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Claim Me, Cowboy
Claim Me, Cowboy
Claim Me, Cowboy
Ebook188 pages3 hours

Claim Me, Cowboy

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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The Copper Mountain Rodeo has returned to Marietta and cowboy reputations aren’t the only thing at stake…

When Summer Nichols inherited half of the Circle W Ranch, she didn’t know her rodeo-riding, bad boy ex-boyfriend came with the deal. But sure enough, Tyler Warren, the man who broke her heart and left her in Marietta years ago, is back and living on the ranch again, claiming he wants no trouble. He’s certainly not back to rekindle their decade ago romance.

Ty only wants what’s rightfully his, and then he’s gone, but not even family secrets and Summer’s deep betrayal can keep him from remembering the good times he had with the preacher’s sweet, beautiful daughter, once upon a time. Summer is more woman than he expected…

Will Ty seize his second chance and finally claim all that he’s lost, including Summer’s love once again?
Release dateSep 18, 2015
Claim Me, Cowboy

Charlene Sands

Charlene Sands is a USA Today bestselling author of 35 contemporary and historical romances. She's been honored with The National Readers' Choice Award, Booksellers Best Award and Cataromance Reviewer's Choice Award. She loves babies,chocolate and thrilling love stories.Take a peek at her bold, sexy heroes and real good men! and Facebook

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    Claim Me, Cowboy - Charlene Sands



    Red dust settled on the Marietta rodeo grounds, all the cowboys had gone home. Silence fell upon the arena, except for a distant whinny of a horse stabled not too far away and the occasional howl of a coyote. The fairgrounds were empty, the grandstands no longer crowded with fans cheering their favorites on.

    That had been Summer Simmons’ first mistake. She was so sure her favorite cowboy, Joshua Meade would win the All-Around she’d made a bet with cocky Tyler Warren.

    And lost.

    And now he expected her to pay up.

    Gosh, if her parents ever found out she was alone with him under the steel underpinnings of the grandstands, they’d ground her for a month. Or more.

    Come a little closer, Summer. I’m not gonna bite.

    His deep voice made her insides go squishy and gazing at his outstretched hand had her heart crashing against her chest. Oh, Lordy. He’d asked her for a kiss as payment for the bet. He’d laugh his head off if he ever found out she’d never kissed a boy before. Never in her sixteen years.

    She stepped close enough to see the gleam in his dark eyes. Gosh, he was tall. Secretly, every girl in school dreamed about him. At seventeen, he wasn’t scrawny like most of the boys at Marietta High. He had shoulders made of stone and roughness on his face from the beard that wanted to grow there. But he was bad news, a troubled boy with no direction her parents said, over and over. And most of the town agreed, yet here she was, standing toe-to-toe with him now, looking into his long-lashed, daring eyes.

    You scared? he asked, taking her hand.

    Words stuck in her throat for a second. More like excited.

    Had she really said that?

    His hand curled around hers and he smiled. She wasn’t used to seeing him smile. But, oh, he flashed beautiful teeth and for the first time, she noticed a dimple on the right side of his cheek. Tyler Warren sort of stunned her.

    You’re truthful, he said as if it came as a surprise. As if he had no faith in humanity, while she couldn’t say that. She had every reason to believe in the goodness of life.

    I guess.

    Comes from being the daughter of a preacher.

    She shrugged. Watching his mouth move sort of grabbed her attention. And the light pressure he put on her hand, dragging her a little closer, sped her heart up even more. I bet your folks told you to stay away from the likes of me.

    I don’t always listen to them.

    It was a lie. She was a good girl and never defied her parents. Except maybe for now, but that didn’t count, because they didn’t know she was here with him.

    You don’t? Could’ve fooled me. You seem like the kind of girl who does what’s expected.

    She hated that he had her all pegged. I made a bet with you and I expect to pay up.

    I might tarnish your sterling reputation.

    His eyes were laughing, mocking her.

    Okay, if you don’t want me to kiss you. She turned, slipping out of his grasp. If he wanted to act like a jerk, she wasn’t going to stand here and let him mock her.

    Hey, he said, gripping her arm again.

    This time, he pulled her flush up against him, his rock solid body a wall of heat and danger. His arms wrapped around her waist and he kept her pressed to him. Her stomach fluttered and an ache began to grow deep in her belly. Lordy.

    It was just a warning, one I hope you don’t heed. Fact is, I was hoping to win that bet with you, Summer. I’ve been noticing you and wanting this.


    Kiss me, Summer,’ he demanded. Pay up."

    Her mouth quivered and she didn’t know if she’d have the nerve, but then his gaze softened on her trembling lips, giving her courage. She tilted her head, hoping he wouldn’t laugh at her, wouldn’t turn her away if she fumbled. The second her lips met his, something happened, something shifted and changed and suddenly she was full of confidence, full of longing and she put everything she had pent up inside into the kiss.

    She wrapped her arms around his neck and a guttural groan rose up from his throat. Her tiny moan met his louder one and sweet heady sensations poured into her, flowed out of her, as if she and Tyler Warren were one person, one soul. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her, with him, of all people.

    He whispered over her lips. Summer, Summer.

    The kiss was beautiful like a brook overflowing, making everything it touched grow lush and full and green. The sound of him whispering her name brought her joy and awakened feelings she’d never experienced.

    He splayed his hands into her hair, strumming over her long blonde strands like a fiddler and then licked at her lips, bending her head back. And when she opened to take a much needed breath, he mated their tongues and a pool of heat swamped her below the waist.

    She’d never...oh my...he schooled her quickly in this mating and another groan, more like a growl rose from his throat.

    The kissing lasted a long, long time. She had the need to offer more, to give more. It grew as fast as a summer weed inside her and when his hands pushed her blouse up, his fingers inching toward her bra, she swayed her back, aching for his touch.

    When it didn’t come, her brows furrowed.

    Summer, he rasped as harsh and pained as an injured animal.

    Her blouse was lowered down. She found him shaking his head, his eyes filled with a gleam, a glow of passion that must’ve matched her own, and his restraint, even to her innocent eyes, seemed hard won. He wouldn’t tarnish her.

    Summer, he said again, touching her hair, running a finger tenderly down her cheek.

    But no other words came out. Something real was happening to her, to them. He had to feel it, too.

    You were the first boy I’ve ever kissed, she admitted, no longer ashamed.

    He nodded, as if he’d known all along. He brought her into the fold of his arms, his lips planting tiny kisses along her forehead, into her hair. He ran his hands up and down her back and she felt cherished...even loved.

    "First...and last," he whispered on a deep sigh, as if he were stunned at his own words.

    And then he broke their embrace and dipped down to gauge her reaction, his dark intense eyes locked to hers. Understand?

    She did. And she gloried that he felt it, too. Whatever they had was powerful, potent, and not just a young girl’s fancy. She was his from now on, and he was hers. I understand.

    Chapter One

    Ty parked his SUV outside the gates of the Circle W Ranch and put his boots down on Marietta soil for the first time in eleven years. His gut, already in turmoil, only clenched tighter when he took stock of the ruin that lay before him. Set up against Copper Mountain, the small yet once prosperous ranch that held its own against the bigger ranches in the area, looked as worn out as he felt inside, coming back here.

    Marietta wouldn’t welcome him and he sure as hell didn’t relish being here.

    But his old man had died one month ago and, while people would look upon him and see him here only for the rodeo as the saddle bronc-busting champion coming back to rub their noses in it, he would’ve come back regardless. He had dealings to contend with...dealings that were as foreign to him as a three piece suit and tie.

    His old man’s estate, for one, needed his attention.

    And then there was the other matter.

    He decided to walk his way in, needing the time to think, to stride the winding path that led to the house he’d grown up in as the only son of Owen Warren. Thoughts muddied his mind and he nearly turned back. But then, he caught a flash of something golden up ahead, honey-yellow hair catching light, flickering from sun to shade under the big, old oak facing the side yard.


    She was on the wood swing, her head falling back, her legs dangling, and her arms loosely gripping the ropes in slow, carefree movements that brought him back to a time when they were together, madly in love. It had been the best time of his life.

    Until things went sideways.

    He stopped his stride to watch her take those leisurely moments and when she’d had enough, she jumped down, her feet landing firm on the ground. She marched toward the house, not seeing him standing behind, her long hair swishing in the breeze, her hips swaying side to side like some top-notch runway model.

    Shit. He pushed his hand through his hair, his breath hitching.

    She was still perfect, still beautiful, and even more female than he remembered.

    Damn her, damn this town.

    He sped his steps now, ready to get on with it. No more thinking of what was. All that mattered now was the present. That was how he’d always lived his life. When the porch door swung shut, he was only a few seconds behind. The scent of cattle, raw earth, and horse dung filled his nostrils. They weren’t unfamiliar smells, he’d lived the life of a rodeo rider for years now, but it was different somehow, because he was...home.

    It galled him to knock on his own front door. He gave it two sharp raps.

    Coming, Summer called out. The sweet lilt of her voice burdened his ears.

    And when the door opened, he stared into the face of the only woman he’d ever loved.

    She gasped when she saw him. Tyler. So formal now, the singsong in her tone disappearing.

    Summer. He frowned. Eleven years only added to her beauty. She had creamy skin that tanned to golden brown under the sun’s light, big Montana sky, bluer than blue eyes, and a heart-shaped mouth he’d kissed a zillion times. You know why I’m here.

    She nodded. The rodeo.

    Of course, she’d think that. Yep.

    Would you like to come in? she said finally, the reluctance in her voice egging him on.

    Being as it’s my house, I think surely I’ll come in.

    Her pretty mouth turned ugly for a moment and she stepped aside, allowing him entry. He took off his hat and held it at his side as he surveyed the hallway, the parlor to his right and the staircase that led to the bedrooms. Nothing much had changed, the place held onto its country charm even though the sofa was dingy now from years of wear, the curtains needed replacing, and the walls had lost the vibrancy of color.

    I’ve got cookies baking in the oven, she said. Excuse me for a second.

    Excuse her? Like hell. He followed her into the kitchen as the sweet, homey scents wafted to his nostrils. She placed her hands into oven mitts, opened the oven, and pulled out a tray. Chocolate chips and were those walnuts erupting from the cookies? She set the tray on the countertop and removed her gloves. Then she turned to face him head on. You should’ve come sooner.

    And ruin the surprise?

    She shook her head and her hair flowed around her face like a halo of gold. I meant before your dad died. She tucked those strands behind her ear. He would’ve liked to have seen you, Tyler.

    It’s Ty now.

    Why didn’t you come?

    He chewed the inside of his mouth. I had my reasons.

    She put her head down. She was judging him, the one thing she’d never done when they were together. She’d accepted him for who he was back then. And now she was like everyone else. Giving him a hard time. I’m here now.

    It’s a little late, don’t you think?

    He sighed, pulled out a kitchen chair, turned it around, and straddled it, his arms hanging over the top. Maybe. But like I said, I had my reasons.

    What kind of reason keeps a man away from his dying father?

    Don’t lecture me, darlin’.

    She faced him with scorn. Oh, yeah, that’s right. I forgot. No one can tell Tyler Warren what to do.

    When she turned to see to the cookies, he squeezed his eyes shut. I see you’ve made yourself at home already. How long have you been living here?

    He already knew the answer, thanks to Buddy Mahoney, who’d been on the ranch since almost the beginning. The old guy never stopped nosing around in everybody’s business. Buddy was his only friend in Marietta, more like a father to him than his own dad.

    A short time after Summer’s husband Lee died in a freakish tractor accident, Owen took sick and she’d quit her nursing job at the hospital to care for him exclusively. Ty always suspected his daddy’s heart troubles started the day Lee died. His father adored Lee Nichols, Ty’s best friend, and made no bones about comparing him to Lee every chance he got. And just this past year, Owen Warren had changed his will, the codicil giving Summer half ownership of the ranch. Nice man, his father.

    About a year, give or take, she said.

    Didn’t take you long to worm your way into my daddy’s good graces.

    She put her hands on her hips. I’ll ignore that, Ty. Because you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Maybe not. Or just maybe his philandering father made a move on her after Ty’s one-time best friend, passed on. It wouldn’t be out of character for Owen to pursue a beautiful woman, a lovely, lonely widow. Hell, sounded like something straight out of a soap opera.

    You gonna frown at me all day, or offer me one of those cookies?

    Her lips quirked up. Still have a sweet tooth?

    Some things never change.

    She put some cooling cookies onto a dish and set it in front of him. Who’re they for anyway? he asked, plucking one up from the plate.

    My folks. I was going over for a visit today.

    He said nothing. The Simmons family didn’t have a spare sentiment for him.

    She poured him a glass of milk and he looked up at her closed off expression. Don’t let me keep you.

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