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Trelos Betrayed
Trelos Betrayed
Trelos Betrayed
Ebook25 pages29 minutes

Trelos Betrayed

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When the Duke hears rumors of an assassination attempt on Baron Upton, he sends Sula to protect him at the urging of Dame Lissel. Not only is the Baron a loyal ally of the Duke, he also collects sex slaves and is one of the Dame’s best customers. But this is no ordinary assassination attempt, and the monstrosity sent to kill the Baron is a harbinger on what is to come.

Release dateJan 10, 2020
Trelos Betrayed

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    Book preview

    Trelos Betrayed - Ergo Venerae

    Trelos Betrayed

    By Ergo Venerae

    Chronicles of Trelos, Book 2

    Copyright Ergo 2019

    Published by Ergo

    Dame Lissel was in a foul mood and she’d taken it out on my hide. She’d started with the flogger and then used the paddle, before she trussed me up like a poorly presented parcel and put me in a small cage that she used to discipline unruly slaves. Still, I couldn’t blame her because it had been the sort of day that gives rise to superstition.

    Anything that could go wrong, did go wrong, and in the most annoying of ways. A spell that the Dame had been working on for a week had fizzled just before it was complete, and the chef had found her favorite cat dead in the larder. On days such as these, it was easy to believe that a demon could rise from the fifth hell with mischief on its mind and a handful of misery for all. Today, that demon had come and tormented my mistress for his own amusement. And then the messenger arrived with the misery.

    Sir Daegal, the commander of the Duke’s personal guard, had sent him and although I did not hear his whispered words, I could tell from Dame Lissel’s face that it was bad news.

    ‘Put on your uniform, bitch,’ Lissel had said to me after she had loosed me from my bonds. ‘The Duke has a job for you.’

    ‘Yes Mistress,’ I said, and scuttled out of her chamber towards my cell. To my surprise, she followed.

    ‘There’s trouble, Sula,’ she said as I dressed. ‘You are to ride as fast as you can to the home of Baron Upton. The Duke’s spy’s have heard that the Puritans may have sent an assassin.’

    ‘Yes Mistress,’ I said, and made for the hatch into the stables.

    ‘Hollis and Tollan will meet you there.’

    I stopped. ‘Tollan? He is not

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