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Caterina (Mob Men #2)
Caterina (Mob Men #2)
Caterina (Mob Men #2)
Ebook231 pages2 hours

Caterina (Mob Men #2)

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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All my life I’ve been a sheltered mafia princess so I’m used to having guards follow me around. But what I’m not used to is having a super overprotective and annoying bodyguard who also happens to be insanely sexy sharing my apartment with me to provide twenty-four-hour protection. It doesn’t take long for me to learn he’s nothing like the controlling mob man I had pegged him for, but in fact the very opposite. In fact, he’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a lover. All for except for one huge detail- he’s a mob man, the exact man I said I didn’t want a future with.

I’ve had it bad for Caterina since the day I was assigned to be her bodyguard. Her spoiled ass can’t stand me but it just makes me want to fu*k her into oblivion that much more. When her brother orders me to move in with her for her protection, I know it won’t be long before she drives me to insanity traipsing around half naked in her little lingerie. I’m just a solider to the famiglia, so while I wish I could give her the world, I know it will never be possible, even if I move up in rank. I know I may not be what she wants but I’m hoping my love itself will be enough for her.

Release dateFeb 1, 2020
Caterina (Mob Men #2)

Noelle Giselle

I am the author of the Mob Men series. I love reading, cooking, baking, and fantasizing about dominant mob men.

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    Caterina (Mob Men #2) - Noelle Giselle


    (Mob Men #2)

    By: Noelle Giselle

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Copyright © 2020 by Noelle Giselle

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address:



    All my life I’ve been a sheltered mafia princess so I’m used to having guards follow me around. But what I’m not used to is having a super overprotective and annoying bodyguard who also happens to be insanely sexy sharing my apartment with me to provide twenty-four-hour protection. It doesn’t take long for me to learn he’s nothing like the controlling mob man I had pegged him for, but in fact the very opposite. In fact, he’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a lover. All for except for one huge detail- he’s a mob man, the exact man I said I didn’t want a future with.


    I’ve had it bad for Caterina since the day I was assigned to be her bodyguard. Her spoiled ass can’t stand me but it just makes me want to fu*k her into oblivion that much more. When her brother orders me to move in with her for her protection, I know it won’t be long before she drives me to insanity traipsing around half naked in her little lingerie. I’m just a solider to the famiglia, so while I wish I could give her the world, I know it will never be possible, even if I move up in rank. I know I may not be what she wants but I’m hoping my love itself will be enough for her.

    Caterina’s Theme Song

    Tritonal- Never Be the Same


    Mob Men #1




    Mob Men #1

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10


    Noelle’s Links


    Chapter 1


    Absolutely, positively no.

    Come on, this is insanely unfair. I have no life of my own! I’m fighting with my twin brother, Nello, in his living room. I’ve had it with him bossing me around.

    I don’t want to hear it, Cat. Dominick is moving in with you and that’s final.

    Urgghh! I grunt and dramatically kick the book of color swatches for his wedding from the coffee table. Oh, fuck. I need that, actually. When he turns his back I quickly pick it up. Violet, his fiancée, and I plan to visit the bridal shop later to decide on the colors of the bridesmaid dresses for her wedding to my brother. I’ve kind of taken it on as my job to be the unofficial wedding planner. I’ve gone to all her bridal appointments with her so far.

    Oh, and Dominick too. Because this man follows me every-fucking-where.

    Now, he’s moving in with me. Awesome.

    I cannot take it anymore, Nello!

    You’re going to learn to deal with it. My brother’s voice is laced with finality. He’s impossible to work with. I don’t know how Violet puts up with him. "There’s a war going on with not one, but two fucking famiglias and I don’t need you targeted. You need one hundred percent protection. He’s moving in."

    I can’t believe you’d do this to me. You are ruining my life!

    I stuff the wedding book into my bag and stomp into the kitchen. Dominick is in there, probably listening to the entire argument play out. I don’t even give a shit anymore.

    He folds the newspaper and tosses it down on the table. He stands up and stretches. I immediately try to avert my eyes elsewhere. His shirt lifts up and I quickly peek at a six pack that I try to pretend isn’t there. I also see a tattoo appear under the edge of his sleeve on his inner bicep. I didn’t even know he had that there. I’ve only seen the famiglia one on his forearm that all the men have.

    I feel his eyes on me so I pretend to dig around in my bag.

    Ready to go, Kitty Cat? I clench my thighs together every time he calls me that. I wish he wouldn’t.

    Shut up and stop calling me that. He gives me a smile that can definitely melt the panties off any girl this side of the Hudson.

    He’s a major pain in my ass. But he’s also insanely sexy.

    His arms are also gigantic. I’ve seen him sparring with Piero, Violet’s bodyguard, and he was royally whooping his ass. Which actually says something considering Piero is slightly larger than Dominick.

    As deliciously handsome and built as Dominick is, I cannot stand him. It’s all his fault I’m alone and single.

    Well, not entirely.

    It’s actually my dad’s fault.

    It’s a long story.

    My father was the Don of the Bianchi Crime Family. This meant he was the boss of the entire famiglia. He called all the shots. I spent my entire life under a mass amount of protection. I didn’t mind it, though. It was the norm for me. All of my friends were in similar situations, although nobody had it as strict as I did. I was the Mafia Princess.

    Ten years ago he was killed. I didn’t know it right away, but he had a dying wish for me. He made it so I could never be married off for business. It was his way to protect me even after he’d been gone.

    Usually, by the age of twenty, all eligible women in the famiglia have been married off, somehow. Whether it was for the good of the famiglia or to make peace between other families. All my friends got married off or promised to someone and here I was, able to stay single until I chose not to.

    I thought this was the greatest news ever. I thought my life had turned around. My dad saved me from a life of misery married to someone I didn’t love.

    Sounded great at first. But slowly, I realized it was a curse.

    The first few months were all fun and games. I made new, unmarried friends and went out partying. The nights in New York City were unbelievable. The parties were lavish and the amount of money we spent was even more unbelievable. The alcohol flowed and we laughed until we cried. The men I met were gorgeous and flashy. Their mouths delicious and the one night stands even hotter.

    But before long, my twin brother Nello swooped in and took away all of my fun. I was stripped of my credit cards and forbidden to see my friends. I was dis-enrolled from my college classes and introduced to my new best friend. Rafaello. He was my new bodyguard. He had to follow me everywhere I went. At the time, I was still living with my mother, so she made sure I didn’t leave without him. I said good bye to any type of independence. Any type of freedom. Anything that gave me will to live.

    I fought back for a while. I cried and begged. But eventually, after a few years, I learned to accept my new life. It didn’t mean I was accepting it happily, but I accepted it.

    I still had the same amount of freedom I had growing up, which wasn’t much, but having Rafaello following me around meant no more dating or going out with friends. Not that anyone from my old life was even left to hang out with. They were all married with kids to their new husbands.

    It was a lonely life.

    It wasn’t until a few months ago when things started to change for me. Things were finally looking up. My brother met Violet and I finally had a friend. At last I had someone to socialize with. Someone who wouldn’t look at me oddly when I had a bodyguard following my every move.

    Nello even let me enroll in online classes at the local university, not that I really knew what to major in. At this point in my life I had already accepted my fate, that I would never amount to more than a sheltered Mafia Princess.

    Seeing my brother and Violet in love gave me hope. I started to think maybe there could be a future for me. Suddenly, dating with a bodyguard lurking behind you didn’t seem so bad. Maybe, if I met the right guy, I can get Nello to loosen up a bit and excuse him from his duties.

    It sounded easy enough, maybe if my bodyguard was still Rafaello. But this is all proving to be much harder now that Dominick’s been assigned as my new bodyguard.

    He goes beyond the word bodyguard. It’s more like shadow. He’s everywhere. I mean yeah, Rafaello was also everywhere, but Dominick is worse. It’s like everywhere I turn, he’s there.

    Up until about five minutes ago, Dominick lived in my apartment building. I live in the penthouse suite and he’s a few floors below. My brother worked it out that way so Dominick could be there to help me in a moment’s notice. However, having him move in with me is a little outrageous, in my opinion.

    Although, it’s kind of my own fault.

    I tried to meet a guy online. I was desperate for my own happily ever after now that Violet’s living a fairytale with my broody, angry, selfish brother. Not sure how that’s possible, but whatever.

    Anyway, I decided to find a guy online. Someone nothing at all like said brother and all his little clones. I don’t want a mafia man. I want normal guy with a normal life. This way I can create a new life for myself. One that is the complete opposite of this Mafia Princess life.

    Jeremy was my first online match. He was perfect. He was super cute and sensitive and into art. He read poetry and liked to volunteer. He could give me the new world I was so desperately longing for. The one where organized crime was just hearsay. He could save me from this life.

    I wanted to go out to dinner with him but I needed a little favor from Dominick. I asked him if it would be possible if he could just back off for the night and let me go on the date. Well, what did that fucker do, he ratted me out to my brother.

    Nello flipped a shit and said I was crazy for trying to meet anyone online in ‘these times’, whatever the fuck that means, and instead he had one of his cronies threaten Jeremy. Now, not only is Jeremy ignoring me, unless he’s sleeping with the fucking fishes, but my brother decided to tighten the reins on me.

    By having Dominick move in with me.

    It’s completely outrageous.

    It’s utterly unfair.

    We’re walking out to the car now and Dominick’s large hand touches my waist as he leads me down the driveway. I feel an electric charge as his hand touches the bare skin of my midriff.

    He opens the car door for me as I get in.

    Thanks, Daddy Dom. I roll my eyes. It’s war.


    I feel my cock twitch in my pants every time she calls me Daddy Dom. I have no clue how I’m going to handle moving in with her. It’s going to take a whole lot of self-control not to pounce on her the second she comes sauntering around her place half naked. I wouldn’t put it passed her either. I’ve endured a lot over the last few months with her since becoming her bodyguard. I’ve had to hold it together while watching her model dresses at the store and dancing at the club. Not to mention every time I need to get up close and personal with her I feel heat travel through my veins.

    At first I thought this was the worst promotion of all time. I’m just a soldier so I wasn’t expecting much. My Pops is also a soldier, so I knew I was destined for a life like his from the get-go. He runs the barber shop downtown and uses it as a front for the famiglia. I used to help out there until I started making enough money of my own. Once I became made and started to get myself established I was doing pretty well for myself. It wasn’t bad considering I had a shit job in the famiglia for years. It’s what Piero and I called the bitch jobs. Drive people around. Act as security. Basically the lowest of the low. So when I was told I was moving up I was pretty pumped. I was thinking maybe I’d get to

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