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Emberly (Tails Book Three)
Emberly (Tails Book Three)
Emberly (Tails Book Three)
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Emberly (Tails Book Three)

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Lion shifter Diesel Cowan thought the worst thing he’d ever dealt with was the fall from a tree that gave him a very noticeable limp. But that terrible day has nothing on being rejected by the female the pride match-maker chose for him. Devastated, Diesel wonders if he’ll be alone forever.

The most exciting thing to have ever happened to Emberly Greer was when the TV weatherman ordered a latte from her parents’ coffee shop. When her friend Chloe’s bachelorette party ends up at a shifter bar, Em feels like she was destined to be there.

It doesn’t take long for Diesel to realize his heart-match is in the shifter bar where he works. Finding Emberly is the easy part, but revealing his flawed leg fills him with dread. If he can’t convince his beautiful mate that he’s worth loving, he doesn’t know what he’ll do. To complicate matters, the female who previously rejected him has had a change of heart, demanding the alpha enforce the mating contract. Can Diesel keep Emberly by his side forever?

PublisherR.E. Butler
Release dateMar 16, 2020
Emberly (Tails Book Three)

R.E. Butler

A Midwesterner by birth, R.E. spent much of her childhood rewriting her favorite books to include herself as the main character. Later, she graduated on to writing her own books after "retiring" from her day job as a secretary to become a stay-at-home mom.When not playing with her kids, wrestling her dogs out the door, or cooking dinner for her family, you'll find her typing furiously and growling obscenities to the characters on the screen.Her best-selling series Wiccan-Were-Bear, The Necklace Chronicles, Hyena Heat, Wilde Creek, Were-Zoo, Arctic Shifters, Norlanian Brides, Saber Chronicles, and Ashland Pride are available now.

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    Book preview

    Emberly (Tails Book Three) - R.E. Butler

    Emberly (Tails Book Three)

    By R. E. Butler

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Excerpt from AnnaRose

    Books by R. E. Butler

    About the Author


    Chapter One

    Diesel Cowan sat behind the wheel of his pickup and stared at the match-maker’s home. He was early.

    He knew a few things about Valerie. She was a lioness from a pride in southern Indiana, a college graduate with a degree in finance who liked red tulips. The thought of flowers had him glancing at the bouquet he’d ordered. There wasn’t a florist in Kedrick, where he lived with his pride, so he’d had to drive forty-five minutes to pick them up. But it would be worth it to make his future mate smile.

    His left leg ached suddenly, and he rubbed his palm on it, a snarl rising in his chest. The damn drive to the florist had inflamed his old injury.

    He’d fallen from a tree when he was a kid, and even though he had swift healing abilities as a shifter, the injury had been too great and he’d been too young to shift and force a healing. Many surgeries later, he had a big scar, a noticeable limp, and aches that flared up from time to time. It was hard not to think less of himself because of it. The injury made him low-ranked in the pride. Not that he couldn’t fight his way up higher, because he had a damn good right hook, but the injury affected his cat’s ability to run well, and that made him ineligible for high ranks.

    It was shit logic, of course. The high-ranked males were given protection jobs, watching over females and cubs when their males were needed elsewhere. That his injury made people, particularly his alpha, believe that he wouldn’t do everything in his power to keep a female or cub safe made him feel like hell. He’d never get a chance to prove otherwise, because he was viewed as flawed.

    Which was why he’d asked Abbie to find him a mate-match.

    Lions had two ways of finding their mates—mate-match, where the pride match-maker chose a mate from a secret binder that contained who-knew-what kind of information, or by heart-match, where a lion found his mate on his own.

    His parents had been mate-matched, but his father had split for another pride when Diesel was young, and his mother had never re-mated. Still, just because his parents’ mating hadn’t worked out didn’t mean Diesel’s would fizzle.

    Of course, he wasn’t sure if Abbie’s information on him had included his injury.

    Blowing out a breath, Diesel grabbed the flowers and got out of his truck. The door creaked as he shut it. He walked up the stairs to the front porch, stifling a groan at the way his muscles pulled, and knocked on the front door.

    Come in, Diesel, Abbie called.

    He opened the door and stepped inside, the scent of citrus and sugar in the air. He looked around the parlor but found it empty. Following the sounds to the kitchen, he found her setting a cake on a platter.

    That looks good, he said.

    It’s a 7-Up cake, she said. My aunt’s recipe. You’re early.

    Nervous, I guess.

    She gestured to the stool in front of the counter and he sat, setting the flowers on the granite surface.

    Why? she asked, stirring something.

    He sighed. I think you know why.

    Enlighten me, she said, turning the bowl sideways to drizzle a thin glaze over the cake.

    Does Valerie know about my leg?

    Abbie was humming as she emptied the bowl and then set it in the sink. She placed her hands on the counter and gave him a long look. No. What she knows is what you look like from a picture, your family history, and your current job and living status. It’s not my place to tell her anything about your leg. Are you worried?

    He shrugged. A little. No female in the pride will look at me twice because of it. It’s not as if it’s a defect that I’ll pass on to my kids, you know. Or that we’re at war with another pride and I’d fail. It just sucks.

    I’m sure it does, she said, her face softening. You’re a fine male, Diesel. You’re handsome and have excellent references from the alpha and his son; you have a great job, and a house of your own. I don’t foresee you having any problems with Valerie.

    He wanted to believe Abbie. She was a professional, after all. But he’d been shot down often enough for anything more than a tumble in the sheets, and while he was aware that he had a confidence issue, it was hard to believe anything good was going to come his way.

    There was a knock at the front door, and Abbie looked past him and said, That’s Valerie. Ready to meet your mate?

    He nodded, not trusting his voice not to squeak with nerves. Abbie strode from the room and Diesel listened as she opened the door and greeted the visitors. He heard two females and one male speaking low enough that he couldn’t make out what they were saying, even with his enhanced hearing. Rising to his feet, he smoothed his sweaty hands down his pants and picked up the flowers.

    Walking into the sitting room where Abbie received guests, Diesel plastered a smile on his face and did his best to not only hide his nerves but also his limp. He knew he’d failed when Valerie’s gaze dropped from his face to his leg. Her smile slipped into a frown.

    Abbie cleared her throat as he came to stand by her. Valerie, I’d like to introduce you to Diesel Cowan. Diesel, this is Valerie, and these are her parents, Rick and Denise.

    Diesel offered the flowers to Valerie and she took them. Thank you, she said. She looked at her father, who was standing between his mate and his daughter, his arms crossed and his gaze narrowed.

    I hope that limp is from a recent injury, Rick said.

    Though he had years of practice, Diesel was unable to keep from wincing at the statement.

    Let’s sit, Abbie said.

    I think he needs to answer my dad before we go any further, Valerie said.

    Schooling his features once more, Diesel said, No. It’s not a new injury—it’s quite old. I can still shift, and it doesn’t keep me from functioning in any way.

    But you’re not whole, Rick said. And that was not disclosed. He turned his attention to Abbie. Just what are you trying to pull here? I’m the brother of the alpha, and that means any male who mates my daughter will be highly ranked within the pride. We can’t have a ruined male close to the alpha, or one who’s not capable of protecting my precious daughter and future grandcubs.

    Diesel snarled. I can fully protect anyone. I’d do anything in my power to protect my mate and cubs.

    I want to see your leg, Valerie said.

    His snarl turned into a full-blown growl. I’m not dropping my pants right now.

    Abbie put up her hands, stepping between them. That’s highly unnecessary, Valerie. Diesel is a wonderful male and he’s the one I chose for you. Either you sign the papers to commit to your mating or you don’t get matched by me. Ever.

    You can’t threaten her like that, Rick said.

    "I can and I will. I’m the best match-maker in the state. You sent me your daughter’s information years ago in preparation for me finding her a suitable male, which I did. Diesel would make an excellent mate and father, and son-in-law. If you can’t see past his injury, then you’re not the sort of people I

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