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The Mystic Mirage
The Mystic Mirage
The Mystic Mirage
Ebook111 pages1 hour

The Mystic Mirage

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Barely sixteen years of age, Tyler was devastated with his mother’s passing. He was overwhelmed when his grandparents were killed, and now his father was terminally ill. Not surprising he developed a death phobia as the years passed. When Tyler was about to become a father himself he was apprehensive about his son’s future. Would he inherit the family curse? An emergency crash landing, while flying solo to visit his gravely ill father, forced Tyler to trek back to civilization through the hardships and dangers of a dense, rugged countryside. When he thought he could continue no longer the most unexpected happened. A young boy mysteriously appears and miraculously helps Tyler in more ways than he could have ever imagined.

“Inspirational and heartwarming”
“Absolutely beautiful. It should be made into a Disney movie.”
“Delightful. The right mix of humour and seriousness.”
“A great book. One of my all-time favourites.”

Release dateFeb 7, 2020
The Mystic Mirage

Robin A Pugh

Arriving from England at just nine years of age I had a lot to learn. Living in rural Ontario my public school days were spent in a one-room schoolhouse with a teacher responsible for grades two through eight, however, they were my most memorable days. While still living at home my three sisters would always ask for my opinions, therefore, those years were the most fun. I love anything creative. Life is all about the details. My career included Musician, Song Writer, Artist, Photographer, Graphic Designer and an Interior Designer. Now, in my retirement, I am a Novelist - loving every syllable. I sincerely hope my love of writing will entertain, create thought and inspire.

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    The Mystic Mirage - Robin A Pugh

    The Mystic Mirage

    Copyright © 2020 Robin A Pugh

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Tellwell Talent


    978-0-2288-2533-3 (Paperback)

    978-0-2288-2534-0 (eBook)

    Heartfelt thanks to Shirley Larabell,

    who believed in me.


    Chapter 1   The Seed Was Sown

    Chapter 2   Mayday Mayday

    Chapter 3   Follow The Mole

    Chapter 4   Mirage Or Miracle

    Chapter 5   Fall Fungi Foray

    Chapter 6   Believe

    Chapter 7   Deliverance

    Chapter 8   Birthday Surprise

    Chapter 9   Sixteen Years Later



    Eerie, abstract shadows crept their way into Greenwood Cemetery, cast by enormous, ornate, iron gates at the main entrance. Rows of weather-beaten tombstones, some neglected for years, stretched as far as the eye could focus. A cool breeze created soft, crackling sounds as the fall foliage released its grip, gently falling on the early morning dew. To the west, high on a hill, was a freshly dug grave under the waving, long, narrow branches of a massive willow tree. A small group of mourners gathered for the eulogy of Elsie Lancing, each one sharing a memory, each one expecting the minister to arrive, although they were familiar with his unacceptable tardiness. The weathered leaves at their feet silently shifted as an unnoticed fox snake slithered past just inches away.

    Fifteen-year-old Tyler Lancing balanced at the edge of his mother’s grave, staring down at the coffin resting at the bottom of a cold, damp, dirty abyss. His breathing became rapid, his knees weakened, his cheeks flushed, his eyes became blood-red. The magnitude of despair in his face was enormous. He struggled to hold in the grief as tears flowed continuously, sliding down his face, dripping into the shadowy tomb. Tyler yelled out with such pain and anger that the eyes of the mourners were suddenly filled with tears.

    Where are you? Where have you gone?

    Grief-stricken, desperate, he jumped into the grave and disappeared from sight. Gasps of horror escaped everyone as they rushed to the grave edge and looked down in disbelief. Some yelled at Tyler, questioning his action, while others ordered him to climb out immediately. Tyler’s father quickly asked the caretaker to fetch a ladder, and then he proceeded to move everyone back. Tyler, spread-eagle and face-down, was hugging the coffin, his arms and legs tightly gripping the lid while he cried profusely.

    Please, everyone, thank you for coming but my son and I need to be alone.

    The caretaker promptly returned with a ladder, carefully lowering it into the grave.

    There you go, Nick. I’ll be close by if you need me, the caretaker said, patting him gently on the back.

    The mourners retreated to the parking lot — some confused, others disgusted, all of them again with something to say.

    Tyler’s father slowly climbed down and sat beside his son, placing his hand on Tyler’s shoulder. Not a word was spoken. Tyler’s father gave his son time to cry. He also cried. A wife and a mother had left their lives. However, at this time his son needed compassion, understanding, so two lonely souls were temporarily buried in grief. When Tyler finally stopped crying, he realized his father was beside him. There they were, sitting on Elsie’s coffin, looking at each other, both with pale, wet faces, wrinkled brows, and bloodshot eyes. Again, Tyler’s father said nothing, allowing his son to catch his breath.

    Why, Dad? Why?

    It was her time, son. She was very ill.

    She wasn’t old, though. I thought only old people got sick, Dad.

    Illness can affect anyone. Come on, my son; let’s go home.

    I can’t leave Mom! he said. Agitated, he squirmed, sliding away from his father to the far end of the coffin.

    She’s not here, son.

    She’s here, Dad. We’re sitting on her. His eyes pierced his father’s eyes as if to say What’s wrong with you?

    Only her body — her soul has moved on. Her spirit will always be with us, Tyler, wherever we are; we will never lose that.

    Tyler seemed to take some comfort in his father’s words, and he slid back beside him. The two sat quietly, depleted of tears. Tyler hugged the coffin one more time, kissed the lid, and preceded his father up the ladder. The caretaker remained on duty as the two slowly sauntered away under the vivid sunshine, making the fall colours offensively bright and cheerful. It seemed to be saying life goes on, however, it was a stark contrast to Tyler’s emotions which were dark and cold. Tyler would occasionally turn his head as they walked away, noticing the caretaker preparing to fill the grave with the previously removed dirt. It was a day he would never forget. A day of vivid images, smells, and sounds embedded in his memory. It would be many years before Tyler realized the seed had been sown. His anxiety and fear would slowly take control.

    It had been a long, painful two years before the brain tumour took Elsie’s life. Most of that time was spent in hospital, at specialist appointments, or bedridden at home. Tyler spent very little time with his mother during those two years. He missed doing all the things children do with their moms. He was hurt, angry, and confused about why God had taken his mother from him so early. During that time, Tyler’s dad had devoted most of his time caring for his wife, so Tyler did not spend much time with his father, either. Life was not easy for an only child, but Tyler had an inner strength to keep moving forward. After his mother passed, Tyler spent more time with his father fishing and camping, passing many hours in wondrous conversation. In time, this helped ease the pain of missing his mother.

    Tyler grew up to be a fine young man who was well-educated and extremely smart. He had grown from a lanky, awkward, freckled-faced kid to a well-built, handsome adult having no trouble attracting a partner. However, he had not met anyone to date who tweaked his interest. He was now twenty-one and immersed in high-tech computerization. The anxiety seemed to be in check and his life appeared normal, until the unexpected happened. His grandparents were killed in a car crash after swerving on an ice-covered road to avoid hitting a deer. Once again, Tyler found himself at Greenwood Cemetery standing next to a pair of freshly dug graves. He was despondent and confused. As the minister spoke, Tyler recalled his no-show at his mother’s funeral. With his mind racing, thoughts bounced around inside his head as if someone was playing racquetball. Suddenly, everything screeched to a halt. All was deathly quiet. There was no sound of the wind, birds, or shuffling of feet, not even of the words spoken by the minister. Tyler stiffened, his eyes glazed. He was not focused on the preceding service. He looked around the cemetery until his eyes found his mother’s tombstone. At that moment, tears filled his eyes; and at that moment, his father, once again, placed his hand on Tyler’s shoulder. His father was there to console his son, even

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