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Short Stories Written in 2019
Short Stories Written in 2019
Short Stories Written in 2019
Ebook93 pages1 hour

Short Stories Written in 2019

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About this ebook

For those that instantly transition from sleep to being awake, you have my condolences. I wake up slowly and transition that time in a state of awareness that puzzles me. Sometimes I see parts of my plans for that day. Other times I am aware of thoughts or situations that I’ve been in. Very occasionally I’m aware of situations and thoughts that I know haven’t happened, or cannot happen in this politically correct orderly world.
Occasionally short stories jump into what you are working on. I find I must write them down to get back to what I was working on. These short stories goes from general fiction to science fiction. Enjoy!

Release dateJan 30, 2020
Short Stories Written in 2019

Stephen Brandon

I've loved westerns and science fiction since I picked up my first book at the public library. I've been writing on my computer for years. I never planned on any of my stories being published, just to be read by myself, family, and friends. The base journal is on forty spreadsheets with links to about a thousand files of short one day paragraphs plus other stories. {My claim to fame, written by someone else. Thanks.} "As an earthbound retiree, Stephen writes mostly science fiction and short stories. He is a voracious reader and has written for a few years, publishing his stories on Smashwords."

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    Short Stories Written in 2019 - Stephen Brandon

    Short Stories written in 2019

    Published by Stephen Brandon at Smashwords

    Copyright 2020 Stephen Brandon

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    revision 2

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    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This E-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This E-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite E-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    * * *

    Author's Note

    This book is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, incidents, and dialogue are from the authors imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or other persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Real and fictional locations are used for background only.

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    Short Stories

    Table of Contents

    Forward thoughts


    National Isolation

    Lavender Woman

    On the Border

    The Sleepers

    The Spy

    The Store Plan


    About Stephen Brandon

    * * *

    Forward thoughts.

    For those that instantly transition from sleep to being awake, you have my condolences. I wake up slowly and transition that time in a state of awareness that puzzles me. Sometimes I see parts of my plans for that day. Other times I am aware of thoughts or situations that I’ve been in. Very occasionally I’m aware of situations and thoughts that I know haven’t happened, or cannot happen in this politically correct orderly world.

    Where exactly do we live? In a three dimensional universe with an awareness of the possible forth dimension called time. In a single universe created by God, an anthropic principle universe, one level of parallel universe, or on one membrane of a brane universe. Have fun figuring that one out, even those smart scientist are stumped.

    Anyway back to my point, here are seven short stories written in 2019. Enjoy!

    * * *


    ~ ~ ~

    Captain, those morons at headquarters want us to travel half way around Jupiter fifty miles deep in it's atmosphere. That will take us over the spot. I just passed the route to the Navigator.

    Very well LT Anderson. When will will your relief be up. Communications in fifteen minutes Sir.

    Get me the engine room.

    Chief Scott, here Sir.

    Scott, headquarters wants us to take a dip in Jupiter's atmosphere to flank the Eastern Alliance ships attacking the fuel collection stations. I need engineering to be prepared for full power plus whatever else you can give us for shielding.

    Sir, you know we just got that new reactor and engine installed last week. This was supposed to be the shakedown flight. Now they want us to take it into combat! You know that's an invitation for Murphy's Law if I ever heard of one.

    I know Scott. Don't forget the fact that half the crew including most of the marines are on their first flight.

    How long before we go in Sir.

    Two hours Chief.

    I'm going to call third shift down. That will leave only second shift fresh for any problems.

    Do it Chief.

    The dive into Jupiter's atmosphere over the south pole was uneventful. When they passed over the red spot the turbulence sucked the ship down almost fifty miles deeper. Angling up they burst from the atmosphere just a few thousand miles from where the orbital fuel stations were located.

    Navigation and Weapons both reported no contact, not even debris.

    Navigation, we shouldn't be that far off course. Find those stations.

    "Yes Sir.

    Sir, the readings are all wrong. What I mean is the moons aren't where the computer says they should be.

    Communications, any signals from the fleet or headquarters?

    No Sir, well some weak modulated broadcast from in-system. I'm paging the Chief.

    Weapons, any contact?

    No Sir, no stations, debris, or even hulls within a thousand miles. I'm warming up the long range radar.

    Get some help up here. I want the targeting and long range manned. Maintain alert status.

    Yes Captain.

    Major Mann, step down your marines one level. If the shit hits the fan we should have a few minutes before we need them.

    WILCO Captain. I'll head below and send the XO up.

    Captain. No signals at all on any of the military or civilian bands. The only radio traffic in the system is voice from Earth.

    That's impossible Johns.

    I know Sir. It is in the kilohertz range. We'll need to get closer to listen, it is so weak that interference is trashing the signal. It seems strongest on 1409 kHz and if I heard right they used the call sign KQV.

    Make a note of that Johns. If we move in-system I want to know everything they say.

    Yes Sir, but it seems to be mostly old music.

    "Gator, I want our exact location and time. Make sure OOD gets it in the log immediately.

    "TAO, double watch on everything around us.

    "COMMO, I want a double watch for any signals, but maintain signal silence.

    Cheng, status of engines and reactors.

    Captain, reactor recorded massive drain while in Jupiter's atmosphere. Drive recordings were all screwed up, but have leveled off within normal parameters. We have power and propulsion.

    "XO, you have command, I'm going down to the mess and try to get a quiet meal.

    As the Captain entered the mess, two marines were pushing a meal cart out.

    What can I get you Captain?

    Anything thats hot Corporal Smith.

    Give me five Sir.

    As she delivered the tray to the Captain he muttered. "Grab yourself a cup of tea and sit with me.

    Linda, how is it going, any problems?

    No Sir.

    Linda, when we're alone you can call me dad.

    I know Dad. It's just when they assigned me they also gave me reassignment orders for when we got back.

    Ha ha. Yea I know. This was supposed to be a shakedown for the new engine. What you didn't know is that half the crew and the marines are on their first active flight. Do you still intend to be a chef when you have your military requirement over.

    Yes Dad.

    I've got some bad news for you. We are not where we are supposed to be. Something happened when we were in Jupiter's atmosphere.

    Are we going to be OK Dad?

    "I don't know yet. Don't worry about it. I'll worry enough

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