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The First Civilization of Earth
The First Civilization of Earth
The First Civilization of Earth
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The First Civilization of Earth

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This exciting Action Adventure eBook covers the time period from Father Adam to Noah. Which is approximately 1,600 years. This eBook is Not scripture although some scripture references are used in the text. This exciting eBook has elements of Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, and even some love and romance in it as well! Have you ever read the Genesis story in the Bible and felt totally confused, and fell asleep doing it? With this exciting eBook that won't happen! In this eBook, you will get to know Father Adam and Mother Eve, you will get to know Methuselah, his son Lamech, and his son Noah and his family, and endure the tragedy and the excitement of their shared adventure. This exciting eBook explains in a step by step fashion the story of a long dead civilization, from it's righteous beginnings to it's wicked ending, and then a new birth and a new restart for a chosen few. In this exciting eBook you'll read all kinds of strange words and names, many of which are Hebrew words and names. Some names and concepts are the product of the authors imagination, and its your Mission; If you choose to accept it: To decipher what is fiction and what is fact! This is an eBook that will entertain you and educate you, and you will enjoy every mibbulet of it! And also, this eBook will Not self destruct in ten seconds! So you may enjoy it for many suns to come! So get strapped in, and get set for adventure with; The First Civilization of Earth!

PublisherSteve Nelson
Release dateJan 18, 2020
The First Civilization of Earth

Steve Nelson

Born in California while his Dad was in the Air Force, Steve Nelson is today a resident of North Ogden, Utah.He has worked for over 30 years at Business Ownership and in the Handyman/Maintenance field & also delivery. He is a H.S. Graduate.Steve has done many things in an attempt to make a decent income. Currently he drives a Very Dangerous 26' Box Truck, delivering Medical supplies, As Fast As Possible, and he writes eBooks!Steve has always wanted to find something that might really make an income so he could take real good care for his family, something that could sell and make him a good income no matter where he and his family moved to. And so, one of his earliest books became a reality; the Action/Adventure Science Fiction eBook; The Maintenance Engineer.The Maintenance Engineer was first published as a desktop paper version, with a lot of mistakes. In today's world, its nearly impossible for a new author to get published by a Real Legitimate publishing house, as there are a lot of 'Vanity" publishers out there willing to take your money and give you a lot of false promises.However Steve did extensive research, just like he does for every book he writes, and he soon found Smashwords. Steve has found that Smashwords is a most helpful site. A place where you can publish, (as an eBook), your work for FREE! And they even have a nifty invention called the, "Meat Grinder," which is a computer system that examines your work and points out changes that you need to make, and lets you make all the changes that you need, to make your work look really outstanding. Since his association with Smashwords, Steve has also found it amazing that a lot of people are too Lazy to follow Mr. Coker's easy advice in the Smashwords publication, (the FREE) 'Style Guide,' so that they can easily make their work professional and sell-able. "Oh well," says Steve, "If they won't make their work look good, I certainly will!"Also Steve has written several other books, and so, he began testing out the Smashwords system on all his creations.Not being fully computer literate he found it pretty tough to get it right the first time out, but after several attempts, Steve finally got the Smashwords system figured out and, in no particular order, he began publishing his other works with Smashwords in rapid fire sequence!In 2012 Steve published at Smashwords; ‘The Problem Eliminators!’ and ‘Escape from the ORDER!’ These two Action/Adventure somewhat Science Fiction eBooks are Great for Everyone!And then Steve produced, (as a FREE Public Service), ‘100+ Quotable Quotes By & About Dr. Ron Paul~ A Real Amer-I-Can!’ This FREE eBook now has almost 2000 downloads.Steve next tried his hand at children’s books. He wrote and published at Smashwords his first Children’s eBook; ‘Nibly the Bear~ Visits the People Town.’You see, Steve had visited Canada and even lived there for a summer, and wanted to write about the quaint little town of Nelson BC, and so, he made up the character of Nibly, to introduce the town to his readers.Sometime later a new idea entered Steve’s mind and he began research into a new book. New ideas really get Steve going! Many of Steve’s works are filled with lots of art & pics. Plus Steve does extensive research on each and every story that he produces. Steve has even produced models, and photographed them in fine Hollywood fashion for several of his eBooks here at Smashwords.Then, in January of 2013, Steve published right here at Smashwords his next Science Fiction eBook; ‘In the 47th Generation.’ This eBook is based on a Real scientific paper by a Real MIT scientist.The idea was simple, what would become of earth after all human life on the surface was killed off with the radiation and chemicals of 20th century man? What would earth look like after about 1000 years? What kinds of mutations might there be?In February of 2013 Steve again visited the quaint little town of Nelson BC with his favorite Bear, Nibly. This time in; ‘Nibly the Bear~ Gone Fish ‘in,’ In this Fun Children's eBook, Steve produced even more art work and scenic pics of the area.Then Steve produced another Freebee for helpful information to the general public; ‘The Deliberate Poisoning of Earth.’ Because Earth's poisoning of today is No accident! This FREE eBook may Shock You, and it should! (This eBook currently has almost 2000 downloads). *Also Steve is constantly improving his work, and from time to time he updates his eBooks for a better experience to the readers.In 2015, Steve produced another Fantastic Science Fiction novel of incredible significance to the modern era. This eBook; ‘The Creator’s Sentinel,’ is much more than just a retelling of the Creation story; it’s an Action/Adventure, a Love story, and a story of New faith in a world gone mad with greed and corruption.Steve sincerely hopes that all will enjoy; 'The Creator's Sentinel,' And Steve plans new adventures for NIBLY in the very near future, as well as other Fantastic works!Oh, and by the way, some of those first eBooks that Steve published here at Smashwords, such as; ‘The Problem Eliminators!’ & 'Escape From The Order!' Have gone through some major upgrades recently and they are Steve’s top selling eBooks! As has been said, Steve upgrades and improves almost everything, all the time!Steve likes to write stories so that they are easy for the reader to read. Steve doesn’t like boring and difficult stories himself. He likes to have fun and hopes that you do too!***New in 2020 is his Action/Adventure, Historical Fiction full length novel; The First Civilization of Earth. Look for it here at Smashwords.So buy an eBook Today! And Have a Real Nice Day!!

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    The First Civilization of Earth - Steve Nelson

    The vast immenseness of space is to the human mind, endless. It is filled with wonder, and great possibilities of discovery await the open mind of anyone willing to experience it. Also there are great dangers to be confronted and overcome, and yet the Great God and Father of us all, knows every single microbe and inch of it.

    Sector 2100M lay far beyond the area of space claimed by the Nephilim Federation of Worlds. That area hadn’t been explored since the earliest of daganons. Even before the Federation had consolidated its authority over the systems it claimed. Way back then, some private enterprise ships had gone out that far, but they had never returned. The Federation wanted to know what lay in that area of space and what was beyond as well. Only old references and sporadic reports of dead or empty space, with pockets of unorganized matter and such, were available from old charts of the area. And that simply wasn’t good enough for Federation planners these daganons. Especially now with the nasty Corrat Empire making hostile moves into Federation space. Those filthy anarchists would stop at nothing to see the Federation completely destroyed and defeated! A civilized society was to them, a blight, a disease, on the face of the galaxy. And so, The Federation needed allies, and or a fallback position, anything they could get that would help in the defense effort.

    So, Commander Nod and the Star Ship Wanderer were sent out toward the general area to investigate. At the distance they’d be traveling, it would take a considerable amount of time for reports to get back to the home world. And so, commander Nod was allotted a number of small relay com satellites in his departure supplies, he was to position these at regular intervals along the way to try and speed up his reports. This effort, even with the highest speeds of modern communication, would have limited success in covering the immense distances; however, it was deemed to be at least worth a try.

    The Star Ship Wanderer was a highly advanced exploration vessel. Cruiser class, the Star Ship Wanderer measured 1000 Sims in overall length. From the forward Command Bridge (CB), to the DWS Module, this module contained the Deflector & Weapons array and the scout ship Shuttle bay. And then following this was the Central Living Cylinder (CLC). Then aft and also extended from the ship for safety were the Star Drive Pods. There were four of these which could propel the ship at fantastic faster than light speeds. Lastly, trailing aft of the ship were the two packs of Ion Fuel Rod modules. These replacement fuel rods could keep the ship fueled for long, long extended voyages lasting for many nephalorbs.

    By this date in Nephilim Federation history, artificial gravity was so easy to produce that throughout the ship the decks were lined with thin AG plates. Older vessels had to use spin of the entire craft to produce AG, thus complicating their construction and also their effective maneuverability in battle situations. And so, with all these refinements and accessories, the Wanderer was deemed, rather adequate for the job, almost any job.

    The Wanderer with all of its capabilities and added refinements and updates was of a slightly older class of vessel. As vessels go these daganons, some who had zero knowledge of engineering would even say it was an old Rust Bucket. However, it was the only ship available and the High Command hastily added these many new systems and pinned their hopes on what she could discover. And Federation engineers made her ready quickly for this most important and immediate assignment.

    Commander Nod, formally a battle front commander, was picked to command the Wanderer. He was a fit and robust type of nephilim, he was right on 12 even sids in height, which was about average for a nephilim. He had a muscled well-developed frame that he kept in top shape using a regular daganonly exercise program. And also, he was one of the youngest neph in the service, having also just recently been promoted from Lieutenant Commander to a full Commander.

    At his award ceremony, the admirals were all smiles as they drank fine wines from fine crystalline glasses, and they were telling him things such as; Just a ‘good stretch of the legs Commander.

    And another said; Just go out and see what’s there, if anything, and report back ASAP.

    We’ll be eagerly awaiting the results of your little cruise, said the C&C. And they were all smiles and very intoxicatingly jovial, as they all slapped him on the back and shook his hand, and then sent him on his way. So that was about the gist of his orders, simple enough thought Commander Nod.

    So, it was not long after a complete refit was done and the extra supplies had been stowed aboard, that the Wanderer had departed Nephilim space. That was almost a full Nephalorb ago, as the Nephilim race counted their time periods. It was a long, long time to be in deep space without any contact or action to be had. The crew was anxious to see something, to get on with doing something, anything to relieve the boredom! Yes, the crew of the Wanderer, (150 total personnel), were weary of this extended voyage into nowhere. Onward they cruised, into the empty blackness of space, into nothingness. They came across not a microbe of anything helpful to call this cruise any kind of success. All they could and did report at regular intervals was that there was nothing here! Absolutely Nothing! And even Commander Nod knew as did all his science professionals aboard, that one cannot create something from nothing. There was absolutely nothing out here. They thought it the dead end of space! And with nothing to be acted upon, Nothing would ever happen way out here. How could it?

    Eleven Millens now Sir, and absolutely nothing to even report on, said Lt. Commander Evret to Commander Nod. How do you think the crew is holding up? He asked.

    Well, I’ve been places and I’ve seen worse, Said Commander Nod to his number one, as they walked from the CB to their respective quarters in the CLC. Evret, was even in his height with lean muscle just like Commander Nod. He looked forward to a command of his own when this mission was finished.

    Commander Nod then added, I believe I know this crew, and I believe they will all do their duty. We are a very conscientious race you know. We follow our orders. That is the very key to our success.

    Sleep well Commander, Evret wished his commanding officer a good evening’s sleep period in his ever present and pleasant unhurried nature.

    You as well Number One, said Nod. Oh, by the way, who have you assigned to the night duty in the CM? asked the commander of his first officer.

    Oh yes, I put young Flight Officer Gant on station, he checks out and I think he’s fully capable. said Evret.

    Good, that sounds very good Number One. A good evening to you then, said the commander as the friends departed ways in the corridor. Commander Nod soon entered his quarters which were not far from the CM. He showered and changed into his sleep suit, with all the hookups in place he lay down in his suspended animation sleep pod and then pressed a button. The rest was automatic, the cover slid into place and a mixture of gasses filled his pod, his suit hookups were robotically attached to the various monitors and regulator units that were standard on these types of SA systems. Soon the commander of the Wanderer was fast asleep. The sleep period would be a full 9 horrons, but like all the crew, when using the SA sleep pod, their bodies would age only a few mibbulets for the time spent in them. They dreamed normal dreams but would age much less on these extended voyages.

    The Star Ship Wanderer was capable of many times the speed of light, but now that the ship was nearing its intended target area in Sector 2100M, it had been slowed to just 2 times the speed of light. Thus, the ship was closing in at a slow almost space normal cruising speed. Wanderer, like its sister ships in the Nephilim fleet, used forward deflector screens to deflect any and all space particles of dust and debris that might be a danger to the ship. At the speed of light and beyond, just one little dust particle could hole the ship and cause tremendous damage. So, the space ahead of the ship had to be swept clear of all particles constantly, as space was often littered with all kinds of debris. Anything that might be encountered in the path of the ship larger than dust particles, such as small asteroids and the like, the ships computers would automatically alert the crew on duty in the CM to the danger, so that evasive maneuvers could easily be taken to avoid a collision.

    But here, in this tremendous void, was absolutely nothing that was even detectable by the ships equipment, and consequently a few in the crew became complacent to the ever present dangers of space and treated the experience as ordinary and routine.

    Book 1 Part 1 Chapter 2

    Flight Officer Gant was on duty in the CM tonight. He had passed all tests given him. He was good at pretending. Very good! If he hadn’t signed up for the Space Force branch of the military, he could have been an actor. But now, if he played his cards right, he might end up an Admiral or go even further. He could have all the real accolades of nephilim society. Riches, fame and real awards to hang on walls and or to wear even! It all could be his, plus all the lovely and luscious females he could want to go along with the fame. Stunning and beautiful was the way he liked his females. He thought of himself for a few mibbulets. Tall and handsome as neph go, he had black hair with green eyes, and not as much brain as he should have had, yet he was giddy with glee! What did he need a big brain for? He was it! The Big It! He was alone in the CM. He alone Commanded! He alone controlled everything on the ship. But now however, he alone by himself, well now that just wouldn’t do would it? Right about now Gant really needed some companionship of the female variety. Oh, what fun he was gonna have! He got on his private talkie box and called up Lil. Lil was the female he’d met while boarding the ship for this mission. Lil was a hair stylist and she had admired Gants good looks and his hair from the moment the two of them met. He had told her of his big plans, how he was going far, and that if she stuck with him, she could go far as well! Soon she came on the line.

    Hey, Commander Nod and Evret the number one just left, get up here right away Lil and we can have at least 4 horrons alone together! And you know how I can make you feel with my soft sensual touch, he said in a soft and sexy tone to his female friend.

    Oh, I can’t wait! She replied, I’ll be right there!"

    Only mibbulets went by as Gant waited for his lover to arrive. He used the time to set the bridge lighting to a soft and deliciously sexy shade, and then he got out from a storage locker a comfort pad he’d placed there himself some time ago, knowing that sooner or later with his good behavior and a bit of luck, he’d be chosen to stand the night watch. Now was the moment! Yes sir, his time had finally arrived! He and Lil were gonna defy a little bit of the deck plates gravity together in ways never before seen or illustrated in any sex manual! Bandar! After this, he could even write his own book and make a Quadrillion Decadents when they got back to the home world! He could write a book that would be hailed throughout the civilized systems of Neph! Boy oh boy, he was indeed going far! He was sure of it! And especially tonight with Lil, the two of them would give birth to stars together! Yes Sir! He was going stellar!

    Gant hummed away happily and it seemed like only mibbulets, then Lil slipped in through the hatch way door. Oh my, oh my, she was beautiful! What a lovely thing she was! As tall as Gant with thick wavy blond hair immaculately combed and set, that flowed half way down her back, like falling water from a mountain stream. She was a masterpiece of sculpted design Gant deliciously thought to himself. With every step she took, anywhere anytime, Gant was totally delighted and enthralled with just the sight of her! Her movements were as a song he never wanted to hear the ending of! His brain seemed to grow smaller, if that were even possible, and his judgment, if he had any in the first place, grew dim every time she was near him. And was it a coincidence that her brain operated just about as his when they were together? The two of them only thought of one thing, and you don’t need a big brain to do that.

    His one and only thought was of being inside of her! She wanted to take him into her and feel his throbbing size and presence. She wanted his strength to surround her and to keep her. He wanted to feel her every movement with his body connected to hers. Tasting of her deliciousness, every delicious morsel of her! Her feeble brain was on overload, maxed out and heating up rapidly! His feeble brain was on overload as well, and about to blow in her presence. Come what may, he was gonna remember this event between the two of them, like there was no tomorrow! And who cared about that anyway?

    Right this way my love! said Gant as he came to her. He removed his uniform a piece at a time with his every step he took toward her. She did the same, removing her uniform and letting it fall from her sexy curves with every step she took toward him. They met and embraced somewhere in the middle, coincidentally they met just over the comfort pad that Gant had spread out on the deck plate, what luck! Gant thought. His planning was really excellent he thought to himself filling his head with hearty congratulations! This proved to him that he didn’t need a big brain all that much now did he? At last the moment had arrived and they met and intertwined and made love like the brilliance of a star!

    They embraced and enjoyed each other fully! Hot in the act of love, and drunk on the feel of it! Gant nor his hot and passionate lover never once noticed the yellow warning light on one of the forward consoles, which began to blink. The warning light began to blink slowly at first then began to blink more rapidly. Gauges fluctuated and readings began to be taken automatically of small microscopic particles being encountered by the ship’s deflectors. The computer calculated these particles, analyzed their substances, their speeds, trajectories and distances with fast efficient precision! The ships systems missed nothing and reported everything to the waiting crew on duty.

    However, none of this computer activity was noticed by the young lovers nearby. Their love was passionate and so incredibly hot! It went on and on and on! Gant and his lover never wanted the sensations to end! In due time the yellow warning light turned, bright red. More calculations were made as more objects were encountered and analyzed.

    Then something larger came to the computers attention. The object or swarm of objects would need the attention of the crew. And the computer made what adjustments it could and escalated its attempts to alert the duty personnel. And so, soon thereafter the computer went from a simple yellow warning light to actual voice communications in its attempt to contact the crew.

    The computer’s voice was soft and unobtrusive at first and then built up in volume as it began to speak. The computer as it calculated away, said softly in a rather unhurried and pleasant tone… Collision Warning! Take Evasive Action Now! Collision Warning! Take Evasive Action Now! Collision Warning! Take Evasive Action Now!

    Then after repeating this warning several times politely and getting no responsive action from the crew, the computer voice then grew louder, and more invasive COLLISION WARNING! COLLISION WARNING! COLLISION WARNING! COLLISION WA…! Gant and Lil’s minds were in total ecstasy just about now. He didn’t have time for computers and all their silly, stupid, and everlasting nonsense. So, Gant threw a shoe at the console, which broke the volume selector switch, and the computer shut up. It was the last thing that he would ever do!

    Book 1 Part 1 Chapter 3

    Standard procedure;

    When not on duty and or sleeping, all personnel shall be strapped into their SA sleeping pods as a precautionary measure. The Inertia Negation field throughout the ship is always on, and in Fail-safe mode. Only complete power failure will shut down the IN system.

    *It may be important to note that the Magnetic Sphere Projector, or MSP, which was a sub-system that worked in tandem with the IN system, and protected the crew from the harmful effects of interstellar radiation, was also a very important system that failed in the ensuing catastrophe. Though this system and its components were not directly hit by any debris.

    This then was the standard procedure on any Nephilim Federation vessel, and Commander Nod insisted that the IN/SA notice be placed in every crewman’s quarters in a prominent spot near the entry door. And true to his own order and that of Federation High Command, Commander Nod himself, was strapped in and soundly sleeping with just a very few heart beats per mibbulet, when the first hunk of space debris hit the ship and started the cascade of events that led to the Wanderers near destruction.

    And so the catastrophe for the Wanderer began not long after Gant broke that volume selector switch;

    WHAM! The first chunk of space debris, a rock about 1 Sim in size holed the ship in the living cylinder almost dead center! The shock dropped the ship out of its cruising speed, and the 4 Star Drive pods then shut down automatically to avoid overheating. With the first hit, at least 20 crewmembers were sucked out into space, and 10 others were cut in half as the rock went completely through the ship! Automatic atmospheric doors throughout the ship shut tight, to preserve the atmosphere and hull integrity of the ship! Warning lights and sirens went into action sounding off throughout the ship!

    Then more rocks hit the ship! Several chunks of space debris tore off three of the Star Drive pods in one swift cleaver like action! This sent the ship, which was now slowing down very rapidly, into a violent lateral spin! With the complete loss of power, the IN system failed, as well as the MSP sub-system. Also, the Ion fuel rod module which was trailing aft of the ship, was clipped off by another chunk of debris and it vanished into the black of space! As the ship careened out of control, the AG went off line as well. This left those that had little training in zero G, almost helpless.

    Gant and his lover were thrown against the communications console with tremendous, almost incalculable force! And their beautiful bodies, hot in the act of love, were turned into a pile of unrecognizable goo and the com console was smashed completely! Then their bodily fluids coated the exposed circuits of the smashed com console, or what was left of it, and shorted out the whole thing! All communications throughout the ship and to the Federation were now dead and gone! Completely wiped out! All that the ships personnel had left were their personal talkies which had limited range.

    Sparks and electric bolts of lightning flew throughout the ship! As more debris of all sizes hit the ship! Some of the crew were electrocuted and cut to ribbons while at their posts! Some other crew personnel were thrown against bulkheads and other equipment and were turned into unrecognizable goo, just like Gant and his lover! Those that survived these initial impacts, worked fast and hard for the next several terrifying horrons. They worked against the terrific centrifugal force produced by the spin of the ship, and then in zero G when the ship was finally stabilized, to restore what life support and ships functions that were left to them, as best they could.

    Evret the ships Number One exec was never seen again, and it was supposed that he was flung into space like many others through an exit hole made by one of the larger rocks.

    Commander Nod, now awakened early from his regular sleep cycle, struggled with all his might through the centrifugal forces tearing his ship apart, and the mess and the mayhem all about him, and finally made it to the CM. There he began to direct the repairs to his ship. Ship wide communication was only possible via foot messengers and personal talkies. The Chief Engineer was dead as was some of his staff. The first objective that Nod tackled when he reached the CM was to get his ship out of the debris field. He accomplished this with expert use of several maneuvering thrusters that were still operational.

    And soon the Wanderer cleared the debris field though it was still spinning slowly. Then he corrected the spin of the ship to a slow drift. But a slow drift to where? That was the next question to be answered. One Star Drive pod was still attached to the ship; however, it was very badly damaged and nonoperational.

    Even so, one junior engineer had quickly checked for line breaks and then switched the ship’s power feed to the battery reserves, which restarted the IN, AG & MSP systems, and then he reported to the commander via a very static filled talkie message;

    Sir this is Zeller, I was junior engineer to our Chief Engineer. Sir, I have rerouted power to all vital ship’s systems directly from the main batteries. If we could put down somewhere, I may be able to repair our remaining Star Drive pod. That would at least give us nearly half light speed, but the ship will never again be able to achieve the multiple light speeds necessary to reach any Federation outpost within our normal lifetimes.

    Acknowledged, Engineer, said Nod simply, as thoughts for the safety of his crew and ship were paramount to him and calculations for these ran rapidly through his head.

    The hasty report from the young engineer seemed a hopeful yet grim thought to Commander Nod. And with no Ion fuel rods to feed their only Star Drive pod left, they had to face the fact that they were stranded here, virtually dead in space, unless as suggested, they could find a planet to set the ship down on. The planet would have to have a breathable atmosphere and livable temperature as well as suitable gravity. But then on the other hand, this ship was never designed to land on a planet! It would be a Bandar of a ride down to the surface of any likely planet for sure! Reconnaissance, personnel and equipment transfer, was what they had the small shuttles for. If they were even serviceable now, no report had come back on that as yet. So, if by some lucky chance they found such a planet; could he even get the crew off? Could they establish a successful orbit? Well, whatever their course might be, it looked as if their lives could be measured now only in horrons!

    So, the search was begun immediately for somewhere, anywhere suitable, any safe harbor so to speak, where they could thus make repairs. Air scrubbers were operating at below minimum levels, so the need to find a place soon was urgent. The Ship was drifting to somewhere. Where were they being taken by the cosmic forces that had been unleashed upon them? All telescopic instruments and surviving sensors were set to the task of locating some kind of safe haven. Survival was their only goal now!

    Book 1 Part 1 Chapter 4

    Science Officer Zennik, one half a sid shorter than Commander Nod, with a toned body he was very proud of, was injured somewhat severely. But putting his personal pain aside, he simply wrapped a bandage around his gashed chest and stomach, and then he took charge! Coordinating the effort to locate somewhere safe to harbor the ship and themselves, Zennik was thorough and efficient. In less than a horron, Zennik had compiled a report for the commander.

    Zennik marched immediately to the side of the commander at his chair on the bridge and announced; I have a full report for you sir about the system we are approaching, and ships personnel accounted for.

    Well you have the floor Zennik, everyone here is interested I am sure in what you have discovered, so please proceed, said the commander as he gestured to the others gathered about the bridge. Everyone on the bridge came close in to hear the report. Dr. Cline was there and listened as well.

    Yes, right, he said, and then he began to speak. Of the ships compliment of 150, and after checking with all department heads, I conclude that we have lost 38 souls missing and otherwise presumed dead. Now; about this system we are drifting toward. It has a class 5 star around which 8 planets have a stable orbit, or nine if you count a little dwarf planet orbiting at the extreme outer edge of the others. The four outer planets are all either gaseous or totally frozen over and therefore completely useless to us at this time, Science Officer Zennik paused a brief moment and then continued his report.

    Ok, the four inner planets are of more interest to us. The first, second and the forth planets may be of some use to us in the distant future, however the third planet is the most interesting of them all. It has an Oxygen Nitrogen atmosphere which is 99.9 % free of common industrial pollutants as we know them. Also, atmospheric pressure on the third planet is almost identical to that of our home world, yet the atmosphere it appears is somewhat thicker. Possibly with a higher H2O content than our home world. The 3rd planet has one very massive land mass covering much of the globe, and a number of small assorted islands off the coast of the single land mass; the rest of the planet is composed entirely of water. Also, the planet has a magnetic sphere similar to our own home world which can protect living beings on the surface and in the waters from harmful solar radiation. Now, this magnetic sphere about the planet is thin, yet its radiation output has only recently weakened enough to allow for plant and animal lifeforms to exist. Now if we calculate the measurable decline in this magnetic sphere, what we see is that the planet has approximately a 6,000 nephalorbs window or envelope of opportunity for life to exist, then with the eventual collapse of the magnetic field, all life on the planet will end with the burning rays of its star.

    Well, sounds like we’ll have plenty of time to get some sort of space travel operating again, said Dr. Cline, commenting aloud for everyone to hear, with a pleasant smile on his face.

    Zennik cleared his throat and began again, after this brief somewhat comical interruption by the good doctor, to describe his findings about the 3rd planet.

    So, the planet is also shrouded with an upper atmosphere which consists of a rather thick gaseous layer of simple, water vapor. And though the picture is little distorted, we can see though it remarkably well, then with a little computer enhancement to bypass the distortion we can then see very clearly that the planet has super abundant plant and animal life, and commander, Zennik broke off speaking for a moment, not knowing how to say the next piece of information before him.

    Impatiently Commander Nod said, Well go on Neph, and speak up lad, what is the rest of your report!

    Well sir, there are humanoids down there. There are quite a lot of them scattered about the land mass in somewhat primitive settlements, by our standards that is. And they are rather small in stature by comparison to us, but definitely Human! Their genetic code must be vastly different from ours, yet similar in some ways. Further testing will be necessary to determine if we can mate with them at all. There is also a power source nearby the area that I have pinpointed as our best landing site. I cannot classify the type of power being generated; I can only say that it’s there, constant and steady, at a very low level. Then there’s more sir. Zennik then paused a mibbulet or so. There was low humming and a muttering of voices from those gathered and hearing this report.

    The commander began to be a little bit irritated by all these pauses in Zennik’s account and said, Would you please get on with your report Science Officer Zennik?

    Zennik then hastily went on with his report fumbling with his notes; This is of course, in my opinion sir, and according to the facts at hand. Well sir, how can I say this properly, this planet and all these planets and even the star are relatively new, I’d say less than 200 nephalorbs. And this third planet orbits the star almost exactly with the same number of daganons as our home world orbits its star. There was more mumbling amongst the crew as the commander considered everything, he had herd. The gathering of crew personnel became silent.

    Well then, sounds like we’ll be right at home, so let’s go down there by their camp fire and say, Hi There! Doctor Cline said smiling, breaking the silence of the crew that had gathered and were listening to Zennik’s report. The good doctor was again adding his two pentods in as he usually did at intense moments like these.

    Doctor Cline, who was even in his height with Zennik, was a classic Neph in every sense of the word. He had a way with words and a great bedside manner when he wanted to use it. All the crew liked and respected him. He was even highly respected throughout the Nephilim Federation as an expert in biological sciences. He was also senior in nephalorbs to everyone in the crew.

    Zennik stared at the good doctor coolly and rather blankly for a moment, then his expression changed, he smiled and said, The doctor is quite right, in fact we’ve all been wondering where we are drifting, and the current direction of our drift is to this very third planet, exactly, said Zennik calmly, with an air of cool confidence to his voice that he was widely known for.

    Exactly, you say? asked Commander Nod.

    Exactly is what I said, said Zennik.

    Commander Nod considered his options and then spoke; Well now, we now know our destination and something about the place where we are going, said the commander with some relief to his voice.

    How long have we got before we make planet fall Zennik, asked the commander.

    At our current speed, about 9 horrons sir, said Zennik frankly.

    Then Commander Nod gave his orders; OK, my fellow Neph, listen up; we need to know exactly what our capabilities are with this ship, and with our shuttles and our ability to launch them. Are they space worthy? Can they be made space worthy? Do we have the fuel for them to get the crew landed safely? And about this ship; can we make and hold orbit? And or, could I and a volunteer crew, ride her in to hopefully a controlled landing? Let’s get to work Neph, I want a report on our full capabilities regarding these questions in 30 mibbulets. I am naming Science Officer Zennik my new Number One. Report all your findings to him for a final analysis. Let’s work this problem Neph, we’ve got nine horrons to come up with a plan. We Can Do This if we work as a Team, now Move it! The gathered crowd broke up and moved out to their tasks.

    The commander turned to Zennik who was lingering at his side momentarily unsure of what to do next. He addressed him in his new title; Number One, you look like a Neph with something further to say, said the commander.

    I do have some further observations sir, said Zennik.

    Go on Number One, said the commander.

    Well sir, I’ve been thinking this past horron about the astounding similarities we have found here. 1st; the debris field we encountered was a direct result, (like wood shavings), of the very recent process of creation in this system. And 2nd; as it was and is said in our sacred book, that the Gods in council ordered the creation of our home world, and then the creation of our first parents. Do you follow my meaning sir?

    Yes Zennik, I believe that I do, said the commander.

    Then could it be that some sort of similar council of the Gods or a God, created this world and system, and as well the humanoids we find on the surface? Or, and I think this even more likely, could it be that our council of the Gods and this similar event are in some way connected? Could it even be that our Gods and the creator of this world might even be one and the same?

    Oh my, now that is a thought! said the commander.

    Further sir, if we interfere with them, we could be committing some kind of sacrilege, stated Zennik.

    Well we won’t know till we get a closer look and possibly even make contact, said Commander Nod.

    Should we even make contact sir? asked Zennik.

    Our first order of business Number One is survival. That’s what we need to concentrate on at this time. Our survival comes first; contact later may be an option that we can discuss at length at a later date. Do you understand me Number One?

    Zennik nodded in the affirmative as he was deep in thought. And the commander accepted his stance as an answer.

    Well then, I am going to my cabin to gather a few needful things. You remain here. You are in charge while I am indisposed. Coordinate, encourage and empower our Neph Zennik, I have confidence in you!

    Yes Sir, Zennik said rather automatically, as he was thinking with concern for the future.

    Then the commander left the bridge to gather his written log book, secret orders and other vital information that must not fall into enemy hands, or other hostile forces.

    Doctor Cline stood by for specific orders as well and Zennik gave him some.

    You heard my conversation with the commander Dr. Cline? asked Zennik.

    Yes, it’s very intriguing too, fascinating even, however as the commander has said, survival should be our top priority right now, stated Dr. Cline categorically.

    Zennik was forcefully shoved out of his thought reverie by the statement of the good doctor, and said to the doctor; You are correct doctor, we are going to need you and as much of your staff that has survived; as well as, as much medical equipment and supplies as we can cram onto a shuttle or shuttles, providing that we have one, or can make one or more space worthy, and can even launch them. So, I suggest that you gather your staff and as much of these things that I have mentioned, and make them ready for immediate transport to the surface, should a shuttle be made available to us.

    Right! I’m on it Zennik, said Doctor Cline, and he turned smartly and left the bridge.

    Right away Neph crewmen began lining up to give verbal and written reports to the new first officer!

    My, my, what a responsibility this was. Command seemed hard and insurmountable at first, but Zennik quickly fell into the grove. Soon he was listening and reviewing reports and issuing orders at rapid fire speed, and before long he rather liked command, yes he liked it very much indeed!

    Book 1 Part 1 Chapter 5

    After cleaning himself up and putting on his best uniform, for he thought that if he should die today, he should at least be dressed for the occasion. Commander Nod reviewed his written orders once again as he sat at his work station in his cabin. He wrote in his log book all the events as they had thus far transpired. Then he neatly folded his orders and placed them in a sealed envelope and then with his log book, he put both back into his cabin fire proof safe.

    Commander Nod then reviewed his portfolio of commendations he’d received over the span of his career with Nephilim Federation forces. He touched the battle ribbons with their ornate medallions he’d won and remembered, just remembered, for a few precious mibbulets, the sacrifices made by so many good Neph. For the greater good of the service and of their civilization they had made so many sacrifices.

    He had been decorated for all those who had fallen. His decorations were a testament to them. He would always remember them via the decorations that he wore. These daganons he wore them sparingly, only on very special occasions. Others saw and respected his reverence for the fallen as well. With good service rendered, Commander Nod thought for a moment, it had been a good active life he’d led. Would it all be over soon? Would he and his crew end up as space debris, or splattered on the surface of some alien world and then incinerated as so much garbage? No! By all the Gods NO! Their story was not over! It would not end here. He would see to it that they, his crew and their sacrifices, were not wasted! They had a purpose for being here, and he knew it!

    Commander Nod returned his portfolio of commendations and battle ribbons to his cabin safe. He gathered several fresh uniforms and other personal care gear and placed it all into a water and fire proof hard shell back pack. He strapped on his personal sidearm and threw into the back pack several boxes of ammo. Then he slung the backpack over one shoulder and headed back for the bridge, in a roundabout tour of the ship kind of a way.

    The commander checked first hand on some of the damage that his ship had received, and the repairs that were being affected. He presented to every member of his crew along the way, the proper disposition of a Commander. He projected strong quiet confidence in them, and in himself. He encouraged each crewmember he met along the way, to the courage and conviction of their cause and purpose. He presented to each and every one the true image of a leader and The Commander of a Star Ship!

    Upon entering the bridge, he observed Zennik in the command chair busily issuing orders and others all about repairing consoles and checking systems. Crewmen were busy all about cutting and drilling and rerouting power and optic cables.

    Zennik saw him enter through the hatch way and called out; Commander on the Bridge!

    Everyone froze in their work position and or otherwise snapped to attention.

    At ease! Carry on! Commander Nod called out to all the personnel present.

    He moved to the command chair and said to Zennik, Number One I relieve you.

    Zennik said, I stand relieved sir. And he exited the command chair.

    The commander deposited his packed back pack into a storage locker near the command chair and sat at his station and said, Number One what have you to report?

    Zennik stood at attention near the command chair he had just vacated, and Nod saw his condition and said, Relax Number One, in a calming voice. Just give me what you have compiled thus far; Zennik relaxed his stance and at ease he consulted his note pad and then began to speak.

    We have 3 shuttles space worthy and ready to fly. The hanger doors are on manual operation only. I have instructed Dr. Cline to pack all his gear and medical staff and all available supplies onto two of the shuttles and the third I have ordered loaded with food supplies and a full security detail. As I said before, via the sensors that we still have operational, I have located a nice wide valley and plain about 200 santons from the eastern sea board. It should be unobserved and a fine place to set up our Neph encampment upon arrival. If you still want to ride the main ship in for a somewhat controlled landing, the adjacent plain would be a good place to attempt such a landing. I have placed young crewman Zeller in charge as our new Chief Engineer.

    Zennik paused a brief moment, observing the commanders questioning stare, and then he said; You remember sir, he’s the young Neph who suggested he could fix the Star Drive pod. He still believes that he can do that, but it has to remain in orbit to attempt the repair. After all, if it were to explode on the surface during such a repair, it would most certainly rip away half the planet’s atmosphere and us with it.

    Zennik paused again for a few moments to let this new information sink in to the commander’s thoughts. Then he began again to narrate his report sooner than he thought because Commander Nod thought through the situation very fast, and Zennik was caught off guard somewhat by the swiftness of Nod’s thought processes.

    Commander Nod thus prodded him onward saying; Go on Number One, let’s have the rest of it.

    Somewhat shocked at the commander’s swiftness of thought, Zennik then continued; Ah, ah, Zeller doesn’t think we can maintain more than 3 orbits of the main ship, and would like permission to cut away the remaining Star Drive pod and boost it into a higher more stable orbit where he can attempt a repair of it at a later date. And so, with your permission sir, we will soon be close enough to the planet, so we can launch the first three shuttles. If we launch them right away, they will have ample time to return and get the rest of the crew and additional supplies off, before you make your attempt at a controlled landing in the plain.

    Very well number one, said the commander. Get those first shuttles off with the doctor and the others, and get Zeller going on his end of this operation at once. I want to get this ship down before that three-orbit time table of his. I’ll personally take the helm and bring this ship down; I want two other volunteers to remain with me here to help guide her in.

    Zennik interrupted his commander at this point and said; I request permission to remain as one volunteer’s sir!

    Request denied Number One! You will command the second launch of our shuttles and see to the safety of all hands, is that perfectly understood?

    Yes sir, at your command sir. Zennik said stiffly and a little bit deflated.

    Then Commander Nod asked, Is the third planet within viewing range? Can we bring it up on the monitor?

    Yes sir, as I said, we are close enough now to launch the shuttles, and getting a picture should be rather simple. Zennik moved to the helm console and relieved the Neph at the station. I relieve you, he said to the helmsman Tib.

    Tib the helmsman was a husky Neph with a pleasant disposition. He liked action and was happy at a new assignment.

    Report to shuttle 3 as lead pilot and take her down, unload and then return. Zennik said formally to helmsman Tib.

    Tib stiffly stood to attention and said, Yes sir, and he moved off to get going on his next task assigned to him, he smiled with a new gleam in his eyes, looking forward to a new adventure.

    Working the controls at the helm station, Zennik soon brought the main monitor to life. At first the screen revealed a fog of static for a few moments. With additional adjustments to the controls, Zennik got it working properly. When the picture finally came up, the screen showed the approaching third planet of this system as a frosty blue ball hanging there in space near the center of the screen. A small moon was in the far background.

    It looks rather inviting, I kind of like it, said the commander more to himself than to the others about him.

    Book 1 Part 1 Chapter 6

    Commander Nod gazed at the beautiful frosty blue orb with the large single almost entirely green land mass. The planet grew in size on the monitor screen with every mibbulet that passed. They were very nearly there. Others on the bridge gazed at it as well, it was completely mesmerizing! The sight of this new world seemed completely fantastic! It was very compelling to think of the possibilities and the adventures that it might have in store for them. Yes indeed, thoughts such as these were on everyone’s mind; with living beings already there, what fabulous adventures might await them down on the surface of this beautiful blue orb? Others on the bridge were not so enthused. They had families and friends back home and they wanted to get back there at the earliest possible moment. But in the end, all present had to face the fact that this might be their new home for the foreseeable or perhaps, not so foreseeable future.

    Zennik approached the commander’s chair and reported, Sir, Zeller reports that he is now ready to detach the Star Drive pod. He has some thrusters attached to it and can remotely guide the pod into a high stable orbit from this distance.

    Very well Number One, order Zeller to proceed, said the commander.

    Zennik spoke into his personal talkie and told Zeller to proceed at once. Then another message came over Zennik’s talkie. He listened a moment, and he in turn reported to the commander; Sir Dr. Cline reports that all supplies are aboard the shuttles and personnel as well and he asks permission to launch.

    Very well Number One, please proceed at once, said Commander Nod.

    Zennik repeated the confirmation of the launch order to the doctor via his talkie, and then cut the communication and stood by the commander to watch the upcoming launch.

    About 10 mibulets went by and then the ship shook just a bit as Zeller cut away the remaining pod and boosted it away from the ship. Then 3 more mibulets after that the commander and Zennik, and all others that were gathered on the bridge at the time saw the shuttles launching one at a time. The shuttles, with their beautifully graceful delta wings, positioned themselves for entry into the atmosphere of the planet. Then one by one, like looking through a fish bowl, they shimmered as they descended into the semi-clear vapor that surrounded the planet.

    I have them on my screen, reported navigation officer Cazzy at the navigation console. This console had been repaired hastily with a new screen, circuitry and routing cables specifically for this part of the operation. Without adequate navigation the whole project would have been impossible.

    Keep a close watch on them Cazzy, said Zennik.

    Yes sir! responded Cazzy crisply. Navigation officer Cazzy was one of only three qualified navigation experts that survived the debris field. Cazzy was friendly and always helpful, yet always serious as a heart attack. Watching their blips on his screen he called out altitudes as the shuttles descended to the surface.

    They are just entering the atmosphere now sir, Cazzy reported.

    About 10 mibbulets went by, and then Cazzy reported again; Descending very rapidly, they are now approaching fifty santons.

    Another 10 to 15 mibbulets went by. They are now approaching forty santons, Cazzy reported.

    Then another 15-agonizing and suspenseful mibbulets went by. And Cazzy reported again; now approaching thirty santons.

    More time slipped by, and Cazzy reported again; Right on target they are now approaching twenty santons. Communication was not possible at this distance with the talkies; however, Cazzy’s reports kept everyone up to date as best as it were possible.

    After another 10 to 15 mibbulets Cazzy reported again; Still on target they are now approaching ten santons.

    And then within the mibbulet Cazzy reported; Sir they now appear to be leveling off at approximately three santons.

    Then after a few more mibbulets passed by he reported again. They are now circling at just 2 santons sir.

    This was incredible and exciting to listen to. Everyone was on edge, listening to Cazzy’s reports and also staring at the monitor screen, even the commander was intensely fascinated by all this.

    Then Cazzy’s voice broke in again; They are now dropping again to less than 1 santon sir, I guess they are looking over the site carefully.

    Then again in a few more mibbulets Cazzy reported; Getting a telemetry signal sir, they have landed. They are now stationary at .5 santons, that’s approximately 2,640 sids above the sea level sir, said Cazzy with electric excitement sounding in his voice. At that mibbulet a cheer went up from almost everyone there on the bridge at this news.

    After a few mibbulets when the cheering died down, Commander Nod asked; Can we get any voice communication going?

    No sir, not at this distance, only telemetry plus some other tracking sensors, but no voice. There is a lot of interference from that power source nearby. It’s effectively blocking a lot of our signals, replied Cazzy.

    Well then we’ll have to wait a bit and see if they take off again, commented Zennik.

    They waited and they waited, thirty mibbulets, then one complete horron went by, then thirty more mibbulets went by, and then Cazzy just about jumped out of his chair!

    Their moving sir! he exclaimed. Everyone took this as good news and gave another resounding cheer!

    Three blips on my screen climbing rapidly now sir! They are coming almost straight up! They’ll be here in just a few mibbulets sir, said Cazzy excitedly.

    Immediately the commander ordered; All personnel and remaining supplies to be transported to the surface, stand by in the shuttle bay. Zennik, get down there and tell Tib to get up here on the double as soon as he is aboard; I want a personal report from him! And Zennik, get those shuttles reloaded and refueled asap! You’ll be in command, remember that, I want it done right every step of the way, got it!

    Right away sir, said Zennik, and he took off for the shuttle bay, excited to be commanding the next round of shuttle flights.

    Book 1 Part 1 Chapter 7

    In due time, as Commander Nod sat watching the monitor screen and the efforts of his fine crew all about him, busily making the ship capable of operation once again, Tib, the shuttle pilot and helmsman, sauntered in onto the bridge like he had no care in the world. He came over to the commander’s chair and rather lazily came to attention. Commander Nod noticed him there and deliberately paid no attention to him for a few mibbulets.

    Then the commander rather casually mentioned to Tib, controlling his anger while he stared at the monitor screen; I told Zennik to tell you to, then the commander stopped in mid-sentence and raised his voice, Get Up Here, ON THE DOUBLE! And Report personally to me!

    Then the commander added; What has taken you so long Mr. Tib?

    Tib was a little rattled but overall un-phased by the commander’s outburst. And he calmly said; Sir its Sooo! Absolutely and Incredibly Beautiful down there! You just gotta see it to believe it! I felt like I was ten nephalorbs younger! The air is so incredibly fresh and clean you can taste it! I’ve never seen or felt the like! Everybody down there is absolutely overwhelmed with beauty intoxication! And Doctor Cline says; ‘Come on Down! It’s just what the doctor ordered! And that’s a personal message from him Sir! Tib said smiling and nodding rather happily.

    Is… that… so? said the commander making a real effort to calm himself down.

    The commander thought a mibbulet and then said; Shuttle pilot Tib, as soon as your shuttle and the others are refueled and loaded, you get right back down there and tell the good doctor that I’ll be along presently. Now do you think you can do that for me shuttle pilot Tib? asked the commander rather pleasantly. Tib smiled and nodded his head excitedly and easily. Then the commander’s voice got suddenly hard and loud again; Now Move it Neph!

    Y, y yes Sir! Tib stuttered a bit, but smiling rather dreamily, as he backed away and headed toward the hatchway door.

    Then it was a surprise to the commander, when Tib called out; And Thank You Sir! He gleefully blurted out, as he disappeared behind the hatch. The commander shook his head and returned his attention to the running of his ship.

    Zeller, the new Chief Engineer, presently came onto the bridge and reported to the commander. Sir, I have successfully completed the launch of the Star Drive pod into a higher more stable orbit. What is your wish Sir? he asked eager for a new assignment.

    The commander obliged him with a question; Chief Engineer Zeller, can you recommend someone from your department with engineering experience to remain behind and assist me in landing this beast? Pick someone junior to you, as you are now the Chief Engineer and much too valuable to risk.

    Yes sir, I can recommend young Hinal sir, she knows just about as much as me and is very capable. Zeller said frankly.

    Negative Engineer, I want all females to go down on the shuttles. As this looks like it will be our home from now on, we’ll need to think about continuing our race, do you understand? the commander queried.

    Ah yes sir, I get your point. Well then, Zeller thought a mibbulet, then he said, Kad sir, he’s fully capable, he’ll be your Neph engineer. Zeller said positively.

    Just then Cazzy spoke up, Request permission to remain with you sir, you’ll need a good navigator to get you into the right glide path and I’m your Neph for that!

    Commander Nod thought a moment and then said; Permission granted Cazzy, it’ll be just you me and this Kad then. He said with finality.

    Then he turned to Zeller who was still there awaiting further orders and asked; Chief Engineer, how many operational thrusters do we have facing what will be downward or on the bottom side of the ship? And how much fuel do we have left for a sustained thrust against the planets gravity?

    Zeller thought a mibbulet and then spoke; Ah Yes Sir, begging your pardon Sir, I am way ahead of you on this. I’ve already put a lot of thought and work into this. You see Sir way back over 100 nephalorbs ago, when our science and knowledge of space was rather primitive, we used to build space going vessels that were round with all the decks planned aboard a ship in a circular fashion. Our ships would spin at a set regular rate and produce Artificial Gravity via centrifugal force. This was about the best that could be done for a number of nephalorbs, and it made maneuverability during such things as battle situations unacceptably awkward and danged near impossible. But then with the advent of AG plates; with their ease of installation, and reliability, and also their cost effectiveness to produce, space vessel construction was revolutionized.

    Yes, yes, I understand all of that Chief Engineer, so what are you driving at? asked the commander.

    Well sir, it’s like this; Our ships these daganons are built with the decks of a ship positioned vertically, as there is no more need to have the ship spinning to produce the AG. So now we only use thrusters for attitude control of a ship. There are some on all sides of every ship for just this purpose. Some of our thrusters and the fuel lines to them were damaged in our recent encounter with the debris field.

    Zeller saw that the commander was getting frustrated with his long drawn out explanations and so he held up his finger to signal a change to his narrative.

    So, I have been thinking and more importantly, I’ve been doing Sir!

    The commander gave a surprised look and prepared to listen further to what Zeller had to say, and he asked; So Chief Engineer, the question is; what have you been doing?

    Sir, I know of your plan to set the ship down on the planet surface. So, I have been rerouting fuel lines and thrusters, as many as possible in the last few horrons, to key locations about the ship to assist you in doing just that.

    Well Chief Engineer, you have been busy haven’t you. Exactly what capabilities does my ship now have in this regard? asked the commander.

    Zeller happily got to the specifics of what he had been up to. Well I have two thrusters forward that you can use for a maximum of about 3 mibbulets of thrust. This should be sufficient to drop you out of orbit. Then beneath the CM Module I have four thrusters now operational, and below the CLC I have eight thrusters now operational. The fuel reserve for these lower thrusters all together, is separate from the others for a maximum operational burn of around fifteen mibbulets. If you time it right this should be enough to slow your decent rate to perhaps a survivable hard landing. Then I have one thruster operational in the stern of the CLC which you can burn for a maximum of five mibbulets. This should give you enough forward momentum so the ship doesn’t drop straight down like a rock, but rather ‘skip’ like a rock. Plus, I made sure that you have a side thruster on each side of the ship in case you need to correct your lateral attitude sir, there’s only about two mibbulets of thrust in each of them so use them very sparingly. Also, I have cut and safely capped the fuel lines to all other non-essential thrusters that you won’t need for your decent Sir. I have essentially turned the main ship into a landing vessel.

    My, my, you really have been thinking way ahead, and Doing also haven’t you Chief Engineer, said the commander. Then the commander said with an added with

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