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Boot Camp
Boot Camp
Boot Camp
Ebook54 pages57 minutes

Boot Camp

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Murder sends her running for her life. The man who helps her also helps her find a new future in Boot Camp.

Release dateJan 14, 2020
Boot Camp

Crystal Tarling

I was adopted as young baby and had a wonderful life full of adventure and imagination.  Stories come naturally to me.

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    Book preview

    Boot Camp - Crystal Tarling

    Table of Contents

    Boot Camp

    About the Author

    I was sitting in the Midrand Roadhouse on a Friday afternoon, minding my own business when I spotted a lone woman sitting hunched up at a table looking scared.  She was also exhausted. She was looking around and jumped at every sound.  She shot up and ran to the ladies.  I waited and watched.  She was there quite a while and then came out slowly.

    She reached the edge of the room and froze, jumping backwards.  I looked towards the door and there was a large angry looking man staring around the room. He looked mean and dangerous. He looked around and then left, slamming the door.  She peeped out of the passageway and saw him get into a car. He pulled out and drove south. She shot over to her table and dropped money and left, jumping into a car and racing off to the north.

    I dropped money on my table and followed.  My gut told me she needed help. I followed at a safe distance and she drove out of town towards my place.  We were soon on the gravel roads and I came around a corner to find her broadsided across the road and jumping out of the car.  I slammed on brakes and broadsided too, missing her by inches.  I shot out the car. What the hell, woman! You can’t stop on a blind corner like that.  You could have been killed! I shouted in my frustration.

    Why the hell are you following me? Who are you and what do you want? she stormed over to me and whipped out a pistol. 

    Whoa Lady! Put that down! I held my hands up.

    Give me one good reason why I should not call the cops? She smirked.

    I’ll save you the trouble. I’m going to reach for my wallet.  I moved and she jumped backwards holding the pistol higher.  I took my wallet out my back pocket and flipped it to my shield. Here, I am safe. You are safe. Let’s talk.

    She lowered the pistol and burst into tears. I’m sorry! I am so afraid of everyone now! That is why got this gun and got licenced to carry.

    Who was that man in the roadhouse? I asked and her head shot up. You are terrified of him.  Why? I saw your reaction when you saw him and before that you were watching everyone and jumping at the slightest noise. Talk to me and I can help you!

    No one can help me.  Anyone who tried to help is already dead. He must have found me and now I must move again! I need to get to my house.  I hope he is not there. She shuddered.

    My house is just down this road.  Follow me there and we will leave your car there and drive to your house together in my car, in case he knows your car.  I will check it out to make sure you are safe and you can pack your things and come back to my house.  You will be safe there. Then you can tell me what is going on. Deal? I looked at her and she nodded slowly.

    Thank you.  I could do with a night without fear.  I don’t know when I last had one. Maybe I will actually sleep! She got into her car and pulled to the side of the road.  I drove past her and she turned and followed me home.  I drove around the back and we parked her car out of sight.  She came over and got into my car. Hi, I am Dakota Tipton.  Thank you!

    Miles Wright. I run a security company and we work with the police and do undercover work with them. I smiled at her and started the car. I drove out and down the road past my house.

    Just around the next corner, first left. Dakota said. I slowed and took the turn. He is there. Drive past!

    We drove past the house and I stopped and turned around further down the road so we could see the house but he could not see us. I pulled out my cell and dialled.  Jock? Get out to number 6 Amber Road, a mile past my house.  Go knock on the door and ask the man who comes to the door what he is doing there.  You are the landlord and it is not rented out to a man.  Be careful, he is dangerous. I can see the house from where I am parked.

    Ten minutes later, Jock pulled into the driveway. He walked to the door and knocked.  The door opened. I could hear him through my earpiece that we all wear all the time. "Who are you and what

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