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Cancer Sucks!: But You Can Not Give Up  - 6 Ways to Renew your Sense of Hope
Cancer Sucks!: But You Can Not Give Up  - 6 Ways to Renew your Sense of Hope
Cancer Sucks!: But You Can Not Give Up  - 6 Ways to Renew your Sense of Hope
Ebook102 pages1 hour

Cancer Sucks!: But You Can Not Give Up - 6 Ways to Renew your Sense of Hope

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You can not control the winds and seas, but you can adjust your sails. Cornelia's first book, CANCER SUCKS! will take you on a journey through the stormy seas, a journey that Cornelia has been on since 2016 and what you could do to adjust your sails so you can find peace and strength amid your struggle.
Release dateJan 4, 2020
Cancer Sucks!: But You Can Not Give Up  - 6 Ways to Renew your Sense of Hope

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    Book preview

    Cancer Sucks! - Cornelia Steinberg

    © 2020 Cornelia Steinberg. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission from the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Print ISBN: 978-1-54399-711-8

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-54399-712-5

    This book is dedicated to my beautiful, gifted, and spirited daughter. I love you so much, and I am deeply grateful for the gift that you are to me. You have been the sunshine on my cloudy days. You make me laugh when laughing is the last thing on my mind. May you always follow your heart, be surrounded by inspiring people, and may you walk your path with God and with His strength and see the love that is all around you.

    Table of Contents

    Praise for Cornelia Steinberg’s Book


    PART I

    Adjusting the Sails

    The Phone Call That Changed My Life Forever

    Important vs. Not So Important Anymore

    An Unexpected Invitation - A Sign of God?

    The Warrior is getting ready for the fight

    What Losing My Hair Taught Me About Myself

    Falling into darkness

    Don’t Ever Give Up

    PART II: Six Ways That Could Help You

    Renew Your Sense of Hope

    1. Believing in Yourself

    2. Self-Love

    3. Faith

    4. Routine and Self-Discipline

    5. Take Charge, Take Action, Become an Advocate

    6. Attitude

    Don’t Give Up Now! Don’t Give Up, Ever!


    Praise for Cornelia Steinberg’s Book

    I read this cover to cover, the day I received it. Moving and deeply personal, the author reveals what MRIs and CAT scans cannot, the impact of cancer on the soul.

    I hoped, despaired, and even wept as I turned the pages. dawned on me, I was witnessing an epic journey, a life and death battle - into the deepest darkest hell and then…out. 

    Cornelia emerges a victor and brings forth a treasure for all who are dealing with life altering illnesses. She brings hope and faith, and a road map for recovery for the soul. 

    Judith Adams MSEd, LMFT, Author of The Big Girls Club: Little Girl Rules for the Big Girl Workplace and Vice President at Adams & Adams Consulting and Training, Inc. 

    I love this book! Cornelia writes with raw emotion, honesty and transparency. Her story is authentic and compelling. As a fellow cancer patient, her words are both inspiring and thought-provoking. The second part of the book provides practical insights for living with and overcoming cancer. I recommend this book for all cancer patients, as well as their family members who seek to understand the thoughts and emotions running through their loved one’s mind.

    Ken Ingold

    Groups and Spiritual Formation Pastor

    The Church at Rancho Bernardo

    San Diego, CA

    I highly endorse this book. Cornelia writes from her own experience navigating cancer. She not only encourages and inspires the patient to face cancer with hope, but family members as well. This gives an inside look at the best way to manage life with cancer.

    Pastor Pam Ingold

    True page turner. I didn’t put the book down until I finished. I was truly awe inspired. 

    Cornelia’s journey of survival, strength and incredible inspiration will bring you to the new realms of awareness

    Even though I’ve never been in a similar situation, Cornelia’s stories and insights deeply resonated with me. Her never ceasing hope, optimism, deep insight and humour kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time as I was reading about her journey of fighting cancer. So emotional, raw, vulnerable and at the same giving hope. I applaud Cornelia’s stamina and desire to live and pursue her dreams and help others expand their potential despite the odds, despite the challenges, despite humiliation. There is always a choice in how you show up to life no matter what. 

    Her story will inspire anyone who wants more out of life. You don’t have to be a cancer patient in order to benefit from Cornelia’s book. She speaks about dreams, passion, perseverance and challenges that we all face. 

    But if you are somehow connected with this horrible disease, it will give you hope and guidance.

    It’s a must read!

    Anna Simpson, Author of Create the Life You Dream About, Confidence and Love Coach.

    Cornelia‘s memoir presents an insightful read for Oncology Nurses. All too often nurses focus on the clinical side of cancer while sometimes forgetting we treat dynamic individuals who should not be seen solely as a cancer patient. Cornelia’s journey reminds us of the human side of cancer while detailing the emotional, spiritual and truly human experience of living with a life threatening diagnosis. Throughout her story she details how one can have hope and learn to thrive despite the difficult diagnosis.

    Kelly Bass, RN, MSN, OCN


    This book would have not come together in this way without my amazing friends and doctors. Even if I can not name everybody here that has been part of my journey and healing team, please know that you are in my heart and I deeply appreciate you for all that you are giving me and helping me heal.

    Thank you, Lori Raupe, for kicking me in the behind to start this book. You took your time and invested in me to get me going. And off I went.

    My beautiful, kindhearted and amazing step-daughter Marion who came out from Colorado to be with me for my first surgery and telling me I would be a grandma the day before the surgery. Another reason for me to stick around.

    Petra for always checking in with me, seeing how I felt each day and giving me words of encouragement when I was down.

    Leigh, my quiet and strong friend, who sat with me for long hours in the chemo suite and drove me home while I was holding the puke bucket and then sitting with me for more hours at home while I was out. And her finance Steve who helped me fix things when my hands couldn’t hold a pencil, let alone a screwdriver or hammer.

    Jacqueline, my strong and energetic German friend who always has a great perspective and story when I got hit with bad news.

    Jim, my daughter’s Dad who went to almost all the oncologists appointment with me and always took care of our daughter when Chemo knocked me out. Thank you for also driving me to a lot of the Chemo treatments and keeping me company.

    Charlene, who is my role model for this colon cancer journey because she walked this path many many years before me. And she is still free of this cancer. Her advice was so well received. Build a team, that was her advice! And I did!

    My dear friend Angelika, who I have known since 1980, who had the honor of shaving my hair off and giving me the buzz-cut I always dreamed of… NOT!

    Liz, my other cancer sister, who came down from Fresno twice to be with me and the last time she even drove all the way AND cleaned up after me… won’t go into detail here. She has prayed amazing prayers over me that always left me feeling much better.

    Sistiana who always makes

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