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Satisfying Silicon
Satisfying Silicon
Satisfying Silicon
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Satisfying Silicon

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About this ebook

Lady Dead may be number five on his hit list, but she trusts that Silicon will come for her. Save her or kill her... either way, it'll be a hot ride.

Emmaline "Lady Dead" Locklear is an arms dealer who often finds herself at the wrong end of a gun, but she smiles her way through each and every instance and ends up killing those who think they can control her. She's been dealing arms to Red Wolf and to the government and not losing any sleep over any of it. Where the weapons go doesn't concern her—the money does.

Ryan "Silicon" Anderson has been getting weapons and selling them to Lady Dead for a while. It's taken him a long time to get close enough to even find the name of the dealer at the center of the arms ring, and now that he's found her, he refuses to let her slip through his fingers. His mission? Get close enough to find out what she knows, who she is dealing to, and how.

Ryan strikes a deal with her of a very sexual nature and ends up entwined with the arms dealer in more ways than one. But when she's taken by agents working for another agency, some women might be afraid. Some might worry…

Lady Dead isn't worried. She knows he'll come for her. After all, she's figured out that he's working on a kill list.

She's #5 on that list.

***Previously published in Elite Elements. Rights have reverted to the author and it is now being released independently. ***

Release dateJan 27, 2020
Satisfying Silicon

Virginia Nelson

Virginia Nelson likes knights in rusted and dinged up armor, heroes that snarl instead of croon, and heroines who can't remember to say the right thing even with an author writing their dialogue. Her books are full of snark, sex, and random acts of ineptitude--not always in that order.

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    Satisfying Silicon - Virginia Nelson

    Satisfying Silicon

    By Virginia Nelson

    Satisfying Silicon

    By Virginia Nelson

    Text Copyright Virginia Nelson 2017

    All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of

    the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is coincidental.

    This book contains content that may not be suitable for young readers 17 and under.


    Discover more titles by Virginia Nelson at


    To Wade.


    Lady Dead may be number five on his hit list, but she trusts that Silicon will come for her. Save her or kill her... either way, it’ll be a hot ride.


    Emmaline Lady Dead Locklear is an arms dealer who often finds herself at the wrong end of a gun, but she smiles her way through each and every instance and ends up killing those who think they can control her. She’s been dealing arms to Red Wolf and to the government and not losing any sleep over any of it. Where the weapons go doesn’t concern her—the money does.

    Ryan Silicon Anderson has been getting weapons and selling them to Lady Dead for a while. It’s taken him a long time to get close enough to even find the name of the dealer at the center of the arms ring, and now that he’s found her, he refuses to let her slip through his fingers. His mission? Get close enough to find out what she knows, who she is dealing to, and how.

    Ryan strikes a deal with her of a very sexual nature and ends up entwined with the arms dealer in more ways than one. But when she’s taken by agents working for another agency, some women might be afraid. Some might worry...

    Lady Dead isn’t worried. She knows he’ll come for her. After all, she’s figured out that he’s working on a kill list.

    She’s #5 on that list.


    Present – Lady Dead

    Usually, when Emmaline Locklear found herself tied spread-eagled, even if she was suspended in an empty room, she’d chosen to be there. In this case, however, she played a waiting game. One that managed to make even her just a little nervous, if she wanted to be completely honest. But she hadn’t made it this far by being honest—so, fuck that very much, thank you.

    She knew he’d come for her.

    He had to.

    No other option could be considered.

    They’d managed a full suspension of her, although she hadn’t been conscious for the actual tying of the knots. The cables were impossible to break, at least from her position, and the ropes were clearly tied by an expert. She tried (because just hanging out wasn’t really in her wheelhouse) to dislocate her thumb to slip her wrist free—knowing that one hand free meant she could get the other one and then her legs loose from their capture—but it proved a practice in futility.

    If there was one thing Lady Dead didn’t pursue, it was anything that prove futile.

    Their questioning had been short and painless, more evidence they planned to silence her rather than release her later. No magic words existed that would change their minds about holding her hostage, and they hadn’t even stuck around for her to play with them. She might have—given the time and opportunity to mess with their little government-brainwashed minds—been able to at least split their surety that they should hold her. It only took one crack in the façade, one tiny moment of weakness on their part, and she might be able to find a way out of her predicament.

    But they were wise to her, apparently. They hadn’t allowed even that—instead, they’d trussed her up like a turkey then left her to dangle and wait.

    Waiting? It was hell. Plus, her wrists were numb.

    He had to make it. If he didn’t...

    There was no way he wouldn’t make it. He was her Crisis, or that was what she’d known him as for the past couple years. It had only been a short time that she’d known him as Silicon—codenamed after the most abundant element in Earth’s crust.

    He seemed to know everyone, good guy and bad. If anyone could find her, it would be him. Sure, he was working his way down a kill list, and he’d admitted as much...

    And, sure, some of the names on that list were next to impossible to kill. She’d thought so, when she’d read through the names.

    But he could do it. His many years working both sides of the fence taught him how to navigate each side with a skill most would’ve envied.

    Not her, of course, since she was better than him. It wasn’t pride—or not just pride—that let her know she was good. It was a fact. She’d worked hard, she’d honed her body and her skills, and she was a master of her crafts.

    None of that mattered, though. The only important fact was his ability not to get killed while working his way down the list. Number Three—the diplomat—would likely be the hardest for him to accomplish out of his list. How far would he have made it already?

    No matter. He’d come for her when he finished with the rest of the list. She knew it. She trusted him and his abilities enough to know he’d come for her. Although some women might swoon at the idea of the hero riding in like a white knight to take her down from being captured—like a pin-bound butterfly in a frame being released to fly free—she wasn’t an overly-romantic person.

    Although, if anyone made her wish she could be that kind of girl, it would be Ryan Silicon Anderson. She’d spent enough time in his arms to wish for the happily ever after or, failing that, the happily ever afterglow she knew he could easily bring her. The man knew her body in a way that even she, Lady Dead, didn’t. Her nipples perked up, as if coming to attention, at the thought of him bursting into the room to find her suspended and waiting. What kind of trouble could they get into with a setup like this, but on different terms? She wasn’t usually into being submissive, but for him... she might consider it, for play.

    Then again, this wasn’t for play and she hadn’t been given any options—knocked out, suspended, and left to cool alone like a sack of meat being allowed to rest.

    He’d come for her. They might have tied her up and all but left her with a bow for him to find, but he’d come for her. She had to have faith in the knowledge it would be him—and not some other faceless, mindless government drone—that came for her. Any other possibility would drive her to madness. He would be the one and, any minute now, he’d come bursting through the doors to get her down from this ridiculous suspension.

    After all... he had to. She was number five on his

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