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Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in the Isle of Wight
Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in the Isle of Wight
Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in the Isle of Wight
Ebook272 pages2 hours

Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in the Isle of Wight

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Discover the darker side of this scenic destination with over twenty true-crime tales, accompanied by photos and illustrations.
Its natural beauty attracts countless visitors—but notorious cases of murder, deceit, and pure malice have marked the long history of this apparently peaceful island. From crimes of passion to opportunistic killings and coldly premeditated acts of murder, the full spectrum of criminality is recounted here. For this journey into a bloody, neglected aspect of the past, Isle of Wight historian and crime writer M.J. Trow has selected over twenty notorious episodes that give a fascinating insight into criminal acts and the criminal mind.
He throws light into the shadowy world of the smugglers, pirates, and robbers who plagued the island’s early history. He recalls the escape attempts of Charles I from Carisbrooke Castle, the mysterious loss of the Mary Rose and HMS Royal George, and the scandalous conduct of Lady Worsley. In vivid, sometimes shocking detail, he reconstructs notable criminal cases, including the brutal murders that have marked the island’s more recent past. In addition, he delves into the history of the island’s three prisons—Albany, Parkhurst, and Camp Hill—which have housed many of Britain’s most violent criminals.
Release dateJun 18, 2009
Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in the Isle of Wight

M.J. Trow

M.J. Trow is a military historian by training and the author of the longrunning Inspector Lestrade and 'Mad Max' Maxwell detective series, as well as the Kit Marlowe Tudor mystery series. He lives in the Isle of Wight.

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    Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in the Isle of Wight - M.J. Trow


    Foul Deeds and Suspicious Deaths Series

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    First Published in Great Britain in 2009 by

    Wharncliffe Books

    an imprint of

    Pen and Sword Books Limited,

    47 Church Street, Barnsley,

    South Yorkshire. S70 2AS

    Copyright © M.J. Trow, 2009

    ISBN: 978 184563 088 1

    eISBN: 978 178303 747 6

    The right of M J Trow to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

    A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library.

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    Chapter 1 Alarums and Incursions

    Chapter 2 Medieval Murder

    Chapter 3 The Sea Beggars

    Chapter 4 The Sinking of the Mary Rose

    Chapter 5 Insula Infortunata

    Chapter 6 ‘That Man of Blood’

    Chapter 7 In Search of Michal Morey

    Chapter 8 Tom Boulter the Highwayman

    Chapter 9 The Governor’s Wife or Sir Richard Worse-than-Sly

    Chapter 10 The Loss of the Royal George.

    Chapter 11 Watching the Wall

    Chapter 12 The Legend of Sophie Dawes

    Chapter 13 ‘For Those in Peril…’

    Chapter 14 ‘Nor Iron Bars a Cage…’

    Chapter 15 Court News

    Chapter 16 ‘Dear Osborne…’

    Chapter 17 Fifth Column of One

    Chapter 18 ‘Look, Stranger, on This Island Now…’



    My thanks go to the following for their co-operation and spirit of friendliness in the production of this book: the editor and staff of the Isle of Wight County Press, the licensees and staff of the Hare and Hounds public house, Downend, the licensees and staff of the Buddle Inn, Niton, the churchwarden and PCC, Newport Minster, Andrew Ross, Hairdressing, Newport, Just You beauticians, Newport.

    I would also like to thank Mrs Debbie Galvin for her help, and above all my good lady wife, Carol Trow, for many hours trekking over the Isle of Wight in all weathers to take the photographs in this book. And finally to my son, Tali, who knows where the bodies are buried!

    Chapter 1

    Alarums and Incursions

    There is only one line that tells us anything about the Roman invasion of the Isle of Wight. The biographer Suetonius wrote that Vespasian, sweeping along the south coast with the II Legio Augusta, took Vectis (the Island), defeated two warlike tribes (validissime gentes) and captured over twenty fortresses (oppida). The tribes were probably the Durotriges of what is today Dorset and the Dobunni further east in what would become Hampshire and Sussex. The fortresses are more likely to be hill-top forts on the mainland, but there is at least the possibility of one standing on a hill in the centre of the Island which is now the site of Carisbrooke Castle.

    What was Vespasian doing in the Island in the first place? He was part of the Claudian invasion of AD 43, but that is in itself a misnomer. The Emperor Claudius was hardly the stuff of which soldiers are made and if he was not exactly the limping, stammering idiot of Robert Graves’ famous novel, he was certainly no general. He turned up, as Emperors often did, at the very end of the campaign, to claim laurels and wave to crowds - and came nowhere near Vectis.

    The hard work was done by Aulus Plautius, who began a systematic attack on the disunited tribes of Britain, using the formidable tactics of the Roman legions. Worthy opponents like Caratacus were driven back into the forested mountains of Wales and Vespasian, with just a single legion, was taking a huge gamble in his march westward along the south coast.

    Location map 1. The author

    The general who conquered the Isle of Wight – the future emperor Vespasian, from a marble bust. The author

    With his cavalry, his auxiliary units, his legion, siege engines and ballistae, he may have had 10,000 men at his back – but that was probably more than the total number of fighting men in the Isle of Wight.

    The fact that Suetonius makes so little of the Roman invasion of the Island and that other writers do not refer to it at all, probably implies that there was little or perhaps no resistance. The rapidly growing imperium that was Rome meant that southern regions of Britannia, including the island, had been trading with the eternal city for at least a generation by the time Vespasian arrived. Pre-Claudian coins have been found here and amphorae discovered in marine silt are evidence of a thriving wine import. We know that Celtic leaders in southern Britain like Togodumnos based at Chichester, were only too happy to accept a latinized version of his name and all the panoply of Roman client kingship that went with it.

    What has survived from the Roman period of Vectis is a string of villas, eight of which have so far been discovered, implying an ordered, settled, peaceful way of life. Military camps, of the type found at legionary bases from Exeter to the later Hadrian’s Wall, do not feature and probably never did. Only at Carisbrooke, at the base of the Norman earthworks thrown up in the 1070s, do we have a section of a stone wall which is probably Roman.

    By the early fifth century, as the legions were withdrawn from mainland Britain, the Island’s villas began to fall into decline. There is evidence that the wealthy owners abandoned their properties as early as the 390s, perhaps because of Saxon raids on what was a largely defenceless island. The first record of such attacks comes from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, a series of four texts produced from the late 9th century which traces a sketchy ‘history’ of the country from 60 BC. In the year 530, Cerdic and Cynric seized the Isle of Wight and killed a few men at Carisbrook. What does this tell us? First, there was definitely resistance to Saxon incursions. Whereas the Celtic Islanders had a history of trade links with Rome and could see advantages out of a Romano-British society, the wild, flaxen-haired strangers offered nothing but theft and death. The origins of Christianity on the Island are shadowy, but it is probable that religious differences were an issue too – the invaders were pagan, bent on destroying not only the houses of God, like the church at Brading, but the concept of a single deity too. The fact that the Saxon warlords killed men at Carisbrooke implies that the old Celtic/Roman fortress still stood as a focal point of Island defences.

    The church at Brading, perhaps the first Christian settlement in the Isle of Wight. The town itself was a busy port until land reclamation in the late seventeenth century. Carol Trow

    Cerdic was king of the West Saxons and four years after the attack on Carisbrooke gave the Island to his nephews Stuf and Whitgar.

    Over a century later, we hear of further depredations. In 661, Wulfhoe, son of Penda of Mercia ‘ravaged the Isle of Wight and gave the inhabitants over to Aethelnold, King of Sussex…Eoppa the priest, at Wilfrid’s word and that of King Wulfhoe, first among men, brought the people of Wight baptism.’

    The Island was in fact a pawn in the bitter hostility between the southern Saxon kingdoms, jockeying for power and the most serious attack came in the 680s under the leadership of Caedwalla, King of Wessex. He was the most brilliant war leader to be linked with the Island since Vespasian and in less than a year had defeated the bands who opposed him in three southern counties. On the Island, Aethelnold was killed and his sons brought before Caedwalla. They were baptized at the point of the sword and then executed. The extent of Caedwalla’s onslaught is impossible to measure. We only have the Chronicle record, but the implications are that large numbers of locals fled to the mainland for safety and those who remained became ‘wild men in the woods’. The ambiguity of Island faith in this period would not be settled until Caedwalla’s successor, Ine (688-726) established a series of laws – the Dooms – which were among the first codifications of English judiciary.

    By the late 780s, the English coast had become the target of raids by the Vikings, fierce sea-rovers from Scandinavia who could not resist the soft touches and gold plate of English monasteries. Such was the speed of Viking attacks that a raiding party could strike and be gone before any organised resistance could be set up. Southampton was sacked in 842; Winchester, the capital of what would become England, in 860. Not until the brilliant stand by Alfred would the Vikings be held by treaty in their North Eastern Danelaw and even then the peace was precarious. In 896 for example, ‘six ships came to the Isle of Wight and did much evil there’… It is not absolutely clear where the naval engagement took place, but if ‘the river’s mouth in the open sea’ refers to the Medina, then a major confrontation which is well chronicled took place just off the Island. The aged Alfred sent nine new warships, of the long-boat design, to tackle the Viking pirates and sunk two of their ships. The third one got away, but only five of its crew survived. Viking sea-battles were fought as on land, with the ships locked together with grappling hooks and ropes as one crew boarded the enemy ship and hacked at their opponents on the deck. The ebbing tide stranded both sides’ ships and not until it turned could the Vikings escape. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records the dead – ‘there were killed Lucumen the king’s reeve [steward], Wulfhead the Frisian, Aebbe the Frisian, Aethelhue the Frisian, Athelferth of the king’s household and in all, Frisians and English, sixty two and one hundred and twenty of the Danes’. The implication is that this was not a battle fought by Islanders, the casualties referring to Alfred’s professionals from Winchester or Frisian allies/mercenaries.

    Viking depredations came again to the Island early in the eleventh century. The long-reigning Aethelred II must have had a certain ability to have lasted as long as he did, but he earned the nickname ‘Unraed’ – badly advised – and he was certainly no match for Sweyn Forkbeard and his son Cnut who began a series of raids which culminated in full-blown conquest by 1016. Much of the fighting took place in the north and east, but the raiders used the Island as a handy springboard for attacks as far inland as Waltham in Sussex and even struck as far west as Exeter. We have no idea where precisely the invaders stayed and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle’s entry for 1006 is ambiguous. It implies that Aethelred’s army stayed in the field all Autumn (always unpopular because of the vital need to gather in the harvest) but that as soon as they disbanded, the Vikings arrived ‘after Martinmas [November] on the Island’ and ‘obtained everywhere there whatever they needed’ (one assumes, by force). Once there, they struck out across Hampshire and Berkshire sacking villages and lighting beacons to mark the path of their destruction.

    The Island’s role in the complex manoeuvrings of 1066 is vague. Three men laid claim that year to the crown of England, vacated by the death of Edward the Confessor in January. A fourth, Tostig, the exiled brother of the contender Harold Godwinson, Earl of Wessex, came, according to the Chronicle ‘across the sea into the Isle of Wight, with as many household troops as he could gather and was given money and provisions’. However, Harold’s plans seem to have thwarted him. He knew that William of Normandy was mounting an invasion and itched to beat him at sea where his deadly cavalry, an innovation on European battlefields at the time, would be useless. To that end, Godwinson’s massive fleet of perhaps 100 ships prowled the Solent and Tostig fled north, to die in battle with Harold and the Viking king Hardrada at Stamford Bridge near York in September.

    There are no records of the subsequent Norman arrival on the Island. The battle near Senlac was won on 14 October and William crowned at Westminster on Christmas Day. It would probably have been well into the following year when William Fitz Osbern, Constable of Normandy, took over what was probably a Saxon hill fort at Carisbrooke and set about building a wooden motte-and-bailey castle to subdue the populace. From its high keep, the castle’s defenders could see the Solent in two places, had a clear view up the river Medina to the north coast and any attacking army could take half a day to reach Carisbrooke from their first being sighted. It had two separate wells to provide water and crops and livestock could be driven quickly behind the oak palisades from the villages of Carisbrooke and Shide in the event of a siege. The whole castle keep, curtain wall and towers, was built of stone by 1136.

    In that year, national politics caused the Island problems when the country split into factions under the rival royal claimants, Stephen and Matilda, both declaring their right to wear the crown of Henry I. The lords of the Island were now the de

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