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Blue Book of Transitory Souls, Beyond an Escape Saga
Blue Book of Transitory Souls, Beyond an Escape Saga
Blue Book of Transitory Souls, Beyond an Escape Saga
Ebook216 pages3 hours

Blue Book of Transitory Souls, Beyond an Escape Saga

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A man shows up one day in the Land of Blue Sky. He does not remember who he is, or where he comes from. But after he shoots an innocent man in public without even a flicker of remorse, the townspeople realise there is more to this solitary man. A tale of abandonment, mystique, and a belief that could change the way you see life, 'Blue Book of Transitory Souls' recounts the story of a man with many identities, many lives, but only one belief – that we are all souls in transit.

Release dateJan 23, 2020
Blue Book of Transitory Souls, Beyond an Escape Saga

Jayaraj V Thoppil

Jayaraj.V. Thoppil hails from God's own country and presently lives in Millenium city of India.His debut work 'Alcohol', published by Frog Books, uncovers the unknown dimensions of every alcoholic, Later while launching its second edition, it was renamed 'One Pint of Cheers' by Tate Publishers, USA. Notion Books launched its third edition in India.His recent offer to the literary world 'Bluebook of Transitory Souls', a mystery fiction, was published by Leadstart Publishing in 2020 and continues mesmerizing readers across the globe.Currently, he serves in the foremost automobile company in the country as a quality control professional. His unquenched passion for creative writing and fine art finally led him to the literary world. He indulges in reading, sketching, music, and playing badminton during most of his leisure hours.He is married to Sumini Jayaraj, a proactive health professional in Ayurveda and an aspiring singer.Keep in touch with Jayaraj via the web:Website: https://www.jayaraj v thoppil.comFacebooke: v thoppilTwitter: httphs://

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    Blue Book of Transitory Souls, Beyond an Escape Saga - Jayaraj V Thoppil

    Alas! At last, the interminable, wide tarred road converged at a mysterious three way junction that looked almost impassable. The junction seemed to be restructured originally from a cross junction that had already existed there for many years. The milestone at the junction seems to be abandoned and lay dormant for quite long. The engravings on the milestone were only partially visible as most of it got buried under the ground.

    The departing twilight paved shadows of giant trees all over the pavement. Rousing shadows along with the flow of the evening breeze’s rhythm revealed momentarily that someone in an off-white saintly outfit was standing bewildered near the milestone. Nobody knew how long he was standing there so desperately or why he was standing. His shiny eyes turned more radiant as time passed. Everything else was submerged in the growing darkness. A pair of bright spots in the darkness, the saint looked so scary.

    Every mile stone either chalked up the distance to be covered ahead, or gave immense relief about distance already crossed. At this pass someone was lamenting over the bygone tempestuous days of his life or uncertain days nearing, and no one could say for sure which it was. But it was the saint, who appeared to be so still he looked like an antique statue installed there permanently.

    Curiosity among the bystanders grew by the second. One enquired to another and murmured softly. The growing curiosity among them formed an unexpectedly large horde progressively. As a matter of fact, any strange happening usually got noticed by the public quickly in the land of Blue Sky. The crowd had quickly grown very large, ring after ring forming around the saint, making a strong human wall.

    Suddenly everyone’s attention was caught by the falling sediments of the meteor shower over the horizon. Well educated people in the Land of Blue Sky believed firmly that meteor showers were an omen of bad things to come.

    Who are you man? You have been standing here for quite a long time? One man in the mob asked in a loud and impatient voice.

    I am on my way home. I have come to this place after a long interval. Hence I am utterly confused about the location now, the man said in a feeble voice. That should be my house, he continued, pointing at a dilapidated walled compound in the vicinity.I had left that home long time ago. Now I am back again to the Land of Blue Sky, to meet my immediate kith and kin.He scratched at his partially greying beard stubble as he spoke.

    But there was no house inside the dilapidated compound wall. One could see some thick bushes and trees growing there. There were a few huge red bead trees with dark green leaves also visible from the distance. At the gate there was an outline of a decrepit outhouse too.

    It looks like you have grossly mistaken the place, they said casually.

    Yes I am bit confused, but it is certain that my house was in that compound. I do remember the same outhouse at the gate, but where is our house? He exclaimed, placing his right index finger over his long and chiselled nose.

    Are you an ascetic? the crowd asked again.

    Not exactly, But I am a solitary man, indeed, he replied spontaneously with some confidence.

    We had never seen you here before. Why did you come here after such a long time? Haven’t you been in touch with your people all these years? The mob was starting to get irritable. The saint was not very sure whether to reveal himself to this horde of strangers right away or not. His well-wisher had incited him to keep his guard on throughout the journey. But now everyone was curious to know who this silent stranger really was. Is it that very necessary to disclose who I am? As I said before, I belong to this place.

    ‘Look man, this is the Land of Blue Sky, where every stranger is scrutinized carefully. Our self-surveillance system is the best in class and it is our duty to protect our land from any unidentified intruders," someone in the crowd said in a harsh tone.

    Believe me, I am a soul in transit, just like you people, the saint said gently.

    What the hell you are talking about? I don’t really think you’re from this place at all, someone in the crowd shouted. I am a transient soul. I do believe that you people are also similar souls in transit. It’s only a matter of time, everyone has to transit and transmute, the saint said soberly.

    Suddenly the intensity of the evening breeze in the locale got fickle rapidly and swept the loose sand and dust, and the dried leaves that lay on the pavements. An air of uncertainty among the crowds engulfed subsequently. The clouds turned black and intensified the darkness around them. Sharp lines of lightening ripped across the darkness and fragmented the sky every now and then. The high resonance of the propagating thunder shook up the earth terribly. Diurnal animals started howling in panic. Birds from their perches flew away frantically. The saint’s artful and strange reply provoked the crowd to anger.

    He seems be an insane or a devious thief. Kick him out of this place! Someone from the provoked mob yelled.

    This is my place too, the saint murmured but preferred to keep his mouth shut. The whole place was covered with a blanket of silence for a while. All of a sudden, a stone came flying through the air, towards the saint. Someone had started pelting stones from the back, and many others followed the same ruthless act without much urging. Some came closer and started slapping the man mercilessly, while others rushed in to get long wooden sticks and started to hit him with them. The mob soon began to grow even larger, and while the entire inner circle pelted the saint with sticks and stones, the new arrivals stood on their toes to get a glimpse of the new stranger. The saint was almost dead. He lay unconscious on the road, feebly begging for water. But in the crowd of angry stone pelters no one paid heed to his cries. It was ten minutes past ten. Most of the people now in the crowd had gathered without the slightest clue of what was going on. A few respected elders of the people came in front to take control of the angry mob. Though this strange man remains suspicious, one of the elders announced after the crowd had slightly quieted down for a moment, I would request you to all go back to your homes and not make the situation any worse. I also suggest the elders should question this man to find out if indeed he does belong here, and his reason for returning to the Land of Blue Sky.

    One of the eldest who looked more graceful than the others came forward and requested one person in the crowd to fetch some drinking water and arrange a few chairs from the neighbouring houses. This was done hastily as requested. The elder guided the saint gently and made him sit on one of the chairs. The saint was groaning in his semi-conscious state, and began looking around in a daze. The elder extended his hand to him, and the saint meekly obliged like a child.

    The elder offered him some more water to drink and wash his face. The saint gulped the water swiftly, making a weird sound as he drank. His face was almost swollen after the heavy blows and thrashing by the violent public. He could hardly open his eyes anymore. His long white gown was partly torn, soiled here and there, and was badly stained with blood. Though his off-white gown was spoiled badly due to mob handling, the crowd and the elder in command noticed that his inner clothes especially his white shirt and trousers were almost intact. The elder asked him to be at ease and sit in the chair fearlessly, and apologized for the unexpected mob attack.

    Once again he requested the restless mob to disperse and go home, for god sake. He assured the crowd that this stranger was not a thief as they were suspecting. He also took the responsibility of informing the mob about the whereabouts and purpose of visit of the stranger to the Land of Blue Sky. The mob started dispersing hesitantly thereafter.

    An hour had passed. Only a few of the people still remained, trying to keep an eye on the stranger. Others in that crowd were some elders from the same locality. They dragged all chairs and brought them closer to the vacant space in front of the gate of the huge dilapidated compound wall. One corner of the outhouse was partially visible in the demurring moonlight. Shadows of the huge read bead tree looked scary in the silence.

    The saint walked with a bit of a waddle to the new location and sat on the chair they had offered him.

    After a long pause, the elder broke his silence. He told the stranger to have some more water and wash off his swollen face once again. He was hardly able to talk now and his voice was so feeble and broken that the elder had to repeatedly comfort him, and assured more time to get settled.

    Silence engulfed every nook and cranny of the street. Some people seemed to be hasty but remained patient as requested by the elder in the group. Some stray clouds drifted over the moon unpredictably, making the sky grow darker as the moon grew dim and the silence grew deeper.

    The clock struck midnight and echoed through the night. The stars lined up and lent their ears to the scene taking place on the ground. Finally the elder spoke.

    May we know who you are, sir? With great respect and care he asked the saint. Rest assured, I am a soul in transit, the saint replied, his voice was still mellow but broken, drifting about with the blowing winds. The elder looked at the others around him. He did not know how to proceed with the conversation. I am not a hermit exactly, but I remain alone, the saint repeated. Thank you for the water.

    Please pardon me for the trouble given by the wild crowd, the elder said meekly. I belong to that house, the saint ignored him and pointed towards the dilapidated compound wall with its wrought iron gate. There was no structure or house standing as such, and the whole compound looked unusually ethereal.

    But being immediate neighbours to this place, we have never seen you here before, one other elder spoke up.

    Probably you are right; I had left my home very long back in the days of my youth, the saint replied.

    What is your name? they asked politely.

    I don’t remember at the moment. You can call me Solitary Man till then. I am a transient soul in transit,

    ‘Transient means a straying soul?’ everyone looked at each other stunned and moved back a bit.

    Don’t be afraid, I am like you people. The only difference is that you people have specific names and locations now, but I don’t own any at the moment. Probably I have one, but I do not remember it exactly.The patience of the elders was running out. The saint calmly took another sip of water. However since you claim to be my neighbours perhaps you can help me accomplish my mission?

    What mission?

    Before I tell you I need you to make two promises, the saint looked optimistically from one face to another.

    How can we make a promise to an unknown person? But do tell us and we will think about it.

    I shall not be at ease to explain anything further till you make and honour the promises.

    Okay, please let us know what you want us to do, the elder said.

    Will you promise to help me to connect with my immediate family who were staying in that compound long ago? We had a beautiful house out there. I don’t know where it has gone now, the stranger pleaded.

    Oh, it’s not a big deal, we will help you out, they said in unison. The stranger now looked slightly more confident, and the elders awaited his next request.

    My other request is, please don’t kill me for any reason, until I meet this first mission of mine, the saint said.

    All the elders left him promptly and stood at a distance and started discussing with each other. Their discussion was inaudible to the solitary man. It was evident from their gestures that there was some conflict among the group members. The argument didn’t seem to go anywhere. Some seemed to be unhappy. Some seemed to be losing their temper further. The conflict was indecisive. After a long deliberation, the group came back with some amount of consensus.

    An early morning flight of crows darted through the predawn sky. The rising hubbub spoiled the harmony of silence upheld inside the ghostly compound wall. The huge gate of the compound wall that had been napping for quite a long time suddenly started creaking back to life as someone or other pushed it open every now and then. Someone was cleaning the front yard and sweeping away all fallen leaves towards the boundary wall. Someone else was pulling the portable ladder here and there and dusting the doors and windows of the outhouse. The sound of footsteps grew louder. More people arrived in the front yard of the outhouse and watched the events unfold.

    What’s going on here? Where am I now? Solitary man woke up suddenly and looked around. He felt severe pain all over his body. He saw that he was virtually lying in a dusty bed where he could have possibly been dumped by the elders before they decided to clean out his compound. He could not assume what the time was as his visibility through the broken window was extremely low. However he could see through the key hole that there were a few people coming and stepping towards the outhouse. He has also realised that his room was locked from outside.

    After a while he could hear the cross talk of the people who were coming towards his room. A key turned in the door and the door was pushed open. A beam of sunlight splashed into the room forcefully. The saint saw a few people rushing into his room.

    Good morning, they said together. We hope you had a nice sleep, though you went to bed very early in the morning.

    The solitary man could not recognize those people well. However he felt that their voices resembled the cross interrogators he had confronted last night.

    Yes, a very good morning. Thank you for giving me this shelter, he replied.

    As you wished, you are at your own home now.

    Thank you. But tell me, why did you lock me up in this outhouse?

    That’s because our conversation was stopped midway without any conclusion. Your identity, intentions, credibility and hypothesis seem suspicious and utterly stupid. We are responsible and accountable to others. We are still suspicious of your silence.The people arranged some chairs in a big circle in order to accommodate about twelve to fifteen people who were about to gather for the interrogation. The elders were in control. The solitary man could tell they were preparing for another probing session.

    One of the elders came forward and told him to have a seat in the circle. All of the elders and people looked composed and mature and mostly belonged to the affluent part society. As soon as the solitary man sat in one seat, the others sat too. Those who sat in front of him introduced themselves without any hesitation.

    The tall man standing aside with ashen stubble

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