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First Moonrise
First Moonrise
First Moonrise
Ebook66 pages1 hour

First Moonrise

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Someone is killing the wolves in Fallon’s Pack. It’s his job to find out who and make sure they never hurt another wolf. If only the sexy new sheriff would back off. She’s too much of a distraction. She smells like cookies and his wolf wants to claim her as his mate.

As a female law enforcement officer, Tate deals with her share of arrogant men but she can’t get through to Fallon. He’s going to get himself killed if he goes after the wolf-killer alone. When someone goes after Fallon, Tate is determined to protect her new lover at all costs.

NOTE: This book was previously released and has not been substantially changed.

Release dateJan 27, 2020
First Moonrise

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    First Moonrise - Tielle St. Clare

    First Moonrise

    by Tielle St. Clare

    Copyright © 2020 T. L. Green

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights are reserved. This e-book is licensed for individual readership only. No portion of this e-book may be resold or redistributed in any format.

    To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text, please contact the author.

    Author’s Note

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters and events are creations of the author’s imagination.  Any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Dammit, Fallon, you can’t just go off half-cocked and hunt this guy down.

    Fallon Myers, Alpha wolf of the Northern Pack, stared down at the tall, sleek woman who challenged him. None of the females in his pack would have dared. But she wasn’t in his pack…and that was part of his problem.

    Clenching his teeth, he inhaled a long, intoxicating breath, filled with the scent of cookies—chocolate chip cookies, freshly baked. And dammit, the scent was coming from her. Oh, this was bad. His wolf—who had been suspiciously absent since Fallon’s wife had died a year ago—was practically howling with the need to taste and scent and fuck the woman before him.

    It didn’t seem to matter that she was human and that as Alpha, Fallon was expected to re-mate advantageously. To form a mate-bonding with a Luna wolf from another pack.

    His wolf wanted Tate—Sheriff Tatum Bryant. Recently transplanted from down South, Fallon had noticed her on a number of occasions—what man in his right mind could have ignored the tall figure with such interesting curves? Particularly her ass and the way her uniform clung to it. His palms heated with the thought of holding that ass as he pumped inside her. His cock twitched in fervent agreement.

    But even though he’d seen her, talked to her, he’d never let himself get too close. She was a townie and he knew better than to get involved with her.

    Now it was too late—the wolf had chosen her.


    He snapped his head up and realized the three other people in the room were waiting for his response.

    The wolves died on my land, Sheriff, he said softly. Four wolves, killed with silver bullets. That meant someone knew their secret—and someone was hunting the werewolves in his pack.

    Tate folded her arms across her chest and stepped in front of him. I’m telling you—don’t go after this guy. Once again the challenging lift of her chin made his cock harden. She would be a delicious fuck—strong and sensual. His wolf growled low in his mind, his hunger for the woman growing.

    "I wouldn’t think of it. But I might take a walk across my land."

    Tate hooked her thumbs onto her gun belt and stared him down. She wasn’t going to back off. Well, neither was he. They watched each other for a few long seconds—giving Fallon ample opportunity to observe the tightly controlled emotions move across her face. Finally, she shrugged. "Fine. If you decide to go for a walk, invite me along."

    Fallon watched her suspiciously. That seemed a little too easy.

    I’ll do that, Sheriff. He nodded his goodbyes and followed Misha and Luc to the street.

    Misha faced him, his eyes alight with concern. You aren’t seriously planning to let her go with you.


    "Good. We don’t need humans interfering. The pack is worried. And with the First Moon Rise so close, you need to handle it. Fallon raised his eyebrows at the subtle command in Misha’s words. Misha lowered his eyes. Forgive me, Alpha. It’s been a tough year, for all of us. Permission to speak? Fallon nodded. Some in the pack have expressed concern that you’re not able to push through your grief. This is a chance to show them, everyone, that you’re still the right man to lead us."

    Fallon considered Misha’s words. He hadn’t heard any rumblings himself—but maybe he’d had his head buried

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