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Proper Attire Required
Proper Attire Required
Proper Attire Required
Ebook46 pages41 minutes

Proper Attire Required

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Avery has, until she meets up with Carrie, shared her fetish for underclothes with only her friend and boss, Treena. But that is about to change on a bus trip across the Ohio River.

Avery boards a bus headed for Cincinnati, and as if fate had mandated it, meets Carrie. The two seem to have a lot in common including the love of short shorts and silky G-strings. Their discussion of the subject leads to both of them getting aroused and then to a steaming interlude while riding on the bus.

When the two lesbian fetishists are about to exit the bus, Carrie invites Avery to an interesting pool party at a friend’s that offers a ample amounts of opportunities to experience, explore and share the love of her fetish with likeminded lesbian women.

The pool party is an attack upon Avery's senses as sexual opportunity after opportunity is thrown her way, and indeed sex is rampant around the pool. Avery and her friend Treena need a scorecard to keep track of who is doing what with whom.

The party, while sensually energetically arousing is also quite a drain physically and the young Avery and Treena have explored as much of the offerings at the party as physically possible. The tired duo bid their farewells to the still active partiers and head back to Treena's for a hot shower and some much needed rest.

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateFeb 3, 2020
Proper Attire Required

Candice Christian

Candice was born in Paris KY on 9 January 1988. Her parents, George Bertrand Christian, an attorney who once aspired to be an actor, and Frances Hollowell insisted that Candice and her sister Simone, be sent to a Catholic school. Candice was deeply religious as a child, at one point thought of becoming a nun.

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    Proper Attire Required - Candice Christian

    Proper Attire Required

    Candice Christian

    Copyright 2020 Candice Christian

    Published by Candice Christian at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Adults Only 18+


    Birgit Prinz

    Chapter One

    This story took place when I was eighteen years old and living in a small town in Northern Kentucky called Burlington; at the time I was working for an entertainment trivia company 'Last Call Trivia'. I put on shows in various bars and restaurants in the area and met some very cool people. I knew I was lesbian by then and had had several encounters by this time.

    I was waiting for the bus on a Friday afternoon still in my soccer uniform. I played soccer for Thomas Moore college. The uniform consisted of a white polo shirt with the team logo on the right breast and green soccer shorts or as the rugby players call them 'short-shorts'. I always wore black soccer shorts, for as long as I can remember I have been turned on by all kinds of short shorts and the feel of satin, at first it started as an interest when I noticed that if a girl was sitting with her legs open just enough you can see her undies or if she is going commando you can even see her cunt!

    Then after the first time I got Treena off in her short-shorts I learned the true fetish behind short-shorts. I learned how good it feels to rub a girl's cunt through her short-shorts and feel it warm and dampen. I found out how good it feels to rub a girls arse when she is wearing short-shorts.

    To this day the sight of a cute girl in short-shorts give me a 'wide' on. While I was sitting there waiting for the bus to arrive I was playing my favorite game how wet is her cunt? basically it involved me sitting around with sun glasses on looking at (staring might be more accurate) and getting aroused looking at the crotch in a girl's pants.

    I knew from experience that 'footy shorts' or short-shorts showed the best crotch 'cleavage' with leggings a distant second. This was my favorite game to play when waiting for the bus or at soccer practice or when watching TV or whenever I was doing anything that involved me being awake.

    By the time the bus pulled up I was totally aroused and just wanted to get on unnoticed and see if I could find a seat down the back by myself so I could take care of my lusty needs. I had to put my bag in front of my crotch so I could hide my dark spot my cunt juice left and climbed on.

    I was glad to see there weren't many people on the bus and most of them were at the front so I made my way to the back. As I made my way to the back my heart melted, there was someone in

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