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Rob Rogers Fights a Unicorn (Anki Legacies)
Rob Rogers Fights a Unicorn (Anki Legacies)
Rob Rogers Fights a Unicorn (Anki Legacies)
Ebook59 pages40 minutes

Rob Rogers Fights a Unicorn (Anki Legacies)

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About this ebook

Rob is a normal guy. Family man, traveling sales person, conspiracy theorist, and Pokémon Go fanatic. You know, normal. Then he meets a guy named Shen, they get to talking about unicorns and things get weird.

Release dateJan 29, 2020
Rob Rogers Fights a Unicorn (Anki Legacies)

S Shane Thomas

S Shane Thomas has fond childhood memories of creeping out of bed to watch anime until the sun came up. He has fond adult memories of creeping out of bed to write the Anki Legacies Adventures until the sun came up. He road trips, hikes, and hangs with his wife and sons after the sun comes up.Mail List: Http://

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    Rob Rogers Fights a Unicorn (Anki Legacies) - S Shane Thomas

    Rob Rogers Fights a Unicorn

    Anki Legacies of Urban Myth

    This story is dedicated to Sergeant Slaughter. You were a World Wrestling Federation star in the flesh and a cartoon soldier in GI Joe. Thank you for making me question reality.

    Copyright 2018 by S Shane Thomas. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of S Shane Thomas except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Cover art by Ian Bristow.

    Chapter 1

    Barbed wire fences always freaked him out. He’d been through these razor topped gates a dozen times before, but the sight of them always made him feel a bit trapped. The drive from his last hotel in Rochester to Niagara Falls, left him pungent with aroma of coffee and the mood of conspiracy theories. Rob Rogers took a few slow breaths to clear his head and popped an Altoid. As a salesperson, he felt it his duty to appear calm, cool, and collected.

    A tractor pulling a chemical tank trailer rumbled from low gear to idle and a burly man in camouflage ambled up to the guard shack entry five steps ahead. Rob plastered on his for the sake of human contact smile and trotted past the trucker holding the door for him while saying, ‘thanks."

    The security counter at Shock King, a pool bleach factory that took up nearly half of Buffalo Avenue’s industrial blocks, was a riot of activity to Rob, who had been alone in a Jeep Cherokee listening to old Coast to Coast episodes. Art Bell had a way of soothing his callers and listeners. Not Chuckles, the funny security guard.

    It’s Rob from Filter Fixers again, I’ve got a one thirty appointment with Harry. He extended his business card, a force of habit. Plus Rob from Filter Fixers had statistically proven too much for the short term memory of the type of person Rob called the Gatekeeper. Some had guns and plastic badges, others had paperwork to stuff into filing cabinets, most were swamped with other responsibilities. All had one goal. Slow or stop the passage of solicitors to people that pulled the trigger on purchase orders.

    An eyebrow arched in accusation. Chuckles stared at the card so long Rob began to suspect the guard could actually read. Then he picked up the phone and addressed Rob while dialing out, Put your name on a visitor sticker and put it on your shirt. He looked startled by the muffled greeting in his ear, then replied, Hi Harold. Ron from Filter Mart is here.

    Rob gave an over enthusiastic thumbs up and a lopsided grin.

    He’ll be down for you in a minute. What did you guys screw up this time? Chuckles tossed his card on the countertop.

    It’s Filter Fixers, not Filter Breakers. Breaking them is the operator’s responsibility. Rob tried to effect his surprised look. The haranguing went easier if Chuckles thought he was being funny.

    Well, if you made them right in the first place, you wouldn’t need to fix them so often!


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