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Romance in Moonspell Box
Romance in Moonspell Box
Romance in Moonspell Box
Ebook297 pages4 hours

Romance in Moonspell Box

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Werewolves, fairies, and dragons may not mix in the animal kingdom, but Moonspell is haven to all.

Bellamy Crawford aches for the touch of her mate. Wolves and cats might not mix in the animal kingdom, but his heated gaze tells her that this kitty shifte
Release dateSep 22, 2018
Romance in Moonspell Box

Jessica Coulter Smith

Author of Adult & Erotic Romance, with an emphasis on paranormal and fantasy.

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    Romance in Moonspell Box - Jessica Coulter Smith

    Romance in Moonspell

    Jessica Coulter Smith

    All rights reserved.

    Copyright ©2018 Jessica Coulter Smith

    Second Edition

    BIN: 07745-02498

    Formats Available:

    Adobe PDF, Epub,



    Changeling Press LLC

    315 N. Centre St.

    Martinsburg, WV 25404

    Editor: Crystal Esau

    Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

    Adult Sexual Content

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    Table of Contents

    Romance in Moonspell

    A Familiar Sin

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Fire Within

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Twisted Fate

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Jessica Coulter Smith

    Romance in Moonspell

    Jessica Coulter Smith

    Bellamy Crawford aches for the touch of her mate. Wolves and cats might not mix in the animal kingdom, but his heated gaze tells her that this kitty shifter will be more than welcome in the big, bad wolf's bed.

    Reika sucks at being a fairy, but she still tries... one botched spell at a time. Who knew setting your home on fire could have such yummy results? One look at wolf shifter Jax, and she wonders what else she can send up in flames.

    Lacey escapes a mental institute and a killer, only to run straight into the arms of hot dragon shifter Draco Coldstorm. The sexy fireman, known for putting out fires, is definitely setting her ablaze. But with a killer on her trail, does she really have time for love?

    A Familiar Sin

    Jessica Coulter Smith

    WANTED: One super hot, yummy werewolf to worship at her feet.

    Bellamy Crawford might be confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn’t mean she’s a pushover. Yes, her papa may run her life a bit. Okay, a lot, but she’s still a strong woman. All she needs is someone to accept her, and her animal, for who she is. And then she meets Seaton McCullough -- the man destined to be her mate! There’s just one small problem -- Seaton hates cats. As if that isn’t enough, someone intends harm to Bellamy.

    Chapter One

    Seaton McCullough hunkered down outside the dilapidated cabin in the woods, his gaze focused on the front door even as he listened for his fellow trackers to catch up. They’d tracked their prey across five miles, half of which was in a thickly wooded area on the outskirts of Moonspell. Once they’d picked up the scent, it hadn’t taken them long to follow the trail. The idiot hadn’t even tried to mask his offensive odor, his cologne thick and cloying, with an underlying scent of stale sweat, fear, and desperation. It was the fear that stood out most.

    If the man thought he was desperate now, just wait until he had three wolves knocking down his door. He’d made a fatal error when he’d absconded with one of the Crawford girls, daughter of the most respected black wing in town.

    Seaton looked over his shoulder as Xander approached on silent feet. Silent to a human, anyway. To Seaton, his friend sounded like a herd of buffalo crashing about. If it weren’t for Xander’s exceptional nose, he never would’ve made it as a tracker. The man was a hulking giant, making it harder for him to blend in when he wasn’t in wolf form, and even then he was huge. And yet, he managed to be one of the best trackers the Moonspell pack had, aside from Seaton and their friend Evan, who was lurking somewhere nearby in wolf form.

    ‘Bout time you showed up, Seaton said softly. I was starting to think I’d have to come after the two of you.

    A wolf edged between them, giving Seaton an annoyed look.

    Evan, you go around to the back; make sure he can’t escape. Xander and I are going to go through the front. One of us will nail the bastard while the other checks on the girl.

    What do you know of Ely Crawford’s daughter? Xander asked.

    Seaton shrugged. Only that she’s in trouble. He has a passel of them, all teenagers I believe. I’m honestly not sure which one we’re after. All I know is Hayden said jump and I asked how high.

    Xander snickered. I think we pretty much all did. He and Ely go way back.

    Seaton sighed. All right. Let’s do this.

    Evan moved stealthily forward, creeping around the back of the cabin. As the wolf disappeared around the corner, Seaton and Xander approached the door, both men moving silently. Standing on the porch, they could hear a man inside, ranting, screaming, and the softer dulcet tones of a woman. Perhaps Ely’s daughter was no young miss, after all.

    Seaton gave Xander a nod and the other man kicked the door in, storming into the cabin. Fast on Xander’s heels, he watched as his friend chased after the lunatic who’d thought he could capture a shifter, barreling down the hall after him. Seaton scanned the room, his gaze coming to rest on a young woman tied to a bed, her hands and feet bound. Moving quickly, he released her, rubbing the circulation back into her limbs and helping her sit.

    Her hair hung in a long braid over one shoulder. Brown wisps had come loose and hung in disarray around her face. Her features were delicate, her nose small and pert, her lips full and sensual. Eyes stared up at him the glittering green of emeralds, eyes that tipped ever so slightly at the corners. Cat’s eyes. Even in her rumpled state, she was stunning.

    Are you okay? he asked.

    She nodded. Who are you?

    He grinned. My name is Seaton, and I’ll be your rescuer today. My partner, Xander, is the one who just ran after your captor, and my other partner is around back making sure he doesn’t escape.

    My papa sent you, didn’t he? she questioned.

    Actually, my alpha did. I believe your father went to him for help.

    Her nose twitched. Wolf?

    Yeah. Can you stand? We need to get you out of here.

    A smile hovered at the edges of her lips. If you’ll just bring my chair over, I’ll be happy to get out of this bed.

    His brow furrowed. Chair?

    She pointed across the room. His gaze followed the direction of her finger and noticed a small wheelchair in the corner of the room. He looked at the black contraption then looked at his petite damsel in distress again. Surely she couldn’t mean…

    You can’t walk?

    No. I can stand for brief periods of time, but walking is excruciating so I avoid it as much as possible. Even when I do walk, I can’t go very far. Across the room is about it.

    Instead of retrieving the chair, he lifted her slight weight into his arms and carried her across the room. Gently setting her in the chair, he watched as she situated herself. It still baffled him that someone who looked so perfect would be confined to that wheeled contraption. And a shifter at that! Of course, as a raven she could always fly and didn’t really need to use her legs for much, but still, it was horrible to even think about. What would it be like to be trapped forever, never being able to run with the pack? A shiver raked his spine.

    Grasping the handles on the back of the chair, he wheeled her through the front door and onto the porch, where he promptly stopped and surveyed the area. How in the hell had her captor brought her here? The trail they’d followed had been over rough terrain. Surely he hadn’t pushed her chair through that! Her body would be bruised from the bone-rattling force of some of those dips and large tree roots running across the path, but Seaton knew they’d come through the woods. He’d followed the scent himself. He pulled out his phone and turned it back on. Dialing Hayden, he waited patiently for his alpha to answer.

    Do you have her? Hayden asked by way of greeting.

    She’s safe. But we have a problem. I can’t get her out of here, not without a vehicle.

    Tell us where you are and I’ll bring her father.

    Seaton looked around. We’re in the middle of nowhere. I’ll turn on the GPS in my phone. Have one of the tech guys track it.

    Done. Just sit tight and we’ll be there soon.

    Seaton disconnected the call and wheeled his beautiful companion down into the yard. Setting the brake on her chair, he moved around beside her, watching as she tilted her face toward the sun and inhaled the clean, sweet air scented with pine.

    You know my name but you never told me yours, he prompted.


    Bellamy? he asked. It was unusual, but it seemed to suit her.

    She nodded. Bellamy Rainelle Crawford.

    A beautiful name for a beautiful lady.

    A blush suffused her cheeks.

    Seaton heard boot treads on the porch boards behind him and turned. Xander had their prey hefted over a shoulder, unconscious. He descended the stairs and unceremoniously dumped their prisoner on the rocky ground. Seaton studied the man. He didn’t look like much. Average height and build, thinning black hair and a goatee. But then, it wouldn’t have taken much to take advantage of a woman in Bellamy’s condition.

    This is Xander, Seaton said as he introduced his pack mate to Bellamy.

    A white wolf bounded around the corner of the house toward them. And this is Evan.

    Bellamy looked at each of them, a smile on her face. It’s a pleasure to meet you both. I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me today. I have to admit, I was starting to worry. At first, I thought maybe I could reason with him, but I think he’s had a break with reality.

    Xander nudged the body with his booted foot. He’s not going to bother you anytime soon. We’ll turn him over to the authorities first chance we get.

    She arched a brow. Before or after you rough him up some?

    Xander grinned. After, of course.

    Seaton shook his head. You’re giving her a bad impression of us. She’s going to think we’re a bloodthirsty lot.

    Werewolves usually are, she retorted.

    At least we aren’t thieves like your pesky black wing relatives, Xander said with narrowed eyes. Your father might be friends with our alpha, but he isn’t much better than the others.

    He just likes shiny things.

    Xander snorted. Yeah, shiny things that don’t belong to him.

    Seaton decided to intervene before blood was spilled. He might… borrow things on occasion, but he’s still well thought of throughout town. You know that, Xander. Put your prejudices aside for the time being.

    Xander stormed off, moving to the edge of the house, still within reach should his pack need him. Seaton shook his head and focused on Bellamy again. She looked confused and there was a flash of hurt in her eyes. After everything she’d been through today, the last thing she needed to be exposed to was one of Xander’s tantrums.

    Sorry about that. Xander’s just… He sighed. He has a grudge against raven shifters because one stole his girlfriend.

    Well, I’m sorry that happened to him, but it could’ve just as easily been a human, or a were-lion, or a bear shifter.

    I agree.

    The sound of engines drew his attention to the worn drive leading to the cabin, if you could call it that. A moment later, Hayden’s Jeep came rumbling to a stop, with a black SUV and a police cruiser right behind him. Ely Crawford leapt out of the passenger seat of Hayden’s Jeep and ran to his daughter’s side, his long black and silver hair flying out behind him. Looking at the tall thin man, Seaton compared Ely’s angular features to that of his daughter and couldn’t find a resemblance. He decided she must take after her mother.

    Bells, I’ve been frantic, Ely said, wrapping his arms around her small frame. When you disappeared, I didn’t know what to think. If little Jared Mathison hadn’t seen you struggling with someone, we wouldn’t have known what happened to you.

    He injected me with something, Papa. It didn’t make me pass out, but it did make me feel funny. At her father’s stricken expression, she hastened to reassure him. It’s worn off now. I feel fine, back to normal in fact.

    Xander rejoined them and crossed his arms over his chest. Guess that explains why she didn’t just shift and fly out of there.

    Ely gave him a steady look. Fly out… Yes, that’s probably why.

    Seaton thought the man’s reaction was a little odd. He’d hesitated. Was there a reason Bellamy wouldn’t have been able to fly? Was she, perhaps, not able to shift? He’d heard her mother was human. While human-shifter relationships almost always resulted in shifter children, there were cases when that didn’t happen. Or perhaps there was some other reason she couldn’t fly. Maybe her injury affected her shifting abilities.

    Come on, Bells. Let’s get you home to your mama. She’s called me every fifteen minutes wanting an update, Ely said as he began wheeling his daughter to Hayden’s Jeep.

    Seaton wasn’t sure he liked the idea of not seeing her again and knew he’d make it a point to visit her soon. They hadn’t had a chance to interact much, but he was intrigued by her and wanted to know more. He’d have to come up with an excuse to stop by and see her. Maybe he could stop by with flowers or something in the next day or two -- just to check on her, of course.

    Chapter Two

    Bellamy watched as Seaton slipped into the black SUV and out of sight. If her nose didn’t deceive her, he was her mate. But then, there had been two other werewolves on site, so it could just as easily have been Xander or Evan she’d scented. However you looked at it, it seemed her life was about to be entwined with the world of wolves. Kind of funny when she thought about it, what with her animal being so small and vulnerable, a good snack for a wolf really. She had to admit she would be sorely disappointed if it wasn’t Seaton, though. The moment she’d looked into his eyes, she’d felt connected to him. A warmth had suffused her from head to toe and she’d felt safe, protected.

    As they pulled down the bumpy driveway and eventually onto the street, she thought about what she wanted to say to Hayden, what she wanted to ask. She’d known him her whole life, even though he’d only been seventeen when she’d been born. Her papa was only a handful of years older than the alpha wolf and the two men had been close since grade school.

    Her papa turned around to give her a reassuring smile. We’ll be home before you know it, Bells. Then you can put this whole ordeal behind you.

    Hayden, why did Xander seem to dislike my papa so much? she asked.

    Hayden snorted. It isn’t your papa he dislikes. It’s all raven shifters.

    Because of his girlfriend? she questioned.

    He told you about that? Hayden seemed surprised.

    Not really. I mean, he threw a bit of a fit about raven shifters and then Seaton explained why. If he hates my family so much, I can only imagine how he would react if he were to discover we’re mates.

    Hayden swerved onto the shoulder of the road and turned to face her. You’re Xander’s mate?

    I’m not sure. I know I scented my mate in that cabin, but I don’t know which wolf it was. It could’ve just as easily been Seaton or Evan. Although, I didn’t see Evan until we were outside, so maybe that leaves him out. She bit her lip. I think it might be Seaton, or maybe that’s just what I want.

    Well, both Seaton and Xander are good men. Misguided at times, but good men just the same. You couldn’t find a better mate than either of them.

    Her papa narrowed his eyes. I don’t know that I like the idea of her paired with a wolf. Once he finds out what she is…

    Hayden held up a hand. My wolves aren’t bigots. I seriously doubt it’s going to be an issue. Although… Hayden shook his head. No, I’m sure it’s not going to be a problem. A mate is a precious thing, regardless of what she shifts into.

    The family secret is going to come out, isn’t it? she asked softly. It’s going to change the way people look at you and Mom.

    Her papa reached back and placed a hand on her knee. Don’t worry about your mama and me, we’ll be fine. Let’s just worry about getting you home right now. We can focus on this whole mate business another day.

    Hayden pulled back onto the road and all talk of mates ended. But just because they weren’t speaking of it didn’t mean Bellamy had stopped thinking about it. She’d waited years to find her mate, hoping every day that he would find her, or she would find him. Of course, in her earlier years, she’d pictured herself running into his open arms. Now she just had to hope that he’d accept someone who would never walk again. And they’d tried everything. Specialists, charms, potions… no stone had been left unturned. Some of it had helped. Before, she hadn’t even been able to stand.

    She thought back to the two men who’d rescued her. Of the two, she was more drawn to Seaton. Was that because of his golden good looks or because he was her mate? Or perhaps it was both? Xander was no slouch in the looks department, either, but she had to admit that Seaton had made her heart race. Just the thought of those piercing blue eyes and those full, sensual lips made her want to grab him and kiss him hard.

    A few minutes later, they pulled into Bellamy’s driveway and she tensed. Her mama was waiting on the porch, wringing her hands in front of her, her hair in a cockeyed bun with wisps flying in every direction. It was obvious her abduction, however short-lived it was, had been hard on her mama. Bellamy had been missing less than six hours, but it seemed to have pushed her over the edge.

    She watched as Hayden pulled her wheelchair out of the back of the Jeep, then the alpha lifted her into his arms and settled her in her chair. Her papa hurried up the steps to calm her mama. Wheeling herself up the drive and then the special ramp her papa had installed for her, she rolled across the porch and came to a standstill beside her parents.

    Her mama fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around Bellamy. The air felt like it was being squeezed from her lungs and she gave her papa a pleading look. He gently pulled her mama away. Come on, Elaine. Let the girl breathe a little. She’s been through enough without you attacking her the moment she comes through the door.

    Bellamy snorted. Technically, I didn’t even make it to the door.

    Her papa grinned. No, I guess you didn’t. Your sisters are all out back around the pool. I had them throw an impromptu party the moment we got the call that you were safe. Why don’t you put on your suit and join them? Getting back to normal is probably the best thing for you right now.

    What she really wanted to do was hole up in her room and analyze her thoughts and feelings where one certain wolf was concerned, but she knew it was an argument she would lose. Once her papa set his mind to something, it was best just to go along with it. So she nodded, thanked Hayden once more, and wheeled herself into the house. Her room was at the back, past the stairs and living room. It had been added on after her accident and was rather spacious.

    Pushing the door closed, she dug around in her dresser until she found her bathing suit, an aqua and pink bikini. Dressing and undressing was always a chore, but she managed to pull off her knit top and capris. Once she had her suit on, she wheeled herself through the back door, down the ramp and out by the pool. The first lounge chair was always reserved for her so it sat empty, waiting. When her sisters saw her, they squealed and gathered around.

    We’re so happy you’re safe, Bells, Harmony said. When you didn’t come back from breakfast, Papa was so worried.

    I told you going out with a human was a bad idea. Acacia pushed her bangs out of her face. You should stick to shapeshifters from now on.

    Rowanne shook her head. She should date whomever her heart leads her to date. But I would have to agree in this instance. Dating a human was a bad idea.

    Her youngest sister hugged her tight. I’m glad you’re home.

    Thanks, Paisley. I’m glad to be home, too. Bellamy smiled. Being surrounded by her sisters felt pretty wonderful. Maybe her papa had had the right idea after all.

    She looked around and waved to a few friends, mostly people her sisters hung around. Bellamy’s friends hadn’t known what to think after her accident and most had drifted away. She had a select few who still stayed close, though. Pulling herself out of her chair, she eased down onto the lounge chair and stretched out. Squinting up at the sun, she realized she’d forgotten her sunglasses.

    Acacia, would you mind getting my sunglasses for me? I think I left them on my dresser.

    Her sister smiled. No need. You can use a pair of mine. I somehow ended up with two out here.

    Bellamy accepted the golden frames and perched them on her nose. Lying back, she sighed and closed her eyes. The sun felt warm on her skin and she smiled as she listened to her sisters and their friends squeal and splash in the pool. Swimming wasn’t something Bellamy could really do anymore, but she did enjoy sitting on the steps when it got really hot, or lying on a float.

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