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Why Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired
Why Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired
Why Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired
Ebook94 pages26 minutes

Why Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired

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So, why are you… Sick, Fat, and/or Tired? The question remains: How has your health been over the past 2 years?  Same? Better? Worse? No matter what your answer is, take the time here and do yourself a favor and get your Health Reality Check.

"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."                      Thomas A. Edison

Many people are confused about their health; and do not know where to look for answers, nor who to ask or the right questions to ask. Wrong questions give rise to wrong answers, and waste your precious time and money! Not paying attention to even minor symptoms could lead to more serious illness and/or early death.

For example, look at heart attacks.  Many of the initial signs and symptoms are mistaken for other conditions like nausea, flu, heartburn, and fatigue. The idea is to catch any problem when it is in a "low priority category" to know if you may be showing signs of a genetic predisposition.

These Chapters and their questions will help you identify your risk factors.

The Chapters in this book will help you streamline your focus and pinpoint where a potential problem exists, where there are glitches in your make up, and/or what may be lurking below the surface.

Answering the questions will give an overall snapshot of your health today. Your scores will either below, moderate or high priority and will illustrate where your health is blocked and the degree of urgency.  This information will lead you to discover the next best step(s) and will help you address what's really going.

Knowledge is power. You cannot change your genetics, but you can control your lifestyle, which directly influences how your genes express themselves.

Making simple improvements in your lifestyle: the food you eat, the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the cleaning products you choose, make a difference in healthier outcomes. These are simple, yet powerful changes.

Release dateFeb 4, 2020
Why Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired

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    Book preview

    Why Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired - Patricia Boulogne

    Are You

    Sick, Fat,

    and Tired?


    Find Out Now

    Discover Your Health’s Weakest/Strongest Links


    Dr. Patricia Boulogne DC, CCSP, AP CFMP

    A close up of a logo Description automatically generated

    Goodyear, AZ

    Copyright © 2019 by Dr. Patricia Boulogne DC, CCSP, AP, CFMP Why Are You Sick Fat and Tired? Find Out Now

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Author, except where permitted by law.

    © Dr Patricia Boulogne. No reproducing, translating, displaying or distributing allowed.

    Library of Congress Control Number:2019919902

    Print ISBN:  978-1-7341855-7-7

    Ebook ISBN: 978-1-7341855-8-4


    The information in this book is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from research and experience. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.

    Cover design: Angie Analya

    Interior design: Becky Norwood and Kandie Kunz

    Published by Spotlight Publishing™ - https://SpotlightPublishing.Pro


    Table of Contents


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    The number of sick people in the United States and globally is edging toward epidemic proportions. A recent statistic indicated that in the near future, 2030, we will see approximately 50% of our populations stricken with a chronic illness. We are not a nation that is getting healthier, but a nation, whose people are quite ill, mimicking the sick model of medicine and it is incredibly costly.

    What can you do? Where does health start anyway and whose responsibility

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