saw made no sense to us. However, some were fearful to descend to the earth to live, and they devised elaborate schemes with others to control their earthly existence and environment. Much of that led to corruption and taking advantage of others. I steered clear of those groups. Plans continually changed among them because none of us knew when we would descend, and the world was going through rapid change at certain points.

    One central aspect that I found interesting was that we chose the span of our lives on earth. Some, who were fearful about living here, decided to die in utero or early in life. As I pondered that, it made sense to me why some lived less than a year while others lived over one hundred. I have heard some people challenge over the years how a loving Creator could allow some of the most horrible events on this earth. In reality, it was we who chose them before we came. We did go through a negotiation process with our Creator prior to our descent into this earthly realm. He, or she as I came learn, never interfered with our free will. He may have challenged our decisions, but he didn’t interfere. He then directed our lives in accordance with our choices. However, it appeared that he got the blame when it was truly we who had made our choices. One of the disturbing aspects to this was that last year Yvonne explained to me that I had negotiated enough for three lifetimes. She warned that I had a long way to go. I found that exciting and frightening as well. She wasn’t allowed to disclose my negotiations with the Creator. Once we were born into this world, we forgot our former existence. She said that the same was true as we traversed each realm. Once we leave this world, the former things will be remembered no more.

    We returned to the beach at the exact same time that we had left. After a long embrace and countless kisses, Yvonne shook the sand from her robe and carried it off down the beach. I watched until she was out of sight. I missed her already. I snatched my empty water bottle from the sand and turned to make my way up the steps to follow the stone walkway to my villa. The sun was just beginning to shed a soft glow in the eastern horizon as I stealthily stepped my way back to the patio. As I looked circumspectly, I saw no signs of the girls. They had finished their night’s work and retired to their quarters for more entertaining activities. Our home was one of freedom and acceptance. Annette and I never discouraged the girls from making love anywhere at any time. In turn, we did the same. I felt a peace and refreshment due to Yvonne’s healing of love that I had long awaited. We had been in the habit of meeting at least once a day, but that was before the incident with Joey.

    Joey also worked for the agency with Annette on my former project. She was the most beautiful and exquisite woman of physical perfection that I had ever seen. Evelyn had agreed. That’s partially why Evelyn decided to call it quits with me. Joey and I had been thrust into a very close relationship. We had done about everything with one another physically outside of coitus. Yvonne had warned me to never have sex with Joey. It would have prevented Yvonne from coming to me again to heal me and teach me, and I desperately needed her. However, on my last project I had crossed that line with another woman. Evelyn had rejected me and left me devoid of any sexual contact. I soon fell in love with a woman that I met in Milos, which is a Greek isle where I lived over a year ago. I had joined the agency and used my time splicing technique with Yvonne to gain my agent training by overlapping several timeframes. They had turned me into a fit, skilled, educated killing machine. Although I was adept at self defense, I couldn’t rival Annette, who in turn couldn’t even come close to overcoming Joey. Joey’s nickname was the Angel of Death and for a good reason. She had suffered from Emotional Detachment Disorder, and she was the perfect assassin. At last count, she had terminated over four thousand seven hundred victims for the agency. I personally witnessed a handful of kills that she executed. She was fast as lightning, and I watched her snap the necks of several men with her bare foot.

    The agency had been pumping me with steroids, and my sexual desires were off the charts. I met Mia as she was swimming along the coast by my villa one afternoon. She was from South Africa, and after a whirlwind courtship we made a commitment to one another equal to marriage. Within weeks she was carrying my baby. Her favorite pastime was swimming, and one day she fell victim to some sharks off the coast. It was devastating, but Yvonne was allowed to return to me. She offered great comfort as I mourned Mia. That’s all I want to say. She was indescribably special to me, and tears stream from my eyes every time I think of her.

    Annette and I had been very close friends. She was like a sister to me, but even much closer. We spent a lot of time together drinking wine and lying naked in the sun. She was purely homosexual and had no interest in me physically. I, on the other hand, found her extremely desirous, but agreed to remain as a close brother. However, a strange experience caused her to begin to have heterosexual desires, and to make a long story short, we ended up getting married. I had a wonderful marriage with Evelyn, and I had a stupendous relationship with Mia, but Annette was the most compatible woman for me that I could imagine. She was outrageous, and her sexual capabilities were superhuman.

    Joey, as I mentioned, had suffered from Emotional Detachment Disorder. We had a close relationship that began during our project to locate the gold mine, but our involvement together was devoid of emotion on her part. I admittedly fell in love with her, and I am embarrassed to say that I took advantage of her emotional detachment. I engaged her in playful sessions that she and I enjoyed without the fear of her getting emotionally attached. It was wrong of me, and I admit it. Evelyn eventually learned about these activities, which is one of the many reasons that she ended our relationship. I don’t blame her. Still, Joey and I had never engaged in actual sex. That one technicality meant nothing to Evelyn. I had been unfaithful nevertheless. What I didn’t count on was that due to a very strange experience during that project Joey began to feel emotion. This caused a myriad of problems. Joey is the most unbelievably gorgeous woman you would ever meet. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that she would be interested in me, but she fell head over heels in love with me. This caused some serious problems, and I won’t go into the details at this point. You can read about it in my former novels. Just suffice it to say that it put me into a predicament that was nearly impossible for me to handle.

    As it now stands, Joey is a formidable threat to Annette. They had been very close best friends for years, but now things were very strained. One thing you need to realize is that the agency allowed us to have whatever we wanted. Joey and Annette were both accustomed to having anything they desired. They had been denied nothing until now. We all had left the agency after our last project. Joey had reverted back to her Emotional Detachment Disorder near the end of our last project, and Annette had invited her to join us in our personal covert endeavors. Joey eventually accepted, and it appeared that we were going to be our close, demented family once again. It was such a relief, and I was elated to have them both by my side. There was one catch. The reason that Joey had begun to feel emotion in the first place was due to me introducing her to Yvonne one night on a beach in Italy. That was a terrible mistake. That’s when our personal troubles began. However, Joey eventually regained her disorder due to an encounter that she had with someone else. I have much more to say about that later. Just as things were about to straighten out with us all, Joey stumbled onto my meeting at the beach with Yvonne one night. All her emotions came rushing back, and I had to disappear to the golden highway to avoid her.

    My first dilemma is what to do with Joey. She insists on having a physical relationship with me. As wonderful as that sounds, it will destroy my marriage to Annette and my relationship with Yvonne, and I certainly don’t want that. As accommodating as Annette is with me sexually, she is frightened beyond words to allow me to experience sex with Joey fearing that I would never return to her bed. I’ll admit that I can understand that. My preference is that Joey revert to her disorder, but that can’t happen the way it did before because the one that turned her is now in an ethereal prison far away in another realm. This gets very complicated, and it exhausts me to no end. Therefore, allow me to turn to my other dilemma, which is the agency.

    My first encounter with the agency was through Annette and Joey. I had initially thought that they worked for the United States government because the contract to find the gold mine was with the feds. My longtime friend, Eddie, had secured the contract with the promise to employ my skills to find the mine. Unfortunately, I no longer had the ability to read minds, and I was basically forced into the project to find a particular gold mine that no longer existed. This is another long story that I recorded in my novel, The Gold of Ophir. After a short time, I learned that Annette and Joey were employed by the agency. It had no name. In fact, they denied their own existence. It was a strange entity indeed. It employed highly trained agents who received no wages or salary. They owned nothing. The agency supplied each agent with an unlimited bank account and a residence of the agent’s choice anywhere in the world. The agency had thousands of lucrative contracts all over the world. As an example, I was essential in securing over six billion dollars for them on my last project. Agents were denied nothing regardless of laws or morals. I learned some frightening stories from Annette over the last two years, but I won’t go into that right now. Just suffice it to say that they were autonomous, anonymous, amoral, and controlled the world at large. It consisted of a covert hierarchy, and no agent knew anyone above his or her immediate superior. Superiors had the right to do as they pleased with their subordinates, and the atrocities that were rampant proved to be appalling. The agency controlled the global economy. They controlled the elections of presidents and other government officials all over the world. Their fingers were in every country, and influential personnel from all walks of life were employed by the agency. As alarming as all of this sounds, the agency kept the world in balance. Were it not for the agency, the entire global population would most likely have been severely damaged or annihilated by now due to several possible threats.

    If the agency sounds like a positive entity in this world, I would have to agree, except for one fatal flaw. Yvonne has shown me how to navigate the golden highway. One of the interesting aspects to traveling within seconds is what we call parking mode. I can step onto the golden highway and then to any place in the universe. I really have no aspirations of visiting other galaxies, so I stick with this world. Once I step onto the golden highway, I then take the necessary step to the desired location which puts me into parking mode. Parking mode allows me to see the environment without physically being there. My cell phone GPS does not show where I am until I step out of parking into the actual environment. However, I can see and hear everything without being detected. It’s really cool, but usually very boring because it’s like surveillance where you wait for hours or days to learn anything substantial. Therefore, I seldom stay in parking mode for long. However, I have found it to be very advantageous when I know of a subject that is engaged in activities that are of extreme interest. One such subject is the head of the agency. Believe me, it took a concerted effort on Yvonne’s part to locate him. The irony is that I had met him once in Las Vegas when I was engaged in the project to find the gold mine. He’s obviously a very powerful man, and he’s involved in some really shady endeavors. However, it’s far worse than I ever imagined.

    Please bear with me because in order to set this stage I need to explain several things. Evelyn, Joey, and I had decided to take a short sabbatical from our project to locate the gold of Ophir. The federal government had basically held my friend, Eddie, hostage in Arlington, Virginia without promise of release until I produced the coordinates to the gold. We were at a lull in the project, and Annette had done something terrible that caused her to be absent from us for a time. I thought it was a great idea to use the golden highway to step us all over to Las Vegas for some fun. We used parking mode and stepped into the near future to watch the winning results at the roulette and blackjack tables. Yes, we were cheating, but it was also an experiment with my new found capabilities. We basically ended up with over four million dollars after heavily tipping waitresses and our croupiers. That incident led to several gamblers sending gifts and surveillance bugs in flower bouquets to learn our secret. We also received an invitation to dinner from a mysterious person, and Joey decided to accept. I was nervous, but we held the advantage of disappearing in an instant as long as we could hold hands. We were entertained by our host who was named Avarro. I made the mistake of calling him Mr. Avarro, and he indignantly corrected me. It was just Avarro. I never learned if it was a first or last name. He was very intimidating, and he assured me that I needed to focus on my endeavor to find the gold mine.

    This led me to believe that he was either connected to the federal government or the agency. The latter is true. It now makes more sense because after I faked my death and disappeared, Evelyn was grieving considerably. The only persons who knew that I was still alive were Yvonne and Joey. There was a contention with the feds over paying the agency for their services which resulted in a negotiation to arbitrate a possible lawsuit. Evelyn was called in as a potential witness, and Avarro was present to represent the agency and his second cousin, Eddie, who had been my friend. Avarro had a law degree and was licensed in Washington, D. C. We had no idea that he was at the top of the hierarchy of the agency. This essentially made him the most powerful man in the world, and he was flying under everyone’s radar. I later learned through surveillance that even the subordinates below him within the agency never knew he was at the top. Every agent only knew his or her immediate supervisor.

    I slipped back into bed trying not to disturb Annette. She seldom arose before nine o’clock in the morning, and our subterranean summer bedroom provided ample darkness to let her sleep without suffering any disturbing sunlight. It was still very dark, and I snuggled in next to her sleek, soft frame. She felt so good in my arms. There were times in the morning light in our winter bedroom that I would watch her sleep while I admired her beauty. She was a beautiful young woman with black hair and bright blue eyes. I had been in love with her for years, and having her as my wife was beyond my wildest expectations. We had given ourselves to one another with total abandonment. We had reached levels of sexual bliss that were incomprehensible. We found erogenous zones that we stimulated in combination for each other that took us to plateaus of extended orgasm. We would hold one another in that overwhelming state for over an hour at a time. We had to take turns because once you achieve that plateau of utter delight it is impossible to concentrate on anything else. It usually took over twenty minutes to regain enough composure to function again. However, there were times when Yvonne would assist us and allow us both to achieve extended orgasms together while she stimulated us beyond what we could do ourselves.

    Yvonne was the newest introduction to lovemaking for Annette and me. Yvonne was my counterpart on the golden highway. However, Annette’s counterpart had done something forbidden, and he was now locked away in a prison in another realm never to return. Yvonne had volunteered to adopt Annette to be her surrogate counterpart. The only stipulation was that I had to get Annette to marry me. Since that day, Yvonne also came to Annette to perform her healing as well. One must realize the extent of Yvonne’s offer to adopt Annette. Our counterparts are responsible for all of our nightly dreams and premonitions. They are also responsible to record everything that we think, say, or do. These records are kept in a central repository that some have referred to as the Book of Life or the Akashic Records. This virtually doubled the responsibility for Yvonne. She once told me that most of her work was done while Annette and I slept. However, since the incident with Joey seeing Yvonne on our beach three weeks ago Yvonne had been scarce.

    Annette persuaded Joey to give us a few weeks to sort things out before she returned, and Joey had departed three nights ago. I felt sorry for Joey. She had originally suffered from Emotional Detachment Disorder. I never dreamed that she would ever start feeling emotion, and I selfishly took advantage of her condition to enjoy certain pleasures with her. Once she started to experience emotions, her memories of what I did hurt her greatly. I regret it to this day. Joey pursued me, and Yvonne had to step in to rescue me more than once. However, it was Yvonne who persuaded Joey to help hide me at a Swiss chalet after faking my death. I lived with Joey for three months and slept in the same bed without having sex with her. We were making regular trips to the golden highway to get healing from our counterparts. Although Joey understood the pitfalls of us making love with one another, she struggled greatly with complying with Yvonne’s insistence that we abstain. During the time at the chalet, Yvonne introduced me to splicing time, and I went to visit Evelyn to let her know that I was still alive. Things seemed to be progressing well, and we were enjoying great sex once again. However, I didn’t let Evelyn know that I was living with Joey. Joey found out that I was seeing Evelyn, and Evelyn found out that I had been living with Joey. Needless to say, I ended up losing them both. I was about to give in to Joey when Yvonne took me away.

    It gets worse. I had managed to manipulate myself into becoming the superior over Joey and Annette with the agency. I thought this would give me leverage to complete my project with both of them on my team because they now had to do whatever I told them. I underestimated them both. My IQ was evaluated by the agency at one hundred sixty-five. Joey’s IQ was seven points higher, and Annette’s IQ was thirteen points higher. Annette took advantage of Joey’s emotions and basically backed me into a corner. I couldn’t afford to report them to the agency, and Annette knew it. I was then involved with Mia, and at one point Joey tried to force me into having sex. Yvonne rescued me yet again because Mia had just died from the shark attack. The details are recorded in my novel, Noah’s Portal. Here comes the worst part. Our counterparts have the ability to appear to us in any form they desire. When Annette only had homosexual attractions, her counterpart appeared as a beautiful young girl. However, once Annette became attracted to me, her counterpart then appeared to be my twin. A long story made short, he tricked Joey into having sex with him, and she became pregnant. I didn’t know such a thing was possible. Yvonne explained that it was forbidden, but it did happen long ago, and the earth had to be flooded with water to wipe out the offspring from the counterparts on the golden highway who had taken women on this earth and had sex with them. Joey later learned that she had been tricked and really had not made love to me. However, it was the sexual encounter with Annette’s counterpart that caused Joey to revert back to her Emotional Detachment Disorder.

    Now comes the truly bizarre part of that story. Joey’s offspring was half human and half counterpart from another realm. The only way to save the earth from these beings in the past was to completely flood the earth from which only one family of eight people was saved. That certainly wasn’t going to happen again. Her offspring had to be caged prior to puberty in order to isolate it from humans. It grew at an alarming rate, and within days we had to find an impervious cage to incarcerate it. It could appear as an irresistible woman to a man or as an irresistible man to a woman. It had the ability to reproduce from either sex, and the gestation for those beings was days, not months. It would have completely consumed mankind in a short time. Yvonne and I were successful in isolating it, and I could observe it from parking mode without being overcome by it sexually. We had used a method of portal stacking to place it in the cage. Portals exist all over the earth. The most well known is the Bermuda Triangle. However, Yvonne taught me how to make portals and place them wherever we needed. It was a bad idea. Although Joey’s offspring, which I named Hermaphroditus, did not know the rudimentary step to enter the portal, someone snatched it from the cage. This resulted in a potentially lethal weapon to mankind that was now at large.

    We had no idea who took Hermaphroditus from the cage. Yvonne and I were able to step back in time via the breeze on the golden highway and observe in parking mode. Remember that I said time travel was not allowed. I couldn’t come out of parking mode in the past or future, but I could observe. The past was solid, but the future was only the future that could exist under current circumstances. Therefore, the future events that I ever observed were possible futures. If circumstances or decisions altered the course of events, the future would change. For that reason, I never relied on anything I saw in the distant future, so I seldom went there. As Yvonne and I watched Hermaphroditus in the cage from parking mode, we saw an arm extend from the portal to take Hermaphroditus. We had no idea who it was. Whoever it was could not have been human, or he would have been sexually overcome by Hermaphroditus. Therefore, we surmised that it had to be someone without sexual capability from the golden highway. Here comes the frightening part of my dilemma with the agency. My fear is that somehow Avarro or his counterpart was involved in abducting Hermaphroditus. I may be jumping to conclusions here because I have no idea if Avarro is aware that his counterpart even exists.

    Even though Yvonne had allowed me to remember my former existence and give me the ability to read the minds of others several years ago, I never knew she existed. Even after I met her on the golden highway, I still never realized that she was part of me. It took several sequences of events with Yvonne before I was enlightened to understand who she was. My guess is that you are completely unaware of your counterpart, and yet he or she is intimately involved in your life, your dreams, your premonitions, and your guidance. A hierarchy exists within the realm of the golden highway. Yvonne has taught me a lot, but I still don’t know how many levels exist upward to the very top. I know that the Creator of the universe is the highest, but how many levels exist between the Creator and Yvonne I don’t know. Yvonne reports to my Overseer. Most people refer to Overseers as angels, but the Greek word that is transliterated as angel merely means messenger. There are several kinds of messengers. Even Yvonne is a messenger, so in that sense you might call her an angel. Overseers have no sexual identity, but our counterparts do. I was allowed to see my Overseer once, and it was frightening. Overseers are very powerful and intimidating due to their majestic form. Interestingly, they do have wings, but not like what you see portrayed in oil paintings or movies.

    One may wonder why the head of an agency that helps protect mankind would ever want to steal an entity like Hermaphroditus who could destroy our race. Preserving our race and the balance of economics and power is self serving. Nonetheless, Avarro was a wicked man. I had observed him countless times in parking mode to know some of the ways in which he took advantage of his subordinates. It was disgusting, and I’m not going to reveal some of the demeaning things that he did to the spouses and offspring of his subjects. He was utterly selfish and had absolutely no compassion for anyone. He was cruel and ruthless. However, it gets worse. It’s one thing to be a selfish, narcissistic, greedy, and heartless monster, but pouring gasoline on a raging fire is incomprehensible. The analogous gasoline that I refer to is a purely evil influence coupled with an already wicked person. I used to live within a paradigm of a benign world as I enjoyed my marriage to Evelyn, and we raised our children. We had careers, a family, a home in the suburbs, and life was good. We lived the American dream. Since that time, my life has been turned upside down by the loss of my family, career, wife, home, and the naive beliefs that I once had. I have been plunged into a world of sex, greed, murder, betrayal, danger, and an extra-dimensional realm that I am desperately trying to learn to navigate. I migrated from the belief that people were basically good to the belief that everyone is terribly flawed.

    One of the incidents that greatly enlightened me years ago was at the time that I could read the minds of others. You wouldn’t believe what masks they wear. They are largely hypocrites, actors in life, feeling desperate to be loved. They turn to dysfunctional, codependent relationships that are doomed to prove to them that they are unworthy of love, validating their poor self images and destroying those around them emotionally. It was more than I could bear. I knew their desires, fears, embarrassment, greed, and selfishness. I couldn’t filter what I read from their thoughts, and it was difficult to accomplish my task as I read mind after countless mind. I became depressed, hoping that it would all soon come to an end. You have no idea how relieved I was after I had completed my task to awaken one morning and find that my ability to read minds was gone. It had been a great advantage to know what someone was thinking, but conversely it was maddening.

    Annette rolled over and offered me her tongue. I reciprocated, and within minutes we were escalating our love to prepare for another wonderful trip to the plateau of extended orgasm. I intended to take her there first, but she descended to my groin and began her magical stimulation with her lips and tongue. She gently inserted a finger into my anus and reached for my scrotum with her other hand. Within minutes, I was soaring to wonderful heights of pleasure until suddenly I entered the plateau. She held me in an extended orgasm for what seemed like hours. When I finally recovered, she said that I had been there for about forty minutes. It was her turn. I was hard as a rock and carefully eased my way into her anus. I reached around with both hands to stimulate her G-spot with one hand and her clitoris with the other. She began to jerk violently and moan and cry out as I held her for nearly an hour. One of the most wonderful aspects of this sexual bliss was embracing one another afterward as we slowly made our descent back to normal. This had become like an addictive drug to us both. I knew full well that entertaining another lover would interfere with our complete trust and abandonment, and I never wanted another woman in our bed.


    Evil Incarnate

    ANNETTE CLIMBED ON top of me and kissed me over and over. I was still recovering, but I knew it was time to go make coffee. I always let her choose. What do you want for breakfast this morning, dear?

    Annette pondered for a moment. Let’s make a spinach and feta cheese frittata with some fried ham.

    Sounds good to me, I agreed. We climbed out of bed and headed for the kitchen. I whipped six eggs as Annette minced some onion and garlic. We sautéed some fresh spinach to reduce it in a pan with butter. Annette put the vegetables into the eggs with some Parmesan and feta cheese and added thyme, pepper, and oregano. I put the pan into the oven, and she started the coffee as I began to slowly fry the ham in a skillet. Within twenty minutes we were enjoying our breakfast on the patio overlooking the gardens.

    Damn it, Annette exclaimed.

    What’s the matter?

    I can see a weed in the begonia garden from here. Those girls are in trouble.

    You can’t be serious, Annette. These gardens are extensive, and the girls work at night with lights. It looks beautiful out there.

    Really? I pay them each the equivalent of half a million dollars a year, and I expect them to earn it.

    OK, but let me be the one to talk to them. You’re unnecessarily harsh sometimes, and I think I have a better rapport with them.

    That’s fine, but I better not see another weed.

    Annette was accustomed to perfection and didn’t tolerate much less from others. As demanding and adamant as she could be, she was still a lot of fun and wonderful to be with. Once she got a bottle of wine in her, she became much more congenial. However, that wasn’t going to happen until we went to the beach this afternoon. Yet, I knew what was really bothering her. It was Joey. Look, Sweetie, I know you have a lot on your mind, and we still haven’t discussed what to do with Joey.

    Annette bit her lip and looked away for a moment. She’s not going to stop until she has you to herself, Adriel, and you know it.

    Annette, she needs to understand that we’re happily married, and I don’t want to be intimate with her. I want her to work with us, but if she can’t behave then we need to cut her loose.

    She’ll wear you down, Adriel, and you know it. If it were anyone else, I would let you have her, but I know better. You’d never return to me.

    I understand your concern, but I really don’t want her.

    You were in love with her, Adriel, and she knows it. She’ll leverage that.

    Yes, and that was largely due to you forcing her on me during our project to find the gold.

    I did that to protect you, Adriel. You were in a lot of danger, and she needed to stay connected to you. Believe me, I never dreamed you and I would end up together, or I never would have done that.

    Yes, but you still did that to Evelyn, and it largely cost me my marriage. I’m not trying to start an argument. I just want you to realize that you had a hand in this too.

    OK, maybe so, but you belong to me now, and I don’t want to share you with Joey.

    I agree, but we have bigger problems than Joey. By the way, Yvonne came to me last night.

    Annette jerked her head in attention to me. Really? What time?

    I got up around three because I couldn’t go back to sleep. I went down to the beach because it was hot, and I wanted to listen to the surf. She appeared behind me, and we ended up splicing time so that she could give me a healing session that lasted for several hours.

    Did she say that she was coming for me too?

    Actually, we didn’t talk. It was all healing.

    Well, I hope she comes to get me soon because I desperately need it.

    I’m sure she’s aware of that.

    So, she didn’t say why she’s been gone for so long?

    No, like I said, we didn’t really talk. I assume that it had something to do with Joey seeing her on the beach with me. We did shed a lot of tears together. It was a very emotional time. I think she needed it as much as I did. Annette appeared to be deep in thought, and I saw a tear begin to well in her left eye. I’m sure she’ll come to you soon, Sweetie.

    Oh, it’s not that. I know I have been a very selfish person throughout my life. Joey has been a good friend to me, and I don’t want to lose her. I wish she’d get her disorder back. That’s terrible to say, but it would solve our problem with her.

    That’s true, but I feel sorry for her. She gave her virginity to your counterpart who tricked her into having sex with him. I still can’t believe that happened.

    Annette snapped back. That’s because you always wanted to be her first.

    That was true at one time before you and I were together, but I no longer feel that way. She has suffered a lot emotionally, Annette, and she’s not accustomed to dealing with emotions. She’s not trying to offend you. She can’t help herself.

    I know all of that, but that doesn’t change our problem. I can’t ask you to promise me that you won’t sleep with her. I have watched you two over the last few years, and I know that’s futile. I’m going to lose you.

    No, you’re not, Annette. I’m really getting tired of discussing this because we can’t solve this problem today. We need to concentrate on something far more important. There’s something serious brewing, and I believe that Avarro is at the center of it. I know you don’t believe in evil influences from another realm, but I can assure you that they exist.

    Honestly, Adriel, I think people make up these stories in order to blame their decisions on someone else. Believe me, I have a lot to answer for, but it was my choice to do the things that I did.

    That’s true, it’s always a choice, but there are decisions that can lead to evil influences beyond our realm.

    I know you’ve tried to tell me this before, Adriel, but I don’t buy it. I recently just began to entertain the possibility of an afterlife, but you’re not convincing me that there are evil spirits out there that control people.

    Well, it’s not exactly like that. They don’t control people, but they will aid those who want it. I knew that it was futile to go any further in this discussion with Annette. She knew virtually nothing of my first project to save the world from nuclear disaster. I was given the ability to read the thoughts of others. However, as I narrowed down who the perpetrators were that had instigated the attempted coup in Pakistan I stumbled across someone very different. I couldn’t read his mind. I ended up referring to him as the black hole. I could read the minds of those who conversed with him, but I never knew what he said or thought. I could deduce a few things from the one-sided conversations though. The problem was that I couldn’t direct him or

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