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Hot Dino Girls 5
Hot Dino Girls 5
Hot Dino Girls 5
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Hot Dino Girls 5

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On an alternate Earth populated by human-dinosaur hybrids, normal human Mike Ardavan works as maintenance man and Herdmaster at Niska's Bed and Breakfast Inn. He shares his life and bed with three curvy dinosaur-women twice his size: the mature and earthy Niska, the fun and impulsive Anaika, and the energetic young Lorika.

Continuing the electric erotic adventures of daily life on an amazing alien world, featuring four brand new steamy tales!

HOT RAPTOR GIRLS: Raptor traders Jirollo and Pirollo are transporting a young human archeologist to a dig site when unexpected disaster strikes!

A FAIR EXCHANGE: A rogue baryonyx leads to a steamy trade between Mike and a very kinky Protoceratops breeding female name Vuska!

MIRANELLO'S RIDE: Anaika and Niska give a young brachiosaurus rider an afternoon he'll never forget!

BASEMENT BOOBY BUDDIES: An older human woman sets her seductive sights on Ylan!

Set in the same scifi world as HOT DRAGON GIRLS, ICE AGE HEAT, and THE WAR DRAGON'S MATE!

Contains adventure, romance, and very naughty sexual shenanigans. ADULT READERS ONLY!

PublisherPaul Lucas
Release dateJan 21, 2020
Hot Dino Girls 5

Paul Lucas

I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie, just a few snow drifts away from Buffalo, NY. I am a life long science fiction and fantasy fan, and avidly keep up on developments in the fields of science, technology, and ancient cultures.Currently I am a freelance writer and artist, with fifteen years of experience in the field. In 1998 I had a tabletop RPG published, and in 2005 my first novel CREATURA came out. My shorter works have seen the light of day in publications such as Strange Horizons, Afterburn, Tales of the Talisman, Fables, and others. Currently I do a lot of personal commissions and ghost writing work.

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    Hot Dino Girls 5 - Paul Lucas


    Paul Lucas

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    Copyright 2019 by Paul Lucas

    Cover Art by Paul Lucas

    On The Cover: Merchant Raptor girls Jirollo and Pirollo enjoy some down time on the beach adjacent to Niska's Bed And Breakfast Inn.

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    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Other books in the HOT DINO GIRLS Series!





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    In the late 1970s, the United States tested an esoteric theory about the creation of kugelblitzes. A kugelblitz is a black hole created solely by concentrating vast amounts of energy into a single tiny pinpoint. Using carefully synchronized atomic weapons in an underground test, the scientists sought to create a short-lived black hole that would, in theory, evaporate away within milliseconds.

    Instead, in the crater of ground zero in the smoking aftermath, floated a strange mirrored globe ten feet wide.

    It took the scientists many days of panicking, testing, arguing, scanning, and recalibrating sixty years’ worth of quantum theory to realize that they had accidentally created a stable wormhole. One, they soon learned, that led to a parallel Earth in another dimension.

    Later that year, the experiment was repeated, with similar results. Another wormhole, and another alternate world opened up to humanity. Then another and another, as the United States, and later its allies and its rivals, refined the techniques for accessing these other realities.

    The near-identical copies of modern day Earth as imagined in science fiction never materialized. These new worlds, while still recognizably Earth, had radically different histories from the one humanity experienced, some diverging thousands or even millions of years ago.

    One boasted a completely new orders of life such as shapeshifters and dragons. One never developed multicellular life and featured barren continents surrounded by thick, goopy oceans. Yet another was a glacier-choked wilderness, the end result of an ice age that never ended.

    By the turn of the millennium, the existence of these parallel worlds was finally declassified to the public at large. The leading nations had by then learned to create wormhole portals with particle accelerators instead of messy nuclear weapons, and many countries leased the technology to create portals of their own.

    One of the earliest alternate Earths discovered did have humans living on it... once. In this reality’s version of history, an ancient civilization called the Makers of Form had discovered the principles of genetic engineering and biotechnology thousands of years earlier than modern Earth. They had also discovered the many extinct life forms such as dinosaurs and megafauna, and had recreated them over large swathes of both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The Makers had even created several sub-races of human-dinosaur hybrids that had survived their apocalyptic Plague War a thousand years before. The Makers of Form themselves had not been so lucky.

    This 'Dino World' of genetically-engineered Saurian people was considered one of the most potentially profitable and several portals were opened up to it. Some of the Saurians, also profit-minded, created businesses to take advantage of the influx of these strange new humans.

    One of these was Niska’s Bed and Breakfast Inn, built from the ruins of an ancient stone lighthouse. Mike Ardavan, a wannabe archeologist, found love and new purpose at the Inn. He became its handyman as well as the Herdmaster for its small herd of Saurian Breeding Females, which included practical herd matron Niska, energetic housekeeper Lorika, and mischievous cook Anaika.

    Upon a visit to a long-forgotten Maker of Form ruins deep in the Appalachians, all three of the herd's females became pregnant, with Mike the named father. Six months into the pregnancies, the seasons slip into Autumn, bringing with it new changes. And for the Inn residents and their many friends, new stories...

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    Rain fell in cutting sheets, driven by hard southerly winds. What should have been a bright sunny afternoon had transformed into a storm-wracked landscape of nightmares.

    A human and raptor girl pushed at the wagon’s rear while the other female crouched at the head of the vehicle, directing the big cranky ankylosaurus as best she could along the riverside road. Unfortunately, the dirt pathway was already obscured by an inch of flood water and was quickly transforming into a sea of mud.

    We can’t stay on the road! Jirollo, on the driver’s bench, shouted back to her two companions. She shone the human-made electric lantern at them. Even with Tuscan’s light, I can barely see anything!

    The water’s still rising! Her cousin Pirollo called, her long tail worrying back and forth behind her. We have to get to higher ground!

    Where can we go? Tuscan, the lone human, asked.

    Away from the river is a good start! The raptor on the driver’s bench took her long weighted pole and bonked on the ankylosaurus’s head, while also pulling on the reins. Come on, Whitey! Be a good girl! Turn!

    The old, cranky ankylosaurus barely registered the blow on her bony armored plates, and moved slowly to obey. The four-legged tank of a dinosaur measured twenty four feet long and massed close to five tons, dwarfing even the ware-laden merchant's cart she pulled.

    Whitey was as ponderous as she was mighty, a creature of habit who preferred following the same familiar tracked route as she had for last two decades. Even in the face of a fierce storm and flooding, she was reluctant to break her routine. But eventually, with repeated rein-pulling and head-whacking, she curved her path inland. All three of her two-legged companions were relieved to see the elevation of the ground gradually rise as they headed inland.

    Unfortunately, even a creature with Whitey’s great strength could only move so fast. The flood waters kept slowly rising, dogging them mile after mile, despite the apparent gentle slope of the land. Jirollo and Tuscan had to climb into the wagon and ride along every so often. Slogging through the water was considerably more tiring for the smaller bipeds than the multi-ton draft animal. Even so, Whitey gronked in irritation when as one wheel or another got stuck in a rut of mud or rock, forcing her to pull even harder when the raptors or human couldn’t shove it free.

    A powerful stroke of lightning over the horizon lit up the landscape. There! Tuscan shouted as the thunder died away. It looks like there are hills over that way! To the south!

    The two raptor girls peered through the gloom, dubious. What do you think, Jir? Pirollo asked.

    I do kind of remember passing hills out this way before, Her cousin said. We don't know what their terrain is like. Who knows what we’ll run into?

    Do we have a choice? Otherwise we’ll be swimming our way to Talaa-Guuska!

    Pirollo nodded and turned Whitey's direction once again, this time to the south. Another lightning flash revealed dark bumps rising ahead of them on the horizon.

    They had a harrowing moment where they had to cross a small stream bed, all but hidden by the gloom and the rising waters. Whitey suddenly stumbled, dropping six inches into deeper water. She lowed grumpily and trashed about in momentary panic. Luckily, the raptor girls managed to get the old dinosaur to keep moving, and after only another foot the draft animal climbed up on the opposite bank, still in two inches of water but looking none the worse for the momentary dunking past her knees. The wagon behind her passed through with only a few jostling bumps.

    The land began to rise into a steeper slope, and the small party felt no end of relief as the wagon angled up on a slightly steeper incline. It was short lived, however, as the storm winds suddenly intensified, and the water began surging higher. They raced up the muddy hill as best they could, trying to stay ahead of the brackish flood.

    The wagon finally broke onto water-free ground. It was slippery going, but they did their best to keep pushing

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